1:11 away (a-14) In those days conquerors transported conquered nations to distant seats, and replaced them by others, that national feeling might not subsist, but dependence be complete. 'Carrying away' is feeble for this, but I know no other word.

7:6 lest (b-17) See ch. 5.25 and Mark 4:12 .

7:7 Ask (c-1) Aiteo , used for supplication. see Note, John 14:16 .

7:14 narrow (d-2) Or 'how narrow.'

7:16 know (a-6) 'Recognize,' 'know well,' as in ch. 11.27.

7:20 know (a-8) 'Recognize,' 'know well,' as in ch. 11.27. surely (b-5) i.e. as a necessary consequence.

7:24 who (c-18) Hostis , as ch. 2.6. Of that character. 'who was such as.' the (d-23) Here the article has the force of contrast, as in ch. 4.21. As in English, though the cases are more rare, we say, 'on the way,' 'the way side.' 'The sand' in ver. 26, contrasts with 'the rock' -- that which has that nature.