Certainly so tremendous a project as the preparing of the ark would attract great attention by all the people, for in spite of Noah's preaching of righteousness (2 Peter 2:5), none were persuaded that God would judge the world by a flood. They likely considered him mentally affected and became "scoffers walking after their own lusts" (2 Peter 3:3-7). When the time came, God instructed Noah to enter the ark with all his household, not because his household is said to be righteous, but because God had seen Noah to be righteous, the only one in his generation. At least he had enough influence in his own family that they would willingly enter the ark also. Yet they were included on the basis of his faith, a principle of real importance in God's dealings. He is concerned not only as to individuals, but as to households.
God's instructions as to animals and birds are repeated in verses 2 and 3. Then a respite of seven days is given before the flood would come. This shows again the long suffering of God. When men saw the large number of animals coming to the ark and then the family of Noah all entering this completed gigantic vessel, at least then they ought to have realized that this project was not merely conceived by Noah's imagination, in spite of the fact that rain had evidently never before fallen (ch.2:5-6). but God gave men another week to change their minds. Perhaps as those few days passed, people were becoming more confident each day that nothing was going to happen, rather than being sensibly concerned.
In verse 11 God gives the date of the beginning of the flood in relation to the age of Noah, not only the general time, but the exact day, the 17th day of the second month, in Noah's 600th year. The many dates, names and places recorded in scripture are an invitation to anyone to check as he pleases as to the accuracy of the word of God. In this verse we are told however that, not only were the windows of heaven opened, but first that the fountains of the great deep were broken up. This must have involved a tremendous tidal way, the seas throwing up such waters as to cover the whole habitable earth. For it is claimed that the skies above us would be absolutely full to saturation point if they contained enough water to cover the earth to a depth of only thirty feet. One scientist has written that if a planet, -- Saturn for instance, -- were to come into close proximity to the earth, and make two passes around the earth, it could cause a tidal wave that would cover the whole earth, lasting 150 days. Of course, God could use such means as this if He pleased, or He could accomplish what He did apart from such means. But to add to the awesome inundation, the rain fell for forty days and forty nights (v.12).
After all were in the ark (possibly by the end of the seven days' respite) God shut them in. It was not merely that Noah shut the door. Once God had shut the door, it could not be opened again to allow others in who might be so terrified when the rain began to fall that they would rush to seek refuge. It was too late when the door was closed. How solemn a lesson for those who neglect the salvation of their souls until too late!
The duration of the flood and its eventually covering even the high mountains, insured that all human and animal life would be destroyed. Of course this did not affect the life in the seas. It is reported that there are some high hills in the mid-east almost covered with human and animal bones, perhaps the result of people and animals trying to reach the highest elevation they possibly could for safety, but all in vain.
Of course the ark floated on the waters, and all inside were preserved. The ark itself is typical of the Lord Jesus, the one safe refuge from judgment for every child of Adam who will receive Christ as Savior. Evidently including the forty days of rain, the waters prevailed on the earth for 150 days (cf.v.11 and ch.8:4).