G1161 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
but, and, etc. also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English) a primary particle (adversative or continuative);

2566 instances of the word δέ dé (G1161)

  • Mark 8:9 - were And they that had eaten about four thousand and away them

  • Romans 8:9 - ye But none are in the flesh but in that the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you But that the Spirit of Christ none have he none is of his

  • John 8:10 - had lifted up himself When Jesus and none saw but Woman he said unto her Woman where are those accusers thine no man thee condemned

  • Luke 8:10 - And he said Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God And to others in parables that see not see and hearing not they might

  • Matthew 8:10 - heard When Jesus it he marvelled and said to them that followed Verily I say unto you no not in Israel so great faith I have

  • Romans 8:10 - if And Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin And the Spirit is life because of righteousness

  • Acts 8:11 - they had regard And them because that of long time with sorceries he had bewitched them

  • 2 Corinthians 8:11 - Now also the doing perform of it that as there was a readiness to will so also perform out of that which ye have

  • John 8:11 - And She said No man Lord She said And unto her Jesus Neither I thee condemn go and no more sin

  • Luke 8:11 - is Now this the parable The seed is the word of God

  • Matthew 8:11 - I say And unto you That many from the east and west shall come and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven

  • Romans 8:11 - if But Spirit he that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead quicken also mortal bodies your by that dwelleth his Spirit in you

  • Acts 8:12 - when But they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized men both and women

  • 1 Corinthians 8:12 - so But when ye sin against the brethren and wound their conscience weak against Christ when ye sin

  • Luke 8:12 - Those by the way side are they that hear then cometh the devil and taketh away the word out of hearts their they should believe and be saved

  • Matthew 8:12 - But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into darkness outer there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth

  • Acts 8:13 - Then Simon also himself believed also when he was baptized he continued with Philip beholding and signs also the miracles which were done wondered

  • Hebrews 8:13 - In that he saith A new covenant he hath made the first Now covenant he hath made and waxeth old is ready to vanish away

  • 2 Corinthians 8:13 - I mean not For that other men be eased ye and burdened

  • Luke 8:13 - They on the rock are they which when they hear with joy receive the word and these root no have are they which for a while believe and in a while of temptation fall away

  • Romans 8:13 - if For after the flesh ye live ye shall die if but through the Spirit the deeds of the body do mortify ye live

  • Acts 8:14 - heard Now which were at Jerusalem when the apostles that had received which Samaria which the word which of God they sent unto them which Peter and John

  • John 8:14 - answered Jesus and said unto them Though I bear record of myself true is record yet my for I know whence I came and whither I go ye but cannot I know whence I came and whither I go

  • Luke 8:14 - And among thorns that which fell they are which when they have heard and with cares and riches and pleasures of this life go forth are choked and no bring

  • Luke 8:15 - But in an honest ground they are which in heart an honest and good having heard the word keep and bring forth fruit in patience

  • Acts 8:16 - as yet (For he was upon none of them fallen only baptized they were in the name of the Lord Jesus

  • 2 Corinthians 8:16 - thanks But which be to God which put which the same earnest care for you into which the heart of Titus

  • John 8:16 - and if judge And I judgment my true is for alone not I am but I and that sent me the Father

  • Luke 8:16 - No man a candle when he hath lighted covereth it with a vessel or it under a bed putteth but it on a candlestick setteth that they which enter in may see the light

  • Matthew 8:16 - the even When was come they brought unto him that were possessed with devils many and he cast out the spirits with his word and all sick that were healed

  • 2 Corinthians 8:17 - For indeed the exhortation he accepted but being of his own accord he went unto you

  • John 8:17 - in law also your It is that of two men the testimony true is

  • Romans 8:17 - if And children also heirs heirs of God joint-heirs And with Christ if so be that we suffer with him that also glorified together

  • Acts 8:18 - saw And when Simon that through laying on hands of the apostles was given Ghost the Holy he offered them money

  • 2 Corinthians 8:18 - we have sent And with him the brother whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches

  • Matthew 8:18 - saw Now when Jesus great multitudes about he gave commandment to depart unto the other side

  • 2 Corinthians 8:19 - not that only And but also chosen by which the churches to travel us with which grace which is administered by us to which which of the same Lord the glory also ready mind declaration of your

  • Luke 8:19 - came Then to at him his mother and brethren at him and not could come at him for the press

  • Acts 8:20 - Peter But said unto him money Thy with thee perish because that the gift of God thou hast thought with money may be purchased

  • Mark 8:20 - when And Seven among four thousand how many baskets full of fragments took ye up And they said Seven

  • Matthew 8:20 - And saith unto him Jesus The foxes holes hath And the birds of the air have nests but the Son of man not hath where his head to lay

  • Luke 8:21 - which And he answered and said unto it mother My and brethren My these are which which the word which of God hear and do it

  • Matthew 8:21 - another And disciples of his said of his Lord suffer me first to go and bury father my

  • 2 Corinthians 8:22 - we have sent And with them which brother our whom proved in many things oftentimes diligent now And many things confidence many things which I have in you

  • Matthew 8:22 - But Jesus said unto him Follow me and let dead bury their dead

  • Luke 8:23 - as they sailed But he fell asleep and there came down a storm of wind on the lake and they were filled and were in jeopardy

  • Romans 8:23 - not only And they but also ourselves the firstfruits of the Spirit which have also we ourselves within ourselves groan for the adoption waiting to wit the redemption body of our

  • Acts 8:24 - answered Then Simon and said Pray ye for me to the Lord that none of these things come upon me which ye have spoken

  • Luke 8:24 - they came to him And and awoke him saying Master Master we perish And he arose and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water and they ceased and there was a calm

  • Matthew 8:24 - And behold tempest a great there arose in the sea insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves he but was asleep

  • Romans 8:24 - For by hope we are saved by hope but seeth not is by hope what For seeth a man why yet doth he

  • Luke 8:25 - he said And him Where is faith your they being afraid And wondered saying one to another What manner of man this is ! for and the winds he commandeth and water and they obey him

  • Romans 8:25 - if But for that not we see we hope with patience then do we

  • Acts 8:26 - the angel And of the Lord spake unto Philip saying Arise and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza which is desert

  • Romans 8:26 - Likewise also the Spirit helpeth infirmities our for what we should pray for as we ought not we know but itself the Spirit maketh intercession for our with groanings which cannot be uttered

  • Luke 8:27 - when he went forth And him to land there met him man a certain long the city which had devils long time and clothes no ware and in any house no abode but in the tombs

  • Matthew 8:27 - But the men marvelled saying What manner of man is this that and the winds and the sea obey him

  • Romans 8:27 - And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because according to the will of God he maketh intercession for the saints

  • Luke 8:28 - he saw When Jesus and he cried out fell down before him and voice with a loud said What have I and thee Jesus thou Son of God most high I beseech thee not me torment

  • Mark 8:28 - And they answered John the Baptist and others say Elias others And One of the prophets

  • Romans 8:28 - we know And to them that love God that all things work together for good according to his purpose the called to them who are

  • Acts 8:29 - said Then the Spirit unto Philip Go near and join thyself to chariot this

  • Mark 8:29 - And unto him and saith unto him ye And whom that I and saith am answereth And Peter and saith unto him Thou art the Christ

  • Acts 8:30 - ran thither to And Philip him and heard him read the prophet Esaias and said Understandest thou what read

  • Luke 8:30 - asked And him Jesus saying What thy is name And he said Legion because devils many were entered into him

  • Matthew 8:30 - there was And a good way off from them an herd swine of many feeding

  • Romans 8:30 - whom Moreover he did predestinate them also called also whom called them also he whom Moreover he them also glorified

  • Acts 8:31 - And he said How can I some man should guide me he desired And Philip that he would come up and sit with him

  • Matthew 8:31 - So the devils besought him saying If out us suffer us to go away into the herd of swine

  • Acts 8:32 - The place of the scripture which he read was this as a sheep to the slaughter He was led and as a lamb before shearer his dumb so not opened he mouth his

  • Luke 8:32 - there was And there an herd swine of many feeding on the mountain And they besought him that he suffered him into them to enter And he suffered him

  • Matthew 8:32 - And he said unto them Go And when they were come out they went into herd of swine And behold ran violently the whole herd of swine down a steep place into the sea And perished in the waters

  • Acts 8:33 - In humiliation his judgment his is taken and generation his who shall declare for is taken from the earth life his

  • Luke 8:33 - went Then the devils out of the man and entered into the swine and ran the herd violently down a steep into the lake and were choked

  • Mark 8:33 - But when he had turned about and looked disciples he rebuked Peter saying Get thee behind me Satan for not thou savourest the things that be of God but the things that be of men

  • Matthew 8:33 - And they that kept them fled and went their ways into the city and told every thing and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils

  • Acts 8:34 - answered And the eunuch Philip and said I pray thee of whom the prophet speaketh this of himself or of other man some

  • Luke 8:34 - them saw When they that fed what was done they fled and went and told in the city and in the country

  • Romans 8:34 - Who is he that condemneth It is Christ that died rather yea also that is risen again who also is at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us

  • Acts 8:35 - opened Then Philip mouth unto him and began at scripture and preached unto him Jesus

  • John 8:35 - And the servant not abideth in the house for ever but the Son abideth for ever

  • Luke 8:35 - they went out Then to see what was done and came to Jesus and found sitting the man out of whom the devils they went out clothed and in his right mind at the feet Jesus and they were afraid

  • Mark 8:35 - whosoever For will life it save shall lose it whosoever but shall lose life it for my sake and the gospel's the same save it

  • Acts 8:36 - as And they went on their way they came unto a certain here is water and said the eunuch See here is water what doth hinder me to be baptized

  • Luke 8:36 - it told them They also which saw by what means was healed he that was possessed of the devils

  • Acts 8:37 - and said And Philip If I believe with all thine heart thou mayest he answered And and said I believe the Son of God is that Jesus Christ

  • Luke 8:37 - Then besought him the whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes to depart from him for fear with great they were taken him and he went up into the ship and returned back again

  • Luke 8:38 - besought Now him the man out of whom were departed the devils him that he might be with him away Now him Jesus saying

  • Acts 8:39 - when And they were come up out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip saw him no more that the eunuch he went and way him rejoicing

  • John 8:40 - now But ye seek me to kill a man that the truth you hath told that I have heard of God this Abraham not did

  • Luke 8:40 - it came to pass And that when was returned Jesus gladly received him the people they were for all waiting for him

  • Luke 8:42 - For daughter one only he had he about years of age twelve and he lay a dying as But went he the people thronged he

  • John 8:45 - I And because you the truth tell not ye believe me

  • Luke 8:45 - And said Jesus Who touched me denied When all said Peter And they that were with him Master the multitude throng thee And press And sayest Who touched me

  • John 8:46 - Which of you convinceth me of sin if And the truth I say why ye not believe me

  • Luke 8:46 - And Jesus said hath touched me Somebody I for perceive that virtue is gone out of me

  • Luke 8:47 - saw And when the woman that not hid trembling she came and falling down before him for what cause she had touched him she declared him before all the people and how she was healed immediately

  • Luke 8:48 - And he said unto her be of good comfort Daughter faith thy hath made thee go in peace

  • John 8:50 - I And not one that seeketh glory mine own there is one that seeketh and judgeth

  • Luke 8:50 - But when Jesus heard it he answered him saying not Fear only believe and she shall be made whole