G1161 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
but, and, etc. also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English) a primary particle (adversative or continuative);

2566 instances of the word δέ dé (G1161)

  • Luke 20:12 - And again he sent a third and And him they wounded and cast him out

  • Acts 20:13 - we And went before to ship and sailed unto Assos there intending to take in Paul so for had he appointed intending himself to go afoot

  • Luke 20:13 - said Then the lord of the vineyard What shall I do I will send son my beloved it may be him him when they see they will reverence

  • Matthew 20:13 - But he answered and said one of them Friend no I do thee not for a penny didst with me

  • Acts 20:14 - when And he met with us at Assos in him and came at Mitylene

  • Luke 20:14 - saw But him when the husbandmen they reasoned among themselves saying This is the heir come let us kill him that ours may be the inheritance

  • Matthew 20:14 - Take that thine even go thy way I will unto this last give as even unto thee

  • Acts 20:15 - And we sailed the next and came day over against Chios and the next day we arrived at Samos and tarried at Trogyllium and the next day we came at Miletus

  • Luke 20:16 - He shall come and destroy husbandmen these and shall give the vineyard to others when they heard And it they said God forbid

  • Matthew 20:16 - So shall be last first and first last many for be called few but chosen

  • Acts 20:17 - from And Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church

  • John 20:17 - saith unto her Jesus not me Touch not yet for I am to Father me go but to brethren me and say unto her I am to Father me and Father your and God me and God your

  • Luke 20:17 - And he beheld them and said What then is that is written this The stone which rejected the builders the same is become of the head the corner

  • Acts 20:18 - when And they were come to him he said him Ye know from the first day from I came into Asia after what manner with you at all seasons I have been

  • Luke 20:18 - Whosoever it shall fall on that stone shall be broken on whomsoever but it shall fall it will grind him

  • Matthew 20:21 - And Grant unto her What wilt thou She saith unto her Grant that may sit these two sons my the one on right hand thy and the one on the left in kingdom thy

  • Matthew 20:22 - answered But Jesus and said not Ye know what ye ask Are ye able drink of of the cup that I shall drink of and with the baptism that I am baptized with am baptized with They say unto him Are ye able

  • Luke 20:23 - he perceived But their craftiness and said unto their Why me tempt ye

  • Matthew 20:23 - And he saith unto them indeed cup my Ye shall drink And with the baptism it shall be given to them for whom I am baptized with am baptized with but to sit on right hand my And on left my not is mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of Father my

  • John 20:24 - Thomas But one of the twelve called Didymus not was with them when came Jesus

  • Luke 20:24 - Shew me a penny Whose hath it image and superscription They answered and said Caesar's

  • John 20:25 - said therefore his The other disciples We have seen the Lord But he said his I shall see in hand his the print of the nails and put finger my into the print of the nails and put hand my into side his I will

  • Luke 20:25 - the things which be And he said unto them Render therefore the things which be Caesar's Caesar's and the things which be the things which be God's the things which be God's

  • Matthew 20:25 - But Jesus called them unto him and said Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority upon them

  • Matthew 20:26 - not so But be among you but whosoever will among you great be let him be your minister

  • Luke 20:27 - came Then to him certain which of the Sadducees which deny resurrection any that there is and they asked him

  • John 20:31 - these But are written that believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing life ye might have through name his

  • Luke 20:31 - And the third took her in like manner and And the seven no and they left children And died

  • Matthew 20:31 - And the multitude rebuked them because they should hold their peace And the more they cried saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David

  • Luke 20:32 - Last of all died also the woman

  • Acts 20:34 - ye yourselves Yea know that necessities unto my and to them that were with me have ministered hands these

  • Matthew 20:34 - had compassion So Jesus on them and touched eyes him and immediately received sight him eyes and they followed him

  • Luke 20:35 - But they which shall be accounted worthy world that to obtain and the resurrection from the dead neither marry neither are given in marriage

  • Acts 20:37 - sore And wept they all and fell on neck Paul's and kissed him

  • Luke 20:37 - that Now are raised the dead and Moses shewed at the bush when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob

  • Acts 20:38 - Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake that no more they should face him see they accompanied And him unto the ship

  • Luke 20:38 - a God For not he is of the dead but live all for unto him live

  • Luke 20:39 - answering Then certain of the scribes said Master thou hast well said

  • Luke 20:40 - after that And they durst ask him any

  • Luke 20:41 - he said And unto them How say they that Christ son David's is

  • Luke 20:45 - in the audience Then of all the people he said disciples

  • Acts 21:1 - that after And it came to pass and had launched we were gotten from them with a straight course we came unto Coos And the day following unto Rhodes and from thence unto Patara

  • John 21:1 - After these things shewed himself again Jesus to the disciples at the sea of Tiberias shewed and on this wise

  • Luke 21:1 - he looked up And and saw casting gifts into the treasury the rich men

  • Luke 21:2 - he saw And also a certain widow poor casting in thither two mites

  • Acts 21:3 - when we had discovered Now Cyprus and we left it on the left hand and sailed at Syria and landed at Tyre there for was the ship to unlade her burden

  • Matthew 21:3 - And if any man unto you say any man ye shall say The Lord of them need hath straightway and he will send of them

  • John 21:4 - when the morning But now come stood Jesus on the shore not but knew the disciples that Jesus it was

  • Luke 21:4 - all For she have of abundance their cast in unto the offerings of God she but have of penury their all the living that she had cast

  • Matthew 21:4 - this All was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by which the prophet saying

  • Acts 21:5 - when And had us accomplished those days we departed and went our way brought us and they all with wives and children till we were out of the city and we kneeled down on the shore and prayed

  • Acts 21:6 - And when we had taken our leave one of another we took ship they and again home

  • John 21:6 - And he said it Cast on the right side of the ship the net and ye shall find Cast therefore and now it to draw able for the multitude of fishes

  • Matthew 21:6 - went And the disciples and did as commanded them Jesus

  • Acts 21:7 - when we And our course had finished from Tyre we came to Ptolemais and saluted the brethren and abode day with them

  • Luke 21:7 - they asked And him saying Master when but these things be and what sign will there be when shall these things come to pass

  • Acts 21:8 - And the next departed company Paul's and came into Caesarea and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist which was one of the seven and abode with him

  • John 21:8 - And the other disciples in a little ship came not (for they were far from land but as it were from cubits two hundred dragging the net with fishes

  • Luke 21:8 - And he said Take heed not deceived many for shall come in name my saying I am Christ and the time draweth near not therefore go ye after them

  • Matthew 21:8 - And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way And cut down branches from the trees and spread in the way

  • Revelation 21:8 - the fearful But and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all which liars which part shall have their in which the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death

  • Acts 21:9 - the same man And had daughters virgins four which did prophesy

  • Luke 21:9 - when But ye shall hear of wars and commotions not be must for these things come to pass first but is not by and by the end

  • Matthew 21:9 - And the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest

  • Acts 21:10 - tarried And as we days there many there came down a certain from Judaea prophet named Agabus

  • Matthew 21:11 - And the multitude said This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee

  • Acts 21:12 - when And we heard these things besought we both and they of that place not to go up him to Jerusalem

  • John 21:12 - saith him Jesus Come and dine none And durst of the disciples ask him thou Who art knowing that the Lord it was

  • Luke 21:12 - before But these all they shall lay before you hands and persecute you delivering you up to the synagogues and into prisons being brought before kings and rulers for name's my

  • Acts 21:13 - answered Then Paul What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart I for not only to be bound also and to die at Jerusalem ready am for the name of the Lord Jesus

  • Luke 21:13 - it shall turn And to you for a testimony

  • Matthew 21:13 - And said unto them It is written house My house of prayer shall be called ye but unto them have made it a den of thieves

  • Acts 21:14 - not be persuaded And we ceased saying The will of the Lord be done

  • Acts 21:15 - after And days we took up our carriages and went up to Jerusalem

  • Matthew 21:15 - saw And when the chief priests and scribes the wonderful things that he did and the children crying in the temple and saying Hosanna to the Son of David they were sore displeased

  • Acts 21:16 - There went also certain of the disciples of Caesarea with us and brought with them with whom we should lodge Mnason one of Cyprus an old certain of the disciples

  • Luke 21:16 - ye shall be betrayed And and by parents and brethren and kinsfolks and friends and shall they cause to be put to death some of you

  • Matthew 21:16 - And said unto him Hearest thou what these saith And Jesus saith unto him Yea have ye never read Out of the mouth of babes And sucklings thou hast perfected praise

  • Acts 21:17 - were come And when we to Jerusalem gladly received us the brethren

  • Acts 21:18 - And the day following went in Paul with us unto James all and were present the elders

  • John 21:18 - Verily Verily I say unto thee When thou wast young shall gird thyself and walkedst thee whither thou wouldest when but thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth hands thy and another thee shall gird and carry thee whither not thou wouldest

  • Matthew 21:18 - in the morning Now as he returned into the city he hungered

  • John 21:19 - This spake he signifying by what death he should glorify God And This spake he he saith unto him Follow me

  • Acts 21:20 - which And when they heard it they glorified which the Lord said and unto him Thou seest brother how many thousands there are of Jews which believe and all zealous which of the law they are

  • John 21:20 - turning about Then Peter seeth the disciple which loved Jesus following which also leaned at supper on breast his also said Lord which is he that betrayeth thee

  • Luke 21:20 - when And ye shall see compassed with armies Jerusalem then know that is nigh the desolation thereof

  • Acts 21:21 - they are informed And of thee that forsake thou teachest to Moses which are among the Gentiles all the Jews saying not that they ought their children neither after the customs to walk

  • John 21:21 - him seeing Peter saith to Jesus Lord shall this man and what

  • Matthew 21:21 - answered and Jesus said unto them Verily I say unto you If ye have faith and not doubt not only which is done to the fig tree do but also if mountain unto this said Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done

  • Luke 21:23 - woe But in them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days there shall be ! for distress great in the land and wrath in people this

  • Matthew 21:24 - answered And Jesus and said unto them will ask you I also thing one which if and said me I also you will tell by what authority these things I do

  • John 21:25 - there are And also other things many which did Jesus the which if that should be written every one could not itself I suppose the world contain that should be written the books Amen

  • Acts 21:25 - touching As which believe the Gentiles we have written and concluded no such thing observe that they that they keep that they from things offered to idols and from blood and from strangled and from fornication

  • John 21:25 - there are And also other things many which did Jesus the which if that should be written every one could not itself I suppose the world contain that should be written the books Amen

  • Matthew 21:25 - The baptism of John whence was it From heaven or From men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto us Why then not believe him

  • Matthew 21:26 - if But we shall say Of men we fear the people all for hold John as a prophet

  • Acts 21:27 - when And were almost the seven days ended which were of Asia the Jews when they saw him in the temple stirred up all the people and laid hands on him

  • Luke 21:28 - begin And when these things to come to pass then look up and lift up heads your for draweth nigh redemption your

  • Matthew 21:28 - what But ye think A certain man had Son two and he came to the first and said Son go to day work in vineyard my

  • Matthew 21:29 - He answered and said not I will afterward He answered he repented and went