G1161 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
but, and, etc. also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English) a primary particle (adversative or continuative);

2566 instances of the word δέ dé (G1161)

  • Matthew 24:43 - this But know that if had known the goodman of the house in what watch the thief would come have watched he would and not he would have suffered to be broken up house

  • Luke 24:44 - he said And unto them These which are the words which I spake unto you I was yet while with you that must be fulfilled all things which were written in which the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me

  • Luke 24:48 - ye And are witnesses of these things

  • Matthew 24:48 - if But and shall say evil servant that in heart delayeth lord My his coming

  • Luke 24:49 - And behold I send the promise Father of my upon you ye but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high

  • Matthew 24:49 - And shall begin to smite his fellowservants to eat and And drink with the drunken

  • Luke 24:50 - he led And them out as far as to Bethany and he lifted up hands them and blessed them

  • Acts 25:2 - informed him Then him the high priest and the chief of the Jews against Paul and besought him

  • Matthew 25:2 - five And were of them wise and five were foolish

  • Acts 25:4 - But Festus answered should be kept that Paul at Caesarea that he himself and would at shortly depart

  • Matthew 25:4 - But the wise took oil in vessels with lamps

  • Matthew 25:5 - tarried While the bridegroom slumbered they all and slept

  • Acts 25:6 - when he had tarried And among them days more than ten he went down unto Caesarea and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought

  • Matthew 25:6 - at midnight And there was a cry made Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him

  • Acts 25:7 - was come And when he stood round about from Jerusalem which came down the Jews many and and grievous complaints laid against Paul which not they could prove

  • Matthew 25:8 - And the foolish unto the wise said Give us of oil your for lamps our are gone out

  • Acts 25:9 - Festus But the Jews Wilt thou a pleasure to do answered Paul and said Wilt thou to Jerusalem go up and there of these things be judged before me

  • Matthew 25:9 - answered But the wise saying Not so lest not enough for us and you go ye But rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves

  • Acts 25:10 - said Then Paul at judgment seat Caesar's I stand where I ought to be judged to the Jews no have I done as thou very well knowest

  • Matthew 25:10 - while they went And him to buy came the bridegroom and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and was shut the door

  • Acts 25:11 - if For I be an offender or worthy of death have committed any thing not I refuse to die if but no man there be of these things whereof these accuse me no man me may unto them deliver Caesar I appeal unto

  • Matthew 25:11 - Afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us

  • Matthew 25:12 - But he answered and said Verily I say unto you not I know you

  • Acts 25:13 - days And after certain Agrippa king and Bernice came unto Caesarea to salute Festus

  • Acts 25:14 - when And many days they had been there Festus unto the king declared cause Paul's saying man a certain There is left by Felix in bonds

  • Matthew 25:15 - And to another unto one he gave five talents to another and two to another and one to every man according to his several ability And took his journey straightway

  • Matthew 25:16 - went Then five talents he that had received and traded with the same and made them other five talents

  • Matthew 25:18 - But one he that had received went and digged in the earth and hid money lord's

  • Acts 25:19 - questions But certain of their own superstition had against him and of certain Jesus which was dead whom affirmed Paul to be alive

  • Matthew 25:19 - with After time a long cometh the lord servants of those and reckoneth with them

  • Acts 25:20 - doubted And because I of manner such of questions I asked him whether he would go of Jerusalem and there be judged manner these matters

  • Acts 25:21 - But when Paul had appealed to be kept him unto of Augustus the hearing I commanded to be kept him till I might send him to Caesar

  • Matthew 25:21 - said His lord His Well done servant thou good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Acts 25:22 - Agrippa Then unto Festus said I would also him the man he thou shalt hear Then To morrow said he thou shalt hear him

  • Matthew 25:22 - came He also two talents that had received and said Lord two talents unto me thou deliveredst other two talents I have gained beside them

  • Matthew 25:24 - came Then and the one talent he which had received and said Lord I knew thee that an hard thou art man reaping where not sown and gathering where not strawed

  • Acts 25:25 - when I But found nothing worthy of death him that he had committed and him But hath appealed to Augustus I have determined to send him

  • Matthew 25:26 - answered lord His and said His Thou wicked servant and slothful thou knewest that I reap where not I sowed and gather where not I have

  • Matthew 25:29 - For he hath unto every one shall be given and he shall have abundance from but not he hath and that which he hath shall be taken away from him

  • Matthew 25:31 - When shall come the Son of man in glory him and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne glory him

  • Matthew 25:33 - And he shall set the sheep on right hand but the goats on the left

  • Matthew 25:38 - When thee saw we a stranger and took thee in or naked and clothed

  • Matthew 25:39 - Or when thee saw we sick or in prison and came unto thee

  • Matthew 25:46 - And shall go away these into punishment eternal but the righteous into life eternal

  • Acts 26:1 - Agrippa Then unto Paul said art permitted Thou for thyself to speak Then Paul and answered for himself stretched forth the hand

  • Matthew 26:5 - they said But Not among the feast Not an uproar there be among the people

  • Matthew 26:6 - Now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper

  • Matthew 26:8 - saw But disciples when his it they had indignation saying To what purpose waste is this

  • Matthew 26:10 - understood When Jesus it he said unto them Why trouble ye the woman work for a good she hath wrought upon me

  • Matthew 26:11 - always For the poor ye have with you me but not always ye have

  • Acts 26:14 - all And fallen when we to the earth I heard a voice speaking against me and saying in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why me persecutest thou it is hard for thee against the pricks to kick

  • Acts 26:15 - I And he said Who art thou Lord And he said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest

  • Matthew 26:15 - And said unto them What will ye me give and unto you I will deliver him And they covenanted him for thirty pieces of silver

  • Matthew 26:17 - Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread came the disciples to Jesus saying unto him Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover

  • Matthew 26:18 - And he said Go into the city at such a man and he said unto him The Master saith time My at hand is at thy house I will keep the passover with disciples My

  • Matthew 26:20 - when the even Now was come he sat down with the twelve

  • Matthew 26:23 - And he answered and said He that dippeth with me in the dish his hand the same me shall betray

  • Acts 26:24 - thus And as he spake for himself Festus with a loud voice said thou art beside thyself Paul much thee learning mad doth make

  • Matthew 26:24 - The Son he goeth as it is written of him woe but he for that by whom The Son he is betrayed good ! it had been him if not been born he for that

  • Acts 26:25 - But not I am he said most noble Festus but of truth and soberness the words speak forth

  • Matthew 26:25 - answered Then Judas which betrayed him and said it I is Master He said him Thou and said

  • Matthew 26:26 - were eating And as they Take Jesus bread and blessed brake and gave it to the disciples and said Take eat this is body my

  • Acts 26:28 - Then Agrippa unto Paul said Almost me thou persuadest a Christian to be

  • Acts 26:29 - And Paul said I would to God also almost also almost altogether that not only thou but also all that hear me this day were such as I am except bonds these

  • Matthew 26:29 - I say But unto you not I drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until day that when it I drink with you new in kingdom Father's my

  • Acts 26:32 - Agrippa Then unto Festus said have been set at liberty might man This appealed unto Caesar

  • Matthew 26:32 - after But am risen again I I will go before you into Galilee

  • Matthew 26:33 - answered and Peter said unto him all be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended

  • Matthew 26:41 - Watch and pray ye enter into temptation indeed the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

  • Matthew 26:48 - Now he that betrayed he gave he a sign saying Whomsoever I shall kiss he is fast he

  • Matthew 26:50 - And Jesus said him Friend on art thou come Then came they and laid hands on Jesus and took him

  • Matthew 26:56 - this But all was done that might be fulfilled the scriptures of the prophets Then the disciples all forsook him and fled

  • Matthew 26:57 - And they that had laid hold on Jesus him away to Caiaphas the high priest where the scribes and the elders were assembled

  • Matthew 26:58 - But Peter followed him afar off unto palace the high priest's and went in and sat with the servants to see the end

  • Matthew 26:59 - Now the chief priests and elders and the council all sought false witness against Jesus to him put

  • Matthew 26:60 - But none found But though many false witnesses came none found At the last came two false witnesses

  • Matthew 26:63 - But Jesus held his peace And answered the high priest and said unto him I adjure thee by God the living that us and said whether thou be the Christ the Son God

  • Matthew 26:66 - What ye think and They answered said guilty of death He is

  • Matthew 26:67 - Then did they spit in face him and buffeted him and others smote him with the palms of their hands

  • Matthew 26:69 - Now Peter without sat in the palace also came unto him damsel saying also Thou wast with Jesus of Galilee

  • Matthew 26:70 - But he denied before them all saying not I know what saying

  • Matthew 26:71 - was gone out And him into the porch maid saw him another also said unto them that were there also This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth

  • Matthew 26:73 - after a while And came unto him they that stood by and said to Peter Surely also thou one of them art also for speech thy bewrayeth thee

  • Acts 27:1 - when And it was determined should sail that we into Italy they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners a centurion unto one named Julius band of Augustus

  • Matthew 27:1 - the morning When was come counsel took all the chief priests and elders of the people against Jesus to put him

  • Acts 27:2 - entering And into a ship of Adramyttium meaning to sail by of Asia the coasts we launched being with us one Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica

  • Matthew 27:4 - Saying I have sinned in that I have betrayed blood the innocent And they said What is that to us thou see

  • Matthew 27:6 - And the chief priests took the silver pieces and said not It is for to put them into the treasury because the price of blood it is

  • Acts 27:7 - many And days when we had sailed slowly and scarce were come over against Cnidus not suffering us the wind we sailed under Crete over against Salmone

  • Matthew 27:7 - counsel And they took and bought with them field the potter's to bury strangers

  • Acts 27:9 - when much Now time was spent and was already dangerous when sailing because and the fast already past admonished Paul

  • Acts 27:11 - Nevertheless the centurion the master and the owner of the ship believed more than by Paul those things which were spoken

  • Matthew 27:11 - And Jesus stood before the governor and asked him the governor sayest Thou Art the King of the Jews And Jesus said him Thou sayest

  • Acts 27:12 - not commodious And the haven because to winter in the more part advised to depart thence also if they might attain to Phenice and there to winter the haven of Crete and lieth toward the south west and toward north west

  • Acts 27:13 - blew softly And when the south wind supposing their purpose that they had obtained loosing close by thence they sailed Crete

  • Acts 27:14 - after not long But there arose against it wind a tempestuous called Euroclydon

  • Acts 27:15 - was caught And when the ship and not could bear up into the wind we let her drive

  • Matthew 27:15 - at Now that feast was wont the governor to release a unto the people prisoner whom they would

  • Acts 27:16 - island And a certain running under which is called Clauda much we had to come by the boat

  • Matthew 27:16 - they had And then prisoner a notable called Barabbas