G1223 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
through (in very wide applications, local, causal, or occasional) after, always, among, at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) … fore, from, in, by occasion of, of, by reason of, for sake, that, thereby, therefore, X though, through(-out), to, wherefore, with (-in) a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act;

574 instances of the word διά diá (G1223)

  • Romans 7:4 - Wherefore brethren my also ye are become dead to the law by the body of Christ that should be married ye to another from the dead even to him who is raised that we should bring forth fruit unto God

  • 1 Corinthians 7:5 - not Defraud ye one the other not it be with consent for a time that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and again together come that not tempt you Satan for incontinency your

  • Romans 7:5 - when For in which the flesh which the motions which of sins which were by which the law did work in which members our to bring which forth fruit which unto death

  • Romans 7:7 - What then shall we say Is the law sin God forbid Nay sin not I had God forbid by Is the law for lust not I had God forbid Is the law had said not Thou shalt

  • Romans 7:8 - occasion But taking sin by the commandment wrought in me all manner of concupiscence without For the law sin was dead

  • Hebrews 7:9 - And as I may so say in Abraham And Levi who tithes receiveth payed tithes

  • Hebrews 7:11 - If therefore perfection by the Levitical priesthood were the people (for under it received the law what further need after the order of Melchisedec was there that another should rise priest and not after the order of Aaron be called

  • Romans 7:11 - For sin occasion taking by the commandment deceived me and by it slew

  • 2 Corinthians 7:13 - Therefore we were comforted for comfort you exceedingly yea and the more joyed we for the joy of Titus because was refreshed spirit his by all you

  • John 7:13 - no man Howbeit openly spake of him for fear of the Jews

  • Matthew 7:13 - Enter ye in at which the strait gate for wide which gate and broad which is the way which that leadeth to which destruction and many there be which Enter ye in at

  • Romans 7:13 - Was then that which is good unto me made death God forbid made But sin that it might appear sin by that which is good in me working death that made exceeding sinful sin by the commandment

  • Revelation 7:15 - Therefore are they before the throne of God and serve him day and night in temple him and he that sitteth among the throne shall dwell among him

  • Hebrews 7:18 - a disannulling verily For there is going before of the commandment for thereof the weakness and unprofitableness

  • Hebrews 7:19 - nothing For made the law the bringing in but of a better hope did by the which we draw nigh unto God

  • Hebrews 7:21 - were (For without an oath art a priest made but this with an oath by him that said unto him sware The Lord and not repent Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec

  • John 7:22 - therefore Moses gave unto you circumcision (not because of Moses it is but of the fathers and on the sabbath day circumcise a man

  • Hebrews 7:23 - And truly many they priests because death they were not suffered to continue

  • Hebrews 7:24 - But this man because continueth he ever an unchangeable hath priesthood

  • Acts 7:25 - he supposed For they understood brethren his how that God by hand his would deliver his For not they understood

  • Hebrews 7:25 - Wherefore also to save them to the uttermost he is able that come by him unto God seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for him

  • Romans 7:25 - I thank God through Jesus Christ Lord our So then myself I serve with the mind the law God but with the flesh the law of sin

  • 1 Corinthians 7:26 - I suppose therefore that this good is for the present distress I say that good for a man so to be

  • Mark 7:29 - And he said unto her For this saying go thy way is gone the devil out of daughter thy

  • John 7:43 - a division So among the people there was because of him

  • Romans 8:3 - For could not do what the law in that it was weak through flesh God his own Son sending in the likeness flesh of sinful and for of sinful condemned of sinful in flesh

  • Luke 8:4 - were gathered together And people when much and out of every city were come to him he spake by a parable

  • 2 Corinthians 8:5 - And this they did not as we hoped but their own selves gave first to the Lord And unto us by the will of God

  • 1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him

  • Luke 8:6 - And some fell upon a rock And as soon as it was sprung up it withered away because it lacked moisture

  • 2 Corinthians 8:8 - not by commandment I speak but by occasion of others of the forwardness and of your love the sincerity to prove

  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - ye know For the grace Lord of our Jesus Christ that sakes your he became poor rich though he was that ye through his poverty might be rich

  • Romans 8:10 - if And Christ be in you the body is dead because of sin And the Spirit is life because of righteousness

  • Acts 8:11 - they had regard And them because that of long time with sorceries he had bewitched them

  • 1 Corinthians 8:11 - And perish the weak brother through thy knowledge for whom Christ died

  • Romans 8:11 - if But Spirit he that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you he that raised up Christ from the dead quicken also mortal bodies your by that dwelleth his Spirit in you

  • Matthew 8:17 - That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet saying Himself infirmities our took and our sicknesses bare

  • Acts 8:18 - saw And when Simon that through laying on hands of the apostles was given Ghost the Holy he offered them money

  • 2 Corinthians 8:18 - we have sent And with him the brother whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches

  • Luke 8:19 - came Then to at him his mother and brethren at him and not could come at him for the press

  • Acts 8:20 - Peter But said unto him money Thy with thee perish because that the gift of God thou hast thought with money may be purchased

  • Romans 8:20 - For to vanity the creature of him who hath subjected not willingly but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope

  • Romans 8:25 - if But for that not we see we hope with patience then do we

  • Matthew 8:28 - And was come him into the other side into the country of the Gergesenes there met him two possessed with devils out of the tombs coming fierce exceeding so that no might man pass by way that

  • Romans 8:37 - Nay in these things all we are more than conquerors through him that loved us

  • John 8:47 - He that is of God words God hear therefore ye not hear because of God not ye are

  • Luke 8:47 - saw And when the woman that not hid trembling she came and falling down before him for what cause she had touched him she declared him before all the people and how she was healed immediately

  • John 8:59 - took they up Then stones to cast at him Jesus but hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst him and passed by so

  • Luke 9:7 - heard Now Herod the tetrarch that was done by him of all and he was perplexed because that it was said by some that John was risen from the dead

  • 1 Corinthians 9:10 - Or For our it altogether saith he For our no doubt this is written that in hope should he that ploweth he that ploweth and that he that thresheth hope should be partaker in hope

  • Hebrews 9:11 - Christ But being come an high priest to come of good things by and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands not building

  • 2 Corinthians 9:11 - in all Being enriched to all bountifulness which causeth through us thanksgiving to God

  • Hebrews 9:12 - Neither by blood of goats and calves by but his own blood he entered in once into the holy place eternal redemption having obtained

  • 2 Corinthians 9:12 - For the administration service not only supplieth the want of the saints but also is abundant by many thanksgivings unto God

  • 2 Corinthians 9:13 - Whiles by the experiment ministration they glorify God for subjection professed your unto the gospel of Christ and for your liberal distribution unto them and unto all

  • Hebrews 9:14 - How much more the blood of Christ who through Spirit the eternal himself offered without spot God purge conscience your from dead works to serve God the living

  • 2 Corinthians 9:14 - And by their prayer for you which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you

  • Hebrews 9:15 - And cause for this testament of the new the mediator he is that of death by means for the redemption that were under the first testament of the transgressions the promise might receive they which are called of eternal inheritance

  • 1 Corinthians 9:23 - this And I do for the gospel's that partaker thereof I might be

  • John 9:23 - Therefore parents him said of age He is him ask

  • Acts 9:25 - took Then him the disciples by night and let him down by the wall in a basket

  • Hebrews 9:26 - For then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world now but once in the end of the world to put away sin by the sacrifice he hath he appeared

  • Mark 9:30 - And thence they departed and passed through Galilee And not he would that any man should know

  • Acts 9:32 - it came And Peter passed throughout all quarters he came down also to which the saints which dwelt at Lydda

  • 1 Corinthians 10:1 - not I would Moreover that ye should be ignorant brethren how that fathers our all under the cloud were and all through the sea passed

  • 2 Corinthians 10:1 - myself Now I Paul beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ who in presence am base among you being absent Now am bold toward you

  • John 10:1 - Verily Verily I say unto you not He that entereth by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up some other way the same a thief is and a robber

  • Mark 10:1 - And he arose and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan and resort again the people unto him and as he was wont again he taught him

  • Hebrews 10:2 - For then not would they have ceased to be offered because no should have had more conscience of sins that the worshippers once purged

  • John 10:2 - But he that entereth in by the door the shepherd is of the sheep

  • 2 Corinthians 10:9 - That I may as if I would terrify you by letters

  • John 10:9 - I am the door by me if any man enter in he shall be saved and enter in and out and pasture find

  • Hebrews 10:10 - By the which will sanctified we are through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once

  • 2 Corinthians 10:11 - this Let such that such as we are in word by letters when we are absent such will we be also when we are present in deed

  • John 10:17 - Therefore my Father me doth because I lay down life my that again I might take it

  • Romans 10:17 - So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God

  • John 10:19 - a division therefore again There was among the Jews for sayings these

  • Hebrews 10:20 - which he hath consecrated for us way By a new and living through the veil flesh

  • Acts 10:21 - went down Then Peter to which the men which were sent from which Cornelius to him and said Behold I am he whom ye seek what which is the cause wherefore he whom ye are come

  • Matthew 10:22 - And ye shall be hated of all men for name's sake my but endureth to he that the end shall be saved

  • 1 Corinthians 10:25 - Whatsoever in the shambles is sold that eat no asking for conscience

  • Mark 10:25 - easier It is for a camel through the eye of a needle to enter than for a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter

  • 1 Corinthians 10:27 - bid you of them that believe not to a feast and ye be disposed to go whatsoever is set before you eat no question for conscience

  • 1 Corinthians 10:28 - if But any man unto you say This offered in sacrifice unto idols is not eat for his sake that shewed it and for conscience sake for is the Lord's the earth and the fulness thereof

  • John 10:32 - answered of those Jesus Many good works have I shewed you from Father my for which of those works do ye stone me

  • Acts 10:36 - The word which God sent unto the children of Israel preaching peace by Jesus Christ (he is of all Lord

  • Acts 10:43 - To him all the prophets give remission of sins shall receive that through name him all believeth in him

  • Hebrews 11:4 - By faith a more excellent sacrifice Abel than Cain offered God by which he obtained witness that he was righteous he obtained witness of gifts his God and by his he being dead yet speaketh

  • John 11:4 - heard When Jesus that he said This sickness not is unto death but for the glory of God that might be glorified the Son of God thereby

  • Hebrews 11:7 - By faith being warned of God Noah of as yet seen moved with fear prepared an ark to the saving house by the which he condemned the world and which is by By faith of the righteousness became heir

  • Luke 11:8 - I say unto you not and give him he will rise because he is him friend because yet importunity him he will and give him as many as he needeth

  • 1 Corinthians 11:9 - Neither created the man for the woman but the woman for the man

  • 1 Corinthians 11:10 - because For this ought the woman power to have on her head because of the angels

  • 1 Corinthians 11:12 - as For the woman is of is the man even so also is the man by the woman but all things is of God

  • John 11:15 - And I am glad for your sakes to the intent ye may believe that not I was there nevertheless let us go unto him

  • Mark 11:16 - And not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple

  • Luke 11:19 - if And I by Beelzebub cast out devils sons your by whom cast out therefore judges your shall they be

  • Luke 11:24 - When the unclean spirit I came out out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and none finding he saith I will return unto house my whence I came out

  • Mark 11:24 - Therefore I say unto you things What soever when ye pray ye desire believe that ye receive them and shall have unto you

  • Acts 11:28 - there stood up And one of them named Agabus and signified by the Spirit dearth great that there should be in the days of all the world which came to pass in the days of Claudius Caesar