G1473 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
undefined I, me a primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic)

334 instances of the word ἐγώ egṓ (G1473)

  • John 13:7 - answered Jesus and said unto him What I do thou not knowest now thou shalt know but hereafter

  • John 13:14 - If then I have washed your feet your Lord also Master also ye ought one another's have washed feet

  • John 13:15 - an example For I have given to you that as I have done to you ye have done

  • John 13:18 - not of all you I speak I know whom I have chosen but that the scripture may be fulfilled He that eateth with me bread hath lifted up against me heel

  • John 13:19 - Now I tell you before it come that when it come ye may believe that I am

  • Acts 13:25 - as And fulfilled John his course he said Whom that I think ye am not I am I he But behold there cometh one after me whose not I am worthy shoes of his feet to loose

  • John 13:26 - answered Jesus He it is to whom when I have dipped a sop I shall give it And when he had dipped a sop he gave it to Judas the son of Simon Iscariot

  • Acts 13:33 - God hath fulfilled children their unto us again Jesus as also in psalm the second it is Son my art Thou have I this day begotten thee

  • John 13:33 - Little children yet a little while with you I am Ye shall seek me and as I said unto the Jews Whither go I ye cannot come and to you I say now

  • Acts 13:41 - Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for a work I work in days your a work which believe though a man declare it unto you

  • John 14:3 - And if I go And prepare for you a place again I will come And receive you unto myself that where am I And there ye may be

  • John 14:4 - And whither I go ye know And the way ye know

  • John 14:6 - saith unto him Jesus I am the way and the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father by me

  • John 14:10 - not Believest thou that I in the Father and the Father in me me the words that I I speak unto you of myself not I speak but the Father in me that dwelleth he doeth the works

  • John 14:11 - Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father am in me for works sake Believe me

  • Romans 14:11 - it is written For live As I saith the Lord to me shall bow every knee and every tongue shall confess to God

  • John 14:12 - Verily Verily I say unto you He that believeth on me the works I do also do and these do because I unto Father my go

  • John 14:14 - If any thing ye shall ask in name my I will do

  • John 14:16 - And I will pray the Father And another Comforter he shall give you that he may abide with you for ever

  • John 14:19 - Yet a little while also the world me Yet see ye but see me because I live also ye live

  • Mark 14:19 - And they began to be sorrowful and say unto him said Is it I and another said Is it I

  • John 14:20 - At that day shall know ye that I At Father my and ye At me and I At you

  • John 14:21 - He that hath commandments my and keepeth him he it is he that loveth me and he that loveth me he that loveth of Father my and I he that loveth him and will manifest him myself

  • John 14:27 - Peace I leave unto you Peace my I give unto you not as the world I give I I give unto you not Let your heart neither let it be afraid

  • Matthew 14:27 - straightway But spake unto them Jesus saying Be of good cheer I it is not afraid

  • John 14:28 - Ye have heard because I I said unto you I go away and come again unto you If ye loved me ye would rejoice because I said I go again unto Father because Father I greater than I is

  • Mark 14:29 - But Peter said unto him Although all shall be offended yet will not I

  • Mark 14:36 - And he said Abba Father all things are possible unto thee take away cup from me this but not what I will but what thou

  • Mark 14:58 - We heard him say I will destroy temple this that is made with hands and within three days another made without hands I will build

  • Mark 14:62 - And Jesus said I am and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven

  • John 15:1 - I am vine the true and Father my the husbandman is

  • John 15:5 - I am the vine ye are the branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth fruit much for without me nothing ye can do

  • 1 Corinthians 15:9 - I For am the least an apostle not am meet to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church of God

  • 1 Corinthians 15:10 - by the grace But of God I am what I am and which by the grace his which which was bestowed upon me not in vain was but his than they all I laboured not I But but which by the grace which of God which was with me

  • John 15:10 - If commandments my have kept abide in love my even as I commandments Father's my have kept and abide his in love

  • 1 Corinthians 15:11 - or Therefore it were I or they so we preach and so ye believed

  • John 15:14 - Ye friends my are if ye do whatsoever I command you

  • Romans 15:14 - am persuaded And brethren my also myself I of you that also myself full are of goodness filled with all knowledge able also one another to admonish

  • John 15:16 - not Ye me chosen but I chosen you and ordained you that Ye should go and fruit bring forth and fruit that your should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in name my he may give it you

  • Luke 15:17 - to himself And when he came he said How many hired servants father's of my enough and to spare have bread I And with hunger perish

  • Acts 15:19 - Wherefore my sentence is not that we trouble them which from among them which the Gentiles are turned to them which God

  • John 15:19 - If of the world ye were the world would his own love because but of the world not ye are but I have chosen you of the world therefore hateth you the world

  • John 15:20 - Remember saying that I said unto you not is The servant greater than lord If me persecute also you persecute If saying my they have kept also yours they have kept

  • John 15:26 - when But is come the Comforter which I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of truth which from the Father proceedeth he shall testify of me

  • John 16:4 - But these things have I told unto you that when shall come the time ye may remember of them because I I said unto you these things And unto you at the beginning not I said because with you I was

  • Romans 16:4 - Who for life my their own necks have unto whom not I only give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles

  • John 16:7 - Nevertheless I the truth tell for you It is expedient for you that I I go if for I go the Comforter not come unto you if but I depart I will send him unto you

  • 1 Corinthians 16:10 - if Now come Timotheus see that without fear he may be with you for the work of the Lord he worketh as also I

  • John 16:16 - A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me because I go to the Father

  • John 16:17 - said Then some of disciples his among themselves What is this that he saith unto us A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me and Because I go among the Father

  • Romans 16:22 - salute you I Tertius who wrote this epistle in the Lord

  • John 16:26 - At that day At name my ye shall ask and not I say unto you that I will pray the Father for you

  • John 16:27 - himself For the Father have loved you because ye me have loved and have believed because I from God came out

  • John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you that In me peace ye might have In the world tribulation ye might have but be of good cheer I have overcome the world

  • Acts 17:3 - Opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this is Christ Jesus whom I preach unto you

  • John 17:4 - I thee have glorified on the earth the work I have finished which thou gavest me to do

  • Revelation 17:7 - And said unto me which the angel Wherefore didst thou marvel I thee will tell which the mystery which of the woman And which of the beast which that carrieth her which hath which the seven heads And which ten horns

  • John 17:9 - I for them I pray not for the world I pray but for them which thou hast given me for they are

  • John 17:11 - And no more I am in the world And these in the world are And I to thee come Father Holy keep those in name thine own whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we

  • John 17:12 - While I was with them in the world I kept them in name thy that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled

  • John 17:14 - I have given them word thy and the world hath hated them because not they are of the world even as I not am of the world

  • John 17:16 - of the world not They are even as I of the world not am

  • John 17:19 - And for their I be sanctified myself that And their might be sanctified through the truth

  • John 17:22 - And I the glory which have given me have given them that they may be one even as we one are

  • Acts 17:23 - as I passed by For and beheld devotions your I found and an altar with this Whom inscription TO THE UNKNOWN GOD Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him I declare unto you

  • John 17:23 - I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that may know the world that thou me hast sent and hast loved them as me hast loved

  • John 17:24 - Father which thou hast given me I will that where am I they also be with me that they may behold glory my which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world

  • John 17:25 - Father O righteous and the world thee not hath I but thee hath and these hath that thou me hast sent

  • John 18:5 - They answered him Jesus which of Nazareth saith him which Jesus I am stood he And also Judas which betrayed him with him

  • Acts 18:6 - when they opposed And them and blasphemed he shook his raiment and said unto them blood Your be upon own heads Your am clean I from henceforth unto the Gentiles I will go

  • John 18:6 - As soon then as he had said unto them I am he they went backward and fell to the ground

  • John 18:8 - answered Jesus I have told you that I am he if therefore me ye seek let these go their way

  • Acts 18:10 - For I am with thee and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee For people have I much in city

  • Acts 18:15 - if But a question it be of words and names and law of your look ye judge to it for I of such no will be

  • John 18:20 - answered him Jesus I openly have I said to the world I always taught in the synagogue and in the temple whither always the Jews resort and in secret have I said nothing

  • John 18:21 - Why me ask ask them which heard me Why I have said unto them know they know said what I

  • John 18:26 - saith One of the servants of the high priest his kinsman being whose cut off Peter ear not I thee Did in the garden with him

  • Matthew 18:33 - not Shouldest also on thee had pity fellowservant on thy as also I on thee had pity

  • John 18:35 - answered Pilate I a Jew Am nation Thine own and the chief priests have delivered thee unto me what hast thou done

  • John 18:37 - said therefore unto him Pilate then a king Art Thou answered Jesus Thou sayest that a king am I I To this born and To this cause came I To the world that I should bear witness the truth Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice

  • John 18:38 - saith him Pilate What is truth And this when he had said again he went out unto the Jews And saith him I no fault find in him

  • John 19:6 - When therefore saw him the chief priests and officers they cried out saith Crucify Crucify saith him him Pilate Take him ye and Crucify I him for no find in him fault

  • Luke 19:22 - he saith And unto him Out of mouth thine own will I judge thee thou wicked servant Thou knewest that I man an austere was taking up that not I laid and reaping that not I did

  • Luke 19:23 - that Wherefore not gavest money my into the bank that I at my coming with usury might have required mine own

  • Luke 20:8 - And Jesus said unto them Neither I tell you by what authority these things I do

  • Matthew 20:15 - Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own eye thine evil Is because I good am

  • Acts 20:22 - And now behold I bound in the spirit go unto Jerusalem there the things that shall befall me not knowing

  • Matthew 20:22 - answered But Jesus and said not Ye know what ye ask Are ye able drink of of the cup that I shall drink of and with the baptism that I am baptized with am baptized with They say unto him Are ye able

  • Matthew 20:23 - And he saith unto them indeed cup my Ye shall drink And with the baptism it shall be given to them for whom I am baptized with am baptized with but to sit on right hand my And on left my not is mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of Father my

  • Acts 20:25 - And now behold I know that no more shall see face my ye all among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God

  • Acts 20:26 - Wherefore I take you this day that am pure I from the blood of all

  • Acts 20:29 - I For know this that enter in after departing my wolves shall grievous among you not sparing the flock

  • Revelation 21:2 - And I John saw city the holy Jerusalem new coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned husband

  • Revelation 21:6 - And he said unto me It is done I am Alpha And Omega the beginning And the end I unto him that is athirst will give of the fountain of the water of life freely

  • Luke 21:8 - And he said Take heed not deceived many for shall come in name my saying I am Christ and the time draweth near not therefore go ye after them

  • Acts 21:13 - answered Then Paul What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart I for not only to be bound also and to die at Jerusalem ready am for the name of the Lord Jesus

  • Luke 21:15 - I For will give you a mouth and wisdom which not be able to gainsay nor resist all adversaries you

  • Matthew 21:27 - And they answered Jesus and said We cannot tell he said unto them And unto them Neither I tell you by what authority these things I do

  • Matthew 21:30 - And he came to the second and said likewise And he answered and said I go sir And not went

  • Acts 21:39 - said But Paul I a man am which am a Jew of Tarsus a city in Cilicia of no mean city a citizen I beseech But thee suffer me to speak unto the people