G1520 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
one a(-n, -ny, certain), + abundantly, man, one (another), only, other, some a primary numeral;

294 instances of the word εἷς heîs (G1520)

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  • 2 Thessalonians 1:3 - to thank We are bound God always for of you brethren as meet it is because groweth exceedingly faith of you and aboundeth the charity one of every all of you toward each other

  • John 1:3 - All things by him made and without him made not any thing made

  • Titus 1:6 - be blameless wife the husband children having faithful not accused of riot or unruly

  • Acts 1:22 - Beginning from the baptism of John unto that same day that he was taken up from us to be a witness resurrection of his be ordained with us one

  • Acts 1:24 - And they prayed and said Thou Lord which knowest the hearts of all men shew of these two whether thou hast chosen

  • Philippians 1:27 - Only as it becometh of the gospel of Christ let your conversation be that or I come and see you or else be absent I may hear affairs of your that ye stand fast in one spirit one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel

  • John 1:40 - was Andrew which brother Simon Peter's One of which the two which heard John speak and followed him

  • Philippians 2:2 - Fulfil ye my joy that the same mind the same love having being of one accord of one mind

  • Acts 2:3 - And there appeared of them cloven tongues like as of fire it sat and upon each of them

  • 1 Timothy 2:5 - one For God one and mediator God and men men Christ Jesus

  • Acts 2:6 - was Now noised abroad came together the multitude and were confounded because heard man that every in his own language speak them

  • Mark 2:7 - Why this man thus doth blasphemies Why can forgive sins only God

  • James 2:10 - whosoever For the whole law shall keep offend and yet in one point he is of all guilty

  • Hebrews 2:11 - both For he that sanctifieth and he that sanctifieth of one are all for which cause not ashamed brethren them to call

  • 1 Thessalonians 2:11 - As ye know as one every as a father children doth his we exhorted of you and comforted and and charged

  • Ephesians 2:14 - For he is who peace our who hath made who both one and who the middle wall who of partition hath broken down

  • Ephesians 2:15 - the enmity contained in flesh even the law of commandments contained in ordinances Having abolished for to of twain make contained in himself one new man so making peace

  • Ephesians 2:16 - And that he might reconcile both in one body unto God by the cross having slain the enmity in

  • Ephesians 2:18 - For through have access both by one Spirit unto the Father

  • James 2:19 - Thou believe that God one there is well thou doest also the devils believe also tremble

  • 1 Timothy 3:2 - must then A bishop blameless be wife the husband vigilant sober of good behaviour given to hospitality apt to teach

  • 1 Corinthians 3:8 - he that planteth Now and he that watereth one are every man Now his own reward shall receive according his own labour

  • 2 Peter 3:8 - of this one But thing not be beloved that of this one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as day of this one

  • Romans 3:10 - As it is written none There is righteous no not one

  • Titus 3:10 - that is an heretick A man after and second admonition reject

  • 1 Timothy 3:12 - the deacons Let wife the husbands their children well ruling and their own houses

  • Romans 3:12 - all They are together become unprofitable no not one that doeth good no not one

  • Philippians 3:13 - Brethren I myself not count to have apprehended this one thing and those things which are behind I do forgetting and those things which are before reaching forth unto

  • Colossians 3:15 - And the peace of God let in hearts your to the which And ye are called in one body And thankful be ye

  • Galatians 3:16 - Now to Abraham made the promises And seed his not He saith And seed as of many but as of one And seed to thy which is Christ

  • Galatians 3:20 - Now a mediator a mediator of one not is Now God a mediator of one is

  • Galatians 3:28 - neither There is Jew nor Greek neither There is bond nor free neither There is male nor female all for ye one are in Christ Jesus

  • Romans 3:30 - Seeing it is one God which shall justify the circumcision by faith and uncircumcision through faith

  • Ephesians 4:4 - There is one body and There is one Spirit even as and ye are called in There is one hope calling of your

  • Ephesians 4:5 - One Lord One faith One baptism

  • Colossians 4:6 - speech Let your be alway with grace with salt seasoned that ye may know how ought ye man every to answer

  • Ephesians 4:6 - One God and Father all who is above all and through all and in all you

  • 1 Corinthians 4:6 - these things And brethren I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes that in us ye might learn not for which is written to think that not one for one of you be puffed up against another

  • Ephesians 4:7 - one But unto every of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ

  • Revelation 4:8 - And the four beasts of them had each wings six about And within they were full of eyes And they rest not had day And night saying Holy Holy Holy Lord which God which Almighty which was And which And which is to come

  • James 4:12 - one There is who lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy thou who art that judgest who another

  • James 4:13 - now ye that say To day and to morrow we will go into such a city and continue there year a and buy and sell and get gain

  • Ephesians 4:16 - From whom that which every body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure part of every increase body maketh unto the edifying of itself in love

  • Galatians 4:22 - it is written For that Abraham two sons had the one by a bondmaid the one by a freewoman

  • Galatians 4:24 - Which things are an allegory these for are the two covenants from the mount Sinai to bondage which gendereth Which things are Agar

  • Acts 4:32 - And the multitude of them that believed they had of one heart and soul any and any of them that ought of the things which he possessed said his own was but they had all things common

  • Luke 4:40 - was setting Now when the sun all they that had any sick diseases with divers brought him unto him Now one every him his hands he laid and healed him

  • Luke 5:3 - he entered And into one of the ships which was Simon's and prayed him from the land that he would thrust out a little And he sat down and taught out of of the ships the people

  • Revelation 5:5 - And one of the elders saith unto me not Weep behold hath prevailed the Lion of of the tribe the Root of David to open the book And to loose the seven seals thereof

  • 1 John 5:7 - For three are that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three one are

  • 1 John 5:8 - And these three agree that bear witness in earth the Spirit And the water And the blood And these three in one agree

  • 1 Timothy 5:9 - a widow Let not under years old threescore having been of one man the wife

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify another another even and ye do

  • Luke 5:12 - And it came to pass in was him in city And behold a man full of leprosy And seeing Jesus fell on his face and besought him saying Lord if thou wilt thou canst me clean

  • Romans 5:12 - Wherefore as Wherefore one man sin into the world entered and Wherefore sin death and so into all man death passed for that all have sinned

  • Galatians 5:14 - For all the law even in one word is fulfilled even in this Thou shalt love neighbour thy as thyself

  • 2 Corinthians 5:14 - For the love of Christ constraineth us judge because we thus that if one for all dead then all dead

  • Romans 5:15 - But not as which is the offence so also which is is the free gift if For which is which is by one the offence which is many be dead many more which is grace which is of God also which is the gift by grace which is which is by one man Jesus Christ unto which is many hath abounded

  • Romans 5:16 - And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment is of one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offences to justification

  • Luke 5:17 - And it came to pass on day And he there were teaching And there were sitting by Pharisees And doctors of the law which there were come out of every town of Galilee And Judaea And Jerusalem And the power of the Lord there were present to heal he

  • Romans 5:17 - if For by one man's offence death reigned by by one man's much more abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness they which receive in life reigned by by one man's Jesus Christ

  • Matthew 5:18 - verily For I say unto you Till pass heaven and earth jot one or one tittle pass from the law Till all be fulfilled

  • Romans 5:18 - Therefore as by of one the offence judgment came upon all men judgment came upon condemnation so even by of one the righteousness judgment came upon all men judgment came upon justification of life

  • Matthew 5:19 - Whosoever therefore shall break commandments of these least and shall teach so men least he shall be called in the kingdom of heaven Whosoever but shall do and shall teach them the same great he shall be called in the kingdom of heaven

  • Romans 5:19 - as For by disobedience of one man's sinners be made many so by the obedience of one righteous be made many

  • Mark 5:22 - And behold there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue by name Jairus And when he saw him he fell at feet him

  • Matthew 5:29 - if And eye of thy right offend thee out it and cast it from of thy it is profitable for for thee that should perish one members of thy and not whole body of thy cast into hell

  • Matthew 5:30 - And if right of thy hand offend thee cut it And cast it from of thy it is profitable for for thee that should perish one members of thy And not whole body of thy cast into hell

  • Ephesians 5:31 - For this cause leave a man father and mother and shall be joined unto wife and shall be they two one flesh

  • Ephesians 5:33 - Nevertheless of you in particular every one himself the wife so let even as himself and the wife see that she reverence her husband

  • Matthew 5:36 - Neither by head thy shalt thou swear because not thou canst hair white or black make

  • Matthew 5:41 - And whosoever thee shall compel mile a go with him twain

  • Revelation 6:1 - And I saw when opened the Lamb one of the seals And I heard one of the four beasts saying as it were the noise of thunder Come And see

  • 1 Corinthians 6:5 - shame to your I speak Is it so is not that there among to your a wise man no not one that shall be able to judge between brethren

  • John 6:8 - saith his One of disciples his Andrew brother Simon Peter's

  • John 6:9 - There is lad a here which hath five loaves barley and two small fishes but they what There is among so many

  • Mark 6:15 - Others said That Elias it is Others And said That a prophet it is or as one of a prophet

  • 1 Corinthians 6:16 - What not know ye that he which is joined to an harlot one body is shall be for saith he two one flesh one

  • 1 Corinthians 6:17 - But he that is joined unto the Lord one spirit is

  • John 6:22 - which The day following which when the people which stood on the other side which of the sea saw that boat other none there was there that one whereinto into were entered which disciples his and that none went which disciples his which Jesus into which boat but alone which disciples his were gone away

  • Matthew 6:24 - No man can two masters serve either for the one he will hate and the other love either the one he will hold and the other despise Ye cannot can God serve and mammon

  • Matthew 6:27 - Which of you by taking thought can add unto stature cubit one

  • Matthew 6:29 - I say And yet unto you That even Solomon in all glory arrayed like one of these

  • John 6:70 - answered them Jesus not I you twelve Have and of you one a devil is

  • John 6:71 - He spake of Judas the son of Simon Iscariot he for it was that should him betray one being of the twelve

  • Revelation 7:13 - And answered one of which the elders saying unto me these which are arrayed in which robes which white What are And whence came they

  • John 7:21 - answered Jesus and said unto them one work I have done and all marvel

  • Luke 7:41 - which had two debtors There was creditor a certain the one owed pence five hundred and the other fifty

  • John 7:50 - saith Nicodemus by them (he that came night by them one being of them

  • 1 Corinthians 8:4 - As concerning the eating therefore of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols we know that is nothing an idol in the world and that is nothing God other one

  • 1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him

  • John 8:9 - And they which heard and by their own conscience being convicted went out beginning at the eldest even unto the last and was left alone Jesus and the woman in the midst standing

  • Revelation 8:13 - And I beheld And heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven saying voice with a loud Woe Woe Woe which to the inhabiters of which the earth by reason of which the other voice which of the trumpet which of the three angel which are yet to sound

  • Mark 8:14 - Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread Now one bread had with them they in the ship

  • Matthew 8:19 - And came a certain scribe and said unto him Master I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest

  • Luke 8:22 - And it came to pass on day And his he went into a ship And disciples his And he said unto his Let us go over into the other side of the lake And they launched forth

  • Mark 8:28 - And they answered John the Baptist and others say Elias others And One of the prophets

  • John 8:41 - Ye do the deeds Father of your said they Then to him We of fornication not be one Father we have even God

  • Mark 9:5 - And answered Peter and said to Jesus Master good it is for us here to be And let us make tabernacles three for thee And for Moses And for Elias

  • Luke 9:8 - of some And that Elias had appeared of others And that prophets one of the old was risen again

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