G1537 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
literal or figurative; direct or remote) after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(- th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in, …ly, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out) a primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause;

759 instances of the word ἐκ ek (G1537)

  • Revelation 12:16 - And helped the earth the woman And opened the earth mouth And swallowed up the flood which cast the dragon out of mouth

  • Acts 12:17 - he beckoning And him with the hand to hold their peace declared him how the Lord him had brought out of the prison he said And Go shew unto James And to the brethren these things And he departed and went into another place

  • John 12:17 - bare record therefore The people that was with him when Lazarus he called from his grave and raised him from the dead

  • Romans 12:18 - If it be possible as much as lieth in you with all men live peaceably

  • John 12:20 - there were And certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast

  • Acts 12:25 - Barnabas And and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had fulfilled their ministry took with them and John whose surname was Mark

  • Luke 12:25 - which And of you with taking thought can add to stature cubit one

  • Mark 12:25 - when For from the dead they shall rise nor marry nor are given in marriage but are as the angels which are in which heaven

  • 1 Corinthians 12:27 - ye Now are the body of Christ and members in particular

  • John 12:27 - Now soul my is and what shall I say Father save me from hour but cause for this came I unto hour

  • John 12:28 - Father glorified thy name came there Then a voice from heaven both glorified both it again glorified

  • Mark 12:30 - And thou shalt love the Lord God thy with all heart thy And with all soul thy And with all mind thy And with all strength thy this is the first commandment

  • John 12:32 - And I if I be lifted up from the earth all will draw men unto me

  • Mark 12:33 - And to love him with all the heart And with all the understanding And with all the soul And with all the strength And to love his neighbour as himself more is than all whole burnt offerings And sacrifices

  • Matthew 12:33 - Either make the tree good and fruit his good Either make the tree corrupt and fruit his corrupt by for fruit the tree is known

  • John 12:34 - answered him The people We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever and how thou sayest that must be lifted up Son of man who is this Son of man

  • Matthew 12:34 - O generation of vipers how can ye good things speak evil being out of for the abundance of the heart the mouth speak

  • Matthew 12:35 - A good man out of A good treasure of the heart bringeth forth A good and an evil man out of an evil treasure bringeth forth an evil

  • Luke 12:36 - And ye yourselves like unto men that wait lord for their when he will return from the wedding that when he cometh And knocketh immediately they may open unto him

  • Mark 12:36 - himself For David said by Ghost the Holy said Lord Lord my Sit thou on right hand my till I make enemies thine footstool thine

  • Matthew 12:37 - by For words thy thou shalt be justified and by words thy thou shalt be condemned

  • John 12:42 - Nevertheless also among the chief rulers many believed on him but because of the Pharisees not confess put out of the synagogue they should be

  • Matthew 12:42 - The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with generation and shall condemn it for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here

  • Mark 12:44 - all For of abundance their did cast in their but of want their all that she had did cast in even all living their

  • John 12:49 - For I of myself not I should speak but which sent me the Father me a commandment he gave what I should say and what I should speak

  • John 13:1 - before Now which the feast which of the passover knew which when Jesus that was come his which hour that he should depart out of which the world this unto which the Father having loved which his own which were in which the world unto the end having loved his

  • Mark 13:1 - And as he went of his out of the temple saith of his one disciples of his Master what of stones And what buildings

  • Revelation 13:1 - And I stood upon the sand of the sea And saw out of of the sea a beast rise up having heads seven And horns ten And upon horns his ten crowns And upon heads his the name of blasphemy

  • Romans 13:3 - For rulers not are a terror that which is good works but to the evil Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power that which is good do and thou shalt have praise of the same

  • 2 Corinthians 13:4 - also For though he was crucified by weakness but he liveth by the power of God also For we are weak in him but he liveth with him by the power of God toward you

  • John 13:4 - He riseth from supper and laid aside garments and took a towel and girded himself

  • 1 Corinthians 13:9 - in part For we know and in part we prophesy

  • Hebrews 13:10 - We have an altar whereof to eat no We have right the tabernacle which serve

  • 1 Corinthians 13:10 - when But is come that which is perfect then that which is in part shall be done away

  • Revelation 13:11 - And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth And he had horns two like a lamb And he spake as a dragon

  • Romans 13:11 - And that knowing the time that it is high time to awake now out of sleep now for nearer is our salvation than when we believed

  • 1 Corinthians 13:12 - we see For now through a glass darkly then but face to face now I know in part then but I am known even as also I am known

  • Revelation 13:13 - And he doeth wonders great that And fire he doeth come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men

  • Mark 13:15 - And that is on the housetop not go down into house neither enter therein to take any thing out of house

  • Acts 13:17 - The God people of this of Israel chose fathers our and people exalted in they dwelt as strangers in the land of Egypt and with arm an high brought he it out of it

  • Hebrews 13:20 - Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead shepherd of the sheep that great through the blood covenant of the everlasting Lord our Jesus

  • Acts 13:21 - And afterward they desired a king and gave unto them God Saul the son of Cis a man of the tribe of Benjamin years by the space of forty

  • John 13:21 - thus had When Jesus he was troubled in spirit and testified and had Verily Verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me

  • Mark 13:27 - And then shall he send angels And shall gather together elect from the four winds from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven

  • Acts 13:30 - But God raised him from the dead

  • Acts 13:34 - as concerning that And he raised him from the dead now no more to return to corruption on this wise he said as concerning that I will give you mercies of David the sure

  • Matthew 13:41 - shall send forth The Son of man angels and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity

  • Acts 13:42 - were gone And out of the synagogue when the Jews besought the Gentiles the next sabbath might be preached words that these

  • Matthew 13:47 - Again like is the kingdom of heaven unto a net that was cast into the sea and of every kind gathered

  • Matthew 13:49 - So shall it be at the end of the world shall come forth the angels and sever the wicked from among the just

  • Matthew 13:52 - Then said he unto them Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven like is unto a man that is an householder which bringeth forth out of treasure he unto them things new and old

  • Revelation 14:2 - And I heard a voice from heaven as a voice waters of many And as a voice thunder of a great And a voice I heard of harpers harping with harps

  • Acts 14:8 - And a certain man at Lystra impotent in his feet there sat a cripple from womb mother's being who never had walked

  • Revelation 14:8 - And another angel there followed saying is fallen is fallen Babylon city that great because of the wine of the wrath fornication drink all nations

  • Revelation 14:10 - and The same shall drink of which the wine which of the wrath which of God which is poured out without mixture into which the cup which indignation The same and he shall be tormented into fire and brimstone in the presence which of the holy angels and in the presence which of the Lamb

  • Revelation 14:13 - And I heard a voice from which heaven saith unto me Write Blessed which are the dead which in the Lord die from henceforth Yea saith which the Spirit that they may rest from which labours their which and works their do follow their

  • Revelation 14:15 - And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud Thrust in sickle thy And reap for is come for thee the time reap for is ripe the harvest of the earth

  • Revelation 14:17 - And another angel came out of which the temple which is in which heaven having And he sickle a sharp

  • Mark 14:18 - And sat as they And did eat said which Jesus Verily I say unto you One of you shall betray me which did eat with me

  • Revelation 14:18 - And another angel came out from the altar to him that had power over fire And cried cry with a loud to him that had sickle sharp saying Thrust in thy sickle sharp And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for are fully ripe grapes her

  • Mark 14:20 - And he answered and said unto them It is one of the twelve that dippeth with me in the dish

  • Revelation 14:20 - And was trodden the winepress without the city And came blood out of the winepress even unto bridles the horse by the space of furlongs a thousand and six hundred

  • Mark 14:23 - And he took the cup and when he had given thanks he gave it And drank of it they all

  • Romans 14:23 - And he that doubteth if he eat is damned because he eateth not of faith whatsoever And he eateth not of faith sin is

  • Mark 14:25 - Verily I say unto you no more I drink of the fruit of the vine until day that that it I drink new in the kingdom of God

  • Luke 14:28 - which For of you intending a tower to build not first down and counteth the cost whether he have sufficient to finish

  • Mark 14:31 - But vehemently he spake the more If I should die with thee thee deny Likewise But all he spake

  • Luke 14:33 - So likewise all he be of you that he cannot forsaketh all that he hath he cannot my be disciple

  • Mark 14:62 - And Jesus said I am and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven

  • Mark 14:69 - And a maid saw him again and began to say to them that stood by This one of him is

  • Mark 14:70 - And again he denied it And after a little again they that stood by said to Peter Surely one of them thou art And a Galilaean thou art And speech thy agreeth

  • Mark 14:72 - And the second time the cock crew And called to mind Peter the word that said unto him Jesus Before the cock crew twice thou shalt deny me thrice And when he thought thereon he wept

  • Acts 15:2 - had When therefore dissension and disputation no small Paul and Barnabas unto them they determined should go up Paul and Barnabas and certain other of them unto the apostles and elders to Jerusalem about question this

  • Revelation 15:2 - And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire And them that had gotten the victory and over the beast And and over image his And and over mark his and over the number name his stand on a sea of glass having the harps of God

  • Luke 15:4 - What man of you having an hundred sheep and he lose one of it not doth the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after he lose until he find it

  • Matthew 15:5 - ye But say Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother It is a gift Whosoever by by me thou mightest be profited

  • 1 Corinthians 15:6 - After that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present some but are fallen asleep

  • Revelation 15:6 - And came the seven angels having the seven plagues out of the temple clothed linen in pure And white And girded with having their breasts girdles golden

  • Revelation 15:7 - And one of who the four beasts gave who seven angels seven vials golden full who of the wrath who of God who liveth for who and ever who and ever

  • Revelation 15:8 - And was filled the temple with smoke from the glory of God And from power his And no man was able to enter into the temple till were fulfilled of the seven plagues of the seven angels

  • Matthew 15:11 - Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which cometh out of the mouth this defileth a man

  • 1 Corinthians 15:12 - if Now Christ be preached that from of the dead he rose how say some among you that resurrection of the dead no there is

  • Acts 15:14 - Simeon hath declared how at the first God did visit to take out of the Gentiles them a people for name

  • Matthew 15:18 - those things which But proceed from those things which the mouth from those things which the heart come forth and they defile those things which the man

  • John 15:19 - If of the world ye were the world would his own love because but of the world not ye are but I have chosen you of the world therefore hateth you the world

  • Matthew 15:19 - out of For the heart proceed thoughts evil murders adulteries fornications thefts false witness blasphemies

  • 1 Corinthians 15:20 - now But Christ is from the dead the firstfruits of them that slept and become

  • Acts 15:21 - Moses For of time old every city them that preach him hath in the synagogues every sabbath day being read

  • Acts 15:22 - Then pleased it the apostles and elders with the whole church chosen men of their own company to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas namely Judas surnamed Barsabas and Silas men chief among the brethren

  • Acts 15:23 - And they wrote letters by them after this manner which The apostles and which elders and which brethren which in which Antioch and Syria and Cilicia brethren which are of the Gentiles send greeting

  • Acts 15:24 - Forasmuch as we have heard that certain from us which went out have troubled you with words subverting souls your saying Ye must be circumcised and keep the law to whom no such commandment

  • Mark 15:27 - And with him they crucify two thieves the one on his right hand And the one on left him

  • Acts 15:29 - That ye abstain from meats offered to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication from which if ye keep yourselves well ye shall do Fare ye well

  • Mark 15:39 - saw And which when the centurion which stood over against him that he so cried out and gave up the ghost he said Truly which man this the Son was of God

  • Mark 15:46 - And he bought fine linen And took him down him and wrapped fine linen And laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock And rolled a stone unto the door a sepulchre

  • 1 Corinthians 15:47 - The first man from the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven

  • Matthew 16:1 - also came The Pharisees also with the Sadducees tempting desired him a sign from heaven that he would shew him

  • Revelation 16:1 - And I heard voice a great out of the temple saying to the seven angels Go your ways And pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth

  • Mark 16:3 - And they said among themselves Who away us the stone from the door of the sepulchre

  • John 16:4 - But these things have I told unto you that when shall come the time ye may remember of them because I I said unto you these things And unto you at the beginning not I said because with you I was