G1722 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
"in," at, (up-)on, by, etc. about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (… sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in) a primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between G1519 (εἰς) and G1537 (ἐκ));

2131 instances of the word ἐν en (G1722)

  • Luke 22:26 - ye But shall not be so but he that is greatest among you let him be as the younger and he that is chief as he that doth serve

  • Luke 22:27 - whether For is greater he that sitteth at meat or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat I but am among you as he that serveth

  • Luke 22:28 - Ye are they which have continued with me in temptations my

  • Matthew 22:28 - in Therefore the resurrection whose of the seven shall she be wife they all for had her

  • Luke 22:30 - That ye may eat and drink at table my in kingdom my and sit at thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel

  • Matthew 22:30 - in For the resurrection nor marry nor are given in marriage but as the angels of God in heaven are

  • Matthew 22:36 - Master which commandment is the great in the law

  • Luke 22:37 - I say For unto you that yet this that is written must be accomplished in me And among the transgressors he was reckoned And For the things concerning me an end have

  • Matthew 22:37 - Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord God thy with all heart thy and with all soul thy and with all mind thy

  • Matthew 22:40 - On two commandments all the law and the prophets hang

  • Matthew 22:43 - He saith him How then doth David in spirit Lord him call He saith

  • Luke 22:44 - And being in an agony more earnestly he prayed being and sweat his as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground

  • Luke 22:49 - saw When they which were about him what would follow they said him Lord shall we smite with the sword

  • Luke 22:53 - daily When I with you in the temple no ye stretched forth hands against me but this you is hour and the power of darkness

  • Luke 22:55 - when they had kindled And a fire in among of the hall and were set down together them sat down Peter in among them

  • Luke 23:4 - Then Pilate said to the chief priests and to the people no I find fault in man this

  • Acts 23:6 - perceived But when Paul that the one part were Sadducees But the other Pharisees he cried out in the council Men and brethren I Pharisees am the son Pharisees of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question

  • Matthew 23:6 - love And the uppermost rooms at feasts and the chief seats at the synagogues

  • Luke 23:7 - And as soon as he knew that unto jurisdiction Herod he belonged he sent him to Herod was And him at Jerusalem at time

  • Matthew 23:7 - And greetings in the markets And to be called of men Rabbi Rabbi

  • Acts 23:9 - there arose And cry a great and arose the scribes part that were of the Pharisees and strove saying no evil We find in man this if And a spirit hath spoken to him or an angel not fight

  • Luke 23:9 - he questioned Then him in words many him Then nothing he answered him

  • Matthew 23:9 - And Father no call man your upon which the earth one for is which Father man your which is in which heaven

  • Luke 23:12 - were made And friends Pilate and Herod at day together before for at enmity they were between themselves

  • Luke 23:14 - Said unto him Ye have brought unto me man this as one that perverteth the people and behold I him before you having examined no have found in man this fault ye accuse touching those things whereof him

  • Matthew 23:16 - Woe unto you guides ye blind which say Whosoever shall swear by which of the temple nothing it is Whosoever but shall swear by which the gold which of the temple he is a debtor

  • Matthew 23:18 - And Whosoever shall swear by the altar nothing it is Whosoever but whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it he is guilty

  • Luke 23:19 - (Who for sedition a certain made in the city and for murder was cast into prison

  • Matthew 23:20 - Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar shall swear by it and by all things it

  • Matthew 23:21 - And sweareth by the temple sweareth by it And by him that dwelleth it

  • Luke 23:22 - And the third time he said unto him what Why evil done he no cause of death I have found in him I will therefore him and let him go

  • Matthew 23:22 - And he that shall swear by heaven he that shall swear by the throne of God And by him that sitteth thereon

  • Luke 23:29 - For behold are coming the days in that they shall say Blessed are the barren and the wombs that never bare and the paps that never gave suck

  • Matthew 23:30 - And say If in the days fathers of our not we would partakers with them in the blood of the prophets

  • Luke 23:31 - For if in a green tree these things they do in the dry what shall be done

  • Matthew 23:34 - Wherefore behold I send unto you prophets and wise men and scribes and some of them ye shall kill and crucify and some of them shall ye scourge in synagogues your and persecute them from city to city

  • Acts 23:35 - I will hear thee said he when also accusers thee are he commanded And him in judgment hall Herod's to be kept

  • Luke 23:40 - answering But the other rebuked him saying not Dost thou God seeing in him condemnation thou art

  • Luke 23:42 - And he said unto Jesus remember me Lord when thou comest into kingdom thy

  • Luke 23:43 - And said unto him Jesus Verily I say unto thee To day with me shalt thou be in paradise

  • Luke 23:53 - And down it and wrapped it in linen And laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone wherein never was man before laid

  • Luke 24:4 - And it came to pass as they were much perplexed them thereabout And two men stood by them as garments shining

  • Luke 24:6 - not He is here but is risen remember how he spake unto you yet when he was in Galilee

  • Acts 24:11 - mayest Because that thou understand that there are I days yet but twelve since went up for to worship to Jerusalem

  • Acts 24:12 - And neither in the temple found me with any man disputing neither raising up the people neither in the synagogues neither in the city

  • Luke 24:13 - And behold two of same went that same day to a village which was furlongs about threescore from Jerusalem called Emmaus

  • Matthew 24:14 - And shall be preached this gospel of the kingdom in all the world for a witness unto all nations And then come shall the end

  • Luke 24:15 - And it came to pass that while communed them And reasoned And them Jesus drew near and went with them

  • Matthew 24:15 - When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in place the holy (whoso readeth let him understand

  • Acts 24:16 - herein And myself do I exercise void of offence a conscience to have toward God and toward men always

  • Matthew 24:16 - Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains

  • Acts 24:18 - Whereupon found me purified Whereupon the temple neither with multitude nor with tumult certain from Asia Jews

  • Luke 24:18 - answering And the one of them whose name was Cleopas said unto him Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem and not hast the things which are come to pass in him in days

  • Matthew 24:18 - let him which is in the field Neither return back to take clothes

  • Luke 24:19 - And he said unto him What things And he said unto him Concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed And word before God And all the people

  • Matthew 24:19 - woe And in child unto them that are and to them that give suck in those days

  • Acts 24:20 - Or else these same here say they have found in me evil doing stood while I before the council

  • Matthew 24:20 - pray ye But be flight your in the winter neither on the sabbath day

  • Acts 24:21 - Except it be for voice that I cried standing among them Touching it be for the resurrection of the dead I am called in question this day by you

  • Matthew 24:26 - if Wherefore they shall say unto you Behold he is in the desert he is it not forth Behold he is in the secret chambers it not believe

  • Luke 24:27 - And beginning at Moses And at all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself

  • Luke 24:30 - And it came to pass as sat at meat he with he he took bread and blessed And brake and gave he

  • Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven And then mourn all the tribes of the earth And they shall see of the Son of man coming in the clouds heaven with power And glory great

  • Luke 24:32 - And they said one to another not heart our burn Did by to us while he talked to us by the way And while he opened to us the scriptures

  • Luke 24:35 - And of them they told in the way And how he was known of them in breaking of bread

  • Luke 24:36 - thus And as they spake as they Jesus stood in the midst as they and saith as they Peace be unto you

  • Luke 24:38 - And he said unto them Why troubled are ye And why do thoughts arise in hearts your

  • Matthew 24:38 - as For that were in the day before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until that the day entered Noe into the ark

  • Matthew 24:40 - Then two be in the field the one shall be taken and the one left

  • Matthew 24:41 - Two women shall be grinding at the mill shall be taken and left

  • Luke 24:44 - he said And unto them These which are the words which I spake unto you I was yet while with you that must be fulfilled all things which were written in which the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms concerning me

  • Matthew 24:45 - Who is a faithful servant and wise whom hath made ruler lord his over household his to give his meat in due season

  • Matthew 24:48 - if But and shall say evil servant that in heart delayeth lord My his coming

  • Luke 24:49 - And behold I send the promise Father of my upon you ye but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high

  • Matthew 24:50 - shall come The lord servant of that in a day that not he looketh for him and in an hour that not aware of

  • Luke 24:51 - And it came to pass while blessed he he he was parted from he And carried up into heaven

  • Luke 24:53 - And were continually in the temple praising And blessing God Amen

  • Luke 24:53 - And were continually in the temple praising And blessing God Amen

  • Acts 25:4 - But Festus answered should be kept that Paul at Caesarea that he himself and would at shortly depart

  • Matthew 25:4 - But the wise took oil in vessels with lamps

  • Acts 25:5 - Let them therefore are able he which among you said go down with there be he which among man him me and accuse this

  • Acts 25:6 - when he had tarried And among them days more than ten he went down unto Caesarea and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought

  • Matthew 25:13 - Watch therefore for neither ye know the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh

  • Matthew 25:16 - went Then five talents he that had received and traded with the same and made them other five talents

  • Matthew 25:18 - But one he that had received went and digged in the earth and hid money lord's

  • Acts 25:24 - And said which Festus Agrippa King And all which are here present with us men ye see this man about whom all which the multitude which of the Jews have dealt with me at both Jerusalem And also here crying not that he ought to live any longer

  • Matthew 25:25 - And I was afraid and went and hid talent thy in the earth lo there thou hast that is thine

  • Matthew 25:31 - When shall come the Son of man in glory him and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne glory him

  • Matthew 25:36 - Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visited me in prison I was and ye came unto me

  • Matthew 25:39 - Or when thee saw we sick or in prison and came unto thee

  • Matthew 25:43 - a stranger I was and not in me naked and not ye clothed me sick and in prison and not ye visited me

  • Matthew 25:44 - Then answer him also him saying Lord when thee saw we an hungred or athirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison also not did unto thee

  • Acts 26:4 - which manner of life My which from my youth which at the first was among which own nation My among Jerusalem know all which the Jews

  • Matthew 26:5 - they said But Not among the feast Not an uproar there be among the people

  • Matthew 26:6 - Now when Jesus was in Bethany in the house of Simon the leper

  • Acts 26:7 - Unto which twelve tribes promise our instantly night and God day serving hope to come For which hope's sake I am accused king Agrippa of the Jews

  • Acts 26:10 - Which thing also did in Jerusalem also many of the saints I in prison did from the chief priests authority having received were put to death and when they I gave my voice

  • Acts 26:12 - Whereupon and as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests

  • Matthew 26:13 - Verily I say unto you Wheresoever shall be preached gospel this in the whole world be told there shall also hath done of her for a memorial of her

  • Acts 26:18 - To open eyes that they and to turn them from darkness that is in light and from the power of Satan unto God may receive that they forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me