G1831 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to issue (literally or figuratively) come (forth, out), depart (out of), escape, get out, go (abroad, away, forth, out, thence), proceed (forth), spread abroad from G1537 (ἐκ) and G2064 (ἔρχομαι);

217 instances of the word ἐξέρχομαι exérchomai (G1831)

  • John 10:39 - they sought Therefore again him to take but he escaped out of hand him

  • Matthew 11:7 - as And they departed began Jesus to say unto the multitudes concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • Hebrews 11:8 - By faith when he was called Abraham obeyed he went out for a place which he should after receive for an inheritance and he went out not knowing whither he went

  • Matthew 11:8 - But what went ye out for to see A man in soft raiment clothed behold soft they that wear in houses kings clothing are

  • Matthew 11:9 - But what went ye out for to see A prophet yea I say unto you and A prophet

  • Mark 11:11 - And entered into Jerusalem Jesus And into the temple And when he had looked round about upon all things the eventide and now was come he went out into Bethany with the twelve

  • Mark 11:12 - And on the morrow were come when they from Bethany he was hungry

  • Luke 11:14 - And he was casting out a devil And it he was dumb it came to pass And a devil was gone out spake dumb And wondered the people

  • Hebrews 11:15 - And if truly of that they had been mindful country from whence they came out have had they might opportunity to have returned

  • Luke 11:24 - When the unclean spirit I came out out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and none finding he saith I will return unto house my whence I came out

  • Acts 11:25 - departed Then to Tarsus Barnabas for to seek Saul

  • John 11:31 - which then The Jews which were with her in which the house and comforted her when they saw which Mary that hastily she rose up and went out followed her saying that She goeth unto which the grave to weep there

  • John 11:44 - And came forth he that was dead bound foot And hand with graveclothes And face him with a napkin was bound about saith him Jesus Loose him And let him go

  • Acts 12:9 - And he went out and followed him And not wist that true it was which was done by which the angel thought but a vision he saw

  • Acts 12:10 - they were past When the first ward and the second they came unto gate the iron that leadeth unto the city which of his own accord opened him and they went out and passed on through street and forthwith departed the angel from him

  • John 12:13 - Took branches of palm trees and went forth to meet him and cried Hosanna Blessed that cometh in the name of the Lord is the King of Israel

  • Matthew 12:14 - Then the Pharisees a council and held against him went out how him they might destroy

  • Acts 12:17 - he beckoning And him with the hand to hold their peace declared him how the Lord him had brought out of the prison he said And Go shew unto James And to the brethren these things And he departed and went into another place

  • Matthew 12:43 - When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and none findeth

  • Matthew 12:44 - Then he saith I will return into house my from whence I came out and when he is come he findeth it empty swept and garnished

  • Luke 12:59 - I tell thee depart thence till the very last mite thou hast paid

  • Matthew 13:1 - The same day went Jesus out of the house and sat by the sea side

  • John 13:3 - knowing Jesus that all things had given his the Father into hands and that from God he was come and to God went

  • Matthew 13:3 - And he spake unto them many things in parables saying Behold went forth a sower a sower

  • Hebrews 13:13 - therefore Let us go forth unto him without the camp reproach him bearing

  • John 13:30 - having received then the sop He immediately out it was and night

  • John 13:31 - when he was gone out said Jesus Now glorified the Son of man and God glorified in him

  • Luke 13:31 - The same unto him day there came certain of the Pharisees saying unto him Get thee out and depart hence for Herod will thee kill

  • Matthew 13:49 - So shall it be at the end of the world shall come forth the angels and sever the wicked from among the just

  • Matthew 14:14 - And went forth Jesus and saw a great multitude And was moved with compassion toward their And he healed sick their

  • Revelation 14:15 - And another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud Thrust in sickle thy And reap for is come for thee the time reap for is ripe the harvest of the earth

  • Mark 14:16 - And went forth disciples his And came into the city And found as he had said his And they made ready the passover

  • Revelation 14:17 - And another angel came out of which the temple which is in which heaven having And he sickle a sharp

  • Luke 14:18 - And consent began with excused they all The first said it a piece of ground I have bought And I must needs go And see it I pray thee I must me excused

  • Revelation 14:18 - And another angel came out from the altar to him that had power over fire And cried cry with a loud to him that had sickle sharp saying Thrust in thy sickle sharp And gather the clusters of the vine of the earth for are fully ripe grapes her

  • Acts 14:20 - stood round about Howbeit him as the disciples he rose up and came into the city and the next day he departed with Barnabas into Derbe

  • Revelation 14:20 - And was trodden the winepress without the city And came blood out of the winepress even unto bridles the horse by the space of furlongs a thousand and six hundred

  • Luke 14:21 - So came servant that and shewed lord these things Then being angry the master of the house said servant Go out quickly into the streets So lanes of the city So the poor So the maimed So the halt So the blind bring in hither

  • Luke 14:23 - And said the lord unto the servant Go out into the highways And hedges And compel them to come in that may be filled house my

  • Mark 14:26 - And when they had sung an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives

  • 1 Corinthians 14:36 - What from you the word of God came What unto you only came it

  • Mark 14:48 - And answered Jesus and said unto them as against a thief Are ye come out with swords And with staves to take me

  • Mark 14:68 - But he denied sayest not I know neither understand I what thou sayest And he went out into the porch And the cock crew

  • Revelation 15:6 - And came the seven angels having the seven plagues out of the temple clothed linen in pure And white And girded with having their breasts girdles golden

  • Matthew 15:18 - those things which But proceed from those things which the mouth from those things which the heart come forth and they defile those things which the man

  • Matthew 15:19 - out of For the heart proceed thoughts evil murders adulteries fornications thefts false witness blasphemies

  • Matthew 15:21 - Then went thence Jesus and departed into the coasts of Tyre Then Sidon

  • Matthew 15:22 - And behold a woman of Canaan out of coasts the same came and cried unto him saying Have mercy on me O Lord thou Son of David daughter my is grievously vexed with a devil

  • Acts 15:24 - Forasmuch as we have heard that certain from us which went out have troubled you with words subverting souls your saying Ye must be circumcised and keep the law to whom no such commandment

  • Luke 15:28 - he was angry And and not would go in therefore father him came and intreated him

  • Acts 15:40 - Paul And chose Silas and departed being recommended unto the grace of God by the brethren

  • Acts 16:3 - Him would which Paul with him have to go forth and took and circumcised him because which of the Jews which were in which quarters those they knew for all which father him that a Greek was

  • Mark 16:8 - And they went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre they trembled for And were amazed And any thing any thing said they they were afraid man for

  • Acts 16:10 - after And the vision he had seen immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia assuredly gathering that had called us the Lord for to preach the gospel unto them

  • Acts 16:13 - And on the sabbath we went out of the city by a river side where was wont prayer to be made and we sat down and spake which resorted unto the women

  • Revelation 16:17 - And the seventh angel poured out vial into the air And there came voice a great from the temple of heaven from the throne saying It is done

  • Acts 16:18 - this And did she many days being grieved And Paul And turned to the spirit said I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ he came out out of her And he came out her hour

  • Acts 16:19 - saw And masters when her that was gone the hope gains when her they caught Paul and Silas and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers

  • Mark 16:20 - they And went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them and the word confirming with following signs Amen

  • Mark 16:20 - they And went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them and the word confirming with following signs Amen

  • John 16:27 - himself For the Father have loved you because ye me have loved and have believed because I from God came out

  • John 16:28 - I came forth from the Father and am come into the world again I leave the world and go to the Father

  • John 16:30 - Now are we sure that are we sure all things and not needest that any man thee should ask by this we believe that from God thou camest forth

  • Acts 16:36 - told And the keeper of the prison saying this to Paul have sent The magistrates to let you go now therefore depart and go in peace

  • Acts 16:39 - And they came and besought them And brought them out and desired them to depart out of the city

  • Acts 16:40 - departed And out of the prison and entered into the house of Lydia and when they had seen the brethren they comforted them and departed

  • John 17:8 - For the words which I have given me I have given unto them and unto them they have received and have known surely For from thee I came out and they have believed For thou me didst send

  • Matthew 17:18 - And rebuked him Jesus And he departed from him the devil And was cured the child from hour that very

  • Luke 17:29 - But the same day went that Lot from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all

  • Acts 17:33 - So Paul departed from among them

  • John 18:1 - these words had spoken When Jesus he went forth with disciples he over the brook Cedron where was a garden into the which entered he and disciples he

  • John 18:4 - Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him went forth and said him Whom seek ye

  • Revelation 18:4 - And I heard another voice from heaven saying Come from her people my partakers sins her And ye receive from plagues her

  • John 18:16 - But Peter stood at the door without went out Then disciple that other which was known unto the high priest and spake unto her that kept the door and brought in Peter

  • Acts 18:23 - And after he had spent time some there he departed and went over in order of Galatia all the country And Phrygia strengthening all the disciples

  • Matthew 18:28 - went out But servant the same and found one fellowservants and took which owed and took an hundred pence and he laid hands and took him by the throat saying Pay me which owed

  • John 18:29 - went out then Pilate unto them and said What accusation bring ye against man this

  • John 18:38 - saith him Pilate What is truth And this when he had said again he went out unto the Jews And saith him I no fault find in him

  • John 19:4 - went therefore again forth Pilate and saith him I bring to you him forth that ye may know that in him no fault I find

  • John 19:5 - came Then Jesus forth wearing of thorns the crown And the purple robe And Pilate saith unto them the man

  • Revelation 19:5 - And a voice out of the throne came saying Praise God our all ye servants him And ye that fear him And small And great

  • Acts 19:12 - So unto the sick were brought from body his handkerchiefs or aprons So departed from his the diseases and spirits the evil went from his

  • John 19:17 - And he bearing cross went forth into called the place of a skull a place which called in the Hebrew Golgotha

  • John 19:34 - But one of the soldiers with a spear his side pierced and forthwith came there out blood and water

  • Acts 20:1 - after And was ceased the uproar called Paul unto him the disciples and embraced them and departed for to go into Macedonia

  • Matthew 20:1 - like For is the kingdom of heaven unto a man that is an householder which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into vineyard

  • John 20:3 - went forth therefore Peter and that other disciple and came to the sepulchre

  • Matthew 20:3 - And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing in the marketplace idle

  • Matthew 20:5 - Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour and did likewise

  • Matthew 20:6 - about And the eleventh hour he went out and found others stand ye idle and saith unto them Why here stand ye all the day idle

  • Revelation 20:8 - And shall go out to deceive which the nations which are in which the four quarters which of the earth which Gog And which Magog to gather them to battle of whom which the number is as which the sand which of the sea

  • Acts 20:11 - he When and had broken bread and eaten a long while and talked even till break of day so he departed

  • John 21:3 - They say unto him Simon Peter I go a fishing They say unto him go also We with thee They went forth also entered into a ship immediately also that night they caught nothing

  • Acts 21:5 - when And had us accomplished those days we departed and went our way brought us and they all with wives and children till we were out of the city and we kneeled down on the shore and prayed

  • Acts 21:8 - And the next departed company Paul's and came into Caesarea and we entered into the house of Philip the evangelist which was one of the seven and abode with him

  • Matthew 21:17 - And he left them and went out of the city into Bethany And he lodged there

  • John 21:23 - abroad Then saying this among the brethren that disciple that not He shall yet not said that he Jesus that not He shall but If that he I will tarry till I come what is that to thee

  • Luke 21:37 - he was And in the day time in the temple teaching And at night he went out and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives

  • Matthew 22:10 - So went out servants those into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found bad both So good So was furnished the wedding with guests

  • Acts 22:18 - And saw him saying unto me Make haste And get thee quickly out of Jerusalem for not receive thy testimony concerning me