G1909 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, meaning superimposition (of time, place, order, etc.), as a relation of distribution (with the genitive case), i.e. over, upon, etc.; of rest (with the dative case) at, on, etc.; of direction (with the accusative case) towards, upon, etc. about (the times), above, after, against, among, as long as (touching), at, beside, X have charge of, (be-, (where-))fore, in (a place, as much as, the time of, -to), (because) of, (up-)on (behalf of), over, (by, for) the space of, through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), with a primary preposition;

790 instances of the word ἐπί epí (G1909)

  • Acts 21:40 - licence And him Paul stood on the stairs and beckoned with the hand unto the people a great And silence when there was made he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue saying

  • Matthew 21:44 - And it shall fall on stone this shall be broken on but whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him

  • Revelation 22:4 - And they shall see face his And name his shall be in foreheads his

  • Matthew 22:9 - Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid to the marriage

  • Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are they that do commandments his that may have right his to the tree of life and in through the gates may enter into the city

  • Revelation 22:16 - I Jesus have sent angel mine to testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root and the offspring of David star and the bright and morning

  • Revelation 22:18 - I testify For unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy book of this If any man shall add unto these things shall add God unto him the plagues that are written in book this

  • Acts 22:19 - And I said Lord they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee

  • Luke 22:21 - But behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table

  • Luke 22:30 - That ye may eat and drink at table my in kingdom my and sit at thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel

  • Matthew 22:33 - And heard when the multitude this they were astonished at doctrine his

  • Matthew 22:34 - But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees they were gathered together

  • Luke 22:40 - he was And at the place he said unto them Pray not that ye enter into temptation

  • Luke 22:44 - And being in an agony more earnestly he prayed being and sweat his as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground

  • Luke 22:52 - said Then Jesus unto which were come against him the chief priests and captains of the temple and the elders as against a thief Be ye come out with swords and staves

  • Luke 22:53 - daily When I with you in the temple no ye stretched forth hands against me but this you is hour and the power of darkness

  • Luke 22:59 - And the space about hour after another confidently affirmed saying Of a truth And this with him was And for a Galilaean he is

  • Luke 23:1 - And arose the whole multitude him and led him unto Pilate

  • Matthew 23:2 - Saying in Moses seat sit The scribes and the Pharisees

  • Matthew 23:4 - they bind For burdens heavy and grievous to be borne and lay them on shoulders men's but fingers them not they themselves will move them

  • Matthew 23:9 - And Father no call man your upon which the earth one for is which Father man your which is in which heaven

  • Luke 23:28 - turning But unto them Jesus said Daughters of Jerusalem not weep for me but for yourselves weep and for children your

  • Acts 23:30 - when it was told And me laid wait for the man how that the Jews straightway I sent to thee and gave commandment also to his accusers to say to him before thee Farewell

  • Luke 23:30 - Then shall they begin to say to the mountains Fall on us and to the hills Cover us

  • Luke 23:33 - And when they were come to which the place which is called Calvary there they crucified him And which the malefactors the other one on the right hand the other and on the left

  • Matthew 23:35 - That may come upon you all blood of righteous shed upon the earth from blood Abel of righteous unto blood of Zacharias son of Barachias whom ye slew between the temple and the altar

  • Matthew 23:36 - Verily I say unto you shall come these things All upon generation

  • Luke 23:38 - was And also a superscription written over him in letters of Greek also Latin also Hebrew THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS

  • Luke 23:44 - it was And about hour the sixth and a darkness there was over all the earth until hour the ninth

  • Luke 23:48 - And all that came together the people to sight beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned

  • Luke 24:1 - Now day of the week very early in the morning they came unto the sepulchre bringing which they had prepared the spices and certain others with them

  • Matthew 24:2 - And Jesus said unto them not See ye all these things verily I say unto you not There shall here another upon another that not be thrown down

  • Matthew 24:3 - as he sat And unto him upon the mount of Olives came unto him the disciples privately saying Tell us when these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world

  • Acts 24:4 - Notwithstanding I be thee tedious I pray that thou wouldest hear thee us a few words of thy clemency

  • Matthew 24:5 - many For shall come in name my saying I am Christ and many shall deceive

  • Matthew 24:7 - shall rise For nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places

  • Acts 24:8 - Commanding accusers him to come unto thee of whereof mayest him by examining of all these things take knowledge whereof we accuse him

  • Luke 24:12 - Then Peter arose and ran unto the sepulchre and stooping down he beheld the linen clothes laid by themselves and departed in himself wondering at that which was come to pass

  • Matthew 24:16 - Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains

  • Matthew 24:17 - Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of house

  • Acts 24:19 - Who ought before thee to have been here and object they had against me

  • Acts 24:20 - Or else these same here say they have found in me evil doing stood while I before the council

  • Luke 24:22 - Yea also women and certain of our company astonished us which were early at the sepulchre

  • Luke 24:24 - And went certain of them which were with us to the sepulchre And found so as And the women had said him but not they saw

  • Luke 24:25 - Then them he said unto them O fools Then slow of heart to believe all that have spoken the prophets

  • Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven And then mourn all the tribes of the earth And they shall see of the Son of man coming in the clouds heaven with power And glory great

  • Matthew 24:33 - So likewise ye when ye shall see all these things know that near it is even at the doors

  • Matthew 24:45 - Who is a faithful servant and wise whom hath made ruler lord his over household his to give his meat in due season

  • Luke 24:47 - And should be preached in name his that repentance And remission of sins among all nations beginning at Jerusalem

  • Matthew 24:47 - Verily I say unto you That over all goods him he shall make him

  • Luke 24:49 - And behold I send the promise Father of my upon you ye but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until ye be endued with power from on high

  • Acts 25:6 - when he had tarried And among them days more than ten he went down unto Caesarea and the next day sitting on the judgment seat commanded Paul to be brought

  • Acts 25:9 - Festus But the Jews Wilt thou a pleasure to do answered Paul and said Wilt thou to Jerusalem go up and there of these things be judged before me

  • Acts 25:10 - said Then Paul at judgment seat Caesar's I stand where I ought to be judged to the Jews no have I done as thou very well knowest

  • Acts 25:12 - Then Festus when he had conferred with the council answered Caesar Hast thou appealed unto unto Caesar shalt thou go

  • Acts 25:17 - were come Therefore when they hither delay any without on the morrow I sat on the judgment seat and commanded to be brought forth the man

  • Matthew 25:20 - And so came five talents he that had received and brought more five talents saying Lord five talents unto me thou deliveredst more five talents I have gained beside them

  • Matthew 25:21 - said His lord His Well done servant thou good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Matthew 25:22 - came He also two talents that had received and said Lord two talents unto me thou deliveredst other two talents I have gained beside them

  • Matthew 25:23 - said His lord His Well done servant good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Acts 25:26 - Of whom certain somewhat to write unto my lord no I have Wherefore I have brought him before you and specially before thee O king Agrippa that after examination had I have somewhat to write

  • Matthew 25:31 - When shall come the Son of man in glory him and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne glory him

  • Matthew 25:40 - And shall answer the King and say unto them Verily I say unto you Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these brethren my of the least it unto me ye have done

  • Matthew 25:45 - Then shall he answer them I say Verily I say unto you Inasmuch as it not ye did to one of these of the least it not to me ye did

  • Acts 26:2 - touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews king Agrippa I think myself happy because I shall answer for myself before thee this day

  • Acts 26:6 - And now for the hope unto our fathers of the promise made of God I stand and am judged

  • Matthew 26:7 - There came his a woman an alabaster box ointment having of very precious and poured it on head his as he sat

  • Matthew 26:12 - hath poured For in that ointment this on body my it for burial my she did

  • Acts 26:16 - But rise and stand upon feet thy for this purpose for I have appeared unto thee to make thee a minister and a witness of these things which and thou hast seen of these things which and I have appeared unto thee

  • Acts 26:18 - To open eyes that they and to turn them from darkness that is in light and from the power of Satan unto God may receive that they forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me

  • Acts 26:20 - But unto them of Damascus first and at Jerusalem throughout all and the coasts of Judaea and then to the Gentiles shewed that they should repent and turn to God meet for repentance works and do

  • Matthew 26:39 - And further a little fell on face prayed And saying Father O my if possible it be let from me cup this nevertheless not as I will but as thou

  • Matthew 26:50 - And Jesus said him Friend on art thou come Then came they and laid hands on Jesus and took him

  • Matthew 26:55 - In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes as against a thief Are ye come out with swords and staves for to take me daily with you I sat teaching In the temple and no hold me

  • Matthew 26:64 - I say unto him Jesus Thou hast said nevertheless I say unto you Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven

  • Matthew 27:19 - was set down When he on the judgment seat sent unto he wife he saying nothing Have thou just man to do with that many things for I have suffered this day in a dream because he

  • Acts 27:20 - nor And sun nor stars appeared in many days tempest and no small lay on then taken away us all hope should be saved that we

  • Matthew 27:25 - Then answered all the people and said His blood be on us Then be on children our

  • Matthew 27:27 - Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall and gathered unto him the whole band

  • Matthew 27:29 - And when they had platted a crown of thorns they put in head him And a reed in right hand him And they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying Hail King of the Jews

  • Matthew 27:35 - they crucified And him They parted which garments him casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by which the prophet They parted which garments my among them and upon which vesture my casting lots

  • Acts 27:43 - But the centurion willing to save Paul kept them from their purpose commanded and that they which could swim should cast themselves first to land into the sea and get

  • Matthew 27:43 - He trusted in God let him deliver now him if he will have him he said for God I am the Son

  • Acts 27:44 - And the rest some on boards some and on broken pieces of the ship And so it came to pass all safe on land

  • Matthew 27:45 - from Now the sixth hour darkness there was over all the land unto hour the ninth

  • Acts 28:3 - had gathered And when Paul of sticks a bundle and laid them on the fire a viper out of the heat there came and fastened on hand his

  • Acts 28:6 - Howbeit after they had looked him should have swollen or fallen down suddenly dead a great while Howbeit him after they had looked and saw no harm to him come they changed their minds and said a god him was

  • Acts 28:14 - Where we found brethren and were desired with them to tarry days seven and so toward Rome we went

  • Matthew 28:14 - And if come to this the governor's we will persuade him And you secure

  • Matthew 28:18 - And came Jesus and spake unto them saying is given unto me All power in heaven And in earth