G191 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to hear (in various senses) give (in the) audience (of), come (to the ears), (shall) hear(-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand a primary verb;

401 instances of the word ἀκούω akoúō (G191)

  • Acts 15:12 - kept silence Then all the multitude and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul declaring what had wrought God miracles and wonders among the Gentiles by them

  • Matthew 15:12 - Then came disciples his and said his Knowest thou that the Pharisees after they heard this saying were offended

  • Acts 15:13 - after And peace they had held their answered James saying Men and brethren hearken unto me

  • John 15:15 - Henceforth you I call servants for servants not knoweth what doeth his lord you but I have called friends for all things that I have heard of Father my I have made known unto you

  • Romans 15:21 - But as it is written To whom not he was of they shall see and To whom not heard shall understand

  • Acts 15:24 - Forasmuch as we have heard that certain from us which went out have troubled you with words subverting souls your saying Ye must be circumcised and keep the law to whom no such commandment

  • Luke 15:25 - was Now son his elder in the field and as he came and drew nigh to the house he heard musick and dancing

  • Mark 15:35 - And some of them that stood by when they heard it said Behold Elias he calleth

  • Revelation 16:1 - And I heard voice a great out of the temple saying to the seven angels Go your ways And pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth

  • Luke 16:2 - And he called him and said him How this is it that I hear of of thy give an account stewardship of thy no for thou mayest be longer steward

  • Revelation 16:5 - And I heard which the angel which of the waters say righteous O Lord Thou art which And which wast And which shalt be because thus thou hast judged

  • Revelation 16:7 - And I heard another out of the altar say Even so Lord God Almighty true And righteous judgments are thy

  • Mark 16:11 - And they when they had heard that he was alive and had been seen of her believed not

  • John 16:13 - when Howbeit is come he the Spirit of truth he will guide you into all of truth not for he shall of himself but whatsoever he shall hear he shall and is come he will shew you

  • Acts 16:14 - And a certain woman named Lydia a seller of purple of the city of Thyatira which worshipped God heard us whose the Lord opened heart that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul

  • Luke 16:14 - heard And these things all also the Pharisees covetous who were also they derided him

  • Luke 16:29 - saith them Abraham They have Moses and the prophets let them hear them

  • Luke 16:31 - he said And unto him If Moses and the prophets not they hear neither though one from the dead rose will they be persuaded

  • Acts 16:38 - told And unto the magistrates the serjeants words these and they feared when they heard that Romans they were

  • Matthew 17:5 - yet While he spake behold cloud a bright overshadowed While he and behold a voice out of cloud which said This is Son my beloved in whom I am well pleased While he hear ye

  • Matthew 17:6 - And heard when the disciples it they fell on face And afraid were sore

  • Acts 17:8 - they troubled And the people and the rulers of the city when they heard these things

  • Acts 17:21 - the Athenians (For all and which were there strangers in nothing else spent their time but either to tell some and to hear new thing

  • Acts 17:32 - We will hear And of the resurrection of the dead some mocked And others said We will hear thee again of this

  • Revelation 18:4 - And I heard another voice from heaven saying Come from her people my partakers sins her And ye receive from plagues her

  • Luke 18:6 - said And the Lord Hear what judge the unjust saith

  • Acts 18:8 - Crispus And the chief ruler of the synagogue believed on the Lord with all house and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptized

  • Matthew 18:15 - if Moreover shall trespass against thee brother thee go and his fault him between thee and him alone if thee he shall hear thou hast gained brother thee

  • Matthew 18:16 - But he will thee then take with thee more one or of two that in the mouth of two witnesses or three may be established every word

  • John 18:21 - Why me ask ask them which heard me Why I have said unto them know they know said what I

  • Luke 18:22 - heard Now these things when Jesus he said unto him Yet one thou lackest all that thou hast thing sell and distribute unto the poor and thou hast treasure in heaven and come follow me

  • Revelation 18:22 - And the sound of harpers And musicians And of pipers And trumpeters shall be heard in thee any more And of whatsoever craftsman of whatsoever craft he be shall be found in thee any more And the sound of a millstone shall be heard in thee any more

  • Luke 18:23 - And when he heard this very sorrowful he was he was for rich very

  • Revelation 18:23 - And the light of a candle shall shine by thee at all And the voice of the bridegroom And of the bride shall be heard by thee at all for merchants thy were the great men of the earth for by sorceries thy deceived all nations

  • Acts 18:26 - he And began to speak boldly in the synagogue had heard when him Aquila and Priscilla they took him and him expounded of God the way

  • Luke 18:26 - it said And they that heard then Who can be saved

  • Luke 18:36 - hearing And the multitude pass by he asked what meant it

  • John 18:37 - said therefore unto him Pilate then a king Art Thou answered Jesus Thou sayest that a king am I I To this born and To this cause came I To the world that I should bear witness the truth Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice

  • Revelation 19:1 - And after these things I heard voice people of much a great in heaven saying Alleluia Salvation And glory And honour And power unto the Lord God our

  • Acts 19:2 - He said unto him whether Ghost Holy Have ye received since ye believed And He said unto him not so much as whether Ghost Holy there be any We have

  • Acts 19:5 - they heard When this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus

  • Revelation 19:6 - And I heard as the voice multitude of a great And as the voice waters of a great And as the voice thunderings of mighty saying Alleluia for reigneth the Lord God omnipotent

  • John 19:8 - When therefore heard Pilate that saying the more afraid

  • Acts 19:10 - this And continued by the space years of two so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus Jews both and Greeks

  • Luke 19:11 - heard And as they these things he added and spake a parable because nigh as they was to Jerusalem and because they thought as they that immediately should the kingdom of God appear

  • John 19:13 - therefore When Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Jesus and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement in the Hebrew but Gabbatha

  • Matthew 19:22 - heard But when the young man that saying he went away sorrowful for he had possessions great

  • Matthew 19:25 - heard When disciples his amazed it they were exceedingly saying Who can be saved

  • Acts 19:26 - Moreover ye see Moreover hear that no alone at Ephesus but almost throughout all which Asia which Paul this hath persuaded and turned away much people saying that no they be gods which with hands are made

  • Acts 19:28 - when they heard And and these sayings they were full of wrath cried out saying Great is Diana of the Ephesians

  • Luke 19:48 - And not could what they might do the people for all were very attentive him to hear

  • Luke 20:16 - He shall come and destroy husbandmen these and shall give the vineyard to others when they heard And it they said God forbid

  • Matthew 20:24 - And heard when the ten it they were moved with indignation against the two brethren

  • Matthew 20:30 - And behold two blind men sitting side by the way when they heard that Jesus passed by cried out saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David

  • Luke 20:45 - in the audience Then of all the people he said disciples

  • Revelation 21:3 - And I heard voice a great out of heaven saying Behold the tabernacle God is with men And he will dwell is with and be their And and be their people and be their shall be And and be their God shall be is with and be their God and be their

  • John 21:7 - saith Now disciple that whom loved Jesus Peter the Lord It is when Simon Now Peter heard that the Lord It is his fisher's coat he girt he was unto him (for naked and did cast himself into the sea

  • Luke 21:9 - when But ye shall hear of wars and commotions not be must for these things come to pass first but is not by and by the end

  • Acts 21:12 - when And we heard these things besought we both and they of that place not to go up him to Jerusalem

  • Matthew 21:16 - And said unto him Hearest thou what these saith And Jesus saith unto him Yea have ye never read Out of the mouth of babes And sucklings thou hast perfected praise

  • Acts 21:20 - which And when they heard it they glorified which the Lord said and unto him Thou seest brother how many thousands there are of Jews which believe and all zealous which of the law they are

  • Acts 21:22 - What therefore is it needs must the multitude come together they will hear for that thou art come

  • Matthew 21:33 - another parable Hear a certain There was householder which planted a vineyard and hedged it round about and digged in it a winepress and built a tower and let it to husbandmen and went into a far country

  • Luke 21:38 - And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple for to hear him

  • Matthew 21:45 - And had heard when the chief priests And Pharisees his parables them they perceived that of them he spake

  • Acts 22:1 - Men brethren and fathers hear ye my unto you which I make now defence

  • Acts 22:2 - when they heard (And that in the Hebrew tongue he spake to them the more they kept silence and he saith

  • Acts 22:7 - I fell And unto the ground and heard a voice saying unto me Saul Saul why me persecutest thou

  • Matthew 22:7 - heard But when the king thereof he was wroth and he sent forth armies their and destroyed murderers those and city their burned up

  • Revelation 22:8 - And I John which saw these things And I had heard And when I had heard And saw I fell down to worship before which the feet which of the angel which shewed me these things

  • Acts 22:9 - And with me they that were indeed the light saw and afraid were And the voice not they heard of him that spake to me

  • Acts 22:14 - And he said The God fathers of our hath chosen thee that thou shouldest know will his and see that Just One and shouldest hear the voice of mouth his

  • Acts 22:15 - For thou shalt be witness his unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard

  • Revelation 22:17 - And the Spirit And the bride say Come And let him that heareth say Come And let him that is athirst Come And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely

  • Revelation 22:18 - I testify For unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy book of this If any man shall add unto these things shall add God unto him the plagues that are written in book this

  • Acts 22:22 - audience And him unto this word and then lifted up voices him and said Away with a fellow from the earth such not for fit him should live

  • Matthew 22:22 - When they had heard these words they marvelled When left him and went their way

  • Acts 22:26 - heard When the centurion that he went and told the chief captain saying Take heed what thou doest for man this a Roman is

  • Matthew 22:33 - And heard when the multitude this they were astonished at doctrine his

  • Matthew 22:34 - But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees they were gathered together

  • Luke 22:71 - And they said What any further need we witness his own for have heard of mouth his own

  • Luke 23:6 - Pilate When heard of Galilee he asked whether the man a Galilaean were

  • Luke 23:8 - And when Herod saw Jesus glad he was exceeding he was for desirous of a long saw him season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped some miracle saw by him done

  • Acts 23:16 - heard And son sister's Paul of their lying in wait he went and entered into the castle and told Paul

  • Acts 24:4 - Notwithstanding I be thee tedious I pray that thou wouldest hear thee us a few words of thy clemency

  • Matthew 24:6 - ye shall And hear of wars and rumours of wars see not that ye be these things must for all come to pass but not yet is the end

  • Acts 24:22 - heard And these things when Felix he deferred them knowledge of that way and said When Lysias the chief captain shall come down I will know the uttermost matter of your

  • Acts 24:24 - after And days certain came when Felix with Drusilla wife him which was a Jewess he sent for Paul and heard him concerning in Christ the faith

  • Acts 25:22 - Agrippa Then unto Festus said I would also him the man he thou shalt hear Then To morrow said he thou shalt hear him

  • Acts 26:3 - Especially expert to be thee in all which are among the Jews customs and questions wherefore I beseech thee patiently to hear me

  • Acts 26:14 - all And fallen when we to the earth I heard a voice speaking against me and saying in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why me persecutest thou it is hard for thee against the pricks to kick

  • Acts 26:29 - And Paul said I would to God also almost also almost altogether that not only thou but also all that hear me this day were such as I am except bonds these

  • Matthew 26:65 - Then the high priest rent clothes his saying He hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of witnesses now ye have heard blasphemy his

  • Matthew 27:13 - Then said unto him Pilate not Hearest thou how many things thee they witness against

  • Matthew 27:47 - Some of them there that stood when they heard that said Elias man calleth for This

  • Matthew 28:14 - And if come to this the governor's we will persuade him And you secure

  • Acts 28:15 - And from thence when the brethren heard of us they came to meet us as far as Appii forum and The three taverns whom saw when Paul he thanked God and took courage

  • Acts 28:22 - we desire But of thee to hear what thou thinkest as concerning for sect know we that every where it is spoken against

  • Acts 28:26 - Saying Go unto people this and say Hearing ye shall hear and shall and seeing seeing and perceive

  • Acts 28:27 - is waxed gross For the heart people of this and ears are dull hear and eyes their have they closed lest they should see eyes and ears hear and the heart understand and should be converted and I should heal their