G2076 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
he (she or it) is; also (with neuter plural) they are are, be(-long), call, X can(-not), come, consisteth, X dure for a while, + follow, X have, (that) is (to say), make, meaneth, X must needs, + profit, + remaineth, + wrestle third person singular present indicative of G1510 (εἰμί);

836 instances of the word ἐστί estí (G2076)

  • 1 Corinthians 10:19 - What then say I that the idol any thing is or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols any thing is

  • Hebrews 10:20 - which he hath consecrated for us way By a new and living through the veil flesh

  • John 10:21 - Others said These the words not are of him that hath a devil Can a devil of the blind the eyes open

  • Luke 10:22 - and All things are delivered to me of Father my and no man knoweth who is the Son Father and who is Father the Son and he to whom will the Son reveal

  • Mark 10:24 - And the disciples were astonished at words his And Jesus again answereth and saith his Children how hard is it for them that trust at riches into the kingdom of God to enter

  • Matthew 10:24 - not is The disciple above his master nor the servant above lord

  • Mark 10:25 - easier It is for a camel through the eye of a needle to enter than for a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter

  • Matthew 10:26 - not therefore Fear them nothing for there is covered not be revealed and hid not be known

  • Mark 10:27 - looking upon And them Jesus saith With men it is impossible but not With God all things for possible are With God

  • Acts 10:28 - he said And unto them Ye know how an unlawful thing that it is for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation but me God hath shewed any common or unclean call man

  • 1 Corinthians 10:28 - if But any man unto you say This offered in sacrifice unto idols is not eat for his sake that shewed it and for conscience sake for is the Lord's the earth and the fulness thereof

  • John 10:29 - Father My which gave them me greater than all is and no man is able to pluck them out of hand Father My

  • Luke 10:29 - But he willing to justify himself said unto Jesus And who is my neighbour

  • Mark 10:29 - answered And Jesus and said Verily I say unto you no man There is that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands sake for my and the gospel's

  • Acts 10:34 - opened Then Peter his mouth and said Of a truth I perceive that no is respecter of persons God

  • John 10:34 - answered them Jesus not Is it written in law your I said gods Ye are

  • Acts 10:35 - But in every nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness accepted him is

  • Acts 10:36 - The word which God sent unto the children of Israel preaching peace by Jesus Christ (he is of all Lord

  • Matthew 10:37 - He that loveth father or mother more than me not is of me worthy and He that loveth son or daughter more than me not is of me worthy

  • Matthew 10:38 - And he not that taketh cross And followeth after me not is me worthy

  • Mark 10:40 - But to sit on right hand my and on left hand my not is mine to give but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared

  • Acts 10:42 - And he commanded us to preach which unto the people And to testify that he it is which was ordained of which God to be the Judge of quick And dead

  • Luke 10:42 - one thing But is needful Mary But that good part hath chosen which not be taken away from her

  • Mark 10:47 - And when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth it was he began to cry out And say thou Son of David Jesus have mercy on me

  • Hebrews 11:1 - is Now faith of things hoped for the substance of things the evidence not seen

  • 1 Corinthians 11:3 - I would have But you know that of every is the man the head Christ is the head But of the woman is the man the head But Christ is God

  • John 11:4 - heard When Jesus that he said This sickness not is unto death but for the glory of God that might be glorified the Son of God thereby

  • 1 Corinthians 11:5 - every But woman that prayeth or prophesieth uncovered head dishonoureth head her all one for that is even as if she were shaven

  • Hebrews 11:6 - without But faith it is impossible to please believe him for must he that cometh to God that he is and of them that diligently seek him a rewarder that he is

  • Matthew 11:6 - And blessed is he whosoever be offended in me

  • Romans 11:6 - if And by grace it be of work otherwise by grace is by grace if And it be of work is by grace otherwise work is work

  • 1 Corinthians 11:7 - a man indeed For not ought to cover his head the image and glory of God forasmuch as he is the woman but glory a man is

  • 1 Corinthians 11:8 - not For is the man of the woman but the woman of the man

  • 2 Corinthians 11:10 - is As the truth of Christ in me boasting of this no man shall stop me in the regions of Achaia

  • John 11:10 - if But a man walk in the night he stumbleth because light no there is in him

  • Matthew 11:10 - this For is he of which it is written Behold I send messenger my before face thee which shall prepare way thee before thee

  • Matthew 11:11 - Verily I say unto you not risen Among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least Among the kingdom of heaven a greater than he is

  • 1 Corinthians 11:13 - in yourselves Judge comely is it that a woman uncovered unto God pray

  • 1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even itself nature teach you that a man if have long hair a shame itself it is

  • Matthew 11:14 - And if ye will receive it this is Elias which was for to come

  • 1 Corinthians 11:15 - a woman But if have long hair a glory her it is for her hair for a covering is given her

  • Hebrews 11:16 - now But a better they desire an heavenly wherefore not ashamed for them God God to be called for them he hath prepared for for them a city

  • Matthew 11:16 - whereunto But shall I liken generation like It is unto children in the markets sitting and calling fellows

  • 1 Corinthians 11:20 - come together therefore When ye into one place not this is the Lord's supper to eat

  • Luke 11:21 - When a strong man armed keepeth palace his in peace are goods his

  • Luke 11:23 - not He that is with me against me is and not he that gathereth with me scattereth

  • Romans 11:23 - also they And they abide still in unbelief in able for is God again in them

  • 1 Corinthians 11:24 - And when he had given thanks he brake And said Take eat this my is which body which for you he brake this do in which of me remembrance

  • 1 Corinthians 11:25 - After the same manner also cup when he had supped saying This cup the new testament is in my blood This do ye as oft as ye drink it in my remembrance

  • Luke 11:29 - And when the people were gathered thick together he began to say generation This an evil is a sign they seek and a sign no be given it a sign of Jonas the prophet

  • Matthew 11:30 - For yoke my is easy and burden my light is

  • Luke 11:34 - The light body is eye when therefore eye thine single is also whole body thine full of light is when but evil is also body thine is full of darkness

  • Luke 11:35 - Take heed therefore not which that the light which is in thee darkness be

  • John 11:39 - said Jesus Take ye away the stone said unto him the sister of him that was dead Martha Lord by this time he stinketh dead four days for he hath been

  • Luke 11:41 - But rather of such things as ye have give alms and behold all things clean unto you are

  • John 11:57 - had given Now and the chief priests and the Pharisees a commandment that if any man knew where he were he should shew it that they might take him

  • Luke 12:1 - In the mean time when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people insomuch that they trode one upon another he began to say unto disciples first of all Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy

  • Luke 12:2 - nothing For covered there is that not be revealed neither hid that not be known

  • Acts 12:3 - And because he saw it pleased the Jews he proceeded further to take And Peter were (Then the days of unleavened bread

  • 1 Corinthians 12:6 - And diversities of operations there are which but the same it is God which worketh which all in all

  • Luke 12:6 - not five sparrows Are farthings for two and one of them not is forgotten before God

  • Matthew 12:6 - I say But unto you That the temple greater than is one in this place

  • Hebrews 12:7 - If chastening ye endure as son with you dealeth God what for is he son whom not chasteneth the father

  • Mark 12:7 - those But husbandmen said among themselves This is the heir come let us kill him and ours shall be the inheritance

  • Matthew 12:7 - if But ye had known what this meaneth mercy I will have and not sacrifice not ye would have condemned the guiltless

  • Matthew 12:8 - Lord For is even of the sabbath day the Son of man

  • Acts 12:9 - And he went out and followed him And not wist that true it was which was done by which the angel thought but a vision he saw

  • John 12:9 - knew therefore people Much from the Jews that there he was also they came not for Jesus sake only but that also Lazarus they might see whom he had raised from the dead

  • Mark 12:11 - the Lord's doing This and it is marvellous in eyes our

  • 1 Corinthians 12:12 - as For body of that one are also members hath many all and members body of that one many being of that one are body so also is Christ

  • 2 Corinthians 12:13 - what For is it wherein ye were inferior to other churches it be that myself I not burdensome to you forgive me wrong

  • 1 Corinthians 12:14 - For the body not is one member but many

  • John 12:14 - when he had found And Jesus a young ass sat thereon as it is written

  • Acts 12:15 - And unto her they said Thou art mad And she constantly affirmed even so that it was And said they angel her It is

  • 1 Corinthians 12:15 - If shall say the foot Because not I am the hand not I am of the body not it therefore not is of the body

  • Luke 12:15 - he said And unto the things which he Take heed and beware of covetousness for not in the abundance a man's life the things which he consisteth of possesseth the things which he

  • 1 Corinthians 12:16 - And if shall say the ear Because not I am the eye not I am of the body not it therefore not is of the body

  • 1 Corinthians 12:22 - Nay much more which seem those members of the body more feeble to be necessary are

  • Luke 12:23 - The life more is than meat and the body is more than raiment

  • Matthew 12:23 - And were amazed all the people And said not this Is the son of David

  • Luke 12:24 - Consider the ravens for neither sow nor reap which neither have storehouse nor barn and God feedeth them how much more ye are the fowls

  • Mark 12:27 - not He is the God of the dead but the God of the living ye therefore greatly do

  • Mark 12:28 - And came one of the scribes and having heard him reasoning together and perceiving that well him he had answered asked him Which is the first of all commandment

  • Mark 12:29 - And Jesus answered him The first of all the commandments is Hear O Israel Lord God our Lord one is

  • Matthew 12:30 - not He that is with me against me is and not he that gathereth with me scattereth abroad

  • John 12:31 - Now the judgment is world of this Now the prince world of this be cast out

  • Mark 12:31 - And the second is like Thou shalt love neighbour thy as thyself greater than these other commandment none There is

  • Mark 12:32 - And said he the scribe Well Master the truth said for one there is God And none there is other but he

  • Mark 12:33 - And to love him with all the heart And with all the understanding And with all the soul And with all the strength And to love his neighbour as himself more is than all whole burnt offerings And sacrifices

  • John 12:34 - answered him The people We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever and how thou sayest that must be lifted up Son of man who is this Son of man

  • Luke 12:34 - where For is treasure your there also heart your be

  • John 12:35 - said Then unto them Jesus Yet a little while the light with you is Walk while the light ye have darkness you come upon for Walk in darkness not knoweth whither he goeth

  • Mark 12:35 - And answered Jesus and said while he taught in the temple How and said the scribes that Christ the Son is of David

  • Mark 12:37 - him therefore David calleth him Lord And whence son him is he And the common people heard him gladly

  • Luke 12:42 - said And his lord Who is that faithful steward and wise whom shall make ruler his lord over household to give in due season them their portion of meat

  • Mark 12:42 - And there came widow poor and she threw in mites two make a farthing

  • Matthew 12:48 - But he answered and said and said him Who is mother my and Who are brethren my

  • John 12:50 - And I know that commandment his life everlasting is whatsoever therefore I speak I even as said unto me the Father so I speak

  • Romans 13:1 - Let every soul power unto the higher be subject no For there is power of God that be power of God ordained are

  • Romans 13:4 - of God For the minister he is to thee for good if But evil thou do be afraid not For in vain the sword he beareth of God For the minister he is a revenger for to execute wrath evil him that doeth