G2192 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to hold (used in very various applications, literally or figuratively, direct or remote; such as possession; ability, contiuity, relation, or condition) be (able, X hold, possessed with), accompany, + begin to amend, can(+ -not), X conceive, count, diseased, do + eat, + enjoy, + fear, following, have, hold, keep, + lack, + go to law, lie, + must needs, + of necessity, + need, next, + recover, + reign, + rest, + return, X sick, take for, + tremble, + uncircumcised, use a primary verb;

627 instances of the word ἔχω échō (G2192)

  • John 15:22 - I had and spoken unto them sin no had now but cloke no had for sin unto them

  • Romans 15:23 - now But no more place having in parts a great desire But having to come unto you these these many years

  • John 15:24 - the works I had among them which none other man I had sin not had now but and have they and hated and me and Father my

  • Matthew 15:30 - And came them multitudes great having with them those that were lame blind dumb maimed And others great And cast them at feet Jesus And he healed them

  • 1 Corinthians 15:31 - daily I die I protest by rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus Lord our

  • Matthew 15:32 - Then Jesus called disciples them unto him and said I have compassion on the multitude because now days three they continue with me and not have to eat and away them fasting not I will lest they faint in the way

  • 1 Corinthians 15:34 - Awake to righteousness and not sin not the knowledge for of God some have this to shame your I speak

  • Matthew 15:34 - And saith unto them Jesus How many loaves have ye And they said Seven And a few little fishes

  • Acts 15:36 - after And some days said Paul unto Barnabas Let us go again and visit brethren our in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do

  • Luke 16:1 - he said And also unto disciples his man a certain There was rich which had a steward also the same was accused his that he had wasted goods his

  • Revelation 16:2 - And went which the first And poured out which vial his upon which the earth And there fell sore a noisome And grievous upon which the men which had which the mark which of the beast And which which image his upon them which worshipped

  • Mark 16:8 - And they went out quickly and fled from the sepulchre they trembled for And were amazed And any thing any thing said they they were afraid man for

  • Revelation 16:9 - And were scorched which men heat with great And blasphemed which the name which of God which hath power over which plagues And not they repented to give him glory

  • John 16:12 - yet many things I have to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now

  • John 16:15 - All things that hath the Father mine are therefore said I that of he shall take and shall shew it unto you

  • Acts 16:16 - it came to pass And went as we to prayer damsel a certain possessed with a spirit of divination met us which gain much brought masters by soothsaying

  • Mark 16:18 - serpents They shall take up and if deadly any they drink them hurt on the sick hands they shall lay and recover they shall

  • John 16:21 - A woman as soon as she is in travail sorrow hath because is come hour her as soon as but is born of the child more she remembereth the anguish for joy because is born a man into the world

  • John 16:22 - And ye therefore sorrow now have again but I will see you And shall rejoice you heart And joy you no man taketh from you

  • Luke 16:28 - I have For five brethren that he may testify they also they come into place this of torment

  • Luke 16:29 - saith them Abraham They have Moses and the prophets let them hear them

  • John 16:30 - Now are we sure that are we sure all things and not needest that any man thee should ask by this we believe that from God thou camest forth

  • John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you that In me peace ye might have In the world tribulation ye might have but be of good cheer I have overcome the world

  • Revelation 17:1 - And there came one of which the seven angels which had which the seven vials And talked with me saying unto me Come hither I will shew unto thee which the judgment which whore which of the great which that sitteth upon which waters which many

  • Revelation 17:3 - So away me into the wilderness in the spirit So I saw a woman sit upon beast a scarlet coloured full of names of blasphemy having heads seven So horns ten

  • Revelation 17:4 - And the woman was arrayed in purple And scarlet colour And decked with gold And stones precious And pearls having a golden cup in hand full of abominations And filthiness fornication

  • John 17:5 - And now glorify me thou O Father with thine own self with the glory which I had before the world was with thee

  • Luke 17:6 - said And the Lord If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed say it should sycamine tree Be thou plucked up by the root and be thou planted in the sea and obey it should you

  • Luke 17:7 - which But from you a servant having plowing or feeding cattle unto him when he is come from the field will say by and by Go and sit down to meat

  • Revelation 17:7 - And said unto me which the angel Wherefore didst thou marvel I thee will tell which the mystery which of the woman And which of the beast which that carrieth her which hath which the seven heads And which ten horns

  • Luke 17:9 - thank Doth he servant that because he did the things that were commanded him not I trow

  • Revelation 17:9 - And here which is the mind which hath wisdom which The seven heads mountains are The seven which the woman sitteth on which

  • Acts 17:11 - These were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word with all readiness of mind daily and searched the scriptures whether were those things so

  • John 17:13 - now And to thee come I and these things I speak in the world that they might have joy my fulfilled in

  • Revelation 17:13 - These mind have and power and strength their unto the beast shall give

  • Revelation 17:18 - And which the woman which thou sawest is which city which that great which reigneth over which the kings which of the earth

  • Matthew 17:20 - And Jesus said unto them Because unbelief of your verily for I say unto you If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say mountain unto this Remove hence to yonder place and Remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you

  • Revelation 18:1 - And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven having power great And the earth was lightened from glory his

  • Matthew 18:8 - if Wherefore hand thy or feet thy offend thee thee cut them and cast them from thy better for thee it is to enter into into life halt or maimed or two hand or two feet having cast into fire everlasting

  • Matthew 18:9 - And if eye thee offend thee out it And cast it from thee better for thee it is with one eye into life to enter rather than two eye having cast into hell fire

  • John 18:10 - Simon Then Peter having a sword drew his and smote the high priest's The servant's and cut off his ear right was name The servant's Malchus

  • Acts 18:18 - And Paul there yet after this tarried while a good of the brethren and then took his leave and sailed thence into Syria and with him Priscilla and Aquila having shorn his head in Cenchrea he had for a vow

  • Revelation 18:19 - And they cast dust on heads her And cried weeping And wailing saying Alas Alas city that great in were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of costliness her ! for hour is she made desolate

  • Luke 18:22 - heard Now these things when Jesus he said unto him Yet one thou lackest all that thou hast thing sell and distribute unto the poor and thou hast treasure in heaven and come follow me

  • Luke 18:24 - saw And that he when Jesus very sorrowful was he said How hardly riches that have enter into the kingdom of God

  • Matthew 18:25 - not he had But forasmuch as him payment to be made commanded him lord him to be sold and wife him and children and all that he had and payment to be made

  • John 19:7 - answered him The Jews We a law have and by a law our he ought to die because himself the Son of God he made

  • John 19:10 - saith Then unto him Pilate unto me not Speakest thou not knowest thou that power I have to crucify thee and power I have to release thee

  • Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at feet him to worship him And he said unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy I am And brethren of thy that have the testimony of Jesus God to worship for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

  • John 19:11 - answered Jesus no Thou couldest have power at all against me it were thee given from above therefore he that delivered me thee sin Thou couldest have

  • Revelation 19:12 - eyes His were as a flame of fire and on head His crowns were many and he had a name written that no man knew His

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • John 19:15 - But they cried out Away with Away with Shall I crucify him saith him Pilate King your Shall I crucify answered The chief priests no We have King Caesar

  • Matthew 19:16 - And behold one came and said unto him Master Good what Good shall I do that I may have life eternal

  • Revelation 19:16 - AND he hath on his vesture AND on thigh a name written KING KING AND LORD LORD

  • Luke 19:17 - And he said unto him Well thou good servant because in a very little faithful thou hast been thou authority have over ten cities

  • Luke 19:20 - And another came saying Lord behold pound here is thy which I have kept laid up in a napkin

  • Matthew 19:21 - said unto him Jesus If thou wilt perfect be go and sell that thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come and follow me

  • Matthew 19:22 - heard But when the young man that saying he went away sorrowful for he had possessions great

  • Luke 19:24 - And unto them that stood by he said Take from him pounds And give ten pounds it to him that hath

  • Luke 19:25 - (And they said unto him Lord he hath ten pounds

  • Luke 19:26 - I say For unto you That unto every one which hath shall be given from and which not hath even that hath shall be taken away from him

  • Luke 19:31 - And if any man you ask Why do ye loose him thus shall ye say of him Because the Lord of him need hath

  • Luke 19:34 - And they said The Lord of him need hath

  • Acts 19:38 - if Wherefore Demetrius and which are with him the craftsmen against any man a matter have the law is open and deputies there are let them implead one another

  • Revelation 20:1 - And I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key of the bottomless pit And chain a great in hand

  • Revelation 20:6 - Blessed and holy hath part in resurrection the first on such death the second no hath power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years

  • Acts 20:15 - And we sailed the next and came day over against Chios and the next day we arrived at Samos and tarried at Trogyllium and the next day we came at Miletus

  • Acts 20:24 - But none of these things move me neither count I life my dear unto myself so that I might finish course my with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God

  • Luke 20:24 - Shew me a penny Whose hath it image and superscription They answered and said Caesar's

  • Luke 20:28 - Saying Master Moses wrote unto us If any man's brother die having a wife and he without children die that should take brother his a wife and raise up seed brother his

  • John 20:31 - these But are written that believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing life ye might have through name his

  • Luke 20:33 - in Therefore the resurrection whose her is she to wife for seven had her to wife

  • Matthew 21:3 - And if any man unto you say any man ye shall say The Lord of them need hath straightway and he will send of them

  • Luke 21:4 - all For she have of abundance their cast in unto the offerings of God she but have of penury their all the living that she had cast

  • John 21:5 - saith Then him Jesus Children meat have ye They answered him No

  • Revelation 21:9 - And there came unto me one of which of the seven angels which had which of the seven vials which full which of the seven plagues which last And talked with me saying Come hither I will shew thee which the bride which the Lamb's which wife

  • Revelation 21:11 - Having the glory of God and light her was like stone most precious even like stone a jasper clear as crystal

  • Revelation 21:12 - and had And a wall great and high and had gates the names of the twelve and at gates angels the names of the twelve and names written thereon which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel

  • Acts 21:13 - answered Then Paul What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart I for not only to be bound also and to die at Jerusalem ready am for the name of the Lord Jesus

  • Revelation 21:14 - And the wall of the city had foundations of the twelve And in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb

  • Revelation 21:15 - And he that talked with me had reed a golden to measure the city And the gates thereof And the wall thereof

  • Matthew 21:21 - answered and Jesus said unto them Verily I say unto you If ye have faith and not doubt not only which is done to the fig tree do but also if mountain unto this said Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done

  • Acts 21:23 - this therefore Do that to thee we say have We men four which have a vow on them

  • Luke 21:23 - woe But in them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days there shall be ! for distress great in the land and wrath in people this

  • Revelation 21:23 - And the city no need had of the sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it And is the light it the Lamb

  • Acts 21:26 - Then Paul took the men and the next day with of them purifying himself entered into the temple to signify the accomplishment day of purification until that should be offered for one every of them an offering

  • Matthew 21:26 - if But we shall say Of men we fear the people all for hold John as a prophet

  • Matthew 21:28 - what But ye think A certain man had Son two and he came to the first and said Son go to day work in vineyard my

  • Matthew 21:46 - But when they sought him to lay hands they feared the multitude because for a prophet him they took

  • Revelation 22:5 - And night no there shall be there And they need no candle And light of the sun for the Lord God giveth them And they shall reign for and ever and ever

  • Matthew 22:12 - And he saith unto him Friend how camest thou in hither not having garment a wedding And he was speechless

  • Matthew 22:24 - Saying Master Moses said If a man die no having children shall marry brother his wife his and raise up seed brother his

  • Matthew 22:25 - there were Now with us seven brethren and the first when he had married a wife deceased and no having issue left wife brethren

  • Matthew 22:28 - in Therefore the resurrection whose of the seven shall she be wife they all for had her

  • Luke 22:36 - said he Then unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take likewise and his scrip and no he that hath let him sell garment unto them and buy sword

  • Luke 22:37 - I say For unto you that yet this that is written must be accomplished in me And among the transgressors he was reckoned And For the things concerning me an end have

  • Luke 22:71 - And they said What any further need we witness his own for have heard of mouth his own

  • Acts 23:17 - called Then Paul one of the centurions unto him and said young man this Bring unto the chief captain he hath for a certain thing to tell him

  • Luke 23:17 - of necessity (For he must release unto them at the feast one