G2212 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to seek (literally or figuratively); specially, (by Hebraism) to worship (God), or (in a bad sense) to plot (against life) be (go) about, desire, endeavour, enquire (for), require, (X will) seek (after, for, means) of uncertain affinity;

116 instances of the word ζητέω zētéō (G2212)

  • Matthew 18:12 - How ye think if have a man an hundred sheep and be gone astray one of them not doth he that which the ninety and nine into that which the mountains and goeth and seeketh that which be gone astray

  • Luke 19:3 - And he sought to see Jesus who he was And not could for the press because of stature little he was

  • Luke 19:10 - is come For the Son of man to seek and to save that which was lost

  • John 19:12 - And from thenceforth sought Pilate go him but the Jews cried out saying If this man go not thou art friend Caesar whosoever a king him maketh speaketh against Caesar

  • Luke 19:47 - And he taught daily in the temple But the chief priests And the scribes sought him to destroy And the chief of the people

  • John 20:15 - saith him Jesus Woman whom weepest thou whom seekest thou She supposing the gardener him to be saith him Sir if thou have borne him tell me where him thou hast laid and I him away

  • Luke 20:19 - And sought the chief priests And the scribes to lay on him hands the same him hour And they feared the people they perceived for that against him parable he had spoken

  • Acts 21:31 - as they went about And him to kill came tidings unto the chief captain of the band that all was in an uproar Jerusalem

  • Matthew 21:46 - But when they sought him to lay hands they feared the multitude because for a prophet him they took

  • Luke 22:2 - And sought the chief priests And scribes how they might kill him they feared for the people

  • Luke 22:6 - And he promised And sought opportunity to betray him him in the absence of the multitude

  • Luke 24:5 - afraid And as them and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them Why seek ye the living among the dead

  • Matthew 26:16 - And from that time he sought opportunity to him betray

  • Matthew 26:59 - Now the chief priests and elders and the council all sought false witness against Jesus to him put

  • Acts 27:30 - And as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship when they had let down the boat into the sea under colour as though out of the foreship they would anchors have cast

  • Matthew 28:5 - answered And which the angel and said which unto the women not Fear ye I know for that Jesus which was crucified ye seek