G2228 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
disjunctive, or; comparative, than and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea a primary particle of distinction between two connected terms;

283 instances of the word ἤ ḗ (G2228)

  • Romans 7:1 - Know ye not brethren to them that know (for the law I speak how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth

  • Acts 7:2 - And he said Men brethren and father hearken The God of glory appeared father unto our Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Charran

  • Matthew 7:4 - Or how wilt thou say brother thine Let me pull out the mote out of eye thine and behold a beam is in eye thine

  • 1 Corinthians 7:9 - if But cannot contain let them marry better for it is let them marry than to burn

  • Matthew 7:9 - Or what is there of you man whom if ask son him bread will he give a stone him

  • Mark 7:10 - Moses For said Honour father thy and mother thy and Whoso curseth father or mother the death let him die

  • 1 Corinthians 7:11 - if But and she depart let her remain unmarried or the husband be reconciled and the husband his wife not let

  • Mark 7:11 - ye But say If shall say a man to his father or mother It is Corban is to say a gift If by me thou mightest be profited by

  • Mark 7:12 - And no more ye suffer him ought to do father him or mother him

  • 1 Corinthians 7:15 - if But the unbelieving depart depart not is A brother or a sister in such in But peace hath called us God

  • 1 Corinthians 7:16 - how For knowest thou O wife whether O man thou shalt save or how knowest thou O man whether O wife thou shalt save

  • Matthew 7:16 - by their fruits them Ye shall know them Do men gather by thorns grapes or by thistles figs

  • John 7:17 - If any man will will his do he shall know of the doctrine whether of God it be or whether I of myself speak

  • Luke 7:19 - And calling unto him two disciples John sent them to Jesus saying thou Art he that should come or another look we for

  • Luke 7:20 - were come When unto him the men they said John Baptist hath sent us unto thee saying thou Art he that should come or another look we for

  • John 7:48 - of the rulers believed on him or of the Pharisees

  • Acts 7:49 - Heaven is my throne and earth footstool is my what house will ye build is my saith the Lord or what is the place rest is my

  • Luke 8:16 - No man a candle when he hath lighted covereth it with a vessel or it under a bed putteth but it on a candlestick setteth that they which enter in may see the light

  • Acts 8:34 - answered And the eunuch Philip and said I pray thee of whom the prophet speaketh this of himself or of other man some

  • Romans 8:35 - Who us shall separate from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword

  • Mark 8:37 - Or what give a man in exchange soul

  • John 9:2 - And asked him disciples him saying Master who did sin this man or parents him that blind he was born

  • Matthew 9:5 - whether For is easier to say be forgiven thee Thy sins or to say Arise and walk

  • 1 Corinthians 9:6 - Or only I and Barnabas not have power to forbear working

  • 1 Corinthians 9:7 - Who goeth a warfare his own charges any time at Who planteth a vineyard and of the fruit thereof not eateth or Who feedeth a flock and of the milk a flock not eateth

  • 2 Corinthians 9:7 - Every man according as he purposeth in his heart so let him give not grudgingly or grudgingly necessity a cheerful for giver loveth God

  • 1 Corinthians 9:8 - as a man the same Say I or not also the law the same saith

  • 1 Corinthians 9:10 - Or For our it altogether saith he For our no doubt this is written that in hope should he that ploweth he that ploweth and that he that thresheth hope should be partaker in hope

  • Romans 9:11 - not yet (For born neither having done any good or evil that according to election of God the purpose might stand not of works but of him that calleth

  • Luke 9:13 - he said And unto them Give them ye to eat And he said have no We more but five loaves and two fishes should go we and buy for all people this meat

  • 1 Corinthians 9:15 - I But none have used of these things neither have I written But these things that so done unto me for for me it were better to die than glorying my that any man should make

  • John 9:21 - by what means But now he not know or who hath opened he eyes we not know he of age is he ask him he for he shall speak

  • Romans 9:21 - not Hath power the potter over the clay of the same lump make another unto honour one vessel another and unto dishonour

  • Luke 9:25 - what For advantaged a man if he gain world the whole himself and lose or be cast away

  • Mark 9:43 - And if offend thee hand thy cut it better for thee it is maimed into life to enter than two hand having to go into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched

  • Mark 9:45 - And if feet thy offend thee cut it better it is for thee to enter into life halt than two feet having to be cast into hell into the fire that never shall be quenched

  • Mark 9:47 - And if eye thine offend thee out it better for thee it is with one eye to enter into the kingdom of God than two eye having to be cast into hell fire

  • Romans 10:7 - Or Who shall descend into the deep (that Christ from the dead again

  • Matthew 10:11 - into And till city or town ye shall enter enquire who in it worthy is and there abide till ye go thence

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12 - not For we dare make or among ourselves some ourselves that commend but they by ourselves ourselves measuring and among ourselves ourselves not are

  • Luke 10:12 - I say But unto you that for Sodom in day for that more tolerable it shall be than city for that

  • Acts 10:14 - But Peter said Not so Lord for never I have any thing that is common or unclean

  • Luke 10:14 - But for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable it shall be at the judgment than for you

  • Matthew 10:14 - And whosoever receive you nor hear words of your when ye depart out house or city of that shake off the dust feet of your

  • Matthew 10:15 - Verily I say unto you more tolerable It shall be for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment than city for that

  • 1 Corinthians 10:19 - What then say I that the idol any thing is or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols any thing is

  • Matthew 10:19 - when But they deliver you no take how or what ye shall speak it shall be given for you in that same hour what ye shall speak

  • 1 Corinthians 10:22 - Do we provoke to jealousy the Lord stronger than he are we

  • Mark 10:25 - easier It is for a camel through the eye of a needle to enter than for a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter

  • Acts 10:28 - he said And unto them Ye know how an unlawful thing that it is for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation but me God hath shewed any common or unclean call man

  • Hebrews 10:28 - that despised He law Moses without mercy under two or three witnesses died

  • Mark 10:29 - answered And Jesus and said Verily I say unto you no man There is that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands sake for my and the gospel's

  • Matthew 10:37 - He that loveth father or mother more than me not is of me worthy and He that loveth son or daughter more than me not is of me worthy

  • Romans 11:2 - not cast away God people which he foreknew not Wot ye of Elias what saith the scripture how he maketh intercession God against Israel saith

  • Matthew 11:3 - And said unto him thou Art he that should come or for another do we look

  • 1 Corinthians 11:4 - Every man praying or prophesying covered head having dishonoureth head

  • 2 Corinthians 11:4 - if For he that cometh another Jesus preached which not preached or spirit another if ye receive which not if ye receive or gospel another which not accepted well bear with

  • 1 Corinthians 11:5 - every But woman that prayeth or prophesieth uncovered head dishonoureth head her all one for that is even as if she were shaven

  • 1 Corinthians 11:6 - if For not be for a woman also be shorn if but it be a shame for a woman be shorn or shaven be

  • 2 Corinthians 11:7 - an offence Have I committed myself in abasing that ye might be exalted because freely of God the gospel I have preached to you

  • Acts 11:8 - I said But Not so Lord for nothing common or unclean at any time entered into mouth my

  • Luke 11:12 - Or if he shall ask an egg will he offer him a scorpion

  • 1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even itself nature teach you that a man if have long hair a shame itself it is

  • 1 Corinthians 11:22 - not What houses you not have ye in to eat and to drink or the church of God despise ye and shame not have ye What to you shall I say I praise you in this you not I praise

  • Matthew 11:22 - But I say for you for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable It shall be at the day of judgment than for you

  • Matthew 11:24 - But I say unto you That for the land of Sodom more tolerable it shall be in the day of judgment than for thee

  • Hebrews 11:25 - rather Choosing to suffer affliction with the people of God than for a season to enjoy the pleasures of sin

  • 1 Corinthians 11:27 - Wherefore whosoever shall eat bread this and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily guilty shall be of the body and blood of the Lord

  • Mark 11:30 - The baptism of John it from heaven was or it from men answer me

  • Romans 11:34 - who For hath known the mind of the Lord or who his counsellor hath been

  • Romans 11:35 - Or who hath first given to him and again to him

  • Matthew 12:5 - Or not have ye in the law how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple on the sabbath days profane and blameless are

  • 2 Corinthians 12:6 - though For I would desire to glory not I shall a fool the truth For I will say now I forbear but lest any man of me should think above that which he seeth me to be or that he heareth any man me

  • Luke 12:11 - when And they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers ye no take how or what ye shall answer or what ye shall say

  • Luke 12:14 - And he said unto him Man who me made a judge or a divider over you

  • Mark 12:14 - And when they were come they say unto him Master we know that true thou art and carest for no man carest for thou regardest the person of men but in truth the way of God teachest Is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give or carest

  • Mark 12:15 - Shall we give or shall we not Shall we give But I may see their hypocrisy said their Why me tempt ye bring me a penny that I may see

  • Hebrews 12:16 - Lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau who for morsel of meat sold birthright

  • Hebrews 12:20 - not endure (For that which was commanded And if so much as a beast touch the mountain it shall be stoned or with a dart thrust through

  • 1 Corinthians 12:21 - cannot And the eye say unto the hand need of thee cannot I have nor again the head to the feet need of you cannot I have

  • Matthew 12:25 - knew And Jesus thoughts their and said their Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation and Every city or house divided against itself not shall

  • Luke 12:29 - And ye neither seek what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink And neither be ye of doubtful mind

  • Matthew 12:29 - Or else how can one enter into house a strong man's and goods his he will spoil he first bind a strong man's and then house his he will spoil

  • Matthew 12:33 - Either make the tree good and fruit his good Either make the tree corrupt and fruit his corrupt by for fruit the tree is known

  • Luke 12:41 - said Then unto him Peter Lord to us parable speakest thou or even to all

  • Luke 12:51 - Suppose ye that peace I am come to give on earth Nay I tell you but rather division

  • 1 Corinthians 13:1 - Though with the tongues of men I speak and of angels charity and not have I am become brass as sounding or cymbal a tinkling

  • Luke 13:4 - Or those eighteen and upon whom fell the tower in Siloam and slew them think ye that they sinners were above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem

  • 2 Corinthians 13:5 - your own selves Examine whether ye be in the faith your own selves prove not Know ye your own selves how that Jesus Christ in you is whether reprobates ye be

  • John 13:10 - saith to him Jesus He that is washed not needeth save his feet to wash but is clean every whit and ye clean are but not all

  • Romans 13:11 - And that knowing the time that it is high time to awake now out of sleep now for nearer is our salvation than when we believed

  • Luke 13:15 - answered then him The Lord and said Thou hypocrite each one of you on the sabbath not doth ox him or his ass from the stall and lead him away to watering

  • Revelation 13:16 - And he causeth all both small And great And rich And poor And free And bond to receive their a mark in their their right hand or in foreheads their

  • Revelation 13:17 - And that might buy or sell that had the mark or name of the beast or the number name of his

  • Mark 13:21 - And then if any man to you shall say Lo here is Christ or Lo he is there him not believe

  • Matthew 13:21 - not hath he Yet root in himself but for a while dureth ariseth Yet when tribulation or persecution because of the word by and by he is offended

  • John 13:29 - some For of them thought because the bag had Judas that had said unto him Jesus Buy those things that need of had against the feast or to the poor that some he should give

  • Mark 13:35 - Watch ye therefore not ye know for when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at the cockcrowing or in the morning

  • Romans 14:4 - thou Who art that judgest another man's servant to his own master he standeth or falleth he shall be holden up Yea able for is God he shall be holden up him

  • 1 Corinthians 14:5 - I would but all that ye he that speaketh with tongues rather but that is he that prophesieth greater for is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues except he interpret that the church edifying may receive