G2254 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to (or for, with, by) us our, (for) us, we dative case plural of G1473 (ἐγώ);

167 instances of the word ἡμῖν hēmîn (G2254)

  • Mark 10:35 - And come unto him James And John the sons of Zebedee saying Master we would that whatsoever we shall desire thou shouldest do for us

  • Mark 10:37 - They said unto him Grant unto us that one on right hand thy and one on left hand thy we may sit in glory thy

  • Acts 10:41 - Not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of God even to us who did eat and drink with he after rose he from the dead

  • Acts 10:42 - And he commanded us to preach which unto the people And to testify that he it is which was ordained of which God to be the Judge of quick And dead

  • Luke 11:3 - bread our daily Give us day by day

  • Luke 11:4 - And forgive to us sins our And for forgive every one that is indebted to us And not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil

  • Acts 11:13 - he shewed And us how he had seen an angel in house his which stood and said his Send to Joppa men and call for Simon whose surname is Peter

  • Acts 11:17 - Forasmuch then the like gift gave them God as as he did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ I what was that I could withstand God

  • John 11:50 - Nor consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people and not that the whole nation perish

  • Hebrews 12:1 - Wherefore also seeing we with so great are compassed about us a cloud of witnesses weight lay aside every also which doth so easily beset the sin with patience us and let us run that is set before us the race

  • Romans 12:6 - Having then gifts according to the grace that is given to us differing whether prophecy according to the proportion of faith

  • Mark 12:19 - Master Moses wrote unto us If a man's brother die and leave his wife and children no leave that should take brother his his wife his and raise up seed brother his

  • Mark 13:4 - Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign when shall all shall these things be fulfilled

  • Luke 13:25 - When once is risen up the master of the house and hath shut at the door and ye begin without to stand and to knock at the door saying Lord Lord open unto us and he shall answer and say unto you not I know you whence ye are

  • Acts 13:33 - God hath fulfilled children their unto us again Jesus as also in psalm the second it is Son my art Thou have I this day begotten thee

  • Matthew 13:36 - Then away the multitude and went into the house Jesus and came his disciples his saying Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field

  • Acts 13:47 - so For commanded us the Lord saying I have set that thou for a light of the Gentiles shouldest be that thou for salvation unto the ends of the earth

  • John 14:8 - saith unto him Philip Lord shew us the Father and it sufficeth us

  • John 14:9 - saith unto him Jesus so long time with you Have I been and not hast thou me Philip hath seen me hath seen the Father and how thou saith then Shew us the Father

  • Mark 14:15 - And he you will shew upper room a large furnished and prepared there make ready for us

  • Acts 14:17 - and Nevertheless not without witness himself he left in that he did good from heaven us rain and gave and seasons fruitful filling with food and gladness hearts our

  • John 14:22 - saith unto him Judas not Iscariot Lord how is it that unto us thou wilt manifest thyself and not unto the world

  • Acts 15:7 - much And disputing when there had been rose up Peter and said unto them Men and brethren ye know how that ago while a good God among us made choice by mouth my should hear that the Gentiles the word of the gospel and believe

  • Acts 15:8 - And which knoweth the hearts God bare them witness them giving them Ghost the Holy as And he did unto us

  • Matthew 15:15 - answered Then Peter and said unto him Declare unto us parable

  • Acts 15:25 - It seemed good unto us being assembled with one accord chosen men to send unto you with beloved our Barnabas and Paul

  • Acts 15:28 - it seemed good For to the Holy Ghost and to us no greater to lay upon you burden than necessary things these

  • Matthew 15:33 - And say his disciples his Whence should we in the wilderness bread have so much as to fill a multitude have so much

  • 1 Corinthians 15:57 - which But be to God thanks which giveth us which the victory through which Lord our Jesus Christ

  • Mark 16:3 - And they said among themselves Who away us the stone from the door of the sepulchre

  • Acts 16:9 - And a vision in the night appeared to Paul a man There stood of Macedonia and prayed him And saying Come over into Macedonia and help us

  • Acts 16:16 - it came to pass And went as we to prayer damsel a certain possessed with a spirit of divination met us which gain much brought masters by soothsaying

  • Acts 16:17 - The same followed Paul and unto us and cried saying The same men the servants God of the most high are which shew unto us the way of salvation

  • John 16:17 - said Then some of disciples his among themselves What is this that he saith unto us A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me and Because I go among the Father

  • Acts 16:21 - And teach customs which not are for us to receive neither to observe Romans being

  • Luke 17:5 - And said the apostles unto the Lord Increase our faith

  • John 17:21 - That they all one may be as thou Father art in me and I art in thee That also they art in us one may be That the world may believe that thou me hast sent

  • John 18:31 - said Then him Pilate Take him ye and according law to your judge him said Then him The Jews for us not It is to death any man

  • Acts 19:27 - that not only So this is in danger our craft at nought to be set but also of the great goddess Diana that the temple at should So also be destroyed magnificence her whom all Asia also the world worshippeth

  • Matthew 19:27 - Then answered Peter and said unto him Behold we have forsaken all and followed thee what have shall we

  • Luke 20:2 - And Tell unto him saying Tell us by what authority these things doest thou or who is he that gave thee authority

  • Matthew 20:12 - Saying These which last hour have wrought and equal unto us them have wrought which have borne which the burden which of the day and which heat

  • Acts 20:14 - when And he met with us at Assos in him and came at Mitylene

  • Luke 20:22 - Is it lawful for us unto Caesar tribute to give or no

  • Luke 20:28 - Saying Master Moses wrote unto us If any man's brother die having a wife and he without children die that should take brother his a wife and raise up seed brother his

  • Acts 21:16 - There went also certain of the disciples of Caesarea with us and brought with them with whom we should lodge Mnason one of Cyprus an old certain of the disciples

  • Acts 21:18 - And the day following went in Paul with us unto James all and were present the elders

  • Acts 21:23 - this therefore Do that to thee we say have We men four which have a vow on them

  • Matthew 21:25 - The baptism of John whence was it From heaven or From men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto us Why then not believe him

  • Luke 22:8 - And he sent Peter And John saying Go and prepare us the passover that we may eat

  • Matthew 22:17 - Tell therefore us What thou thinkest Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not

  • Matthew 22:25 - there were Now with us seven brethren and the first when he had married a wife deceased and no having issue left wife brethren

  • Luke 22:67 - thou Art the Christ I tell us I tell And unto them If you I tell believe

  • Luke 23:18 - they cried out And all at once saying Away with this release And unto us Barabbas

  • Matthew 24:3 - as he sat And unto him upon the mount of Olives came unto him the disciples privately saying Tell us when these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world

  • Luke 24:24 - And went certain of them which were with us to the sepulchre And found so as And the women had said him but not they saw

  • Luke 24:32 - And they said one to another not heart our burn Did by to us while he talked to us by the way And while he opened to us the scriptures

  • Matthew 25:8 - And the foolish unto the wise said Give us of oil your for lamps our are gone out

  • Matthew 25:9 - answered But the wise saying Not so lest not enough for us and you go ye But rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves

  • Matthew 25:11 - Afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us

  • Acts 25:24 - And said which Festus Agrippa King And all which are here present with us men ye see this man about whom all which the multitude which of the Jews have dealt with me at both Jerusalem And also here crying not that he ought to live any longer

  • Matthew 26:63 - But Jesus held his peace And answered the high priest and said unto him I adjure thee by God the living that us and said whether thou be the Christ the Son God

  • Matthew 26:68 - Saying Prophesy unto us thou Christ Who is he that smote thee

  • Acts 27:2 - entering And into a ship of Adramyttium meaning to sail by of Asia the coasts we launched being with us one Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica

  • Acts 28:2 - And the barbarous people shewed no little kindness us they kindled for a fire and received every one us because rain of the present and because of the cold

  • Acts 28:15 - And from thence when the brethren heard of us they came to meet us as far as Appii forum and The three taverns whom saw when Paul he thanked God and took courage

  • Acts 28:22 - we desire But of thee to hear what thou thinkest as concerning for sect know we that every where it is spoken against