G2316 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very X exceeding, God, god(-ly, -ward) of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588 (ὁ)) the supreme Divinity;

1174 instances of the word θεός theós (G2316)

  • Acts 10:41 - Not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of God even to us who did eat and drink with he after rose he from the dead

  • Acts 10:42 - And he commanded us to preach which unto the people And to testify that he it is which was ordained of which God to be the Judge of quick And dead

  • Acts 10:46 - they heard For them speak with tongues and magnify God Then answered Peter

  • Acts 11:1 - heard And the apostles also brethren that were in Judaea that also the Gentiles had the word of God

  • Revelation 11:1 - And there was given me a reed like unto a rod And the angel stood saying Rise And measure the temple of God And the altar And them that worship therein

  • Romans 11:1 - I say then God forbid Hath God people God forbid also For I an Israelite am of the seed of Abraham of the tribe of Benjamin

  • 2 Corinthians 11:2 - I am jealous For over you with godly jealousy I have espoused For over you to one husband virgin you as a chaste that I may present to Christ

  • Romans 11:2 - not cast away God people which he foreknew not Wot ye of Elias what saith the scripture how he maketh intercession God against Israel saith

  • Hebrews 11:3 - Through faith we understand were framed that things which that the worlds by the word of God so that things which not of things which do appear that things which are seen made

  • 1 Corinthians 11:3 - I would have But you know that of every is the man the head Christ is the head But of the woman is the man the head But Christ is God

  • Hebrews 11:4 - By faith a more excellent sacrifice Abel than Cain offered God by which he obtained witness that he was righteous he obtained witness of gifts his God and by his he being dead yet speaketh

  • John 11:4 - heard When Jesus that he said This sickness not is unto death but for the glory of God that might be glorified the Son of God thereby

  • Revelation 11:4 - These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks before the God of the earth standing

  • Hebrews 11:5 - By faith Enoch had translated not see death and not found because had translated him God before for translation him he had this testimony that he pleased God

  • Hebrews 11:6 - without But faith it is impossible to please believe him for must he that cometh to God that he is and of them that diligently seek him a rewarder that he is

  • 1 Corinthians 11:7 - a man indeed For not ought to cover his head the image and glory of God forasmuch as he is the woman but glory a man is

  • 2 Corinthians 11:7 - an offence Have I committed myself in abasing that ye might be exalted because freely of God the gospel I have preached to you

  • Romans 11:8 - (According as it is written hath given them God the spirit of slumber eyes not see and ears not hear unto this day

  • Acts 11:9 - answered But me the voice again again heaven What God hath cleansed thou not common

  • Hebrews 11:10 - he looked for For foundations which hath a city whose builder and maker is God

  • 2 Corinthians 11:11 - Wherefore because not I love you God knoweth

  • Revelation 11:11 - And after three days And an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them And they stood into feet them And fear great fell into them which saw them

  • 1 Corinthians 11:12 - as For the woman is of is the man even so also is the man by the woman but all things is of God

  • 1 Corinthians 11:13 - in yourselves Judge comely is it that a woman uncovered unto God pray

  • Revelation 11:13 - And in hour was there earthquake a great And the tenth part of the city fell And were slain in earthquake of men thousand seven And the remnant affrighted was there And gave glory to the God of heaven

  • Hebrews 11:16 - now But a better they desire an heavenly wherefore not ashamed for them God God to be called for them he hath prepared for for them a city

  • 1 Corinthians 11:16 - But seem contentious to be we such custom no have neither the churches of God

  • Revelation 11:16 - And which twenty And the four elders which before which God sat on which seats fell on which faces And worshipped which God

  • Acts 11:17 - Forasmuch then the like gift gave them God as as he did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ I what was that I could withstand God

  • Revelation 11:17 - Saying We give thee O Lord which God which Almighty which and which wast and which art to come because thou hast taken to thee which power thy which great and hast reigned

  • Acts 11:18 - they heard When these things they held their peace also glorified God saying Then also to the Gentiles God repentance granted unto life

  • Hebrews 11:19 - Accounting that also from the dead to raise him up was able God from whence him also in a figure he received

  • Revelation 11:19 - And was opened temple of God in heaven And there was seen the ark testament his in temple his And there were lightnings And voices And thunderings And an earthquake And hail great

  • Luke 11:20 - if But I with the finger of God cast out devils no doubt is come upon you the kingdom of God

  • Romans 11:21 - if For God the natural branches not he also not thee he

  • 1 Corinthians 11:22 - not What houses you not have ye in to eat and to drink or the church of God despise ye and shame not have ye What to you shall I say I praise you in this you not I praise

  • John 11:22 - But that even now I know whatsoever thou wilt ask God will give it thee God

  • Mark 11:22 - And answering Jesus saith unto them Have faith in God

  • Romans 11:22 - Behold therefore goodness also severity of God on them which fell severity on but thee goodness if thou continue goodness otherwise also thou shalt be cut off

  • Acts 11:23 - Who when he came and had seen the grace of God was glad and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord

  • Romans 11:23 - also they And they abide still in unbelief in able for is God again in them

  • Hebrews 11:25 - rather Choosing to suffer affliction with the people of God than for a season to enjoy the pleasures of sin

  • John 11:27 - She saith unto him Yea Lord I believe that thou art which the Christ which the Son which of God which into which the world should come

  • Luke 11:28 - it But he said Yea rather blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it

  • Romans 11:29 - are without repentance For the gifts and calling of God

  • Romans 11:30 - as For ye in times past have not believed God now yet have through their unbelief

  • 2 Corinthians 11:31 - which The God and Father which Lord of our Jesus Christ knoweth which is blessed for which evermore that I not lie

  • Romans 11:32 - hath concluded For God them all in unbelief that them all he might have mercy

  • Romans 11:33 - O the depth of the riches and of the wisdom and knowledge of God ! how unsearchable judgments are his and past finding out ways are his

  • Hebrews 11:40 - God for us better some having provided that without us be made perfect

  • John 11:40 - saith unto her Jesus not Said I unto thee that if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory of God

  • Luke 11:42 - But woe unto you Pharisees ! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs and pass over judgment and the love of God these ought ye to have done the other and not to leave

  • Luke 11:49 - Therefore also the wisdom of God said I will send them prophets also apostles also some of them they shall slay also persecute

  • John 11:52 - And not for that nation only but that And the children of God that were scattered abroad he should gather together in one

  • Romans 12:1 - I beseech therefore you brethren by the mercies of God that ye present bodies which is your sacrifice a living holy acceptable of God reasonable service which is your

  • Hebrews 12:2 - Looking unto of our faith the author and finisher Jesus who for that was set before the joy endured the cross the shame despising at the right hand and of the throne of God is set down

  • 2 Corinthians 12:2 - I knew a man in Christ above years fourteen (whether in of the body I cannot I knew (whether out of the body I cannot I knew God I knew caught up such an one to the third heaven

  • Romans 12:2 - And not be world to this but be ye transformed by the renewing mind of your that may prove ye what will of God is that good And acceptable And perfect

  • 1 Corinthians 12:3 - Wherefore I give you that no man by Ghost of God speaking calleth accursed Jesus and no man can say is the Lord Jesus by Ghost the Holy

  • 2 Corinthians 12:3 - And I knew such a man (whether in of the body (whether out of the body I cannot I knew God I knew

  • Romans 12:3 - I say For through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not highly to think of himself more than he ought to think but to think soberly to every man according as God hath dealt the measure of faith

  • Matthew 12:4 - How he entered into the house of God and the shewbread did eat which not lawful was for him did eat neither for them which for him for the priests only

  • Acts 12:5 - therefore Peter was kept in prison prayer but was without ceasing made of the church unto God for him

  • Revelation 12:5 - And she brought forth child a man who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron And was caught up child her unto God And throne her

  • 1 Corinthians 12:6 - And diversities of operations there are which but the same it is God which worketh which all in all

  • Luke 12:6 - not five sparrows Are farthings for two and one of them not is forgotten before God

  • Revelation 12:6 - And the woman fled into the wilderness where she hath a place prepared of God that there they should feed her days a thousand two hundred and threescore

  • Hebrews 12:7 - If chastening ye endure as son with you dealeth God what for is he son whom not chasteneth the father

  • Luke 12:8 - I say Also unto you Whosoever confess me before men also the Son men confess him before the angels of God

  • Luke 12:9 - But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God

  • Revelation 12:10 - And I heard voice a loud saying in which heaven Now is come which salvation And which strength And which the kingdom which God of our And which the power which Christ of his for is cast down which accused which brethren of our which the accuser of his before which God of our day And night

  • Mark 12:14 - And when they were come they say unto him Master we know that true thou art and carest for no man carest for thou regardest the person of men but in truth the way of God teachest Is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give or carest

  • Hebrews 12:15 - Looking diligently lest any fail of the grace of God lest any root of bitterness up springing trouble you and thereby be defiled many

  • Mark 12:17 - And answering the things that are Jesus said him Render the things that are Caesar's Caesar's And the things that are the things that are God's the things that are God's And they marvelled at him

  • Revelation 12:17 - And was wroth which the dragon with which the woman And went to make war with which the remnant which seed of her which keep which the commandments which of God And have which the testimony which of Jesus Christ

  • 1 Corinthians 12:18 - now But God hath the members one every of them in the body as it hath pleased him

  • 2 Corinthians 12:19 - Again think ye that unto you we excuse ourselves before God in Christ we speak but we do all things dearly beloved for your edifying

  • Luke 12:20 - said But unto him God Thou fool night soul thee shall be required of thee which But thou hast provided whose shall those things be

  • 2 Corinthians 12:21 - And lest again when I come me will humble which God my among you and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already and And lest have of which the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed

  • Luke 12:21 - So is he that layeth up treasure for himself and not toward God is

  • Acts 12:22 - And the people gave a shout of a god saying It is the voice and not of a man

  • Hebrews 12:22 - But ye are come Sion unto mount and unto the city God of the living Jerusalem the heavenly and to an innumerable company of angels

  • Acts 12:23 - immediately And smote him the angel of the Lord because not he gave the glory God and he was eaten of worms and gave up the ghost

  • Hebrews 12:23 - To the general assembly and church of the firstborn in heaven which are written and the Judge to God of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect

  • Acts 12:24 - But the word of God grew and multiplied

  • 1 Corinthians 12:24 - For comely our no need parts have but God hath tempered the body to that part which lacked having given honour

  • Luke 12:24 - Consider the ravens for neither sow nor reap which neither have storehouse nor barn and God feedeth them how much more ye are the fowls

  • Mark 12:24 - And answering Jesus said unto them not therefore Do ye not because ye know the scriptures neither the power of God

  • Mark 12:26 - as touching And the dead that they rise not have ye in the book of Moses in the bush how spake unto him God saying I God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob

  • Mark 12:27 - not He is the God of the dead but the God of the living ye therefore greatly do

  • Hebrews 12:28 - Wherefore a kingdom which cannot be moved we receiving let us have grace whereby we may serve acceptably God with reverence and godly fear

  • 1 Corinthians 12:28 - And some hath set God in the church first apostles secondarily prophets thirdly teachers after that miracles then gifts of healings helps governments diversities of tongues

  • Luke 12:28 - If then the grass in the field is to day which and to morrow into the oven is cast God so clothe how much more will he clothe you O ye of little faith

  • Matthew 12:28 - if But I by the Spirit of God cast out devils then is come unto you the kingdom of God

  • Hebrews 12:29 - For God our fire is a consuming

  • Mark 12:29 - And Jesus answered him The first of all the commandments is Hear O Israel Lord God our Lord one is

  • Mark 12:30 - And thou shalt love the Lord God thy with all heart thy And with all soul thy And with all mind thy And with all strength thy this is the first commandment

  • Luke 12:31 - But rather seek ye the kingdom of God and these things all shall be added unto you

  • Mark 12:32 - And said he the scribe Well Master the truth said for one there is God And none there is other but he

  • Mark 12:34 - And when Jesus saw him that discreetly he answered he said him not far Thou art from the kingdom of God And no man after that durst him ask