G2424 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
Jesus (i.e. Jehoshua), the name of our Lord and two (three) other Israelites Jesus of Hebrew origin (H3091);

945 instances of the word Ἰησοῦς Iēsoûs (G2424)

  • Matthew 15:34 - And saith unto them Jesus How many loaves have ye And they said Seven And a few little fishes

  • Mark 15:37 - And Jesus cried voice with a loud and gave up the ghost

  • Mark 15:43 - came Joseph of Arimathaea an honourable counsellor which also for waited the kingdom of God boldly and went in unto Pilate also craved the body of Jesus

  • 1 Corinthians 15:57 - which But be to God thanks which giveth us which the victory through which Lord our Jesus Christ

  • Romans 16:3 - Greet Priscilla and Aquila helpers my in Christ Jesus

  • Mark 16:6 - which And he saith him not Be Jesus Ye seek which of Nazareth which was crucified he is risen not he is here which the place where they laid him

  • Matthew 16:6 - Then Jesus said unto them Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees

  • Matthew 16:8 - perceived Which when Jesus he said unto them why reason ye among yourselves O ye of little faith because bread no ye have brought

  • Matthew 16:13 - came When Jesus into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked disciples say Whom that I say do men am the Son do men

  • Matthew 16:17 - And answered which Jesus and said unto him Blessed art thou Simon Barjona for flesh And blood not hath it unto thee but which Father my which is in which heaven

  • Acts 16:18 - this And did she many days being grieved And Paul And turned to the spirit said I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ he came out out of her And he came out her hour

  • Romans 16:18 - For they that are such Lord our Jesus Christ not serve but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple

  • John 16:19 - knew Now Jesus that they were desirous him to ask and I said him of that Do ye enquire among yourselves that I said A little while and not see me and again A little while and ye shall see me

  • Matthew 16:20 - Then charged he disciples he that no man they should tell that he was Jesus the Christ

  • Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under feet you shortly The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with you Amen

  • Matthew 16:21 - From that time forth began Jesus to shew disciples he how that must he go unto Jerusalem and many things suffer From the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and the third day be raised again

  • 1 Corinthians 16:22 - not love the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Maranatha Maranatha

  • 1 Corinthians 16:23 - The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you

  • 1 Corinthians 16:24 - love My be with all you in Christ Jesus Amen

  • 1 Corinthians 16:24 - love My be with all you in Christ Jesus Amen

  • Matthew 16:24 - Then Jesus said disciples man will after me come let him deny himself and take up cross and follow me

  • Romans 16:24 - The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with all you Amen

  • Romans 16:25 - Now to him that is of power you to stablish according gospel to my and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery since the world began which was kept secret

  • Acts 16:31 - And they said Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and shalt be saved thou and house thy

  • John 16:31 - answered them Jesus now Do ye

  • John 17:1 - These words spake Jesus also lifted up eyes to heaven also said Father is come the hour glorify thy Son that also Son thy glorify thee

  • Matthew 17:1 - And after days six taketh Jesus Peter And James And John brother his And bringeth his into mountain an high apart

  • Acts 17:3 - Opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this is Christ Jesus whom I preach unto you

  • John 17:3 - this And is eternal life that they might know thee the only true God and whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ

  • Matthew 17:4 - answered Then Peter and said unto Jesus Lord good it is for us here to be if thou wilt let us make here three tabernacles for thee and for Moses and for Elias

  • Revelation 17:6 - And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints And with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus And I wondered I saw her admiration with great

  • Acts 17:7 - Whom hath received Jason and these all contrary to the decrees of Caesar do king saying another that there is one Jesus

  • Matthew 17:7 - And came Jesus touched them And said Arise And not afraid

  • Matthew 17:8 - when they had lifted up And eyes no man they saw Jesus only

  • Matthew 17:9 - And as they came down them from the mountain charged them Jesus saying to no man Tell the vision until the Son of man from the dead be risen again

  • Matthew 17:11 - And Jesus answered and said unto them Elias truly come shall first and restore all things

  • Luke 17:13 - And they lifted up their voices and said Jesus Master have mercy on us

  • Luke 17:17 - answering And Jesus said not ten Were there And are the nine where

  • Matthew 17:17 - answered Then Jesus and said O generation faithless and perverse how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring to me him hither

  • Acts 17:18 - certain Then of the Epicureans And of the Stoicks philosophers encountered him And certain said What will babbler this said Then of strange gods some He seemeth a setter forth to be because Jesus And the resurrection him he preached

  • Matthew 17:18 - And rebuked him Jesus And he departed from him the devil And was cured the child from hour that very

  • Matthew 17:19 - Then came the disciples to Jesus apart and said Why we not could cast him

  • Matthew 17:20 - And Jesus said unto them Because unbelief of your verily for I say unto you If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say mountain unto this Remove hence to yonder place and Remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you

  • Matthew 17:22 - abode And unto them in Galilee said unto them Jesus shall be The Son of man betrayed into the hands of man

  • Matthew 17:25 - He saith Yes And when he was come into the house prevented him Jesus He saith What thou thinkest Simon the kings of the earth of What do custom or tribute of children him or of strangers

  • Matthew 17:26 - saith unto him Peter Of strangers saith unto him Jesus Then free are the children

  • John 18:1 - these words had spoken When Jesus he went forth with disciples he over the brook Cedron where was a garden into the which entered he and disciples he

  • Matthew 18:1 - At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying Who the greatest is At the kingdom of heaven

  • John 18:2 - knew And also Judas which betrayed him which the place for ofttimes resorted which Jesus thither with which disciples him

  • Matthew 18:2 - And called Jesus a little child and set him in the midst him

  • John 18:4 - Jesus therefore knowing all things that should come upon him went forth and said him Whom seek ye

  • Acts 18:5 - when And were come from Macedonia Silas and Timotheus was pressed in the spirit Paul and testified to the Jews was Christ that Jesus

  • John 18:5 - They answered him Jesus which of Nazareth saith him which Jesus I am stood he And also Judas which betrayed him with him

  • John 18:7 - again Then them asked he Whom seek ye And they said Jesus of Nazareth

  • John 18:8 - answered Jesus I have told you that I am he if therefore me ye seek let these go their way

  • John 18:11 - said Then Jesus unto Peter Put up sword thy into the sheath the cup which hath given me my Father drink it

  • John 18:12 - Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus and bound him

  • John 18:15 - followed And Jesus Simon Peter and so did another disciple And disciple that was known of the high priest and went in with Jesus into the palace of the high priest

  • Luke 18:16 - But Jesus called them unto him and said Suffer little children to come unto me and not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God

  • John 18:19 - then The high priest asked Jesus of disciples his and of doctrine his

  • Luke 18:19 - said And unto him Jesus Why me callest thou good none good one that is God

  • John 18:20 - answered him Jesus I openly have I said to the world I always taught in the synagogue and in the temple whither always the Jews resort and in secret have I said nothing

  • John 18:22 - thus And saying one of the officers which stood by struck Jesus saying so Answerest thou the high priest

  • Luke 18:22 - heard Now these things when Jesus he said unto him Yet one thou lackest all that thou hast thing sell and distribute unto the poor and thou hast treasure in heaven and come follow me

  • Matthew 18:22 - I say unto him Jesus not I say unto thee Until seven times but Until seventy times seven

  • John 18:23 - answered him Jesus If evil I have spoken bear witness of the evil If but well why thou me smitest

  • Luke 18:24 - saw And that he when Jesus very sorrowful was he said How hardly riches that have enter into the kingdom of God

  • Acts 18:28 - he mightily For the Jews convinced and that publickly shewing by the scriptures was Christ that Jesus

  • John 18:28 - led they Then Jesus from Caiaphas into the hall of judgment it was and early and they themselves not went into the hall of judgment that they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover

  • John 18:32 - That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die

  • John 18:33 - entered Then into the judgment hall again Pilate and called Jesus and said unto him thou Art the King of the Jews

  • John 18:34 - answered him Jesus of thyself thou this thing Sayest or did others thee tell it of me

  • John 18:36 - answered Jesus kingdom My not is of world this if of world this were kingdom My servants then would fight I should to the Jews now but kingdom My not is from hence

  • John 18:37 - said therefore unto him Pilate then a king Art Thou answered Jesus Thou sayest that a king am I I To this born and To this cause came I To the world that I should bear witness the truth Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice

  • Luke 18:37 - they told And him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by

  • Luke 18:38 - And he cried saying Jesus thou Son of David have mercy on me

  • Luke 18:40 - stood And Jesus and commanded he to be brought unto he when he was come near And he asked he

  • Luke 18:42 - And Jesus said unto him Receive thy sight faith thy hath saved thee

  • John 19:1 - Then therefore took Pilate Jesus and scourged

  • Matthew 19:1 - And it came to pass that when had finished Jesus sayings these he departed from Galilee And came into the coasts of Judaea beyond Jordan

  • Luke 19:3 - And he sought to see Jesus who he was And not could for the press because of stature little he was

  • Acts 19:4 - said Then Paul John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance unto the people saying is on him which should come after him that they should believe is on Christ Jesus

  • Acts 19:5 - they heard When this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus

  • John 19:5 - came Then Jesus forth wearing of thorns the crown And the purple robe And Pilate saith unto them the man

  • Luke 19:5 - And when came to the place he looked up Jesus and saw him And said unto him Zacchaeus make haste and come down to day for at house thy must I abide

  • John 19:9 - And went into the judgment hall again And saith Jesus Whence art thou But Jesus answer no gave him

  • Luke 19:9 - said And unto he Jesus This day salvation house to this come forsomuch as also he a son of Abraham is

  • Acts 19:10 - this And continued by the space years of two so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus Jews both and Greeks

  • Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at feet him to worship him And he said unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy I am And brethren of thy that have the testimony of Jesus God to worship for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

  • John 19:11 - answered Jesus no Thou couldest have power at all against me it were thee given from above therefore he that delivered me thee sin Thou couldest have

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • John 19:13 - therefore When Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Jesus and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement in the Hebrew but Gabbatha

  • Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said Suffer little children and not forbid them to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven

  • Acts 19:15 - answered And spirit the evil and said Jesus I know and Paul I know ye And who are

  • John 19:16 - Then therefore delivered he him him to be crucified they took And Jesus and led him away

  • Acts 19:17 - this And was known all the Jews and also Greeks dwelling at Ephesus also fell fear on all them also was magnified the name of the Lord Jesus

  • John 19:18 - Where him they crucified and with him other two and in the midst and Jesus

  • Matthew 19:18 - He saith unto him Which Jesus said no Thou shalt do no Thou shalt no Thou shalt no Thou shalt

  • John 19:19 - the writing And and a title Pilate and put it on the cross was And the writing JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS

  • John 19:20 - This then title many read of the Jews for nigh it was to the city the place where was crucified Jesus and it was written in Hebrew and Greek and Latin