G2440 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a dress (inner or outer) apparel, cloke, clothes, garment, raiment, robe, vesture neuter of a presumed derivative of ennumi (to put on);

59 instances of the word ἱμάτιον himátion (G2440)

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  • Hebrews 1:11 - They shall perish thou but remainest and they all as doth a garment shall wax old

  • Mark 2:21 - also No man a piece cloth of new seweth on garment an old taketh away that filled it up from the new piece an old also worse the rent is made

  • 1 Peter 3:3 - Whose be not that outward adorning of plaiting the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting on of apparel adorning

  • Revelation 3:4 - Thou hast a few names and in Sardis which not defiled garments and they shall walk with me in white for worthy they are

  • Revelation 3:5 - He that overcometh the same shall be clothed in raiment white and I will name his out of the book of life and I will confess name his before Father my and before angels his

  • Revelation 3:18 - I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayest be rich and raiment white that thou mayest be clothed and not appear that the shame nakedness of thy and with eyesalve anoint eyes of thy that thou mayest see

  • Revelation 4:4 - And round about seats seats twenty And four And on seats I saw twenty And four elders sitting clothed in raiment white And they had on heads crowns of gold

  • James 5:2 - riches Your are corrupted and garments Your motheaten are

  • Mark 5:27 - When she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched garment his

  • Mark 5:28 - she said For If but clothes his I may touch I shall be whole

  • Mark 5:30 - And immediately Jesus knowing in himself out of that virtue had gone turned him about in the press and said Who my touched clothes

  • Luke 5:36 - he spake And also a parable unto them No man a piece garment of a new putteth upon garment an old And also of a new maketh a rent also an old not agreeth a piece that was taken out of of a new

  • Matthew 5:40 - And if any man will thee at the law And coat thy take away have him And thy cloke

  • Luke 6:29 - And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other also him that taketh away thy cloke also to take thy coat not forbid

  • Mark 6:56 - And whithersoever as he entered into villages or cities or country in the streets they laid the sick And besought him that if the border garment him they might touch And as many as they might touch him were made whole

  • Luke 7:25 - But what went ye out for to see A man in soft raiment clothed Behold in apparelled gorgeously and delicately live in kings' courts are

  • Acts 7:58 - And cast him out of the city and stoned And the witnesses laid down clothes at feet a young man's whose name was Saul

  • Luke 8:27 - when he went forth And him to land there met him man a certain long the city which had devils long time and clothes no ware and in any house no abode but in the tombs

  • Luke 8:44 - Came behind him and touched the border garment her and immediately stanched issue of blood her

  • Mark 9:3 - And raiment his became shining white exceeding as snow so as fuller on earth no can white

  • Matthew 9:16 - No man putteth a piece cloth of new unto garment an old taketh for that which is put in to fill it up from garment and worse the rent is made

  • Matthew 9:20 - And behold a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years came behind him and touched the hem garment of his

  • Matthew 9:21 - she said For within herself If but I may garment his I shall be whole

  • Acts 9:39 - arose Then Peter and went with him When he was come they brought him into the upper chamber and stood by him all the widows weeping and shewing the coats and garments which made with him while she was Dorcas

  • Mark 10:50 - And he casting away garment rose and came to Jesus

  • Mark 11:7 - And they brought the colt to Jesus And cast him garments him And he sat upon him

  • Mark 11:8 - many And garments spread in the way others And branches cut down off the trees and spread in the way

  • Matthew 11:8 - But what went ye out for to see A man in soft raiment clothed behold soft they that wear in houses kings clothing are

  • Acts 12:8 - said And the angel unto him Gird thyself And bind on sandals thee he did And so And he saith him Cast thy garment thee And follow me

  • John 13:4 - He riseth from supper and laid aside garments and took a towel and girded himself

  • John 13:12 - after So he had washed feet their and had taken garments their and was set down again he said their Know ye what I have done to you

  • Mark 13:16 - And in the field him that is not again in back for to take up garment

  • Acts 14:14 - heard Which when the apostles Barnabas and Paul of they rent clothes and ran in among the people crying out

  • Matthew 14:36 - And besought him that only they might the hem of his garment him And as many as they might were made perfectly whole

  • Mark 15:20 - And when they had mocked from him they took off from him the purple And on from him clothes his own And led from him to crucify from him

  • Mark 15:24 - And when they had crucified him they parted garments him casting lots upon him every man every man should take

  • Revelation 16:15 - Behold I come as a thief Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth garments his naked he walk and they see shame his

  • Acts 16:22 - And rose up together the multitude against their And the magistrates rent off their clothes and commanded to beat

  • Matthew 17:2 - And was transfigured before his And did shine face his as the sun and raiment his was white as the light

  • Acts 18:6 - when they opposed And them and blasphemed he shook his raiment and said unto them blood Your be upon own heads Your am clean I from henceforth unto the Gentiles I will go

  • John 19:2 - And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns and put it on him head And robe a purple they put on him

  • John 19:5 - came Then Jesus forth wearing of thorns the crown And the purple robe And Pilate saith unto them the man

  • Revelation 19:13 - And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood And is called name his The Word of God

  • Revelation 19:16 - AND he hath on his vesture AND on thigh a name written KING KING AND LORD LORD

  • John 19:23 - Then soldier when they had crucified Jesus took garments his and made four a part to every soldier a part and his coat was now his coat without seam from the top woven throughout

  • John 19:24 - They said therefore among themselves not Let us it but cast lots for it whose it shall be that which the scripture might be fulfilled which saith They parted which raiment my among them and for which vesture my they did cast lots which therefore the soldiers These things did

  • Luke 19:35 - And they brought him to Jesus And and their garments upon the colt thereon Jesus

  • Luke 19:36 - as he went And they spread clothes in the way

  • Matthew 21:7 - And brought the ass and the colt and put him thereon them clothes them and they set him thereon them

  • Matthew 21:8 - And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way And cut down branches from the trees and spread in the way

  • Acts 22:20 - And when was shed the blood Stephen martyr of thy And I was standing by And consenting death I And kept the raiment of them that slew I

  • Acts 22:23 - as they cried out And and cast off their clothes and dust threw into the air

  • Luke 22:36 - said he Then unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take likewise and his scrip and no he that hath let him sell garment unto them and buy sword

  • Matthew 23:5 - all But works they do for to be seen of men they make broad But phylacteries and enlarge the borders garments

  • Luke 23:34 - And Jesus said Father forgive his not for they know what they do they parted And raiment his and cast lots

  • Matthew 24:18 - let him which is in the field Neither return back to take clothes

  • Matthew 26:65 - Then the high priest rent clothes his saying He hath spoken blasphemy what further need have we of witnesses now ye have heard blasphemy his

  • Matthew 27:31 - And after that they had mocked from him off from him the robe And on from him raiment from him And away from him to crucify

  • Matthew 27:35 - they crucified And him They parted which garments him casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by which the prophet They parted which garments my among them and upon which vesture my casting lots

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