G2480 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to have (or exercise) force (literally or figuratively) be able, avail, can do(-not), could, be good, might, prevail, be of strength, be whole, + much work from G2479 (ἰσχύς);

29 instances of the word ἰσχύω ischýō (G2480)

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  • Mark 2:17 - When heard Jesus it he saith unto them no need have They that are whole of the physician but sick have no I came to call the righteous but sinners to repentance

  • Philippians 4:13 - all things I can do through which strengtheneth me Christ

  • Mark 5:4 - Because him had been often the fetters and chains bound and had been plucked asunder by him chains and the fetters broken in pieces and him could any man tame

  • Galatians 5:6 - in For Christ Jesus neither circumcision any thing availeth neither uncircumcision but faith by love which worketh

  • Matthew 5:13 - Ye are the salt of the earth if but the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted for nothing good it is thenceforth to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men

  • James 5:16 - Confess another your faults and pray for another that ye may be healed much availeth prayer of a righteous man The effectual fervent

  • Acts 6:10 - And not able to resist the wisdom And the spirit by which he spake

  • Galatians 6:15 - in For Christ Jesus neither circumcision any thing availeth neither uncircumcision but a new creature

  • Luke 6:48 - like He is a man built an house which digged and deep and laid the foundation on a rock when the flood and arose beat vehemently the stream an house upon that and not could shake it it was founded for on a rock

  • Matthew 8:28 - And was come him into the other side into the country of the Gergesenes there met him two possessed with devils out of the tombs coming fierce exceeding so that no might man pass by way that

  • Luke 8:43 - And a woman having an issue of blood years twelve which upon physicians had spent all her living neither could of any be healed

  • Matthew 9:12 - But when Jesus heard that he said unto them not need They that be whole a physician but sick They that be

  • Hebrews 9:17 - a testament For after men are dead is of force otherwise at all it is of while liveth the testator

  • Mark 9:18 - And wheresoever him he taketh he teareth him And he foameth And gnasheth teeth him And pineth away And I spake disciples to thy that him out And not they could

  • Revelation 12:8 - And not prevailed neither was their place found any more in heaven

  • Luke 13:24 - Strive to enter in at the strait gate for many I say unto you will seek to enter in and not be able

  • Luke 14:6 - And not they could again him to these things

  • Luke 14:29 - haply hath laid after he the foundation and not able to finish it all that behold it begin to mock after he

  • Luke 14:30 - Saying This man began to build and not able to finish

  • Mark 14:37 - And he cometh And findeth them sleepest thou And saith unto Peter Simon sleepest thou not couldest hour thou watch

  • Acts 15:10 - Now therefore why tempt ye God to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples which neither fathers our neither we were able to bear

  • Luke 16:3 - said Then within himself the steward What shall I do for lord my taketh away the stewardship from me dig I cannot to beg I am ashamed

  • Acts 19:16 - And leaped on them the man in whom was spirit the evil And overcame them and prevailed against them so naked And wounded that they fled out of house that

  • Acts 19:20 - So mightily the word of God grew and prevailed

  • Luke 20:26 - And not they could take hold his words before the people And they marvelled at answer his and held their peace

  • John 21:6 - And he said it Cast on the right side of the ship the net and ye shall find Cast therefore and now it to draw able for the multitude of fishes

  • Acts 25:7 - was come And when he stood round about from Jerusalem which came down the Jews many and and grievous complaints laid against Paul which not they could prove

  • Matthew 26:40 - And he cometh unto the disciples And findeth them asleep And saith unto Peter What not could ye hour watch with me

  • Acts 27:16 - island And a certain running under which is called Clauda much we had to come by the boat

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