G2532 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force;

5220 instances of the word καί kaí (G2532)

  • Matthew 26:41 - Watch and pray ye enter into temptation indeed the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

  • Matthew 26:43 - And he came and found their again asleep were for their eyes heavy

  • Matthew 26:44 - And he left the same and went away again and prayed the third time the same words saying

  • Matthew 26:45 - Then cometh he to disciples unto them and saith unto them Sleep on now and take your rest behold is at hand the hour and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners

  • Matthew 26:47 - And while he spake lo Judas one of the twelve came And with he multitude a great with swords And staves from the chief priests And elders of the people

  • Matthew 26:49 - And forthwith he came to Jesus and said Hail master And kissed him

  • Matthew 26:50 - And Jesus said him Friend on art thou come Then came they and laid hands on Jesus and took him

  • Matthew 26:51 - And behold one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew sword his And struck a servant of the high priest's and smote off his ear

  • Matthew 26:53 - than Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray Father to my and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels

  • Matthew 26:55 - In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes as against a thief Are ye come out with swords and staves for to take me daily with you I sat teaching In the temple and no hold me

  • Matthew 26:57 - And they that had laid hold on Jesus him away to Caiaphas the high priest where the scribes and the elders were assembled

  • Matthew 26:58 - But Peter followed him afar off unto palace the high priest's and went in and sat with the servants to see the end

  • Matthew 26:59 - Now the chief priests and elders and the council all sought false witness against Jesus to him put

  • Matthew 26:60 - But none found But though many false witnesses came none found At the last came two false witnesses

  • Matthew 26:61 - And said This fellow said I am able to destroy the temple of God and in three days to build it

  • Matthew 26:62 - And arose the high priest and said unto him nothing Answerest thou what is it which these thee witness against

  • Matthew 26:63 - But Jesus held his peace And answered the high priest and said unto him I adjure thee by God the living that us and said whether thou be the Christ the Son God

  • Matthew 26:64 - I say unto him Jesus Thou hast said nevertheless I say unto you Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven

  • Matthew 26:67 - Then did they spit in face him and buffeted him and others smote him with the palms of their hands

  • Matthew 26:69 - Now Peter without sat in the palace also came unto him damsel saying also Thou wast with Jesus of Galilee

  • Matthew 26:71 - was gone out And him into the porch maid saw him another also said unto them that were there also This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth

  • Matthew 26:72 - And again he denied with an oath not I do the man

  • Matthew 26:73 - after a while And came unto him they that stood by and said to Peter Surely also thou one of them art also for speech thy bewrayeth thee

  • Matthew 26:74 - Then began he to curse And to swear saying not I know the man And immediately the cock crew

  • Matthew 26:75 - And remembered which Peter which the word which of Jesus said unto him Before the cock crow thrice thou shalt deny me And and he went out wept bitterly

  • Acts 27:1 - when And it was determined should sail that we into Italy they delivered Paul and certain other prisoners a centurion unto one named Julius band of Augustus

  • Matthew 27:1 - the morning When was come counsel took all the chief priests and elders of the people against Jesus to put him

  • Matthew 27:2 - And when they had bound him they led him away And delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor

  • Matthew 27:3 - Then when he saw Judas which had betrayed him that he was condemned repented himself and brought again which the thirty pieces of silver which to the chief priests and which elders

  • Acts 27:5 - And the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia when we had sailed over we came to Myra a city of Lycia

  • Matthew 27:5 - And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple departed And went and hanged himself

  • Acts 27:7 - many And days when we had sailed slowly and scarce were come over against Cnidus not suffering us the wind we sailed under Crete over against Salmone

  • Acts 27:9 - when much Now time was spent and was already dangerous when sailing because and the fast already past admonished Paul

  • Matthew 27:9 - Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy that which the prophet saying And they took that which the thirty pieces of silver that which the price that which did value whom did value they of the children of Israel

  • Acts 27:10 - And said unto them Sirs I perceive that with hurt also much damage not only of the lading also ship but also lives of our will be this voyage

  • Matthew 27:10 - And gave them for field the potter's as appointed me the Lord

  • Acts 27:11 - Nevertheless the centurion the master and the owner of the ship believed more than by Paul those things which were spoken

  • Matthew 27:11 - And Jesus stood before the governor and asked him the governor sayest Thou Art the King of the Jews And Jesus said him Thou sayest

  • Acts 27:12 - not commodious And the haven because to winter in the more part advised to depart thence also if they might attain to Phenice and there to winter the haven of Crete and lieth toward the south west and toward north west

  • Matthew 27:12 - And when he was accused of the chief priests And elders nothing he answered

  • Matthew 27:14 - And he answered him to never a word insomuch marvelled that the governor greatly

  • Acts 27:15 - was caught And when the ship and not could bear up into the wind we let her drive

  • Acts 27:19 - And the third with our own hands the tackling of the ship day we cast out

  • Matthew 27:19 - was set down When he on the judgment seat sent unto he wife he saying nothing Have thou just man to do with that many things for I have suffered this day in a dream because he

  • Matthew 27:20 - But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas But Jesus destroy

  • Acts 27:21 - long But abstinence after stood forth Paul in the midst of them and said ye should Sirs have hearkened unto me and not have loosed from Crete to have gained and harm and loss

  • Acts 27:22 - And I exhort you to be of good cheer loss for of any man's life no there shall be among you but of the ship

  • Acts 27:23 - there stood by For me night the angel of God whom I am whom and I serve

  • Acts 27:24 - Saying not Fear Paul Caesar thou must be brought before and lo hath given thee God all them that sail with thee

  • Matthew 27:25 - Then answered all the people and said His blood be on us Then be on children our

  • Acts 27:28 - And sounded and found fathoms it twenty a little further and when they had gone And again sounded and found fathoms it fifteen

  • Matthew 27:28 - And they stripped him and put on him robe a scarlet

  • Matthew 27:29 - And when they had platted a crown of thorns they put in head him And a reed in right hand him And they bowed the knee before him and mocked him saying Hail King of the Jews

  • Acts 27:30 - And as the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship when they had let down the boat into the sea under colour as though out of the foreship they would anchors have cast

  • Matthew 27:30 - And they spit on him and took the reed And smote on the head him

  • Acts 27:31 - said Paul to the centurion and to the soldiers these abide in the ship ye be saved cannot

  • Matthew 27:31 - And after that they had mocked from him off from him the robe And on from him raiment from him And away from him to crucify

  • Acts 27:32 - Then the soldiers cut off the ropes of the boat and let her fall off

  • Matthew 27:33 - And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha that is called of a skull a place

  • Matthew 27:34 - They gave him drink vinegar with gall mingled and when he had tasted not thereof he would drink

  • Acts 27:35 - spoken And when he had thus and he took bread and gave thanks to God in presence of them all and when he had broken it he began to eat

  • Matthew 27:35 - they crucified And him They parted which garments him casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by which the prophet They parted which garments my among them and upon which vesture my casting lots

  • Acts 27:36 - of good cheer Then were they all also and they some meat

  • Matthew 27:36 - And sitting down they watched him there

  • Matthew 27:37 - And set up over head his accusation his written THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS

  • Matthew 27:38 - Then crucified with him were there two thieves another on the right hand and another on the left

  • Acts 27:40 - And the anchors when they had taken up they committed themselves unto the sea and loosed bands the rudder And hoised up the mainsail to the wind and made themselves unto shore

  • Matthew 27:40 - And saying Thou that destroyest the temple And it in three days buildest save thyself If the Son thou be of God come down from the cross

  • Acts 27:41 - falling And into a place where two seas met aground the ship and the forepart stuck fast and remained unmoveable And the hinder part was broken with the violence of the waves

  • Matthew 27:41 - Likewise also the chief priests mocking him with the scribes also elders said

  • Matthew 27:42 - others He saved himself he cannot He saved If the King of Israel he be come down now from the cross and we will believe him

  • Acts 27:44 - And the rest some on boards some and on broken pieces of the ship And so it came to pass all safe on land

  • Matthew 27:44 - which the same also which The thieves which were crucified the same cast the same

  • Matthew 27:48 - And straightway ran one of him And took a spunge filled and it with vinegar And put it on a reed and gave him

  • Matthew 27:51 - And behold the veil of the temple rent in twain from the top to the bottom And the earth did quake And the rocks rent

  • Matthew 27:52 - And which the graves were opened And many bodies which slept of the saints arose

  • Matthew 27:53 - And came out of the graves after resurrection his and went into the holy city And appeared unto many

  • Matthew 27:54 - Now when the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying Truly of God the Son was this

  • Matthew 27:56 - Among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary of James and the mother and the mother children of Zebedee's

  • Matthew 27:57 - the even When was come there came man a rich of Arimathaea Joseph who also himself disciple Jesus

  • Matthew 27:59 - And had taken the body when Joseph he wrapped it linen cloth in a clean

  • Matthew 27:60 - And laid it in new it of the sepulchre which he had hewn out in the rock And he rolled stone a great to the door of the sepulchre and departed

  • Matthew 27:61 - was And there Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre

  • Matthew 27:62 - Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation came together the chief priests and Pharisees unto Pilate

  • Matthew 27:64 - Command therefore be made sure that the sepulchre until the third day lest come disciples him by night and steal him and say unto the people He is risen from the dead and shall be the last error worse than the first

  • Acts 28:1 - And when they were escaped then they knew that Melita the island was called

  • Matthew 28:1 - In the end day of the week as it began to dawn toward day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre

  • Acts 28:2 - And the barbarous people shewed no little kindness us they kindled for a fire and received every one us because rain of the present and because of the cold

  • Matthew 28:2 - And behold earthquake there was a great the angel for of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door And sat upon it

  • Acts 28:3 - had gathered And when Paul of sticks a bundle and laid them on the fire a viper out of the heat there came and fastened on hand his

  • Matthew 28:3 - was His countenance his like lightning and raiment his white as snow

  • Matthew 28:4 - for And fear of him did shake the keepers and became as dead

  • Acts 28:6 - Howbeit after they had looked him should have swollen or fallen down suddenly dead a great while Howbeit him after they had looked and saw no harm to him come they changed their minds and said a god him was

  • Matthew 28:7 - And quickly go I have told disciples him that he is risen from the dead And behold he goeth before you into Galilee there him shall ye see behold I have told you

  • Acts 28:8 - it came to pass And that the father of Publius a fever and of a bloody flux sick of lay to whom Paul entered in and prayed and laid his hands him and healed him

  • Matthew 28:8 - And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear And joy great and did run to bring disciples his

  • Acts 28:9 - this So was done also which others which had diseases in which the island came also were healed

  • Matthew 28:9 - as And they went to tell disciples him and behold Jesus met him saying All hail And they came held him by the feet and worshipped him

  • Acts 28:10 - Who also with many honoured honours us also when we departed they laded us with such things as were necessary

  • Acts 28:12 - And landing at Syracuse we tarried days there three