G2962 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
supreme in authority, i.e. (as noun) controller; by implication, Master (as a respectful title) God, Lord, master, Sir from (supremacy);

695 instances of the word κύριος kýrios (G2962)

  • Luke 19:8 - stood And Zacchaeus and said unto Lord Behold the half goods of my Lord I give to the poor and from any man from any man I have taken I restore him fourfold

  • Acts 19:10 - this And continued by the space years of two so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus Jews both and Greeks

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • Luke 19:16 - came Then the first saying Lord pound thy hath gained ten pound

  • Revelation 19:16 - AND he hath on his vesture AND on thigh a name written KING KING AND LORD LORD

  • Acts 19:17 - this And was known all the Jews and also Greeks dwelling at Ephesus also fell fear on all them also was magnified the name of the Lord Jesus

  • Luke 19:18 - And came the second saying Lord pound thy hath gained five pound

  • Acts 19:20 - So mightily the word of God grew and prevailed

  • Luke 19:20 - And another came saying Lord behold pound here is thy which I have kept laid up in a napkin

  • Luke 19:25 - (And they said unto him Lord he hath ten pounds

  • Luke 19:31 - And if any man you ask Why do ye loose him thus shall ye say of him Because the Lord of him need hath

  • Luke 19:33 - as they were loosing And them the colt said the owners them unto them Why as they were loosing the colt

  • Luke 19:34 - And they said The Lord of him need hath

  • Luke 19:38 - Saying Blessed that cometh be the King in the name of the Lord peace in heaven and glory in the highest

  • John 20:2 - she runneth Then and cometh to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom loved Jesus and saith him They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and not we know where they have laid him

  • Matthew 20:8 - when even So was come saith the lord of the vineyard steward them Call the labourers and give them their hire beginning from the last unto the first

  • John 20:13 - And She saith him they Woman why weepest thou She saith him Because they have taken away Lord my And not I know where they have laid him

  • Luke 20:13 - said Then the lord of the vineyard What shall I do I will send son my beloved it may be him him when they see they will reverence

  • John 20:15 - saith him Jesus Woman whom weepest thou whom seekest thou She supposing the gardener him to be saith him Sir if thou have borne him tell me where him thou hast laid and I him away

  • Luke 20:15 - So they cast him out of of the vineyard and killed him What therefore do him the lord of the vineyard

  • John 20:18 - came Mary Magdalene and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and these things that he had spoken unto her

  • Acts 20:19 - Serving which the Lord with all humility of mind and with many tears and temptations which befell me by which the lying in wait which of the Jews

  • John 20:20 - And so said he shewed unto them his hands And side unto them glad Then the disciples when they saw the Lord

  • Acts 20:21 - Testifying to the Jews both and to the Greeks toward God repentance and faith toward Lord toward our Jesus Christ

  • Acts 20:24 - But none of these things move me neither count I life my dear unto myself so that I might finish course my with joy and the ministry which I have received of the Lord Jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of God

  • John 20:25 - said therefore his The other disciples We have seen the Lord But he said his I shall see in hand his the print of the nails and put finger my into the print of the nails and put hand my into side his I will

  • John 20:28 - And answered Thomas And said unto him Lord My And God My

  • Matthew 20:30 - And behold two blind men sitting side by the way when they heard that Jesus passed by cried out saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David

  • Matthew 20:31 - And the multitude rebuked them because they should hold their peace And the more they cried saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David

  • Matthew 20:33 - They say unto him Lord that may be opened our eyes

  • Acts 20:35 - all things I have shewed you how so labouring ye ought to support the weak to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus how he said blessed It is to give more than to receive

  • Luke 20:37 - that Now are raised the dead and Moses shewed at the bush when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob

  • Luke 20:42 - And himself David saith in the book of Psalms said Lord Lord my Sit thou on right hand my

  • Luke 20:44 - David therefore Lord him calleth then how son him is he

  • Matthew 21:3 - And if any man unto you say any man ye shall say The Lord of them need hath straightway and he will send of them

  • John 21:7 - saith Now disciple that whom loved Jesus Peter the Lord It is when Simon Now Peter heard that the Lord It is his fisher's coat he girt he was unto him (for naked and did cast himself into the sea

  • Matthew 21:9 - And the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest

  • John 21:12 - saith him Jesus Come and dine none And durst of the disciples ask him thou Who art knowing that the Lord it was

  • Acts 21:13 - answered Then Paul What mean ye to weep and to break mine heart I for not only to be bound also and to die at Jerusalem ready am for the name of the Lord Jesus

  • Acts 21:14 - not be persuaded And we ceased saying The will of the Lord be done

  • John 21:15 - when So they had dined He saith Simon Peter Jesus Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these He saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed lambs my

  • John 21:16 - He saith to him again the second time Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me He saith to him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith to him Feed sheep my

  • John 21:17 - He saith unto him the third time Simon son of Jonas I love thou me was grieved Peter because he said unto him the third I love thou me And he said unto him Lord thou all things knowest thou knowest because I love thee He saith unto him Jesus Feed sheep my

  • Acts 21:20 - which And when they heard it they glorified which the Lord said and unto him Thou seest brother how many thousands there are of Jews which believe and all zealous which of the law they are

  • John 21:20 - turning about Then Peter seeth the disciple which loved Jesus following which also leaned at supper on breast his also said Lord which is he that betrayeth thee

  • John 21:21 - him seeing Peter saith to Jesus Lord shall this man and what

  • Revelation 21:22 - And temple no I saw therein of it for the Lord God Almighty temple of it are And the Lamb

  • Matthew 21:30 - And he came to the second and said likewise And he answered and said I go sir And not went

  • Matthew 21:40 - When therefore cometh the lord of the vineyard what will he do husbandmen unto those

  • Matthew 21:42 - saith unto them Jesus never Did ye in the scriptures The stone which rejected the builders the same doing the head of the corner is the Lord's doing the same and it is marvellous in eyes our

  • Revelation 22:5 - And night no there shall be there And they need no candle And light of the sun for the Lord God giveth them And they shall reign for and ever and ever

  • Revelation 22:6 - And he said unto me These sayings are faithful And true And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent angel to shew servants the things which must be done shortly

  • Acts 22:8 - I And answered Who art thou Lord he said And unto me I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest

  • Acts 22:10 - I said And What shall I do Lord And Lord I said unto me Arise and go into Damascus and there for thee it shall be told of all things which are appointed for thee shall I do

  • Acts 22:16 - And now why tarriest thou arise and be baptized And wash away sins thy calling on the name of the Lord

  • Acts 22:19 - And I said Lord they know that I imprisoned and beat in every synagogue them that believed on thee

  • Revelation 22:20 - saith He which testifieth these things Even so I come quickly Amen Even so I come Lord Jesus

  • Revelation 22:21 - The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with all you Amen

  • Revelation 22:21 - The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with all you Amen

  • Luke 22:31 - said And the Lord Simon Simon behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat

  • Luke 22:33 - And he said unto him Lord with thee ready I am and into prison and into death to go

  • Matthew 22:37 - Jesus said unto him Thou shalt love the Lord God thy with all heart thy and with all soul thy and with all mind thy

  • Luke 22:38 - And he said Lord behold swords here are two And he said unto them enough It is

  • Matthew 22:43 - He saith him How then doth David in spirit Lord him call He saith

  • Matthew 22:44 - said Lord Lord my Sit thou on right hand my till I make enemies thine footstool thine

  • Matthew 22:45 - If then David call him Lord how son him is he

  • Luke 22:49 - saw When they which were about him what would follow they said him Lord shall we smite with the sword

  • Luke 22:61 - And turned of the Lord and looked upon Peter And remembered Peter the word of the Lord how he had said unto him Before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice

  • Acts 23:11 - And following the night stood by him the Lord and said Be of good cheer Paul as for thou hast testified of me at Jerusalem so thou must also at Rome bear witness

  • Luke 23:42 - And he said unto Jesus remember me Lord when thou comest into kingdom thy

  • Luke 24:3 - And they entered in not and found the body of the Lord Jesus

  • Luke 24:34 - Saying is risen The Lord indeed and hath appeared to Simon

  • Matthew 24:42 - Watch therefore for not ye know what hour Lord your doth come

  • Matthew 24:45 - Who is a faithful servant and wise whom hath made ruler lord his over household his to give his meat in due season

  • Matthew 24:46 - Blessed servant is that whom when he cometh lord his shall find doing so

  • Matthew 24:48 - if But and shall say evil servant that in heart delayeth lord My his coming

  • Matthew 24:50 - shall come The lord servant of that in a day that not he looketh for him and in an hour that not aware of

  • Matthew 25:11 - Afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us

  • Matthew 25:18 - But one he that had received went and digged in the earth and hid money lord's

  • Matthew 25:19 - with After time a long cometh the lord servants of those and reckoneth with them

  • Matthew 25:20 - And so came five talents he that had received and brought more five talents saying Lord five talents unto me thou deliveredst more five talents I have gained beside them

  • Matthew 25:21 - said His lord His Well done servant thou good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Matthew 25:22 - came He also two talents that had received and said Lord two talents unto me thou deliveredst other two talents I have gained beside them

  • Matthew 25:23 - said His lord His Well done servant good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Matthew 25:24 - came Then and the one talent he which had received and said Lord I knew thee that an hard thou art man reaping where not sown and gathering where not strawed

  • Acts 25:26 - Of whom certain somewhat to write unto my lord no I have Wherefore I have brought him before you and specially before thee O king Agrippa that after examination had I have somewhat to write

  • Matthew 25:26 - answered lord His and said His Thou wicked servant and slothful thou knewest that I reap where not I sowed and gather where not I have

  • Matthew 25:37 - Then answer him shall the righteous saying Lord when thee saw we an hungred and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink

  • Matthew 25:44 - Then answer him also him saying Lord when thee saw we an hungred or athirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison also not did unto thee

  • Acts 26:15 - I And he said Who art thou Lord And he said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest

  • Matthew 26:22 - And sorrowful they were exceeding and began to say of them every one of them is it I Lord

  • Matthew 27:10 - And gave them for field the potter's as appointed me the Lord

  • Matthew 27:63 - Saying Sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive After three days I will rise again

  • Matthew 28:2 - And behold earthquake there was a great the angel for of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door And sat upon it

  • Matthew 28:6 - not He is here he is risen for as he said Come see the place where lay the Lord