G297 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
(in plural) both both comparative of (around);

14 instances of the word ἀμφότερος amphóteros (G297)

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  • Luke 1:6 - they were And righteous both before God walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless

  • Luke 1:7 - And no had they child because that Elisabeth had barren And both now well stricken in years they had

  • Ephesians 2:14 - For he is who peace our who hath made who both one and who the middle wall who of partition hath broken down

  • Ephesians 2:16 - And that he might reconcile both in one body unto God by the cross having slain the enmity in

  • Ephesians 2:18 - For through have access both by one Spirit unto the Father

  • Luke 5:7 - And they beckoned which unto their partners which were in which the other ship which that they should come and help them And that they should come And filled both which ship so that they began to sink them

  • Luke 5:38 - But wine new into bottles new must be put and both are preserved

  • Luke 6:39 - he spake And a parable unto them Can the blind the blind lead not both into the ditch fall

  • Luke 7:42 - nothing had And him to pay them both he frankly forgave which therefore him Tell me most him will love

  • Acts 8:38 - And he commanded to stand still the chariot And they went down both into the water both Philip And the eunuch And he baptized him

  • Matthew 9:17 - Neither do men put the wine new into bottles old break bottles and the wine runneth out and bottles perish but do men put the wine new into bottles new and both are preserved

  • Matthew 13:30 - Let grow together both until of harvest and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers Gather ye together first the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them but the wheat gather in barn my

  • Matthew 15:14 - Let them leaders they be blind blind blind And blind if lead both into the ditch shall fall

  • Acts 23:8 - the Sadducees For say no that there is resurrection neither angel nor spirit the Pharisees but confess both

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