G3004 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 (ἔπω) and G5346 (φημί) generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while G4483 (ῥέω) is properly to break silence merely, and G2980 (λαλέω) means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter a primary verb;

1240 instances of the word λέγω légō (G3004)

  • Revelation 22:17 - And the Spirit And the bride say Come And let him that heareth say Come And let him that is athirst Come And whosoever will let him take the water of life freely

  • Acts 22:18 - And saw him saying unto me Make haste And get thee quickly out of Jerusalem for not receive thy testimony concerning me

  • Luke 22:18 - I say For unto you I will of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come

  • Luke 22:19 - And he took bread and gave thanks and brake And gave unto them saying This is which body my which for you gave This do of which me in remembrance

  • Luke 22:20 - Likewise also which cup after which supper saying This which cup which is the new testament in which blood my which for you is shed

  • Matthew 22:20 - And he saith unto them Whose image is this And superscription

  • Revelation 22:20 - saith He which testifieth these things Even so I come quickly Amen Even so I come Lord Jesus

  • Matthew 22:21 - They say unto him Caesar's Then They say unto him Render therefore the things that are Caesar's Caesar's and the things that are the things that are God's the things that are God's

  • Acts 22:22 - audience And him unto this word and then lifted up voices him and said Away with a fellow from the earth such not for fit him should live

  • Matthew 22:23 - The same which day came him the Sadducees which say no that there is resurrection and asked him

  • Matthew 22:24 - Saying Master Moses said If a man die no having children shall marry brother his wife his and raise up seed brother his

  • Acts 22:26 - heard When the centurion that he went and told the chief captain saying Take heed what thou doest for man this a Roman is

  • Acts 22:27 - came Then the chief captain and said unto him Tell me thou a Roman art Then He said Yea

  • Matthew 22:31 - as touching But that which the resurrection that which of the dead not have ye that which was spoken unto you by that which God saying

  • Luke 22:34 - And he said I tell thee Peter that thou crow this day the cock before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me

  • Matthew 22:35 - Then asked one of him which was a lawyer him a question tempting him Then saying

  • Luke 22:37 - I say For unto you that yet this that is written must be accomplished in me And among the transgressors he was reckoned And For the things concerning me an end have

  • Luke 22:42 - Saying Father if thou be willing remove cup this from me nevertheless not will my but thine be done

  • Matthew 22:42 - Saying What ye think of Christ What son is he Saying unto him The Son of David

  • Matthew 22:43 - He saith him How then doth David in spirit Lord him call He saith

  • Luke 22:47 - while he yet And him spake behold a multitude and he that was called Judas one of the twelve went before him and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him

  • Luke 22:57 - And he denied him saying Woman not I know him

  • Luke 22:59 - And the space about hour after another confidently affirmed saying Of a truth And this with him was And for a Galilaean he is

  • Luke 22:60 - said And Peter Man not I know what thou sayest And immediately yet spake while he crew the cock

  • Luke 22:64 - And when they had blindfolded him they struck him on the face And asked him saying Prophesy who is it that smote thee

  • Luke 22:65 - And other things many blasphemously spake they against him

  • Luke 22:66 - And as soon as it was day came together the elders of the people the chief priests and And the scribes And led him into council their saying

  • Luke 22:70 - he said And they all thou then Art the Son of God And unto them said Ye say that I am

  • Luke 23:2 - they began And to accuse him saying this We found fellow perverting the nation and forbidding to Caesar tribute to give saying that he himself Christ a King is

  • Matthew 23:2 - Saying in Moses seat sit The scribes and the Pharisees

  • Luke 23:3 - And Pilate asked him sayest Thou Art the King of the Jews And he answered him and said Thou sayest

  • Matthew 23:3 - All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe observe and do ye after but works their not do they say for and not do

  • Luke 23:5 - And they were the more fierce saying He stirreth up the people teaching throughout all Jewry beginning from Galilee to this place

  • Acts 23:8 - the Sadducees For say no that there is resurrection neither angel nor spirit the Pharisees but confess both

  • Acts 23:9 - there arose And cry a great and arose the scribes part that were of the Pharisees and strove saying no evil We find in man this if And a spirit hath spoken to him or an angel not fight

  • Acts 23:12 - when it was And day banded together certain of the Jews and bound themselves saying neither eat neither drink till they had killed Paul

  • Matthew 23:16 - Woe unto you guides ye blind which say Whosoever shall swear by which of the temple nothing it is Whosoever but shall swear by which the gold which of the temple he is a debtor

  • Luke 23:18 - they cried out And all at once saying Away with this release And unto us Barabbas

  • Luke 23:21 - But they cried saying Crucify Crucify him

  • Acts 23:30 - when it was told And me laid wait for the man how that the Jews straightway I sent to thee and gave commandment also to his accusers to say to him before thee Farewell

  • Luke 23:30 - Then shall they begin to say to the mountains Fall on us and to the hills Cover us

  • Matthew 23:30 - And say If in the days fathers of our not we would partakers with them in the blood of the prophets

  • Luke 23:34 - And Jesus said Father forgive his not for they know what they do they parted And raiment his and cast lots

  • Luke 23:35 - And stood the people beholding derided And And the rulers with them him saying others He saved He saved himself if he be Christ of God the chosen

  • Matthew 23:36 - Verily I say unto you shall come these things All upon generation

  • Luke 23:37 - And saying If thou be the king of the Jews save thyself

  • Luke 23:39 - one And which were hanged of the malefactors railed on him saying If thou be Christ save thyself and us

  • Luke 23:40 - answering But the other rebuked him saying not Dost thou God seeing in him condemnation thou art

  • Luke 23:42 - And he said unto Jesus remember me Lord when thou comest into kingdom thy

  • Luke 23:43 - And said unto him Jesus Verily I say unto thee To day with me shalt thou be in paradise

  • Luke 23:47 - saw Now when the centurion what was done he glorified God saying Certainly man this a righteous was

  • Acts 24:2 - when he was called forth And began to accuse Tertullus him saying great quietness we enjoy Seeing that by thee and that very worthy deeds are done nation unto this Seeing that by thy providence

  • Matthew 24:2 - And Jesus said unto them not See ye all these things verily I say unto you not There shall here another upon another that not be thrown down

  • Matthew 24:3 - as he sat And unto him upon the mount of Olives came unto him the disciples privately saying Tell us when these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world

  • Matthew 24:5 - many For shall come in name my saying I am Christ and many shall deceive

  • Luke 24:7 - Saying must The Son men be delivered into the hands men of sinful and be crucified and the third day rise again

  • Acts 24:10 - answered Then Paul had beckoned unto him after that the governor to speak of many years hast been that thou a judge nation unto this Forasmuch as I know the more cheerfully for myself I do

  • Luke 24:10 - It was Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and other women that were with them which told unto the apostles these things

  • Acts 24:14 - I confess But this unto thee that after which the way which they call heresy so worship I which of my fathers the God believing all things which after which the law and which the prophets are written

  • Luke 24:23 - And not when they found body his they came said And a vision of angels seen which said his was alive

  • Luke 24:29 - And they constrained him saying Abide with us for toward evening it is And is far spent the day And he went in Abide with him

  • Luke 24:34 - Saying is risen The Lord indeed and hath appeared to Simon

  • Matthew 24:34 - Verily I say unto you pass generation This till all these things be fulfilled

  • Luke 24:36 - thus And as they spake as they Jesus stood in the midst as they and saith as they Peace be unto you

  • Matthew 24:47 - Verily I say unto you That over all goods him he shall make him

  • Matthew 25:9 - answered But the wise saying Not so lest not enough for us and you go ye But rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves

  • Matthew 25:11 - Afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us

  • Matthew 25:12 - But he answered and said Verily I say unto you not I know you

  • Acts 25:14 - when And many days they had been there Festus unto the king declared cause Paul's saying man a certain There is left by Felix in bonds

  • Acts 25:20 - doubted And because I of manner such of questions I asked him whether he would go of Jerusalem and there be judged manner these matters

  • Matthew 25:20 - And so came five talents he that had received and brought more five talents saying Lord five talents unto me thou deliveredst more five talents I have gained beside them

  • Matthew 25:37 - Then answer him shall the righteous saying Lord when thee saw we an hungred and fed thee or thirsty and gave thee drink

  • Matthew 25:40 - And shall answer the King and say unto them Verily I say unto you Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of these brethren my of the least it unto me ye have done

  • Matthew 25:44 - Then answer him also him saying Lord when thee saw we an hungred or athirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison also not did unto thee

  • Matthew 25:45 - Then shall he answer them I say Verily I say unto you Inasmuch as it not ye did to one of these of the least it not to me ye did

  • Acts 26:1 - Agrippa Then unto Paul said art permitted Thou for thyself to speak Then Paul and answered for himself stretched forth the hand

  • Matthew 26:3 - Then assembled together who of the high priest and who the scribes and who the elders who of the people unto who the palace who of the high priest who was called Caiaphas

  • Matthew 26:5 - they said But Not among the feast Not an uproar there be among the people

  • Matthew 26:8 - saw But disciples when his it they had indignation saying To what purpose waste is this

  • Matthew 26:13 - Verily I say unto you Wheresoever shall be preached gospel this in the whole world be told there shall also hath done of her for a memorial of her

  • Acts 26:14 - all And fallen when we to the earth I heard a voice speaking against me and saying in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why me persecutest thou it is hard for thee against the pricks to kick

  • Matthew 26:14 - Then went one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot unto the chief priests

  • Matthew 26:17 - Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread came the disciples to Jesus saying unto him Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover

  • Matthew 26:18 - And he said Go into the city at such a man and he said unto him The Master saith time My at hand is at thy house I will keep the passover with disciples My

  • Matthew 26:21 - And as they did eat he said Verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me

  • Acts 26:22 - help therefore Having of God unto day I continue witnessing to small both and great none other things than saying those which both the prophets did say should come and Moses

  • Matthew 26:22 - And sorrowful they were exceeding and began to say of them every one of them is it I Lord

  • Matthew 26:25 - answered Then Judas which betrayed him and said it I is Master He said him Thou and said

  • Matthew 26:27 - And he took the cup And gave thanks and gave it saying Drink ye of it all

  • Matthew 26:29 - I say But unto you not I drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until day that when it I drink with you new in kingdom Father's my

  • Acts 26:31 - And when they were gone aside they talked between themselves saying nothing of death worthy or of bonds doeth man This

  • Matthew 26:31 - Then saith unto them Jesus All ye shall be offended because because night it is written for I will smite the shepherd and shall be scattered abroad the sheep of the flock

  • Matthew 26:34 - said unto him Jesus Verily I say unto thee That this night before the cock crow thrice thou shalt deny me

  • Matthew 26:35 - said unto him Peter Though should I with thee die thee not deny Likewise also all the disciples said

  • Matthew 26:36 - Then cometh with them Jesus unto a place called Gethsemane and called unto the disciples Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder

  • Matthew 26:38 - Then saith he unto them exceeding sorrowful is soul My even unto death tarry ye here and watch with me

  • Matthew 26:39 - And further a little fell on face prayed And saying Father O my if possible it be let from me cup this nevertheless not as I will but as thou

  • Matthew 26:40 - And he cometh unto the disciples And findeth them asleep And saith unto Peter What not could ye hour watch with me

  • Matthew 26:42 - again the second time He went away and prayed saying Father O my if not may this cup pass away from me it I drink be done will thy

  • Matthew 26:45 - Then cometh he to disciples unto them and saith unto them Sleep on now and take your rest behold is at hand the hour and the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners