G3004 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas G2036 (ἔπω) and G5346 (φημί) generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while G4483 (ῥέω) is properly to break silence merely, and G2980 (λαλέω) means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter a primary verb;

1240 instances of the word λέγω légō (G3004)

  • Acts 11:4 - rehearsed the matter from the beginning But Peter and expounded unto them it by order saying

  • Romans 11:4 - But what saith unto him the answer of God I have reserved to myself seven thousand men who not bowed the knee to the image of Baal

  • Mark 11:5 - And certain of them there that stood said unto them What do ye loosing the colt

  • Acts 11:7 - I heard And a voice saying unto me Arise Peter slay and eat

  • John 11:7 - Then after that saith he to his disciples Let us go into Judaea again

  • Matthew 11:7 - as And they departed began Jesus to say unto the multitudes concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • John 11:8 - say unto him His disciples Master of late sought thee to stone the Jews and again goest thou thither

  • Luke 11:8 - I say unto you not and give him he will rise because he is him friend because yet importunity him he will and give him as many as he needeth

  • Luke 11:9 - And unto you I say Ask and it shall be given unto you seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you

  • Mark 11:9 - And they that went before And they that followed cried saying Hosanna Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord

  • Matthew 11:9 - But what went ye out for to see A prophet yea I say unto you and A prophet

  • Romans 11:9 - And David saith Let table their a recompence And a recompence And a recompence And a recompence their

  • John 11:11 - These things said and after that he saith he Lazarus friend Our sleepeth but I go that I may awake he

  • Matthew 11:11 - Verily I say unto you not risen Among them that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least Among the kingdom of heaven a greater than he is

  • Romans 11:11 - I say then God forbid Have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles for to provoke rather through their

  • Revelation 11:12 - And they heard voice a great from heaven saying their Come up hither And Come up to heaven in a cloud And beheld their enemies their

  • John 11:13 - spake Howbeit Jesus of death his they Howbeit thought that of taking of rest in sleep he had spoken

  • Romans 11:13 - to you For I speak Gentiles inasmuch as am I Gentiles the apostle office mine I magnify

  • Hebrews 11:14 - For such things they that say declare plainly that a country they seek

  • Revelation 11:15 - And the seventh angel sounded And are become voices great in heaven saying are become The kingdoms of this world Lord the kingdoms of our And Christ of his And he shall reign for and ever and ever

  • Acts 11:16 - remembered I Then the word of the Lord how that he said John indeed baptized with water ye Then baptized with with Ghost the Holy

  • 2 Corinthians 11:16 - again I say no a me Let a fool me no yet as a fool receive me that little a I may boast myself

  • John 11:16 - said Then Thomas which is called Didymus which unto his fellowdisciples Let us also we that may die with him

  • Mark 11:17 - And he taught saying it not Is it house My house of prayer shall be called of all nations ye but have made it a den of thieves

  • Matthew 11:17 - And saying We have piped unto you And not danced we have mourned unto you And not lamented

  • Revelation 11:17 - Saying We give thee O Lord which God which Almighty which and which wast and which art to come because thou hast taken to thee which power thy which great and hast reigned

  • Acts 11:18 - they heard When these things they held their peace also glorified God saying Then also to the Gentiles God repentance granted unto life

  • Luke 11:18 - If Satan against himself be divided how shall kingdom his because ye say through Beelzebub cast out that I devils

  • Matthew 11:18 - came For John neither eating neither drinking and they say a devil He hath

  • Matthew 11:19 - came The Son a man eating But drinking But they say Behold a man gluttonous But a winebibber of publicans a friend But sinners But is justified wisdom of children

  • 2 Corinthians 11:21 - as concerning reproach (I speak as though we had been weak foolishly Howbeit any I am bold foolishly (I speak I am bold also

  • Mark 11:21 - And calling to remembrance Peter saith unto him Master the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away

  • Mark 11:22 - And answering Jesus saith unto them Have faith in God

  • Matthew 11:22 - But I say for you for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable It shall be at the day of judgment than for you

  • John 11:23 - saith unto her Jesus shall rise again brother Thy

  • Mark 11:23 - verily For I say unto you That those things which he saith mountain unto this Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and not doubt in heart he but shall believe That those things which I say shall come to pass shall have he those things which he saith

  • Hebrews 11:24 - By faith Moses to years when he was come refused to be called the son daughter of Pharaoh's

  • John 11:24 - saith unto him Martha I know that he shall rise again at the resurrection at the last day

  • Luke 11:24 - When the unclean spirit I came out out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest and none finding he saith I will return unto house my whence I came out

  • Mark 11:24 - Therefore I say unto you things What soever when ye pray ye desire believe that ye receive them and shall have unto you

  • Matthew 11:24 - But I say unto you That for the land of Sodom more tolerable it shall be in the day of judgment than for thee

  • 1 Corinthians 11:25 - After the same manner also cup when he had supped saying This cup the new testament is in my blood This do ye as oft as ye drink it in my remembrance

  • John 11:27 - She saith unto him Yea Lord I believe that thou art which the Christ which the Son which of God which into which the world should come

  • Luke 11:27 - it came to pass And as spake he these things lifted up a certain woman her voice of the company and said he Blessed is the womb that bare thee and the paps which thou hast sucked

  • Mark 11:28 - And say unto him By what authority these things do And who thee authority gave to these things do

  • Luke 11:29 - And when the people were gathered thick together he began to say generation This an evil is a sign they seek and a sign no be given it a sign of Jonas the prophet

  • John 11:31 - which then The Jews which were with her in which the house and comforted her when they saw which Mary that hastily she rose up and went out followed her saying that She goeth unto which the grave to weep there

  • Mark 11:31 - And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say Why then not believe him

  • Hebrews 11:32 - And what more say would fail for me to tell the time of Gedeon of Barak and And of Samson And of Jephthae of David and And Samuel And of the prophets

  • John 11:32 - Then Mary when was come where thou hadst been Jesus and saw him she fell down at feet him saying him Lord if thou hadst been here not had died my brother

  • John 11:34 - And said Where have ye laid him They said him Lord come And see

  • John 11:36 - said Then the Jews how he loved him

  • John 11:39 - said Jesus Take ye away the stone said unto him the sister of him that was dead Martha Lord by this time he stinketh dead four days for he hath been

  • John 11:40 - saith unto her Jesus not Said I unto thee that if thou wouldest believe thou shouldest see the glory of God

  • John 11:44 - And came forth he that was dead bound foot And hand with graveclothes And face him with a napkin was bound about saith him Jesus Loose him And let him go

  • Luke 11:45 - answered Then one of the lawyers and said unto him Master thus and said also us thou reproachest

  • John 11:47 - gathered Then the chief priests and the Pharisees a council and said What do we for this man many miracles do we

  • Luke 11:51 - From which the blood of Abel unto which the blood of Zacharias which perished between which the altar and which the temple verily I say unto you It shall be required From which generation

  • Luke 11:53 - as he said And him these things unto him began the scribes and the Pharisees him vehemently to urge and to provoke him of many things

  • John 11:54 - Jesus therefore no more openly walked among the Jews but went thence into a country near to the wilderness into Ephraim called a city and there continued with disciples

  • John 11:56 - sought they for Then Jesus and spake among themselves in the temple as they stood What think ye that come to the feast

  • Luke 12:1 - In the mean time when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people insomuch that they trode one upon another he began to say unto disciples first of all Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees which is hypocrisy

  • Mark 12:1 - And he began it by parables to speak a vineyard planted A certain man And set an hedge about And digged a place for the winefat And built a tower And let it to husbandmen And went into a far country

  • 1 Corinthians 12:3 - Wherefore I give you that no man by Ghost of God speaking calleth accursed Jesus and no man can say is the Lord Jesus by Ghost the Holy

  • Romans 12:3 - I say For through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not highly to think of himself more than he ought to think but to think soberly to every man according as God hath dealt the measure of faith

  • John 12:4 - saith Then one of son which disciples him Judas Simon's Iscariot son which should him betray

  • Luke 12:4 - I say And unto you friends my no Be of them that kill the body and after that no have that they can do

  • Luke 12:5 - I will forewarn But unto you whom Fear Fear him which after he hath killed power hath to cast into hell yea I say unto you him Fear

  • Mark 12:6 - yet therefore one son Having wellbeloved him he sent also him unto him last saying They will reverence son my

  • Matthew 12:6 - I say But unto you That the temple greater than is one in this place

  • Acts 12:7 - And behold the angel of the Lord came upon And a light shined in the prison he smote and on the side Peter and raised him saying Arise up in And fell off him chains from his hands

  • Acts 12:8 - said And the angel unto him Gird thyself And bind on sandals thee he did And so And he saith him Cast thy garment thee And follow me

  • Luke 12:8 - I say Also unto you Whosoever confess me before men also the Son men confess him before the angels of God

  • Matthew 12:10 - And behold a man there was his hand which had withered And they asked him saying Is it lawful on the sabbath days to heal that they might accuse him

  • Revelation 12:10 - And I heard voice a loud saying in which heaven Now is come which salvation And which strength And which the kingdom which God of our And which the power which Christ of his for is cast down which accused which brethren of our which the accuser of his before which God of our day And night

  • Matthew 12:13 - Then saith he to the man Stretch forth hand thine And Stretch forth And it was restored whole like as the other

  • Mark 12:14 - And when they were come they say unto him Master we know that true thou art and carest for no man carest for thou regardest the person of men but in truth the way of God teachest Is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give or carest

  • Acts 12:15 - And unto her they said Thou art mad And she constantly affirmed even so that it was And said they angel her It is

  • Luke 12:16 - he spake And a parable unto them saying man of a certain rich brought forth plentifully The ground

  • Mark 12:16 - And they brought and he saith unto him Whose image is this and superscription And they said unto him Caesar's

  • Luke 12:17 - And he thought within himself saying What shall I do because no I have room where to bestow fruits my

  • Matthew 12:17 - That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias which the prophet saying

  • Mark 12:18 - Then come the Sadducees unto him which say resurrection no there is Then they asked him say

  • Romans 12:19 - not yourselves avenge Dearly beloved but rather give place unto wrath it is written for is mine Vengeance I will repay saith the Lord

  • John 12:21 - The same therefore came to Philip which was of Bethsaida of Galilee and desired him saying Sir we would Jesus see

  • John 12:22 - cometh Philip and tell Andrew and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus

  • Luke 12:22 - he said And unto disciples Therefore unto you I say no Take life for your what ye shall eat neither for the body what ye shall put on

  • John 12:23 - And Jesus answered them saying is come The hour that should be glorified the Son of man

  • Matthew 12:23 - And were amazed all the people And said not this Is the son of David

  • John 12:24 - Verily Verily I say unto you if a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die it alone abideth if but and die much fruit it bringeth forth

  • Hebrews 12:26 - Whose voice the earth shook then now but he hath promised saying Yet once more I shake not only the earth but also heaven

  • Mark 12:26 - as touching And the dead that they rise not have ye in the book of Moses in the bush how spake unto him God saying I God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob

  • Luke 12:27 - Consider the lilies how they grow not they toil not they spin I say and yet unto you not that Solomon in all glory arrayed like one of these

  • John 12:29 - therefore The people that stood by and heard it said that it thundered others it said An angel to him spake

  • Matthew 12:31 - Wherefore I say unto you All manner of sin and blasphemy be forgiven unto men but against the Holy Ghost blasphemy not be forgiven unto men

  • John 12:33 - This he said signifying what death he should die

  • John 12:34 - answered him The people We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever and how thou sayest that must be lifted up Son of man who is this Son of man

  • Mark 12:35 - And answered Jesus and said while he taught in the temple How and said the scribes that Christ the Son is of David

  • Matthew 12:36 - I say But unto you That every word idle that shall speak men they shall give thereof account in the day of judgment

  • Luke 12:37 - Blessed servants are those whom when he cometh the lord shall find watching verily I say unto you that he shall gird himself and make them and will come forth and serve them