G3165 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
me I, me, my a shorter (and probably original) form of G1691 (ἐμέ);

276 instances of the word μέ mé (G3165)

  • Acts 16:30 - And brought them out and said Sirs what I must do to be saved

  • Revelation 17:3 - So away me into the wilderness in the spirit So I saw a woman sit upon beast a scarlet coloured full of names of blasphemy having heads seven So horns ten

  • John 17:5 - And now glorify me thou O Father with thine own self with the glory which I had before the world was with thee

  • John 17:8 - For the words which I have given me I have given unto them and unto them they have received and have known surely For from thee I came out and they have believed For thou me didst send

  • John 17:21 - That they all one may be as thou Father art in me and I art in thee That also they art in us one may be That the world may believe that thou me hast sent

  • John 17:23 - I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that may know the world that thou me hast sent and hast loved them as me hast loved

  • John 17:24 - Father which thou hast given me I will that where am I they also be with me that they may behold glory my which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world

  • John 17:25 - Father O righteous and the world thee not hath I but thee hath and these hath that thou me hast sent

  • John 17:26 - And I have declared them name thy And I have declared it that the love wherewith thou hast loved me in them may be and I in them

  • Luke 18:3 - a widow And there was in city that and she came unto him saying Avenge me of adversary mine

  • Luke 18:5 - because Yet troubleth me widow I will avenge her by her continual coming she weary me

  • Luke 18:16 - But Jesus called them unto him and said Suffer little children to come unto me and not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of God

  • Luke 18:19 - said And unto him Jesus Why me callest thou good none good one that is God

  • Acts 18:21 - But bade them saying must I by all means this feast that cometh keep in Jerusalem again but I will return unto you if God will And he sailed from Ephesus

  • John 18:21 - Why me ask ask them which heard me Why I have said unto them know they know said what I

  • John 18:23 - answered him Jesus If evil I have spoken bear witness of the evil If but well why thou me smitest

  • Matthew 18:32 - Then after that he had called him lord him said him servant O thou wicked all debt that I forgave thee because thou desiredst me

  • Luke 18:38 - And he cried saying Jesus thou Son of David have mercy on me

  • Luke 18:39 - And they which went before rebuked he that he should hold his peace he but so much the more cried Thou Son of David have mercy on me

  • Luke 19:5 - And when came to the place he looked up Jesus and saw him And said unto him Zacchaeus make haste and come down to day for at house thy must I abide

  • John 19:11 - answered Jesus no Thou couldest have power at all against me it were thee given from above therefore he that delivered me thee sin Thou couldest have

  • Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said Suffer little children and not forbid them to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven

  • Matthew 19:17 - And he said unto him Why me callest thou good there is none good if one that is God if And thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments

  • Acts 19:21 - After were ended these things purposed Paul in the spirit when he had passed through Macedonia also Achaia to go to Jerusalem saying After have been I there must I also Rome see

  • Luke 19:27 - But which enemies me those which not would that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me

  • John 20:21 - said Then to them Jesus again Peace be unto you as hath sent me my Father I send you

  • Acts 20:23 - Save that Ghost the Holy in every city witnesseth saying that bonds me and afflictions abide

  • Luke 20:23 - he perceived But their craftiness and said unto their Why me tempt ye

  • John 20:29 - saith unto him Jesus because thou hast seen me Thomas thou hast believed blessed are they that have not seen and thou hast believed

  • Revelation 21:9 - And there came unto me one of which of the seven angels which had which of the seven vials which full which of the seven plagues which last And talked with me saying Come hither I will shew thee which the bride which the Lamb's which wife

  • Revelation 21:10 - And away me in the spirit to mountain a great And high And shewed me city a great the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God

  • John 21:15 - when So they had dined He saith Simon Peter Jesus Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these He saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed lambs my

  • John 21:16 - He saith to him again the second time Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me He saith to him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith to him Feed sheep my

  • John 21:17 - He saith unto him the third time Simon son of Jonas I love thou me was grieved Peter because he said unto him the third I love thou me And he said unto him Lord thou all things knowest thou knowest because I love thee He saith unto him Jesus Feed sheep my

  • Acts 22:7 - I fell And unto the ground and heard a voice saying unto me Saul Saul why me persecutest thou

  • Acts 22:8 - I And answered Who art thou Lord he said And unto me I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest

  • Acts 22:10 - I said And What shall I do Lord And Lord I said unto me Arise and go into Damascus and there for thee it shall be told of all things which are appointed for thee shall I do

  • Acts 22:13 - Came unto me and stood and said unto me Saul Brother looked up And him hour looked up upon him

  • Luke 22:15 - And he said unto them With desire I have desired this passover to eat with you before I suffer

  • Acts 22:17 - it came to pass And that when I was come again to Jerusalem even prayed while I in the temple it came to pass I in a trance

  • Matthew 22:18 - perceived But Jesus wickedness their and said Why me tempt ye ye hypocrites

  • Acts 22:21 - And he said unto me Depart for I unto the Gentiles far hence will send thee

  • Luke 22:21 - But behold the hand of him that betrayeth me is with me on the table

  • Luke 22:34 - And he said I tell thee Peter that thou crow this day the cock before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me

  • Luke 22:61 - And turned of the Lord and looked upon Peter And remembered Peter the word of the Lord how he had said unto him Before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice

  • Acts 23:3 - Then Paul unto him said smite thee shall God wall thou whited and thou sittest to judge me after the law and contrary to the law commandest me smite

  • Acts 23:18 - So he took him and brought him to the chief captain and said the prisoner Paul called me unto him and prayed me this young man and brought him to thee who hath something to say unto thee

  • Acts 23:22 - So the chief captain depart the young man and charged no man him See thou tell that these things thou hast shewed to me

  • Acts 24:12 - And neither in the temple found me with any man disputing neither raising up the people neither in the synagogues neither in the city

  • Acts 24:13 - Neither they prove can the things whereof now accuse me

  • Acts 24:18 - Whereupon found me purified Whereupon the temple neither with multitude nor with tumult certain from Asia Jews

  • Acts 24:19 - Who ought before thee to have been here and object they had against me

  • Luke 24:39 - Behold hands my and feet my for myself I it is handle me and Behold for a spirit flesh and bones not hath as me ye see hath

  • Acts 25:10 - said Then Paul at judgment seat Caesar's I stand where I ought to be judged to the Jews no have I done as thou very well knowest

  • Acts 25:11 - if For I be an offender or worthy of death have committed any thing not I refuse to die if but no man there be of these things whereof these accuse me no man me may unto them deliver Caesar I appeal unto

  • Matthew 25:35 - I was an hungred For and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and drink me a stranger I was and in me

  • Matthew 25:36 - Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visited me in prison I was and ye came unto me

  • Matthew 25:42 - I was an hungred For and no ye gave me meat I was thirsty and no drink me

  • Matthew 25:43 - a stranger I was and not in me naked and not ye clothed me sick and in prison and not ye visited me

  • Acts 26:5 - Which knew me from the beginning if they would testify that after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee

  • Matthew 26:12 - hath poured For in that ointment this on body my it for burial my she did

  • Acts 26:13 - At midday in the way I saw O king from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me a light and with me them which journeyed

  • Acts 26:14 - all And fallen when we to the earth I heard a voice speaking against me and saying in the Hebrew tongue Saul Saul why me persecutest thou it is hard for thee against the pricks to kick

  • Acts 26:21 - For these causes me the Jews caught in the temple and went about to kill

  • Matthew 26:21 - And as they did eat he said Verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me

  • Matthew 26:23 - And he answered and said He that dippeth with me in the dish his hand the same me shall betray

  • Acts 26:28 - Then Agrippa unto Paul said Almost me thou persuadest a Christian to be

  • Matthew 26:32 - after But am risen again I I will go before you into Galilee

  • Matthew 26:34 - said unto him Jesus Verily I say unto thee That this night before the cock crow thrice thou shalt deny me

  • Matthew 26:35 - said unto him Peter Though should I with thee die thee not deny Likewise also all the disciples said

  • Matthew 26:46 - Rise let us be going behold he is at hand that doth betray me

  • Matthew 26:55 - In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes as against a thief Are ye come out with swords and staves for to take me daily with you I sat teaching In the temple and no hold me

  • Matthew 26:75 - And remembered which Peter which the word which of Jesus said unto him Before the cock crow thrice thou shalt deny me And and he went out wept bitterly

  • Matthew 27:46 - about And the ninth hour cried Jesus voice with a loud saying Eli Eli lama sabachthani God is to say My God is to say My why me hast thou forsaken

  • Matthew 28:10 - Then said unto them Jesus not Be they go tell brethren my that go into Galilee and there me shall they see

  • Acts 28:18 - Who when they had examined me would have let me go because no cause of death there was in me