G3326 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, denoting accompaniment; "amid" (local or causal); modified variously according to the case (genitive association, or accusative succession) with which it is joined; occupying an intermediate position between G575 (ἀπό) or G1537 (ἐκ) and G1519 (εἰς) or G4314 (πρός); less intimate than G1722 (ἐν) and less close than G4862 (σύν)) after(-ward), X that he again, against, among, X and, + follow, hence, hereafter, in, of, (up-)on, + our, X and setting, since, (un-)to, + together, when, with (+ -out) a primary preposition (often used adverbially);

459 instances of the word μετά metá (G3326)

  • Luke 23:43 - And said unto him Jesus Verily I say unto thee To day with me shalt thou be in paradise

  • Acts 24:1 - after And five days descended the high priest Ananias after the elders and orator named Tertullus with a certain who informed the governor against Paul

  • Acts 24:3 - it always and in all places We accept most noble Felix with all thankfulness

  • Luke 24:5 - afraid And as them and bowed down their faces to the earth they said unto them Why seek ye the living among the dead

  • Acts 24:7 - came But Lysias the chief captain upon us and with great violence out of hands our took him away

  • Acts 24:18 - Whereupon found me purified Whereupon the temple neither with multitude nor with tumult certain from Asia Jews

  • Acts 24:24 - after And days certain came when Felix with Drusilla wife him which was a Jewess he sent for Paul and heard him concerning in Christ the faith

  • Luke 24:29 - And they constrained him saying Abide with us for toward evening it is And is far spent the day And he went in Abide with him

  • Matthew 24:29 - Immediately after the tribulation days of those shall the sun be darkened and the moon not give light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers heaven shall be shaken

  • Luke 24:30 - And it came to pass as sat at meat he with he he took bread and blessed And brake and gave he

  • Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven And then mourn all the tribes of the earth And they shall see of the Son of man coming in the clouds heaven with power And glory great

  • Matthew 24:31 - And he shall send angels his with of a trumpet sound a great And they shall gather together elect his from the four winds from one end of heaven to one end his

  • Matthew 24:49 - And shall begin to smite his fellowservants to eat and And drink with the drunken

  • Matthew 24:51 - And asunder him And portion him with the hypocrites appoint there shall be weeping And gnashing of teeth

  • Luke 24:52 - And him worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with joy great

  • Acts 25:1 - when Festus Now was come into the province after three days he ascended to Jerusalem from Caesarea

  • Matthew 25:3 - They that were foolish and took lamps them no and took with them oil

  • Matthew 25:4 - But the wise took oil in vessels with lamps

  • Matthew 25:10 - while they went And him to buy came the bridegroom and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage and was shut the door

  • Acts 25:12 - Then Festus when he had conferred with the council answered Caesar Hast thou appealed unto unto Caesar shalt thou go

  • Matthew 25:19 - with After time a long cometh the lord servants of those and reckoneth with them

  • Acts 25:23 - when And on the morrow was come Agrippa and Bernice with great pomp and was entered into the place of hearing with the chief captains and men principal of the city and commandment Festus was brought forth Paul

  • Matthew 25:31 - When shall come the Son of man in glory him and all the holy angels with him then shall he sit upon the throne glory him

  • Matthew 26:2 - Ye know that after two days the feast of the passover is and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified

  • Matthew 26:11 - always For the poor ye have with you me but not always ye have

  • Acts 26:12 - Whereupon and as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests

  • Matthew 26:18 - And he said Go into the city at such a man and he said unto him The Master saith time My at hand is at thy house I will keep the passover with disciples My

  • Matthew 26:20 - when the even Now was come he sat down with the twelve

  • Matthew 26:23 - And he answered and said He that dippeth with me in the dish his hand the same me shall betray

  • Matthew 26:29 - I say But unto you not I drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until day that when it I drink with you new in kingdom Father's my

  • Matthew 26:32 - after But am risen again I I will go before you into Galilee

  • Matthew 26:36 - Then cometh with them Jesus unto a place called Gethsemane and called unto the disciples Sit ye here while I go and pray yonder

  • Matthew 26:38 - Then saith he unto them exceeding sorrowful is soul My even unto death tarry ye here and watch with me

  • Matthew 26:40 - And he cometh unto the disciples And findeth them asleep And saith unto Peter What not could ye hour watch with me

  • Matthew 26:47 - And while he spake lo Judas one of the twelve came And with he multitude a great with swords And staves from the chief priests And elders of the people

  • Matthew 26:51 - And behold one of them which were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew sword his And struck a servant of the high priest's and smote off his ear

  • Matthew 26:55 - In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes as against a thief Are ye come out with swords and staves for to take me daily with you I sat teaching In the temple and no hold me

  • Matthew 26:58 - But Peter followed him afar off unto palace the high priest's and went in and sat with the servants to see the end

  • Matthew 26:69 - Now Peter without sat in the palace also came unto him damsel saying also Thou wast with Jesus of Galilee

  • Matthew 26:71 - was gone out And him into the porch maid saw him another also said unto them that were there also This fellow was with Jesus of Nazareth

  • Matthew 26:72 - And again he denied with an oath not I do the man

  • Matthew 26:73 - after a while And came unto him they that stood by and said to Peter Surely also thou one of them art also for speech thy bewrayeth thee

  • Acts 27:10 - And said unto them Sirs I perceive that with hurt also much damage not only of the lading also ship but also lives of our will be this voyage

  • Acts 27:14 - after not long But there arose against it wind a tempestuous called Euroclydon

  • Acts 27:24 - Saying not Fear Paul Caesar thou must be brought before and lo hath given thee God all them that sail with thee

  • Matthew 27:34 - They gave him drink vinegar with gall mingled and when he had tasted not thereof he would drink

  • Matthew 27:41 - Likewise also the chief priests mocking him with the scribes also elders said

  • Matthew 27:53 - And came out of the graves after resurrection his and went into the holy city And appeared unto many

  • Matthew 27:54 - Now when the centurion and they that were with him watching Jesus saw the earthquake and those things that were done they feared greatly saying Truly of God the Son was this

  • Matthew 27:62 - Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation came together the chief priests and Pharisees unto Pilate

  • Matthew 27:63 - Saying Sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive After three days I will rise again

  • Matthew 27:66 - So they went and made the sepulchre sealing the stone and setting a watch

  • Matthew 28:8 - And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear And joy great and did run to bring disciples his

  • Acts 28:11 - after And three months we departed in a ship which had wintered in the isle of Alexandria whose sign was Castor and Pollux

  • Matthew 28:12 - And when they were assembled with the elders counsel and had taken money large they gave unto the soldiers

  • Acts 28:13 - And from thence we fetched a compass and came to Rhegium and after day blew the south wind the next day and we came to Puteoli

  • Acts 28:17 - it came to pass And that after days three called Paul of the Jews the chief were come together And them he said unto them Men and brethren though I nothing against have committed the people or customs of our fathers prisoner from Jerusalem yet was I delivered into the hands of the Romans

  • Matthew 28:20 - Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I with you am all things even unto the end of the world Amen

  • Matthew 28:20 - Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I with you am all things even unto the end of the world Amen