G3354 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to measure (i.e. ascertain in size by a fixed standard); by implication, to admeasure (i.e. allot by rule) figuratively, to estimate:--measure, mete from G3358 (μέτρον);

9 instances of the word μετρέω metréō (G3354)

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  • Mark 4:24 - And he said unto them Take heed what that hear with what measure it shall be measured it shall be measured to you And shall more be given to you that hear

  • Luke 6:38 - Give and Give to you measure good pressed down and shaken together and running over Give into bosom your For with the same measure that ye mete withal again to you

  • Matthew 7:2 - For what what judgment ye judge ye judge and For what measure ye mete again to you

  • 2 Corinthians 10:12 - not For we dare make or among ourselves some ourselves that commend but they by ourselves ourselves measuring and among ourselves ourselves not are

  • Revelation 11:1 - And there was given me a reed like unto a rod And the angel stood saying Rise And measure the temple of God And the altar And them that worship therein

  • Revelation 11:2 - But which the court which is without which the temple leave out But not it measure for it is given which unto the Gentiles But which city which the holy shall they tread under foot months forty and two

  • Revelation 21:15 - And he that talked with me had reed a golden to measure the city And the gates thereof And the wall thereof

  • Revelation 21:16 - And the city foursquare lieth And The length of it as large are as And the breadth And he measured the city with the reed furlongs twelve thousand The length And the breadth And the height of it equal are

  • Revelation 21:17 - And he measured the wall thereof an hundred and forty and four cubits according to the measure of a man that is of the angel

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