G3361 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
(adverb) not, (conjunction) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer (whereas G3756 (οὐ) expects an affirmative one)) whether any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, (can-)not, nothing, that not, un(-taken), without a primary particle of qualified negation (whereas G3756 (οὐ) expresses an absolute denial);

914 instances of the word μή mḗ (G3361)

  • Matthew 18:25 - not he had But forasmuch as him payment to be made commanded him lord him to be sold and wife him and children and all that he had and payment to be made

  • John 18:28 - led they Then Jesus from Caiaphas into the hall of judgment it was and early and they themselves not went into the hall of judgment that they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover

  • John 18:30 - They answered and said him were he a malefactor not we would unto thee have delivered him

  • Luke 18:30 - Who receive manifold more in present time this and in the world to come life everlasting

  • John 18:36 - answered Jesus kingdom My not is of world this if of world this were kingdom My servants then would fight I should to the Jews now but kingdom My not is from hence

  • John 18:40 - cried they Then again all saying Not this man but Barabbas was Now Barabbas a robber

  • Matthew 19:6 - Wherefore no more they are twain but flesh What therefore God hath joined together man not let

  • Matthew 19:9 - I say And unto you Whosoever is put away her which wife it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and her which is put away shall marry committeth adultery

  • Revelation 19:10 - And I fell at feet him to worship him And he said unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy I am And brethren of thy that have the testimony of Jesus God to worship for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy

  • John 19:11 - answered Jesus no Thou couldest have power at all against me it were thee given from above therefore he that delivered me thee sin Thou couldest have

  • Revelation 19:12 - eyes His were as a flame of fire and on head His crowns were many and he had a name written that no man knew His

  • Matthew 19:14 - But Jesus said Suffer little children and not forbid them to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven

  • John 19:15 - But they cried out Away with Away with Shall I crucify him saith him Pilate King your Shall I crucify answered The chief priests no We have King Caesar

  • Matthew 19:17 - And he said unto him Why me callest thou good there is none good if one that is God if And thou wilt enter into life keep the commandments

  • John 19:21 - said Then to Pilate the chief priests of the Jews not Write King of the Jews but that he said King I am of the Jews

  • John 19:24 - They said therefore among themselves not Let us it but cast lots for it whose it shall be that which the scripture might be fulfilled which saith They parted which raiment my among them and for which vesture my they did cast lots which therefore the soldiers These things did

  • Luke 19:26 - I say For unto you That unto every one which hath shall be given from and which not hath even that hath shall be taken away from him

  • Luke 19:27 - But which enemies me those which not would that I should reign over them bring hither and slay them before me

  • Acts 19:31 - certain And of the chief of Asia which were him friends sent unto him desiring not adventure himself into the theatre

  • John 19:31 - therefore The Jews that remain upon the cross the bodies on sabbath day because the preparation it was it was (for an high day that sabbath day besought Pilate that might be broken their legs and that they might be taken away

  • Revelation 20:3 - And cast he into the bottomless pit And shut he And set a seal upon he he should deceive the nations more till should be fulfilled the thousand years And after that must he be loosed a little season

  • Luke 20:7 - And they answered not tell whence

  • Acts 20:10 - went down And Paul and fell on him and embracing him said not Trouble for life him in him is

  • Acts 20:16 - had determined For Paul to sail by Ephesus because not to be for him spend in Asia he hasted For if possible it were for him the day of Pentecost to be at Jerusalem

  • Luke 20:16 - He shall come and destroy husbandmen these and shall give the vineyard to others when they heard And it they said God forbid

  • John 20:17 - saith unto her Jesus not me Touch not yet for I am to Father me go but to brethren me and say unto her I am to Father me and Father your and God me and God your

  • Acts 20:20 - And how nothing I kept back that was profitable unto you but have shewed you and have taught you publickly and from house to house

  • Acts 20:22 - And now behold I bound in the spirit go unto Jerusalem there the things that shall befall me not knowing

  • John 20:25 - said therefore his The other disciples We have seen the Lord But he said his I shall see in hand his the print of the nails and put finger my into the print of the nails and put hand my into side his I will

  • Acts 20:27 - not For I have to declare unto you all the counsel of God

  • John 20:27 - Then saith he to Thomas Reach finger thy hither and behold hand my and Reach hand thy and thrust it into side my and not be faithless but believing

  • Luke 20:27 - came Then to him certain which of the Sadducees which deny resurrection any that there is and they asked him

  • Acts 20:29 - I For know this that enter in after departing my wolves shall grievous among you not sparing the flock

  • John 20:29 - saith unto him Jesus because thou hast seen me Thomas thou hast believed blessed are they that have not seen and thou hast believed

  • Acts 21:4 - And finding disciples we tarried there days seven who to Paul said through the Spirit not go up to Jerusalem

  • John 21:5 - saith Then him Jesus Children meat have ye They answered him No

  • Luke 21:8 - And he said Take heed not deceived many for shall come in name my saying I am Christ and the time draweth near not therefore go ye after them

  • Luke 21:9 - when But ye shall hear of wars and commotions not be must for these things come to pass first but is not by and by the end

  • Acts 21:12 - when And we heard these things besought we both and they of that place not to go up him to Jerusalem

  • Acts 21:14 - not be persuaded And we ceased saying The will of the Lord be done

  • Luke 21:14 - Settle it therefore in hearts your not to meditate before what ye shall answer

  • Luke 21:18 - But an hair of head your perish

  • Matthew 21:19 - And when he saw fig tree a in the way he came in it And nothing found thereon it leaves only And said it henceforward on thee fruit Let no for ever And withered away presently fig tree

  • Acts 21:21 - they are informed And of thee that forsake thou teachest to Moses which are among the Gentiles all the Jews saying not that they ought their children neither after the customs to walk

  • Luke 21:21 - Then them that are in Judaea flee thereinto the mountains and them that are in the midst of it depart out and them that are in the countries not enter thereinto of it

  • Matthew 21:21 - answered and Jesus said unto them Verily I say unto you If ye have faith and not doubt not only which is done to the fig tree do but also if mountain unto this said Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done

  • Acts 21:25 - touching As which believe the Gentiles we have written and concluded no such thing observe that they that they keep that they from things offered to idols and from blood and from strangled and from fornication

  • Revelation 21:25 - And the gates of it no be shut by day night for no there shall be there

  • Revelation 21:27 - And enter into it any thing that defileth And whatsoever worketh abomination And maketh a lie they which are written in book of life the Lamb's

  • Luke 21:32 - Verily I say unto you pass away generation This till all be fulfilled

  • Luke 21:33 - Heaven and earth pass away but words my pass away

  • Acts 21:34 - some And some one thing cried among the multitude not when he could And know the certainty for the tumult he commanded to be carried him into the castle

  • Revelation 22:9 - Then saith he unto me See thou do it not fellowservant of thy for I am Then brethren of thy the prophets Then of them which keep the sayings book of this God worship

  • Revelation 22:10 - And he saith unto me not Seal the sayings of the prophecy book of this for the time at hand is

  • Matthew 22:12 - And he saith unto him Friend how camest thou in hither not having garment a wedding And he was speechless

  • Luke 22:16 - I say For unto you not I will thereof until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God

  • Luke 22:18 - I say For unto you I will of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God shall come

  • Matthew 22:23 - The same which day came him the Sadducees which say no that there is resurrection and asked him

  • Matthew 22:24 - Saying Master Moses said If a man die no having children shall marry brother his wife his and raise up seed brother his

  • Matthew 22:25 - there were Now with us seven brethren and the first when he had married a wife deceased and no having issue left wife brethren

  • Matthew 22:29 - answered and Jesus said unto them Ye do err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God

  • Luke 22:32 - I But have prayed for thee fail faith thee and thou when art converted strengthen brethren thee

  • Luke 22:34 - And he said I tell thee Peter that thou crow this day the cock before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me

  • Luke 22:35 - And he said unto them When I sent you without purse And scrip And shoes any thing lacked ye And he said Nothing

  • Luke 22:36 - said he Then unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take likewise and his scrip and no he that hath let him sell garment unto them and buy sword

  • Luke 22:40 - he was And at the place he said unto them Pray not that ye enter into temptation

  • Luke 22:42 - Saying Father if thou be willing remove cup this from me nevertheless not will my but thine be done

  • Luke 22:46 - And said unto them Why sleep ye rise and pray ye enter into temptation

  • Luke 22:67 - thou Art the Christ I tell us I tell And unto them If you I tell believe

  • Luke 22:68 - if And I also ask answer me nor let me go

  • Matthew 23:3 - All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe observe and do ye after but works their not do they say for and not do

  • Acts 23:8 - the Sadducees For say no that there is resurrection neither angel nor spirit the Pharisees but confess both

  • Matthew 23:8 - ye But not be Rabbi one for is your Master even Christ all But ye brethren are

  • Acts 23:9 - there arose And cry a great and arose the scribes part that were of the Pharisees and strove saying no evil We find in man this if And a spirit hath spoken to him or an angel not fight

  • Matthew 23:9 - And Father no call man your upon which the earth one for is which Father man your which is in which heaven

  • Acts 23:10 - a great And when there arose dissension fearing the chief captain lest should have been pulled in pieces Paul of him commanded the soldiers to go down and to take him from among him to bring and him into the castle

  • Acts 23:21 - thou But not do him there lie in wait for for him of him men more than forty which have bound themselves neither eat neither drink till they have killed him and now ready are they looking for from thee a promise

  • Matthew 23:23 - Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin and have omitted the weightier matters of the law judgment and and faith these ought ye to have done the other and not have omitted

  • Luke 23:28 - turning But unto them Jesus said Daughters of Jerusalem not weep for me but for yourselves weep and for children your

  • Matthew 24:2 - And Jesus said unto them not See ye all these things verily I say unto you not There shall here another upon another that not be thrown down

  • Acts 24:4 - Notwithstanding I be thee tedious I pray that thou wouldest hear thee us a few words of thy clemency

  • Matthew 24:4 - And answered Jesus and said unto them Take heed that no man you deceive

  • Matthew 24:6 - ye shall And hear of wars and rumours of wars see not that ye be these things must for all come to pass but not yet is the end

  • Luke 24:16 - But eyes him were holden not know him

  • Matthew 24:17 - Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of house

  • Matthew 24:18 - let him which is in the field Neither return back to take clothes

  • Matthew 24:20 - pray ye But be flight your in the winter neither on the sabbath day

  • Matthew 24:21 - shall be For then tribulation great such as not shall be since the beginning of the world to this time no not shall be

  • Matthew 24:22 - And shall be shortened days those there should be saved no flesh for but the elect's sake shall be shortened days those

  • Luke 24:23 - And not when they found body his they came said And a vision of angels seen which said his was alive

  • Matthew 24:23 - Then if any man unto you shall say Lo here is Christ or here it not believe

  • Matthew 24:26 - if Wherefore they shall say unto you Behold he is in the desert he is it not forth Behold he is in the secret chambers it not believe

  • Matthew 24:34 - Verily I say unto you pass generation This till all these things be fulfilled

  • Matthew 24:35 - Heaven and earth pass away but words my pass away

  • Matthew 24:36 - of But day that and hour no knoweth man no not the angels of heaven Father my only

  • Acts 25:24 - And said which Festus Agrippa King And all which are here present with us men ye see this man about whom all which the multitude which of the Jews have dealt with me at both Jerusalem And also here crying not that he ought to live any longer

  • Acts 25:27 - unreasonable For to me it seemeth to send a prisoner not withal and laid against him the crimes to signify

  • Matthew 25:29 - For he hath unto every one shall be given and he shall have abundance from but not he hath and that which he hath shall be taken away from him

  • Matthew 26:5 - they said But Not among the feast Not an uproar there be among the people

  • Matthew 26:29 - I say But unto you not I drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine until day that when it I drink with you new in kingdom Father's my