G3588 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc the definite article;

7062 instances of the word ὁ ho (G3588)

  • Matthew 27:55 - were And there women many afar off beholding which followed Jesus afar off Galilee ministering unto him

  • Matthew 27:56 - Among which was Mary Magdalene and Mary of James and the mother and the mother children of Zebedee's

  • Matthew 27:57 - the even When was come there came man a rich of Arimathaea Joseph who also himself disciple Jesus

  • Matthew 27:58 - He went Pilate and begged the body of Jesus Then Pilate commanded to be delivered the body

  • Matthew 27:59 - And had taken the body when Joseph he wrapped it linen cloth in a clean

  • Matthew 27:60 - And laid it in new it of the sepulchre which he had hewn out in the rock And he rolled stone a great to the door of the sepulchre and departed

  • Matthew 27:61 - was And there Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against the sepulchre

  • Matthew 27:62 - Now the next day that followed the day of the preparation came together the chief priests and Pharisees unto Pilate

  • Matthew 27:63 - Saying Sir we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive After three days I will rise again

  • Matthew 27:64 - Command therefore be made sure that the sepulchre until the third day lest come disciples him by night and steal him and say unto the people He is risen from the dead and shall be the last error worse than the first

  • Matthew 27:65 - said unto them Pilate Ye have a watch go your way make it as sure as ye can

  • Matthew 27:66 - So they went and made the sepulchre sealing the stone and setting a watch

  • Acts 28:1 - And when they were escaped then they knew that Melita the island was called

  • Matthew 28:1 - In the end day of the week as it began to dawn toward day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre

  • Acts 28:2 - And the barbarous people shewed no little kindness us they kindled for a fire and received every one us because rain of the present and because of the cold

  • Matthew 28:2 - And behold earthquake there was a great the angel for of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door And sat upon it

  • Acts 28:3 - had gathered And when Paul of sticks a bundle and laid them on the fire a viper out of the heat there came and fastened on hand his

  • Matthew 28:3 - was His countenance his like lightning and raiment his white as snow

  • Acts 28:4 - when And saw the barbarians hang the venomous beast on hand his they said among themselves No doubt a murderer is man this whom though he hath escaped on the sea yet vengeance to live not suffereth

  • Matthew 28:4 - for And fear of him did shake the keepers and became as dead

  • Acts 28:5 - And he shook off the beast into the fire and felt no harm

  • Matthew 28:5 - answered And which the angel and said which unto the women not Fear ye I know for that Jesus which was crucified ye seek

  • Acts 28:6 - Howbeit after they had looked him should have swollen or fallen down suddenly dead a great while Howbeit him after they had looked and saw no harm to him come they changed their minds and said a god him was

  • Matthew 28:6 - not He is here he is risen for as he said Come see the place where lay the Lord

  • Acts 28:7 - In quarters the same were possessions of the chief man of the island whose name was Publius who received us three days courteously and lodged us

  • Matthew 28:7 - And quickly go I have told disciples him that he is risen from the dead And behold he goeth before you into Galilee there him shall ye see behold I have told you

  • Acts 28:8 - it came to pass And that the father of Publius a fever and of a bloody flux sick of lay to whom Paul entered in and prayed and laid his hands him and healed him

  • Matthew 28:8 - And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear And joy great and did run to bring disciples his

  • Acts 28:9 - this So was done also which others which had diseases in which the island came also were healed

  • Matthew 28:9 - as And they went to tell disciples him and behold Jesus met him saying All hail And they came held him by the feet and worshipped him

  • Acts 28:10 - Who also with many honoured honours us also when we departed they laded us with such things as were necessary

  • Matthew 28:10 - Then said unto them Jesus not Be they go tell brethren my that go into Galilee and there me shall they see

  • Acts 28:11 - after And three months we departed in a ship which had wintered in the isle of Alexandria whose sign was Castor and Pollux

  • Matthew 28:11 - when they were going Now behold some of the watch came into the city and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done

  • Matthew 28:12 - And when they were assembled with the elders counsel and had taken money large they gave unto the soldiers

  • Matthew 28:13 - Saying Say ye disciples His by night came and stole His away while we slept

  • Acts 28:14 - Where we found brethren and were desired with them to tarry days seven and so toward Rome we went

  • Matthew 28:14 - And if come to this the governor's we will persuade him And you secure

  • Acts 28:15 - And from thence when the brethren heard of us they came to meet us as far as Appii forum and The three taverns whom saw when Paul he thanked God and took courage

  • Matthew 28:15 - So they took the money and did as they were taught and is commonly reported saying this among the Jews until this day

  • Acts 28:16 - when And we came to Rome the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard And Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with that kept him a soldier

  • Matthew 28:16 - Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where had appointed them Jesus

  • Acts 28:17 - it came to pass And that after days three called Paul of the Jews the chief were come together And them he said unto them Men and brethren though I nothing against have committed the people or customs of our fathers prisoner from Jerusalem yet was I delivered into the hands of the Romans

  • Matthew 28:17 - And when they saw him they worshipped him but some doubted

  • Acts 28:18 - Who when they had examined me would have let me go because no cause of death there was in me

  • Matthew 28:18 - And came Jesus and spake unto them saying is given unto me All power in heaven And in earth

  • Acts 28:19 - spake against But when the Jews it I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar not that nation my I had ought of

  • Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost

  • Matthew 28:20 - Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I with you am all things even unto the end of the world Amen

  • Acts 28:20 - For therefore cause have I called for you to see you and to speak with you because that for the hope of Israel chain I am bound with

  • Matthew 28:20 - Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I with you am all things even unto the end of the world Amen

  • Acts 28:21 - And unto him they said We neither letters concerning thee received out of Judaea neither that came any of the brethren shewed or spake any concerning thee harm

  • Acts 28:22 - we desire But of thee to hear what thou thinkest as concerning for sect know we that every where it is spoken against

  • Acts 28:23 - when they had appointed And him a day there came to him into his lodging many to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God persuading both him concerning Jesus from both the law of Moses and out of the prophets from morning till evening

  • Acts 28:24 - And some believed the things which were spoken and some believed not

  • Acts 28:25 - when they agreed not And among themselves they departed had spoken after that Paul word one Well Ghost the Holy spake by Esaias the prophet among fathers our

  • Acts 28:26 - Saying Go unto people this and say Hearing ye shall hear and shall and seeing seeing and perceive

  • Acts 28:27 - is waxed gross For the heart people of this and ears are dull hear and eyes their have they closed lest they should see eyes and ears hear and the heart understand and should be converted and I should heal their

  • Acts 28:28 - known therefore Be it unto you that unto the Gentiles is sent the salvation of God it and that they will hear

  • Acts 28:29 - And these words when he had said departed the Jews great and had among themselves reasoning

  • Acts 28:30 - dwelt And Paul two whole in his own hired house and received all that came in unto him

  • Acts 28:30 - dwelt And Paul two whole in his own hired house and received all that came in unto him