G3739 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
the relatively (sometimes demonstrative) pronoun, who, which, what, that one, (an-, the) other, some, that, what, which, who(-m, -se), etc probably a primary word (or perhaps a form of the article G3588 (ὁ));

1230 instances of the word ὅς hós (G3739)

  • Acts 16:21 - And teach customs which not are for us to receive neither to observe Romans being

  • Acts 16:24 - Who a charge such having received thrust their in the inner prison and feet their fast in the stocks

  • Matthew 16:25 - whosoever For will life it save shall lose it whosoever and shall lose life it for my shall find it

  • Luke 17:1 - said he Then unto the disciples impossible It is but they come that offences woe Then unto him through whom they come

  • John 17:2 - As he should give him power as many as flesh that as many as to he should give him he should give him life eternal

  • Revelation 17:2 - With whom have committed fornication the kings of the earth and have been made drunk with the wine fornication of her the inhabitants of the earth

  • Acts 17:3 - Opening and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered and risen again from the dead and that this is Christ Jesus whom I preach unto you

  • John 17:3 - this And is eternal life that they might know thee the only true God and whom thou hast sent Jesus Christ

  • John 17:4 - I thee have glorified on the earth the work I have finished which thou gavest me to do

  • John 17:5 - And now glorify me thou O Father with thine own self with the glory which I had before the world was with thee

  • Matthew 17:5 - yet While he spake behold cloud a bright overshadowed While he and behold a voice out of cloud which said This is Son my beloved in whom I am well pleased While he hear ye

  • John 17:6 - I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world thine they were and me them thou gavest and word thy they have kept

  • Acts 17:7 - Whom hath received Jason and these all contrary to the decrees of Caesar do king saying another that there is one Jesus

  • Luke 17:7 - which But from you a servant having plowing or feeding cattle unto him when he is come from the field will say by and by Go and sit down to meat

  • John 17:8 - For the words which I have given me I have given unto them and unto them they have received and have known surely For from thee I came out and they have believed For thou me didst send

  • Revelation 17:8 - The beast that thou sawest was and not is and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and into perdition go and shall wonder they that dwell in the earth that not were names in the book of life from the foundation of the world when they behold The beast that was and not is and yet is

  • John 17:9 - I for them I pray not for the world I pray but for them which thou hast given me for they are

  • Matthew 17:9 - And as they came down them from the mountain charged them Jesus saying to no man Tell the vision until the Son of man from the dead be risen again

  • Luke 17:10 - So likewise ye when to do all those things which are commanded you say servants unprofitable We are that which was our duty to do to do

  • John 17:11 - And no more I am in the world And these in the world are And I to thee come Father Holy keep those in name thine own whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we

  • Revelation 17:11 - And the beast that was And not is And he the eighth is And of the seven is And into perdition goeth

  • John 17:12 - While I was with them in the world I kept them in name thy that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled

  • Luke 17:12 - And entered as he into a certain village there met as he ten that were lepers men which stood afar off

  • Revelation 17:12 - And ten horns which thou sawest ten kings are which kingdom as yet have received but power as kings hour have received with the beast

  • Revelation 17:15 - And he saith unto me The waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth peoples And multitudes are And nations And tongues

  • Revelation 17:16 - And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast these shall hate the whore And desolate shall make her And naked And flesh her shall eat And her burn with fire

  • Revelation 17:18 - And which the woman which thou sawest is which city which that great which reigneth over which the kings which of the earth

  • John 17:22 - And I the glory which have given me have given them that they may be one even as we one are

  • Acts 17:23 - as I passed by For and beheld devotions your I found and an altar with this Whom inscription TO THE UNKNOWN GOD Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him I declare unto you

  • John 17:24 - Father which thou hast given me I will that where am I they also be with me that they may behold glory my which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world

  • John 17:26 - And I have declared them name thy And I have declared it that the love wherewith thou hast loved me in them may be and I in them

  • Luke 17:27 - They did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage until that the day entered Noe into the ark and came the flood and destroyed them all

  • Luke 17:29 - But the same day went that Lot from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all

  • Luke 17:30 - Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed

  • Acts 17:31 - Because he hath appointed a day by the which he will judge the world by righteousness by that man the which he hath ordained assurance whereof he hath given unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead

  • Luke 17:31 - In that day he which shall be upon the housetop and stuff his In the house him not come down away his and In the field likewise him not let him back

  • Luke 17:33 - Whosoever shall seek life his to save shall lose his and Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve his

  • Acts 17:34 - certain Howbeit men clave them and believed among the which and was Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them

  • John 18:1 - these words had spoken When Jesus he went forth with disciples he over the brook Cedron where was a garden into the which entered he and disciples he

  • Matthew 18:5 - And whoso receiveth little child such one in name my me receiveth

  • Matthew 18:6 - whoso But shall offend one which little ones of these which believe in me it were better for him that were hanged a millstone about which neck for him and that he were drowned in which the depth which of the sea

  • Revelation 18:6 - Reward her as and her Reward you and double her double according to works her in the cup which fill fill her double

  • Acts 18:7 - And he departed thence and entered into house a certain named Justus one that worshipped God whose house joined hard to the synagogue

  • Matthew 18:7 - Woe unto the world because of offences it must needs ! for be come offences but Woe to that man by whom offences come

  • John 18:9 - That might be fulfilled the saying which he spake which thou gavest me have I lost Of them none

  • John 18:11 - said Then Jesus unto Peter Put up sword thy into the sheath the cup which hath given me my Father drink it

  • John 18:13 - And away him to Annas first he was for father in law to Caiaphas which he was the high priest year that same

  • John 18:16 - But Peter stood at the door without went out Then disciple that other which was known unto the high priest and spake unto her that kept the door and brought in Peter

  • Luke 18:17 - Verily I say unto you Whosoever receive the kingdom of God as a little child enter therein

  • Matthew 18:19 - Again I say unto you That if two of you shall agree on which earth as touching any thing if they shall ask it shall be done for them of which Father my which is in heaven

  • Revelation 18:19 - And they cast dust on heads her And cried weeping And wailing saying Alas Alas city that great in were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of costliness her ! for hour is she made desolate

  • John 18:21 - Why me ask ask them which heard me Why I have said unto them know they know said what I

  • Matthew 18:23 - Therefore likened is the kingdom of heaven unto a certain king which would take account of servants

  • John 18:26 - saith One of the servants of the high priest his kinsman being whose cut off Peter ear not I thee Did in the garden with him

  • Acts 18:27 - was disposed And him to pass into Achaia exhorting the brethren wrote the disciples to receive him who when he was come helped them much which had believed through grace

  • Matthew 18:28 - went out But servant the same and found one fellowservants and took which owed and took an hundred pence and he laid hands and took him by the throat saying Pay me which owed

  • Luke 18:29 - And he said unto them Verily I say unto you no man There is that hath left house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdom of God's

  • Luke 18:30 - Who receive manifold more in present time this and in the world to come life everlasting

  • Matthew 18:30 - And not he would but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt

  • John 18:32 - That the saying of Jesus might be fulfilled which he spake signifying what death he should die

  • Matthew 18:34 - And was wroth lord him and delivered him to the tormentors till he should pay all that was due him

  • Matthew 19:6 - Wherefore no more they are twain but flesh What therefore God hath joined together man not let

  • Matthew 19:9 - I say And unto you Whosoever is put away her which wife it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and her which is put away shall marry committeth adultery

  • Matthew 19:11 - But he said unto them men cannot All receive saying this save they to whom it is given

  • Revelation 19:12 - eyes His were as a flame of fire and on head His crowns were many and he had a name written that no man knew His

  • Acts 19:13 - took upon them Then certain of the vagabond Jews exorcists to call over them which had spirits evil the name of the Lord Jesus saying We adjure you Jesus whom Paul preacheth

  • Luke 19:15 - And it came to pass that when was returned he having received the kingdom And he commanded to be called he servants these to whom he had given the money that he might know every man every man had gained by trading

  • Acts 19:16 - And leaped on them the man in whom was spirit the evil And overcame them and prevailed against them so naked And wounded that they fled out of house that

  • John 19:17 - And he bearing cross went forth into called the place of a skull a place which called in the Hebrew Golgotha

  • Luke 19:20 - And another came saying Lord behold pound here is thy which I have kept laid up in a napkin

  • Revelation 19:20 - And was taken of the beast And with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast And them that worshipped image him alive were cast These both into a lake of fire burning with brimstone

  • Luke 19:21 - I feared For thee because man an austere thou art thou takest up that not down and reapest that not sow

  • John 19:22 - answered Pilate What I have written I have written

  • Luke 19:22 - he saith And unto him Out of mouth thine own will I judge thee thou wicked servant Thou knewest that I man an austere was taking up that not I laid and reaping that not I did

  • Acts 19:25 - Whom he called together and of like occupation with the workmen said Sirs ye know that by craft wealth our we have

  • John 19:26 - When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple standing by whom he loved he saith his mother Woman behold son thy

  • Luke 19:26 - I say For unto you That unto every one which hath shall be given from and which not hath even that hath shall be taken away from him

  • Acts 19:27 - that not only So this is in danger our craft at nought to be set but also of the great goddess Diana that the temple at should So also be destroyed magnificence her whom all Asia also the world worshippeth

  • Matthew 19:29 - And every one that hath forsaken houses or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands sake name's for my an hundredfold shall receive And life everlasting shall inherit

  • Luke 19:30 - Saying Go ye into over against the village you in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied whereon the which yet never man sat loose him and bring

  • Acts 19:35 - had appeased And when the townclerk the people he said Ye men of Ephesus what is there man that not knoweth of Ephesus how that the city a worshipper is of the great goddess Diana and of the image which fell down from Jupiter

  • John 19:37 - And again another scripture saith They shall look on him whom they pierced

  • Luke 19:37 - And when he was come nigh even now at the descent of the mount of Olives began the whole multitude of the disciples to rejoice and praise God voice with a loud for all that they had seen the mighty works

  • Acts 19:40 - For we are in danger to be called in question uproar for this day's no cause there being for we may give an account concourse

  • John 19:41 - there was Now in the place where he was crucified a garden and in a garden sepulchre a new in never man laid

  • Luke 19:44 - And even with the ground thee And children of thy in thee And not leave in thee another upon another because not thou knewest the time visitation of thy

  • John 20:2 - she runneth Then and cometh to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom loved Jesus and saith him They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and not we know where they have laid him

  • Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon serpent that old which is the Devil And Satan And bound him a thousand years

  • Matthew 20:4 - unto them And said Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right I will give you And they went their way

  • John 20:7 - And the napkin that was about his head not with the linen clothes lying but wrapped together in by itself a place

  • Matthew 20:7 - He saith unto him Because no man us hath hired He saith unto him Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right that shall ye receive

  • Revelation 20:8 - And shall go out to deceive which the nations which are in which the four quarters which of the earth which Gog And which Magog to gather them to battle of whom which the number is as which the sand which of the sea

  • Revelation 20:11 - And I saw throne white a great And him that sat on for them whose from face fled away the earth And the heaven And place no there was found for them

  • Revelation 20:12 - And I saw the dead small And great stand before God And book was opened And book another was opened which is the book of life And were judged the dead out of those things which were written in book according to works their

  • Matthew 20:15 - Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own eye thine evil Is because I good am

  • John 20:16 - herself and saith unto her Jesus Mary turned She herself and saith unto her Rabboni which herself and saith Master

  • Luke 20:17 - And he beheld them and said What then is that is written this The stone which rejected the builders the same is become of the head the corner

  • Acts 20:18 - when And they were come to him he said him Ye know from the first day from I came into Asia after what manner with you at all seasons I have been

  • Luke 20:18 - Whosoever it shall fall on that stone shall be broken on whomsoever but it shall fall it will grind him

  • Matthew 20:22 - answered But Jesus and said not Ye know what ye ask Are ye able drink of of the cup that I shall drink of and with the baptism that I am baptized with am baptized with They say unto him Are ye able