G3754 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why neuter of G3748 (ὅστις) as conjunction;

1190 instances of the word ὅτι hóti (G3754)

  • Revelation 18:8 - Therefore in day come who plagues her death and mourning and famine and in fire she shall be utterly burned for strong is the Lord who God who judgeth her

  • John 18:9 - That might be fulfilled the saying which he spake which thou gavest me have I lost Of them none

  • Luke 18:9 - he spake And and unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised which others which parable

  • Matthew 18:10 - Take heed not that ye despise one which little ones of these I say for unto you That which angels their in heaven do always behold which the face which Father of my which in heaven

  • Revelation 18:10 - off afar Standing for the fear torment of her saying Alas Alas city that great Babylon city that mighty ! for in hour come judgment thy

  • Luke 18:11 - The Pharisee stood with himself thus and prayed God I thank thee that not I am as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this publican

  • Revelation 18:11 - And the merchants of the earth shall weep And mourn over her for merchandise her no man buyeth any more

  • Acts 18:13 - Saying contrary to the law This fellow persuadeth men to worship God

  • Matthew 18:13 - And if so be that he find it verily I say unto you he rejoiceth of it more sheep than of which the ninety and nine which not astray

  • John 18:14 - was he Now Caiaphas which gave counsel which to the Jews that it was expedient that one man should die for which the people

  • Luke 18:14 - I tell you went down this man justified to house rather than the other for every one shall be exalted himself he that humbleth and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted

  • Revelation 18:17 - For hour is come to nought so great riches And all shipmaster And all in ships the company And sailors And as many as by sea trade off afar stood

  • John 18:18 - stood there And the servants and officers a fire of coals who had made for cold it was and they warmed themselves it was And with them Peter stood there and they warmed themselves

  • Matthew 18:19 - Again I say unto you That if two of you shall agree on which earth as touching any thing if they shall ask it shall be done for them of which Father my which is in heaven

  • Revelation 18:19 - And they cast dust on heads her And cried weeping And wailing saying Alas Alas city that great in were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of costliness her ! for hour is she made desolate

  • Revelation 18:20 - Rejoice over her thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets for God hath avenged you on her

  • Revelation 18:23 - And the light of a candle shall shine by thee at all And the voice of the bridegroom And of the bride shall be heard by thee at all for merchants thy were the great men of the earth for by sorceries thy deceived all nations

  • Luke 18:29 - And he said unto them Verily I say unto you no man There is that hath left house or parents or brethren or wife or children for the kingdom of God's

  • John 18:37 - said therefore unto him Pilate then a king Art Thou answered Jesus Thou sayest that a king am I I To this born and To this cause came I To the world that I should bear witness the truth Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice

  • Luke 18:37 - they told And him that Jesus of Nazareth passeth by

  • Revelation 19:2 - For true and righteous judgments are his For he hath judged whore the great which did corrupt the earth with fornication are his and hath avenged the blood servants are his at hand are his

  • Luke 19:3 - And he sought to see Jesus who he was And not could for the press because of stature little he was

  • John 19:4 - went therefore again forth Pilate and saith him I bring to you him forth that ye may know that in him no fault I find

  • Luke 19:4 - And he ran before and climbed up into a sycomore tree to see him for that he was to pass

  • Matthew 19:4 - he which And he answered and said them not Have ye that he which made them at the beginning male and female made them

  • Revelation 19:6 - And I heard as the voice multitude of a great And as the voice waters of a great And as the voice thunderings of mighty saying Alleluia for reigneth the Lord God omnipotent

  • John 19:7 - answered him The Jews We a law have and by a law our he ought to die because himself the Son of God he made

  • Luke 19:7 - And when they saw all it they saying That with that is a sinner a man he was gone to be guest

  • Revelation 19:7 - Let us be glad and rejoice and give honour his for is come the marriage of the Lamb and wife his hath made herself

  • Matthew 19:8 - He saith unto them Moses because of hearts of your suffered you to put away wives of your from the beginning but not it was so

  • Luke 19:9 - said And unto he Jesus This day salvation house to this come forsomuch as also he a son of Abraham is

  • Matthew 19:9 - I say And unto you Whosoever is put away her which wife it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and her which is put away shall marry committeth adultery

  • John 19:10 - saith Then unto him Pilate unto me not Speakest thou not knowest thou that power I have to crucify thee and power I have to release thee

  • Luke 19:11 - heard And as they these things he added and spake a parable because nigh as they was to Jerusalem and because they thought as they that immediately should the kingdom of God appear

  • Luke 19:17 - And he said unto him Well thou good servant because in a very little faithful thou hast been thou authority have over ten cities

  • John 19:20 - This then title many read of the Jews for nigh it was to the city the place where was crucified Jesus and it was written in Hebrew and Greek and Latin

  • Acts 19:21 - After were ended these things purposed Paul in the spirit when he had passed through Macedonia also Achaia to go to Jerusalem saying After have been I there must I also Rome see

  • John 19:21 - said Then to Pilate the chief priests of the Jews not Write King of the Jews but that he said King I am of the Jews

  • Luke 19:21 - I feared For thee because man an austere thou art thou takest up that not down and reapest that not sow

  • Luke 19:22 - he saith And unto him Out of mouth thine own will I judge thee thou wicked servant Thou knewest that I man an austere was taking up that not I laid and reaping that not I did

  • Matthew 19:23 - Then Jesus said disciples Verily I say unto you That shall hardly a rich man enter into the kingdom of heaven

  • Acts 19:25 - Whom he called together and of like occupation with the workmen said Sirs ye know that by craft wealth our we have

  • Acts 19:26 - Moreover ye see Moreover hear that no alone at Ephesus but almost throughout all which Asia which Paul this hath persuaded and turned away much people saying that no they be gods which with hands are made

  • Luke 19:26 - I say For unto you That unto every one which hath shall be given from and which not hath even that hath shall be taken away from him

  • John 19:28 - After this knowing Jesus that all things now accomplished that might be fulfilled the scripture saith I thirst

  • Matthew 19:28 - which And Jesus said unto them Verily I say unto you That ye which have followed me in which the regeneration when shall sit which the Son which of man in the throne glory unto them shall sit also ye in the twelve the throne judging which the twelve tribes which of Israel

  • Luke 19:31 - And if any man you ask Why do ye loose him thus shall ye say of him Because the Lord of him need hath

  • Acts 19:34 - when they knew But that a Jew he was voice with all about the space hours of two cried out Great is Diana of the Ephesians

  • John 19:35 - And he that saw it bare record And true his is record and he knoweth that true he saith that ye might believe

  • Luke 19:40 - And he answered and said unto them I tell you that if these should hold their peace the stones would immediately cry out

  • John 19:42 - There therefore because preparation of the Jews day for nigh at hand was the sepulchre laid they Jesus

  • Luke 19:42 - Saying If thou hadst known even thou even at least in the things day thine the things which belong unto peace thine now ! but they are hid from eyes thine

  • Luke 19:43 - For shall come the days upon thee and about enemies thine a trench thee and compass thee and in thee on every side

  • Luke 20:5 - And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say Why then not believed ye him

  • Matthew 20:7 - He saith unto him Because no man us hath hired He saith unto him Go also ye into the vineyard also whatsoever is right that shall ye receive

  • John 20:9 - as yet For they knew the scripture that he must from the dead rise again

  • Matthew 20:10 - came But when the first they supposed that more received and received and every man a penny

  • Matthew 20:12 - Saying These which last hour have wrought and equal unto us them have wrought which have borne which the burden which of the day and which heat

  • John 20:13 - And She saith him they Woman why weepest thou She saith him Because they have taken away Lord my And not I know where they have laid him

  • John 20:14 - And thus said she turned herself back And saw Jesus standing And not knew that Jesus it was

  • John 20:15 - saith him Jesus Woman whom weepest thou whom seekest thou She supposing the gardener him to be saith him Sir if thou have borne him tell me where him thou hast laid and I him away

  • Matthew 20:15 - Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own eye thine evil Is because I good am

  • John 20:18 - came Mary Magdalene and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord and these things that he had spoken unto her

  • Luke 20:19 - And sought the chief priests And the scribes to lay on him hands the same him hour And they feared the people they perceived for that against him parable he had spoken

  • Luke 20:21 - And they asked him saying Master we know that rightly saying And teachest And neither acceptest thou the person of any but truly the way of God teachest

  • Acts 20:23 - Save that Ghost the Holy in every city witnesseth saying that bonds me and afflictions abide

  • Acts 20:25 - And now behold I know that no more shall see face my ye all among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God

  • Matthew 20:25 - But Jesus called them unto him and said Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them and they that are great exercise authority upon them

  • Acts 20:26 - Wherefore I take you this day that am pure I from the blood of all

  • Acts 20:29 - I For know this that enter in after departing my wolves shall grievous among you not sparing the flock

  • John 20:29 - saith unto him Jesus because thou hast seen me Thomas thou hast believed blessed are they that have not seen and thou hast believed

  • Matthew 20:30 - And behold two blind men sitting side by the way when they heard that Jesus passed by cried out saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David

  • Acts 20:31 - Therefore watch and remember that by the space of three years night and day not I ceased with tears to warn one every

  • John 20:31 - these But are written that believing that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing life ye might have through name his

  • Acts 20:34 - ye yourselves Yea know that necessities unto my and to them that were with me have ministered hands these

  • Acts 20:35 - all things I have shewed you how so labouring ye ought to support the weak to remember and the words of the Lord Jesus how he said blessed It is to give more than to receive

  • Luke 20:37 - that Now are raised the dead and Moses shewed at the bush when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob

  • Acts 20:38 - Sorrowing most of all for the words which he spake that no more they should face him see they accompanied And him unto the ship

  • Luke 21:3 - And he said Of a truth I say unto you that widow poor this in more than they all hath cast

  • Matthew 21:3 - And if any man unto you say any man ye shall say The Lord of them need hath straightway and he will send of them

  • John 21:4 - when the morning But now come stood Jesus on the shore not but knew the disciples that Jesus it was

  • Revelation 21:4 - And shall wipe away God all tears from eyes their And death no shall there be any more neither sorrow neither crying neither pain no shall there be any more for the former things are passed away

  • Luke 21:5 - And as some spake of the temple how stones with goodly And gifts it was adorned he said

  • Revelation 21:5 - And said he that sat upon the throne Behold new all things I make And he said unto me Write for these words true And faithful are

  • John 21:7 - saith Now disciple that whom loved Jesus Peter the Lord It is when Simon Now Peter heard that the Lord It is his fisher's coat he girt he was unto him (for naked and did cast himself into the sea

  • Luke 21:8 - And he said Take heed not deceived many for shall come in name my saying I am Christ and the time draweth near not therefore go ye after them

  • John 21:12 - saith him Jesus Come and dine none And durst of the disciples ask him thou Who art knowing that the Lord it was

  • John 21:15 - when So they had dined He saith Simon Peter Jesus Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these He saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed lambs my

  • John 21:16 - He saith to him again the second time Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me He saith to him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith to him Feed sheep my

  • Matthew 21:16 - And said unto him Hearest thou what these saith And Jesus saith unto him Yea have ye never read Out of the mouth of babes And sucklings thou hast perfected praise

  • John 21:17 - He saith unto him the third time Simon son of Jonas I love thou me was grieved Peter because he said unto him the third I love thou me And he said unto him Lord thou all things knowest thou knowest because I love thee He saith unto him Jesus Feed sheep my

  • Luke 21:20 - when And ye shall see compassed with armies Jerusalem then know that is nigh the desolation thereof

  • Acts 21:21 - they are informed And of thee that forsake thou teachest to Moses which are among the Gentiles all the Jews saying not that they ought their children neither after the customs to walk

  • Acts 21:22 - What therefore is it needs must the multitude come together they will hear for that thou art come

  • Luke 21:22 - For the days of vengeance these be which may be fulfilled that all things which are written

  • John 21:23 - abroad Then saying this among the brethren that disciple that not He shall yet not said that he Jesus that not He shall but If that he I will tarry till I come what is that to thee

  • Acts 21:24 - Them take and purify thyself with that thou thyself also be at charges with that thou thyself that they may shave their heads also may know all that those things whereof they were informed concerning thee nothing are but walkest orderly also that thou thyself the law and keepest

  • John 21:24 - This is which the disciple which testifieth of these things and wrote these things and we know that true is which testimony his

  • Acts 21:29 - they had (For seen before Trophimus an Ephesian in the city with him whom they supposed that into the temple had brought Paul

  • Luke 21:30 - When shoot forth now ye see of your own selves and know that now nigh at hand summer is