G3754 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
demonstrative, that (sometimes redundant); causative, because as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why neuter of G3748 (ὅστις) as conjunction;

1190 instances of the word ὅτι hóti (G3754)

  • Acts 5:23 - Saying truly The prison found we shut with all safety and the keepers without standing before the doors when we had opened but within no man found we

  • Ephesians 5:23 - For the husband is is the head of the wife as and Christ is the head of the church and he is the saviour of the body

  • Mark 5:23 - And besought him greatly saying little daughter My lieth at the point of death and I pray thee come lay him thy hands that she may be healed And she shall live

  • Matthew 5:23 - if Therefore thou bring gift thee to the altar and there rememberest that brother thee hath ought against thee

  • John 5:24 - Verily Verily I say unto you word my He that heareth and believeth on him that sent me hath life everlasting and into condemnation not come but is passed from death into life

  • Luke 5:24 - that But ye may know that power hath the Son of man upon earth to forgive sins (he said unto the sick of the palsy unto thee I say Arise and take up couch thine and go into house thine

  • Acts 5:25 - Then came and one told them saying Behold the men whom ye put in prison are in the temple standing and teaching the people

  • John 5:25 - Verily Verily I say unto you is coming The hour and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and shall hear shall live

  • Luke 5:26 - And amazed they were all And they glorified God And were filled with fear saying We have seen strange things to day

  • John 5:27 - And authority hath given him And judgment to execute because the Son of man he is

  • Matthew 5:27 - Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time not Thou shalt

  • John 5:28 - not Marvel at this for is coming the hour in the which all in the graves shall hear voice his

  • Mark 5:28 - she said For If but clothes his I may touch I shall be whole

  • Matthew 5:28 - I But say unto you That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her already hath committed adultery her in heart her

  • Mark 5:29 - And straightway was dried up the fountain blood of her And she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague

  • Ephesians 5:30 - For members we are body his of flesh his and of bones his

  • John 5:30 - not can I do of mine own self as I hear I judge and judgment mine own just is because not I seek the will mine own but the will hath sent me of the Father

  • Matthew 5:31 - It hath been said Whosoever shall put away wife her let him give her a writing of divorcement

  • John 5:32 - another There is he witnesseth of me and I know that true There is the witness which he witnesseth of me

  • Matthew 5:32 - I But say unto you That whosoever whosoever her that is divorced wife her saving for the cause of fornication causeth her committeth adultery and whosoever her that is divorced shall marry committeth adultery

  • Matthew 5:33 - Again ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time not Thou shalt shalt perform but unto the Lord oaths thine

  • Matthew 5:34 - I But say unto you not Swear at all neither by heaven for throne it is God's

  • Mark 5:35 - While he spake there came from the ruler of the synagogue's house certain which said daughter Thy is dead why While troublest thou the Master

  • Matthew 5:35 - Nor by the earth for it is footstool his Nor by Jerusalem for the city it is of the great King

  • John 5:36 - I But have witness than that of John for the works that hath given me the Father to finish the same the same the works that I do bear witness of me that the Father me hath sent

  • Luke 5:36 - he spake And also a parable unto them No man a piece garment of a new putteth upon garment an old And also of a new maketh a rent also an old not agreeth a piece that was taken out of of a new

  • Matthew 5:36 - Neither by head thy shalt thou swear because not thou canst hair white or black make

  • Acts 5:38 - And I say unto you Refrain from men these And alone them for if be of men counsel this or work this it will come to nought

  • John 5:38 - And word his not ye have abiding in you for whom he hath sent him ye not believe

  • Matthew 5:38 - Ye have heard that it hath been said An eye for An eye and a tooth for a tooth

  • John 5:39 - Search the scriptures for ye think in them life eternal ye have and they are they which testify of me

  • Acts 5:41 - And they departed rejoicing from the presence of the council that for name his they were counted worthy to suffer shame

  • John 5:42 - But I know you that the love of God not ye have in you

  • Matthew 5:43 - Ye have heard that it hath been said Thou shalt love neighbour thine and hate enemy thine

  • John 5:45 - not Do that I one that accuseth you to the Father there is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom ye trust

  • Matthew 5:45 - That ye may be the children which Father of your which is in heaven for which sun he maketh on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust

  • Acts 6:1 - in And days was multiplied of the disciples there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews because were neglected in ministration the daily widows their

  • 1 Corinthians 6:2 - not Do ye that the saints the world shall be judged and if by you shall be judged the world unworthy are ye to judge the smallest matters

  • 1 Timothy 6:2 - And believing they that have masters not despise because brethren they are but rather do them service because believing they are and beloved of the benefit partakers These things teach and exhort

  • John 6:2 - And followed him multitude a great because they saw him miracles which he did on them that were diseased

  • Mark 6:2 - And are wrought when the sabbath day he began in the synagogue to teach And many hearing him were astonished saying From whence hath this man these things And what wisdom is this which is given his that And mighty works such by hands his are wrought

  • 1 Corinthians 6:3 - not Know ye that angels we shall judge things that pertain to this life

  • Romans 6:3 - Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus into death his as were baptized

  • Mark 6:4 - said But unto them Jesus not is A prophet without honour among country unto them and among his own kin and among house unto them

  • John 6:5 - lifted up then When Jesus his eyes and saw a great company come unto he saith unto Philip Whence shall we buy bread that may eat these

  • Luke 6:5 - And he said unto them That Lord is the Son of man And of the sabbath

  • Matthew 6:5 - And when thou prayest not be as the hypocrites are for they love in the synagogues And in the corners of the streets standing thou prayest that they may be seen of men Verily I say unto you are for They have reward

  • Romans 6:6 - this Knowing that old our man is crucified with him that might be destroyed the body of sin not serve we of sin

  • 1 Corinthians 6:7 - Now therefore utterly a fault among you there is because ye go to law one with another Why not rather do ye Why not rather do ye

  • 1 Timothy 6:7 - nothing For we brought into this world and it is certain nothing carry we can

  • Matthew 6:7 - when ye pray But not use as the heathen they think do for that for much speaking their they shall be heard

  • Ephesians 6:8 - Knowing that whatsoever any man doeth good thing the same shall he receive of the Lord or he be bond or free

  • Galatians 6:8 - For he that soweth to flesh his of flesh reap corruption but he that soweth to the Spirit of the Spirit reap life everlasting

  • Romans 6:8 - if Now we be dead with Christ we believe that also live with him

  • Ephesians 6:9 - And Master him do unto him forbearing threatening knowing that And your him Master is in heaven And respect of persons is with him

  • 1 Corinthians 6:9 - not Know ye that the unrighteous the kingdom of God not inherit not Be neither fornicators neither idolaters neither adulterers neither effeminate neither abusers of themselves with mankind

  • Romans 6:9 - Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth death him dominion over

  • Acts 6:11 - Then they suborned men which said We have heard him speak words blasphemous against Moses and against God

  • Ephesians 6:12 - For not against we wrestle against blood and flesh but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness world of this against spiritual wickedness in high

  • Matthew 6:13 - And not lead us for temptation but deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom And the power And the glory for ever Amen

  • Acts 6:14 - we have heard For him say that Jesus of Nazareth this shall destroy place this and shall change the customs which delivered us Moses

  • John 6:14 - Then those men when they had seen that did the miracle Jesus said This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world

  • Mark 6:14 - And heard king Herod spread abroad of him (for was name him And he said That John the Baptist from the dead was risen And therefore do shew forth themselves mighty works in him

  • 1 Corinthians 6:15 - not Know ye that bodies your the members of Christ are shall I then the members of Christ and make of an harlot the members God forbid

  • John 6:15 - When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and by force him to make him a king he departed again into a mountain him alone

  • Mark 6:15 - Others said That Elias it is Others And said That a prophet it is or as one of a prophet

  • Romans 6:15 - What then shall we sin because not we are under the law but under grace God forbid

  • 1 Corinthians 6:16 - What not know ye that he which is joined to an harlot one body is shall be for saith he two one flesh one

  • 2 Corinthians 6:16 - what And agreement hath the temple God with idols ye for hath the temple God are of the living as hath said God I will dwell in their and walk in and I will be their God and their I will be my people

  • Mark 6:16 - heard But when Herod thereof he said whom I beheaded John It is he is risen from the dead

  • Matthew 6:16 - when Moreover to fast not be as the hypocrites of a sad countenance they disfigure for faces that they may appear unto men to fast Verily I say unto you They have reward

  • Romans 6:16 - not Know ye that to whom ye yield yourselves his servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey whether of sin to death or obey to righteousness

  • Mark 6:17 - her For Herod had sent forth and laid hold upon John and bound her in prison for Herodias wife Philip's brother her for her he had married

  • Revelation 6:17 - For is come day the great wrath of his and who shall be able to stand

  • Romans 6:17 - be thanked But God that ye were the servants of sin ye have obeyed But from the heart which was delivered you that form of doctrine

  • Mark 6:18 - had said For John unto Herod not It is for thee to have wife brother's thy

  • 1 Corinthians 6:19 - What not know ye that body your the temple which is in you of the Holy Ghost is which ye have of God and not ye are your own

  • Luke 6:19 - And the whole multitude sought to touch him for virtue out him there went And healed the whole

  • Luke 6:20 - And he lifted up eyes he on disciples he and said Blessed be ye poor for yours is the kingdom of God

  • Luke 6:21 - Blessed are ye that hunger now for ye shall be filled Blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh

  • John 6:22 - which The day following which when the people which stood on the other side which of the sea saw that boat other none there was there that one whereinto into were entered which disciples his and that none went which disciples his which Jesus into which boat but alone which disciples his were gone away

  • Mark 6:23 - And he sware unto her Whatsoever of me thou shalt ask I will give it thee unto the half kingdom of my

  • John 6:24 - When therefore saw the people that Jesus not was there neither disciples his also his to shipping also came to Capernaum seeking for Jesus

  • Luke 6:24 - But woe unto you that are rich ! for ye have received consolation your

  • Luke 6:25 - Woe unto you that are full ! for ye shall hunger Woe unto you that laugh now ! for ye shall mourn and weep

  • John 6:26 - answered them Jesus and said Verily Verily I say unto you Ye seek me not because ye saw the miracles but because ye did eat of the loaves and were filled

  • Matthew 6:26 - Behold into the fowls of the air for not they sow neither do they reap neither gather into barns yet Father your heavenly feedeth them not ye much Are them

  • Matthew 6:29 - I say And yet unto you That even Solomon in all glory arrayed like one of these

  • Matthew 6:32 - all (For these things do the Gentiles after knoweth (For Father your heavenly that ye have need these things of all

  • Mark 6:34 - And when he came out saw Jesus many things people And was moved with compassion toward them because they were as sheep not having a shepherd And he began to teach them many things

  • Luke 6:35 - But love ye enemies your and do good and lend for nothing again and shall be reward your great and shall be the children of the Highest for he kind is unto the unthankful and to the evil

  • Mark 6:35 - And now the time far spent was came his disciples his and said a desert This is place And now the time far spent

  • John 6:36 - But I said unto you That also have seen me also not believe

  • John 6:38 - For I came down from heaven not to do the will mine own but the will of him that sent me

  • John 6:41 - murmured then which The Jews at him because he said I am which the bread which came down from which heaven

  • John 6:42 - And saith not that he Is Jesus the son of Joseph whose we know father And mother how is it then saith that he from heaven I came down

  • John 6:46 - Not that he which the Father any man hath seen he which is he which of God he hath seen he which the Father

  • Mark 6:55 - And ran through whole region round about that and began in beds sick those that were to carry about where they heard he was

  • John 6:61 - knew When Jesus in himself that murmured at it disciples his he said his Doth this you offend

  • John 6:65 - And he said Therefore said I unto you that no man can come unto me it were given unto him of Father my