G3767 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
(adverbially) certainly, or (conjunctionally) accordingly and (so, truly), but, now (then), so (likewise then), then, therefore, verily, wherefore apparently a primary word;

518 instances of the word οὖν oûn (G3767)

  • John 18:12 - Then the band and the captain and officers of the Jews took Jesus and bound him

  • Acts 18:14 - was now about And when Paul to open his mouth said Gallio unto the Jews If it were matter of wrong a or lewdness wicked O the Jews reason would that I should bear with you

  • John 18:16 - But Peter stood at the door without went out Then disciple that other which was known unto the high priest and spake unto her that kept the door and brought in Peter

  • John 18:17 - saith Then the damsel that kept the door unto Peter not also thou one of disciples Art man's this saith He not I am

  • John 18:19 - then The high priest asked Jesus of disciples his and of doctrine his

  • John 18:25 - stood And Simon Peter also warmed himself They said therefore his not also thou one of disciples his Art denied He also They said not I am

  • Matthew 18:26 - fell down therefore The servant and worshipped him saying Lord have patience with me and all thee I will pay

  • John 18:27 - again then denied Peter and immediately the cock crew

  • John 18:28 - led they Then Jesus from Caiaphas into the hall of judgment it was and early and they themselves not went into the hall of judgment that they should be defiled but that they might eat the passover

  • John 18:29 - went out then Pilate unto them and said What accusation bring ye against man this

  • Matthew 18:29 - fell down And fellowservant him at feet him and besought him saying Have patience with me and all I will pay thee

  • John 18:31 - said Then him Pilate Take him ye and according law to your judge him said Then him The Jews for us not It is to death any man

  • John 18:33 - entered Then into the judgment hall again Pilate and called Jesus and said unto him thou Art the King of the Jews

  • John 18:37 - said therefore unto him Pilate then a king Art Thou answered Jesus Thou sayest that a king am I I To this born and To this cause came I To the world that I should bear witness the truth Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice

  • John 18:39 - have But a custom unto you that one unto you I should release at the passover will ye therefore unto you I should release the King of the Jews

  • John 18:40 - cried they Then again all saying Not this man but Barabbas was Now Barabbas a robber

  • John 19:1 - Then therefore took Pilate Jesus and scourged

  • Acts 19:3 - he said And unto them Unto what then were ye baptized And he said Unto John's baptism

  • John 19:4 - went therefore again forth Pilate and saith him I bring to you him forth that ye may know that in him no fault I find

  • John 19:5 - came Then Jesus forth wearing of thorns the crown And the purple robe And Pilate saith unto them the man

  • John 19:6 - When therefore saw him the chief priests and officers they cried out saith Crucify Crucify saith him him Pilate Take him ye and Crucify I him for no find in him fault

  • Matthew 19:6 - Wherefore no more they are twain but flesh What therefore God hath joined together man not let

  • Matthew 19:7 - They say her Why then did Moses command to give a writing of divorcement and away her

  • John 19:8 - When therefore heard Pilate that saying the more afraid

  • John 19:10 - saith Then unto him Pilate unto me not Speakest thou not knowest thou that power I have to crucify thee and power I have to release thee

  • Luke 19:12 - He said therefore nobleman A certain went into country a far to receive for himself a kingdom and to return

  • John 19:13 - therefore When Pilate heard that saying he brought forth Jesus and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement in the Hebrew but Gabbatha

  • John 19:16 - Then therefore delivered he him him to be crucified they took And Jesus and led him away

  • John 19:20 - This then title many read of the Jews for nigh it was to the city the place where was crucified Jesus and it was written in Hebrew and Greek and Latin

  • John 19:21 - said Then to Pilate the chief priests of the Jews not Write King of the Jews but that he said King I am of the Jews

  • John 19:23 - Then soldier when they had crucified Jesus took garments his and made four a part to every soldier a part and his coat was now his coat without seam from the top woven throughout

  • John 19:24 - They said therefore among themselves not Let us it but cast lots for it whose it shall be that which the scripture might be fulfilled which saith They parted which raiment my among them and for which vesture my they did cast lots which therefore the soldiers These things did

  • John 19:26 - When Jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciple standing by whom he loved he saith his mother Woman behold son thy

  • John 19:29 - a vessel Now there was set of vinegar full and they filled a spunge of vinegar and hyssop put it upon and put it to his mouth

  • John 19:30 - When therefore had received the vinegar Jesus he said It is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost

  • John 19:31 - therefore The Jews that remain upon the cross the bodies on sabbath day because the preparation it was it was (for an high day that sabbath day besought Pilate that might be broken their legs and that they might be taken away

  • Acts 19:32 - Some therefore Some one thing cried was for the assembly confused and the more part not knew wherefore they were come together

  • John 19:32 - came Then which the soldiers and which of the first brake which the legs and which of the other which was crucified with him

  • Acts 19:36 - cannot be spoken against then Seeing that these things ought ye quiet to be and nothing rashly to do

  • Acts 19:38 - if Wherefore Demetrius and which are with him the craftsmen against any man a matter have the law is open and deputies there are let them implead one another

  • John 19:38 - after And this besought Pilate Joseph of Arimathaea being a disciple of Jesus secretly And for fear of the Jews that he might take away the body of Jesus and gave him leave Pilate He came therefore and he might take away the body of Jesus

  • John 19:40 - took they Then the body of Jesus and wound it in linen clothes with the spices as the manner is of the Jews to bury

  • John 19:42 - There therefore because preparation of the Jews day for nigh at hand was the sepulchre laid they Jesus

  • John 20:2 - she runneth Then and cometh to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom loved Jesus and saith him They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre and not we know where they have laid him

  • John 20:3 - went forth therefore Peter and that other disciple and came to the sepulchre

  • Luke 20:5 - And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say Why then not believed ye him

  • John 20:6 - cometh Then Simon Peter following him and went into the sepulchre and seeth the linen clothes lie

  • John 20:8 - Then went in also which that other disciple which came first to which the sepulchre also he saw also believed

  • John 20:10 - went away Then again unto their own home the disciples

  • John 20:11 - Mary But stood at the sepulchre she wept without as and she wept she stooped down and looked into the sepulchre

  • Luke 20:15 - So they cast him out of of the vineyard and killed him What therefore do him the lord of the vineyard

  • Luke 20:17 - And he beheld them and said What then is that is written this The stone which rejected the builders the same is become of the head the corner

  • John 20:19 - being Then at evening day the same day of the week and the doors were shut where were the disciples assembled for fear of the Jews came Jesus and stood in the midst and saith unto them Peace be unto you

  • John 20:20 - And so said he shewed unto them his hands And side unto them glad Then the disciples when they saw the Lord

  • John 20:21 - said Then to them Jesus again Peace be unto you as hath sent me my Father I send you

  • John 20:25 - said therefore his The other disciples We have seen the Lord But he said his I shall see in hand his the print of the nails and put finger my into the print of the nails and put hand my into side his I will

  • Acts 20:28 - Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which you Ghost the Holy hath made overseers to feed the church of God the which he hath purchased with his own blood

  • Luke 20:29 - seven therefore brethren There were and the first took a wife and died without children

  • John 20:30 - many truly And other signs did Jesus in the presence disciples which not are written in book this

  • Luke 20:33 - in Therefore the resurrection whose her is she to wife for seven had her to wife

  • Luke 20:44 - David therefore Lord him calleth then how son him is he

  • John 21:5 - saith Then him Jesus Children meat have ye They answered him No

  • John 21:6 - And he said it Cast on the right side of the ship the net and ye shall find Cast therefore and now it to draw able for the multitude of fishes

  • John 21:7 - saith Now disciple that whom loved Jesus Peter the Lord It is when Simon Now Peter heard that the Lord It is his fisher's coat he girt he was unto him (for naked and did cast himself into the sea

  • Luke 21:7 - they asked And him saying Master when but these things be and what sign will there be when shall these things come to pass

  • Luke 21:8 - And he said Take heed not deceived many for shall come in name my saying I am Christ and the time draweth near not therefore go ye after them

  • John 21:9 - As soon then as they were come to land they saw a fire of coals laid and fish thereon and bread

  • John 21:13 - cometh then Jesus and taketh bread and giveth them and fish likewise

  • Luke 21:14 - Settle it therefore in hearts your not to meditate before what ye shall answer

  • John 21:15 - when So they had dined He saith Simon Peter Jesus Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these He saith unto him Yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee He saith unto him Feed lambs my

  • Acts 21:22 - What therefore is it needs must the multitude come together they will hear for that thou art come

  • Acts 21:23 - this therefore Do that to thee we say have We men four which have a vow on them

  • John 21:23 - abroad Then saying this among the brethren that disciple that not He shall yet not said that he Jesus that not He shall but If that he I will tarry till I come what is that to thee

  • Matthew 21:25 - The baptism of John whence was it From heaven or From men And they reasoned with themselves saying If we shall say From heaven he will say unto us Why then not believe him

  • Luke 21:36 - Watch ye therefore always all and pray that ye may be accounted worthy to escape these things all that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man

  • Matthew 21:40 - When therefore cometh the lord of the vineyard what will he do husbandmen unto those

  • Matthew 22:9 - Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid to the marriage

  • Matthew 22:17 - Tell therefore us What thou thinkest Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar or not

  • Matthew 22:21 - They say unto him Caesar's Then They say unto him Render therefore the things that are Caesar's Caesar's and the things that are the things that are God's the things that are God's

  • Matthew 22:28 - in Therefore the resurrection whose of the seven shall she be wife they all for had her

  • Acts 22:29 - straightway Then they departed from him which should him have examined also which the chief captain and was afraid after he knew because a Roman he was also because he had him bound

  • Luke 22:36 - said he Then unto them But now he that hath a purse let him take likewise and his scrip and no he that hath let him sell garment unto them and buy sword

  • Matthew 22:43 - He saith him How then doth David in spirit Lord him call He saith

  • Matthew 22:45 - If then David call him Lord how son him is he

  • Luke 22:70 - he said And they all thou then Art the Son of God And unto them said Ye say that I am

  • Matthew 23:3 - All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe observe and do ye after but works their not do they say for and not do

  • Acts 23:15 - Now therefore ye signify to the chief captain with the council that to morrow he down unto you as though ye would enquire concerning he we and or ever come near he ready are to kill he

  • Luke 23:16 - I will therefore him and release

  • Acts 23:18 - So he took him and brought him to the chief captain and said the prisoner Paul called me unto him and prayed me this young man and brought him to thee who hath something to say unto thee

  • Luke 23:20 - again therefore Pilate spake willing to release Jesus

  • Matthew 23:20 - Whoso therefore shall swear by the altar shall swear by it and by all things it

  • Acts 23:21 - thou But not do him there lie in wait for for him of him men more than forty which have bound themselves neither eat neither drink till they have killed him and now ready are they looking for from thee a promise

  • Acts 23:22 - So the chief captain depart the young man and charged no man him See thou tell that these things thou hast shewed to me

  • Luke 23:22 - And the third time he said unto him what Why evil done he no cause of death I have found in him I will therefore him and let him go

  • Acts 23:31 - Then the soldiers as it was commanded them took Paul and brought him by night to Antipatris

  • Matthew 24:15 - When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in place the holy (whoso readeth let him understand

  • Matthew 24:26 - if Wherefore they shall say unto you Behold he is in the desert he is it not forth Behold he is in the secret chambers it not believe

  • Matthew 24:42 - Watch therefore for not ye know what hour Lord your doth come

  • Acts 25:1 - when Festus Now was come into the province after three days he ascended to Jerusalem from Caesarea

  • Acts 25:4 - But Festus answered should be kept that Paul at Caesarea that he himself and would at shortly depart