G3793 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a throng (as borne along); by implication, the rabble; by extension, a class of people; figuratively, a riot company, multitude, number (of people), people, press from a derivative of G2192 (ἔχω) (meaning a vehicle);

170 instances of the word ὄχλος óchlos (G3793)

  • Matthew 12:46 - While yet he talked to the people behold his mother and his brethren he stood without desiring he talked

  • Luke 12:54 - he said And also to the people When ye see a cloud rise out of the west straightway he said a shower There cometh also it is so

  • Matthew 13:2 - And were gathered together unto him multitude great so that him into a ship he went and sat And the whole multitude on the shore stood

  • Luke 13:14 - answered And the ruler of the synagogue with indignation because on the sabbath be healed that Jesus day and said unto the people six day There are in which men ought to work in therefore and be healed and not day on the sabbath

  • Luke 13:17 - And these things when he had said him were ashamed all adversaries him And all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him

  • Matthew 13:34 - these things All spake Jesus in a parable unto the multitude and without a parable not spake unto them

  • Matthew 13:36 - Then away the multitude and went into the house Jesus and came his disciples his saying Declare unto us the parable of the tares of the field

  • Acts 13:45 - saw But when the Jews the multitudes they were filled with envy and contradicting by Paul those things which were spoken contradicting and blaspheming

  • Matthew 14:5 - And when he would him have put he feared the multitude because as a prophet him they counted

  • Acts 14:11 - And when the people saw what had done Paul they lifted up voices in the speech of Lycaonia saying The gods in the likeness of men are come down to us

  • Acts 14:13 - which Then the priest which of Jupiter which was before which city their oxen and garlands unto which the gates brought with which the people and would have done sacrifice

  • Matthew 14:13 - When had heard Jesus of it he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart When had heard when the people thereof they followed him on foot out of the cities

  • Acts 14:14 - heard Which when the apostles Barnabas and Paul of they rent clothes and ran in among the people crying out

  • Matthew 14:14 - And went forth Jesus and saw a great multitude And was moved with compassion toward their And he healed sick their

  • Matthew 14:15 - evening And when it was came his disciples his saying a desert This is place and the time is now past away the multitude that they may go into the villages and buy themselves victuals

  • Acts 14:18 - And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people not done sacrifice unto them

  • Acts 14:19 - there came thither And from Antioch and Iconium certain Jews and persuaded the people and having stoned Paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead

  • Matthew 14:19 - And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the grass And took the five loaves And the two fishes and looking up to heaven he blessed And brake and gave the disciples loaves and the disciples the multitude

  • Matthew 14:22 - And straightway constrained Jesus disciples him to get into a ship And to go before him into the other side while away the multitudes

  • Matthew 14:23 - And away the multitudes he went up into a mountain apart to pray when the evening and was come alone he was there

  • Luke 14:25 - there went And them multitudes great and he turned and said unto them

  • Mark 14:43 - And immediately while he yet him spake cometh Judas one of the twelve And with him multitude a great with swords And staves from the chief priests And the scribes And the elders

  • Mark 15:8 - And crying aloud the multitude began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them

  • Matthew 15:10 - And he called the multitude and said unto them Hear And understand

  • Mark 15:11 - But the chief priests moved the people that he should rather Barabbas release unto them

  • Mark 15:15 - And so Pilate willing the people to content released unto them Barabbas and delivered Jesus when he had scourged him to be crucified

  • Matthew 15:30 - And came them multitudes great having with them those that were lame blind dumb maimed And others great And cast them at feet Jesus And he healed them

  • Matthew 15:31 - Insomuch that the multitude wondered to see the dumb to speak the maimed to be whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorified the God of Israel

  • Matthew 15:32 - Then Jesus called disciples them unto him and said I have compassion on the multitude because now days three they continue with me and not have to eat and away them fasting not I will lest they faint in the way

  • Matthew 15:33 - And say his disciples his Whence should we in the wilderness bread have so much as to fill a multitude have so much

  • Matthew 15:35 - And he commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground

  • Matthew 15:36 - And he took the seven loaves And the fishes and gave thanks and brake And gave disciples and disciples to the multitude

  • Matthew 15:39 - And he sent away the multitude and took into And came into the coasts of Magdala

  • Acts 16:22 - And rose up together the multitude against their And the magistrates rent off their clothes and commanded to beat

  • Acts 17:8 - they troubled And the people and the rulers of the city when they heard these things

  • Acts 17:13 - when But had knowledge of Thessalonica the Jews that at Berea was preached of Paul the word of God they came thither also and stirred up the people

  • Matthew 17:14 - And when they were come to him to the multitude there came to him a certain man kneeling down to him And saying

  • Revelation 17:15 - And he saith unto me The waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth peoples And multitudes are And nations And tongues

  • Luke 18:36 - hearing And the multitude pass by he asked what meant it

  • Revelation 19:1 - And after these things I heard voice people of much a great in heaven saying Alleluia Salvation And glory And honour And power unto the Lord God our

  • Matthew 19:2 - And followed him multitudes great And he healed him there

  • Luke 19:3 - And he sought to see Jesus who he was And not could for the press because of stature little he was

  • Revelation 19:6 - And I heard as the voice multitude of a great And as the voice waters of a great And as the voice thunderings of mighty saying Alleluia for reigneth the Lord God omnipotent

  • Acts 19:26 - Moreover ye see Moreover hear that no alone at Ephesus but almost throughout all which Asia which Paul this hath persuaded and turned away much people saying that no they be gods which with hands are made

  • Acts 19:33 - out of And the multitude they drew Alexander forward him the Jews And Alexander beckoned with the hand and would have made his defence unto the people

  • Acts 19:35 - had appeased And when the townclerk the people he said Ye men of Ephesus what is there man that not knoweth of Ephesus how that the city a worshipper is of the great goddess Diana and of the image which fell down from Jupiter

  • Luke 19:39 - And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him Master rebuke disciples thy

  • Matthew 20:29 - And as they departed him from Jericho followed him multitude a great

  • Matthew 20:31 - And the multitude rebuked them because they should hold their peace And the more they cried saying Have mercy on us O Lord thou Son of David

  • Matthew 21:8 - And a very great multitude spread their garments in the way And cut down branches from the trees and spread in the way

  • Matthew 21:9 - And the multitudes that went before and that followed cried saying Hosanna to the Son of David Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest

  • Matthew 21:11 - And the multitude said This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee

  • Matthew 21:26 - if But we shall say Of men we fear the people all for hold John as a prophet

  • Acts 21:27 - when And were almost the seven days ended which were of Asia the Jews when they saw him in the temple stirred up all the people and laid hands on him

  • Acts 21:34 - some And some one thing cried among the multitude not when he could And know the certainty for the tumult he commanded to be carried him into the castle

  • Acts 21:35 - when And he came upon the stairs so it was that he was borne of the soldiers for the violence of the people

  • Matthew 21:46 - But when they sought him to lay hands they feared the multitude because for a prophet him they took

  • Luke 22:6 - And he promised And sought opportunity to betray him him in the absence of the multitude

  • Matthew 22:33 - And heard when the multitude this they were astonished at doctrine his

  • Luke 22:47 - while he yet And him spake behold a multitude and he that was called Judas one of the twelve went before him and drew near unto Jesus to kiss him

  • Matthew 23:1 - Then Jesus spake to the multitude and disciples

  • Luke 23:4 - Then Pilate said to the chief priests and to the people no I find fault in man this

  • Luke 23:48 - And all that came together the people to sight beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned

  • Acts 24:12 - And neither in the temple found me with any man disputing neither raising up the people neither in the synagogues neither in the city

  • Acts 24:18 - Whereupon found me purified Whereupon the temple neither with multitude nor with tumult certain from Asia Jews

  • Matthew 26:47 - And while he spake lo Judas one of the twelve came And with he multitude a great with swords And staves from the chief priests And elders of the people

  • Matthew 26:55 - In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes as against a thief Are ye come out with swords and staves for to take me daily with you I sat teaching In the temple and no hold me

  • Matthew 27:15 - at Now that feast was wont the governor to release a unto the people prisoner whom they would

  • Matthew 27:20 - But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas But Jesus destroy

  • Matthew 27:24 - saw When Pilate that nothing he could prevail but that rather a tumult was made he took water and washed his hands before the multitude saying innocent I am of the blood just person of this ye see