G3962 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a "father" (literally or figuratively, near or more remote) father, parent apparently a primary word;

370 instances of the word πατήρ patḗr (G3962)

  • John 4:20 - fathers Our in this mountain to worship and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship

  • Philippians 4:20 - Now unto God and Father our be glory for and ever and ever Amen

  • John 4:21 - saith unto her Jesus Woman believe me cometh the hour when neither at mountain this neither at Jerusalem worship the Father

  • Matthew 4:21 - And going on from thence he saw other two brethren James the son of the son of Zebedee And John the son of brethren his in the son of a ship with Zebedee the son of father his mending the son of nets his And he called his

  • Matthew 4:22 - And they immediately left the ship and father him and followed him

  • John 4:23 - But cometh the hour and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth and the Father such seeketh shall worship him

  • John 4:53 - knew So the father that in the same hour in the which said himself Jesus that son Thy liveth and believed himself and house himself whole

  • 1 Corinthians 5:1 - commonly It is reported among you fornication and such fornication as not so much among the Gentiles as named that wife one his father's should have

  • 1 Timothy 5:1 - an elder not Rebuke but intreat as a father and the younger men as brethren

  • 1 John 5:7 - For three are that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three one are

  • Matthew 5:16 - so shine which light Let your before which men that they may see Let your which good works and glorify which Father Let your which is in which heaven

  • John 5:17 - But Jesus answered them Father My hitherto work and I work

  • John 5:18 - Therefore the more sought him the Jews to kill because not only had broken the sabbath but also Father was his said that God equal himself making that God

  • John 5:19 - answered Then Jesus also said unto them Verily Verily I say unto you can The Son do of himself nothing what he seeth the Father do for what things soever he do these also The Son likewise do

  • Ephesians 5:20 - Giving thanks always for all things in the name Lord of our Jesus Christ unto God and the Father

  • John 5:20 - For the Father loveth the Son and all things he will shew him that him doeth and these he will shew him works that ye may marvel

  • John 5:21 - as For the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth so and the Son whom he will quickeneth

  • John 5:22 - For the Father judgeth no man but judgment all hath committed unto the Son

  • John 5:23 - That all He that honoureth which the Son even as He that honoureth which the Father which not He that honoureth which the Son not He that honoureth which the Father which hath sent him

  • John 5:26 - as For the Father hath life in himself hath he given so to the Son life hath in himself

  • Acts 5:30 - The God fathers of our raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree

  • John 5:30 - not can I do of mine own self as I hear I judge and judgment mine own just is because not I seek the will mine own but the will hath sent me of the Father

  • Ephesians 5:31 - For this cause leave a man father and mother and shall be joined unto wife and shall be they two one flesh

  • John 5:36 - I But have witness than that of John for the works that hath given me the Father to finish the same the same the works that I do bear witness of me that the Father me hath sent

  • John 5:37 - And which hath sent me the Father himself hath borne witness of me neither voice himself Ye have at any time neither shape himself seen

  • Mark 5:40 - And they laughed him But out them all he taketh the father of the damsel And the mother And them that were with him And entereth in where was of the damsel lying

  • John 5:43 - I am come in name Father's my and not ye receive me if another come in name his own him ye receive

  • John 5:45 - not Do that I one that accuseth you to the Father there is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom ye trust

  • Matthew 5:45 - That ye may be the children which Father of your which is in heaven for which sun he maketh on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust

  • Matthew 5:48 - Be therefore ye perfect even which Father as your which is in which heaven perfect is

  • Matthew 6:1 - Take heed which alms your not that ye do before which men to be seen which of them not reward no ye have of which Father your which is in which heaven

  • Ephesians 6:2 - Honour father thy and mother (which is commandment the first with promise

  • Ephesians 6:4 - And ye fathers not provoke children your but bring them in the nurture And admonition of the Lord

  • Matthew 6:4 - That may be thine which alms in which secret and which Father thine which seeth in which secret himself shall reward thee in which

  • Romans 6:4 - we are buried with Therefore him by baptism into death that like as was raised up Christ from the dead by the glory of the Father even so also we in newness of life should walk

  • Matthew 6:6 - thou But when pray enter into which closet thy and when thou hast shut which door thy pray which Father thy which in which secret and which Father thy which seeth in which secret shall reward thee in which

  • Matthew 6:8 - not therefore Be him knoweth for Father your what things need of ye have before ye ask him

  • Matthew 6:9 - After this manner therefore pray ye Father Our which art in which heaven Hallowed be which name thy

  • Matthew 6:14 - if For forgive men trespasses their forgive will also you Father your heavenly

  • Matthew 6:15 - But forgive men trespasses their neither Father will your forgive trespasses will your

  • 2 Corinthians 6:18 - And shall be unto you a Father And ye shall be my sons And daughters saith the Lord Almighty

  • Matthew 6:18 - That not thou appear which unto men to fast but which Father thy which in which secret and which Father thy which seeth in which secret shall reward thee in which

  • Ephesians 6:23 - Peace be to the brethren and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Luke 6:23 - Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy behold for reward your is great in heaven in the like manner for did unto the prophets fathers their

  • Luke 6:26 - Woe unto you when well of you shall speak all men so ! for did to the false prophets fathers their

  • Matthew 6:26 - Behold into the fowls of the air for not they sow neither do they reap neither gather into barns yet Father your heavenly feedeth them not ye much Are them

  • John 6:27 - Labour not which for that meat which perisheth but which for that meat which endureth unto life everlasting which which the Son which of man unto you shall give him for which the Father hath which God

  • John 6:31 - fathers Our manna did eat in the desert as it is written bread from heaven He gave them did eat

  • John 6:32 - said Then unto them Jesus Verily Verily I say unto you not Moses gave unto you bread from heaven but Father my gave unto you bread from heaven the true

  • Matthew 6:32 - all (For these things do the Gentiles after knoweth (For Father your heavenly that ye have need these things of all

  • Luke 6:36 - Be ye therefore merciful as also Father your merciful is

  • John 6:37 - All that giveth me the Father to me shall come and him that cometh to me I will out

  • John 6:39 - this And is which will which hath sent me the Father's that of all which he hath given me nothing I should lose it but should raise it at which the last day

  • John 6:42 - And saith not that he Is Jesus the son of Joseph whose we know father And mother how is it then saith that he from heaven I came down

  • John 6:44 - No man can come to me which the Father which hath sent me draw him and I up him which at the last day

  • John 6:45 - It is written in the prophets And they shall be Every man taught of God Every man therefore that hath heard of the Father And hath learned cometh unto me

  • John 6:46 - Not that he which the Father any man hath seen he which is he which of God he hath seen he which the Father

  • John 6:49 - fathers Your did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead

  • John 6:57 - As hath sent me live Father and I live by Father so he that eateth me even he live by me

  • John 6:58 - This is which bread which from which heaven came down not as did eat which fathers your which manna and are dead which he that eateth of this which bread shall live for which ever

  • John 6:65 - And he said Therefore said I unto you that no man can come unto me it were given unto him of Father my

  • Acts 7:2 - And he said Men brethren and father hearken The God of glory appeared father unto our Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Charran

  • Acts 7:4 - Then came he out of land of the Chaldaeans and dwelt in Charran and from thence when was dead father him he removed him into land into ye now and dwelt

  • Hebrews 7:10 - yet For in the loins of his father he was when met him Melchisedec

  • Mark 7:10 - Moses For said Honour father thy and mother thy and Whoso curseth father or mother the death let him die

  • Acts 7:11 - there came Now a dearth over all the land of Egypt and Chanaan and affliction great and no found sustenance fathers our

  • Mark 7:11 - ye But say If shall say a man to his father or mother It is Corban is to say a gift If by me thou mightest be profited by

  • Matthew 7:11 - If then ye evil being know gifts good give which children shall your how much more which Father shall your which is in which heaven give good which to them that ask him

  • Acts 7:12 - heard But when Jacob that there was corn in Egypt he sent out fathers our first

  • Mark 7:12 - And no more ye suffer him ought to do father him or mother him

  • Acts 7:14 - sent Then Joseph and called father Jacob to him and all kindred souls threescore and fifteen

  • Acts 7:15 - went down So Jacob into Egypt and died he and fathers our

  • Acts 7:19 - The same dealt subtilly kindred our and evil entreated fathers our so that they cast out young children to the end not live

  • Acts 7:20 - In and time was born Moses and was fair exceeding and nourished up months three In house father's

  • Matthew 7:21 - Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom heaven but he that doeth the will Father of my which is in heaven

  • John 7:22 - therefore Moses gave unto you circumcision (not because of Moses it is but of the fathers and on the sabbath day circumcise a man

  • Acts 7:32 - Saying I am the God fathers of thy am the God of Abraham and am the God of Isaac and am the God of Jacob Then trembled Moses not and durst behold

  • Acts 7:38 - This is he which that was in which the church in which the wilderness with which the angel which spake to him in which the mount Sina and which fathers with our who received oracles the lively to give unto us

  • Acts 7:39 - To whom not would obey fathers our but thrust him from them and turned back again hearts into Egypt

  • Acts 7:44 - the tabernacle of witness had in fathers Our in the wilderness as he had appointed speaking unto Moses that he should make it according to the fashion that he had seen

  • Acts 7:45 - Which also after brought in that came fathers of our with Jesus into the possession of the Gentiles Which drave out God before the face fathers of our unto the days of David

  • Acts 7:51 - Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears do ye always Ghost the Holy do as fathers your and do ye

  • Acts 7:52 - Which them which of the prophets not have them which fathers your and they have slain them which shewed before of them which the coming them which of the Just One of whom now ye the betrayers and murderers have been

  • 1 Corinthians 8:6 - But to us one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him

  • Hebrews 8:9 - Not according to covenant that I made with fathers their in the day when I took by the hand their to lead their out of the land of Egypt because their Not continued in covenant by the hand and I not their saith the Lord

  • Romans 8:15 - not For received the Spirit of bondage again to fear but received the Spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father

  • John 8:16 - and if judge And I judgment my true is for alone not I am but I and that sent me the Father

  • John 8:18 - I am beareth witness of myself and beareth witness of me that sent me the Father

  • John 8:19 - said they Then unto him Where is Father thy answered Jesus neither me Ye neither Father my if me Ye Father my Ye also

  • Matthew 8:21 - another And disciples of his said of his Lord suffer me first to go and bury father my

  • John 8:27 - not They understood that of the Father to them he spake

  • John 8:28 - said then unto them Jesus When ye have lifted up the Son of man Then shall ye know that I am he and of myself that I do nothing but as hath taught me Father my these things I speak

  • John 8:29 - And he that sent me with me is not hath me alone the Father for I those things that please him do always

  • John 8:38 - I that which I have seen with Father my speak and ye that that which I have seen with Father your do

  • Mark 8:38 - Whosoever therefore be ashamed of me also of my words in generation adulterous also sinful also the Son of man be ashamed of him when he cometh in the glory Father of him with angels the holy

  • John 8:39 - They answered and said unto him father our Abraham is saith unto him Jesus If children Abraham ye were the works Abraham ye would do

  • John 8:41 - Ye do the deeds Father of your said they Then to him We of fornication not be one Father we have even God

  • John 8:42 - said unto them Jesus If God Father your were love ye would me I for from God proceeded forth and came neither for of myself came I but he me sent

  • John 8:44 - Ye of father the devil are and the lusts father of your ye will do He a murderer was from the beginning and in the truth no abode because no he is the truth in him When he speaketh a lie of his own he speaketh because a liar he is and father him

  • John 8:49 - answered Jesus I a devil not have but I honour Father my and ye do dishonour me