G4012 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
properly, through (all over), i.e. around; figuratively with respect to; used in various applications, of place, cause or time (with the genitive case denoting the subject or occasion or superlative point; with the accusative case the locality, circuit, matter, circumstance or general period) (there-)about, above, against, at, on behalf of, X and his company, which concern, (as) concerning, for, X how it will go with, ((there-, where-)) of, on, over, pertaining (to), for sake, X (e-)state, (as) touching, (where-)by (in), with from the base of G4008 (πέραν);

304 instances of the word περί perí (G4012)

  • Mark 5:27 - When she had heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched garment his

  • John 5:31 - If I bear witness of myself witness my not is true

  • John 5:32 - another There is he witnesseth of me and I know that true There is the witness which he witnesseth of me

  • John 5:36 - I But have witness than that of John for the works that hath given me the Father to finish the same the same the works that I do bear witness of me that the Father me hath sent

  • John 5:37 - And which hath sent me the Father himself hath borne witness of me neither voice himself Ye have at any time neither shape himself seen

  • John 5:39 - Search the scriptures for ye think in them life eternal ye have and they are they which testify of me

  • John 5:46 - For had ye believed Moses had ye believed me of For me he wrote

  • 1 Timothy 6:4 - He is proud nothing knowing but doting about questions and strifes of words whereof cometh envy strife railings surmisings evil

  • Hebrews 6:9 - we are persuaded But of you beloved better things and things that accompany salvation and thus speak

  • Ephesians 6:18 - with all prayer and supplication Praying always all always the Spirit and thereunto watching always all perseverance and supplication for all saints

  • 1 Timothy 6:21 - Which some professing concerning the faith have erred Grace be with thee Amen

  • 1 Timothy 6:21 - Which some professing concerning the faith have erred Grace be with thee Amen

  • Ephesians 6:22 - Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose that ye might know affairs our and that he might comfort hearts your

  • Matthew 6:28 - And for raiment why take ye thought Consider the lilies of the field how they grow not they toil neither do they spin

  • John 6:41 - murmured then which The Jews at him because he said I am which the bread which came down from which heaven

  • Mark 6:48 - And he saw them toiling in rowing was for the wind contrary them And about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them walking upon the sea And would have passed by them

  • John 6:61 - knew When Jesus in himself that murmured at it disciples his he said his Doth this you offend

  • 1 Corinthians 7:1 - concerning Now the things whereof ye wrote unto me It is good for a man a woman not to touch

  • Luke 7:3 - when he heard And of Jesus he sent unto him the elders of the Jews beseeching him that he would come and heal servant him

  • Mark 7:6 - and He answered said their Well prophesied hath Esaias of you hypocrites as it is written This people with their lips me honoureth and heart their far is from me

  • John 7:7 - cannot The world hate you me but hate because I testify of it because the works it evil are

  • John 7:12 - And murmuring much concerning him there was among the people for some said a good man He is others said Nay but he deceiveth the people

  • John 7:13 - no man Howbeit openly spake of him for fear of the Jews

  • Hebrews 7:14 - it is evident For that out of sprang Lord our of which tribe nothing concerning priesthood Moses spake

  • John 7:17 - If any man will will his do he shall know of the doctrine whether of God it be or whether I of myself speak

  • Luke 7:17 - And went forth rumour this throughout all Judaea of him And throughout all the region round about

  • Mark 7:17 - And when he was entered into the house from the people asked him disciples him concerning the parable

  • Luke 7:18 - And shewed of John the disciples him of all these things

  • Luke 7:24 - were departed And when the messengers John he began to speak unto the people concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness for to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • 1 Corinthians 7:25 - concerning Now virgins commandment of the Lord no I have my judgment Now I give as one that hath obtained mercy of of the Lord faithful to be

  • Mark 7:25 - heard For a certain woman of him whose had young daughter him spirit an unclean and came and fell at feet him

  • Luke 7:27 - This is he of which it is written Behold I send messenger my before face thee which shall prepare way thee before thee

  • John 7:32 - heard The Pharisees that the people murmured concerning him such things and sent The Pharisees and the chief priests officers to take him

  • 1 Corinthians 7:37 - he Nevertheless that standeth stedfast in heart no hath necessity power Nevertheless hath over his own will and so decreed in heart that he will keep his virgin well doeth

  • John 7:39 - this (But spake he of Ghost which should receive they that believe on him not yet for was Ghost the Holy given because that Jesus not yet glorified

  • Acts 7:52 - Which them which of the prophets not have them which fathers your and they have slain them which shewed before of them which the coming them which of the Just One of whom now ye the betrayers and murderers have been

  • 1 Corinthians 8:1 - as touching Now things offered unto idols we know that we all Knowledge have Knowledge puffeth up Now charity edifieth

  • Romans 8:3 - For could not do what the law in that it was weak through flesh God his own Son sending in the likeness flesh of sinful and for of sinful condemned of sinful in flesh

  • 1 Corinthians 8:4 - As concerning the eating therefore of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols we know that is nothing an idol in the world and that is nothing God other one

  • Acts 8:12 - when But they believed Philip preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ they were baptized men both and women

  • John 8:13 - said therefore unto him The Pharisees Thou of thyself bearest record record thy not is true

  • John 8:14 - answered Jesus and said unto them Though I bear record of myself true is record yet my for I know whence I came and whither I go ye but cannot I know whence I came and whither I go

  • Acts 8:15 - Who when they were come down prayed for them that they might receive Ghost the Holy

  • John 8:18 - I am beareth witness of myself and beareth witness of me that sent me the Father

  • Matthew 8:18 - saw Now when Jesus great multitudes about he gave commandment to depart unto the other side

  • John 8:26 - many things I have of you to say and to judge but he that sent me true is and I which I have heard of him those things speak to the world

  • Mark 8:30 - And he charged him that no man they should tell of him

  • Acts 8:34 - answered And the eunuch Philip and said I pray thee of whom the prophet speaketh this of himself or of other man some

  • John 8:46 - Which of you convinceth me of sin if And the truth I say why ye not believe me

  • 2 Corinthians 9:1 - touching as For the ministering to the saints superfluous for me it is to write to you

  • Hebrews 9:5 - over And it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat of which we cannot now speak particularly

  • Luke 9:9 - And said Herod John I beheaded who but is this of whom I hear such things And he desired to see him

  • Luke 9:11 - And the people when they knew it followed him and he received him and spake him of the kingdom of God and need that had of healing healed

  • Acts 9:13 - answered Then Ananias Lord I have heard by many of man this how much evil he hath done saints to thy at Jerusalem

  • Mark 9:14 - And when he came to his disciples he saw multitude a great about them And the scribes questioning them

  • John 9:17 - They say unto the blind man again thou What They say of him that he hath opened thine eyes He said that a prophet He is

  • John 9:18 - not believe But the Jews concerning him that blind he had been and received his sight until they called the parents him received his sight

  • John 9:21 - by what means But now he not know or who hath opened he eyes we not know he of age is he ask him he for he shall speak

  • Matthew 9:36 - when he saw But the multitudes he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep no having shepherd

  • Mark 9:42 - And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me better it is for him that were hanged a millstone about neck for him And he were cast in the sea

  • Luke 9:45 - But they understood not saying this and it was hid from him they perceived him and they feared to ask him of saying that

  • Hebrews 10:6 - In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin no pleasure

  • Hebrews 10:7 - Then said I Lo I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me to do O God will thy

  • Hebrews 10:8 - Above when he said Sacrifice and offering and burnt offerings and offering for sin not thou wouldest neither hadst pleasure therein which by the law are offered

  • 2 Corinthians 10:8 - though For and somewhat I should boast of authority our which hath given the Lord us for edification and not for destruction your not I should

  • Acts 10:9 - On the morrow went on their journey as they and unto the city drew nigh went up Peter upon the housetop to pray about hour the sixth

  • Mark 10:10 - And in the house again disciples him of him asked him

  • John 10:13 - The hireling fleeth because The hireling he is and not careth for the sheep

  • Hebrews 10:18 - where Now remission of these is there is no offering for sin

  • Acts 10:19 - While Peter thought on the vision said unto him the Spirit Behold men three seek thee

  • John 10:25 - answered them Jesus I told you and not ye believed the works that I do in name Father's my they bear witness of me

  • Hebrews 10:26 - wilfully For sin if we after that we have received the knowledge of the truth no more for sins there remaineth sacrifice

  • John 10:33 - answered him The Jews saying For a good work not we stone thee but For blasphemy and because that thou a man being makest thyself God

  • Luke 10:40 - But Martha was cumbered about much serving came to him But and said Lord not care thou that sister my alone me hath left to serve and said therefore her that me she help

  • John 10:41 - And many resorted unto him And said John no miracle did all things but that spake John of this man true were

  • Luke 10:41 - answered And and said unto her Jesus Martha Martha thou art careful and troubled about many things

  • Mark 10:41 - And heard when the ten it they began to be much displeased with James And John

  • Hebrews 11:7 - By faith being warned of God Noah of as yet seen moved with fear prepared an ark to the saving house by the which he condemned the world and which is by By faith of the righteousness became heir

  • Matthew 11:7 - as And they departed began Jesus to say unto the multitudes concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • Matthew 11:10 - this For is he of which it is written Behold I send messenger my before face thee which shall prepare way thee before thee

  • John 11:13 - spake Howbeit Jesus of death his they Howbeit thought that of taking of rest in sleep he had spoken

  • John 11:19 - And many of the Jews came to concerning Martha And Mary to comfort their concerning brother their

  • Hebrews 11:20 - By faith concerning things to come blessed Isaac Jacob and Esau

  • Acts 11:22 - came Then which tidings unto which the ears which of the church which was in Jerusalem of these things and they sent forth Barnabas that he should go as far as Antioch

  • Hebrews 11:22 - By faith Joseph when he died concerning the departing of the children of Israel made mention and concerning bones gave commandment

  • Hebrews 11:32 - And what more say would fail for me to tell the time of Gedeon of Barak and And of Samson And of Jephthae of David and And Samuel And of the prophets

  • Hebrews 11:40 - God for us better some having provided that without us be made perfect

  • Luke 11:53 - as he said And him these things unto him began the scribes and the Pharisees him vehemently to urge and to provoke him of many things

  • 1 Corinthians 12:1 - concerning Now spiritual gifts brethren not I would you ignorant

  • John 12:6 - he said This not because for the poor he cared but because a thief he was and the bag had and what was put therein bare

  • Mark 12:14 - And when they were come they say unto him Master we know that true thou art and carest for no man carest for thou regardest the person of men but in truth the way of God teachest Is it lawful tribute to Caesar to give or carest

  • Luke 12:26 - If ye then not that thing which is least able to do why for the rest take ye thought

  • Mark 12:26 - as touching And the dead that they rise not have ye in the book of Moses in the bush how spake unto him God saying I God of Abraham and God of Isaac and God of Jacob

  • Matthew 12:36 - I say But unto you That every word idle that shall speak men they shall give thereof account in the day of judgment

  • John 12:41 - These things said Esaias when he saw glory him and spake of him

  • Luke 13:1 - There were present some at him that told him of the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with sacrifices him

  • Luke 13:8 - And he answering said it Lord alone it also this year till I shall dig about it also dung

  • Hebrews 13:11 - whose For is brought beasts blood for sin into the sanctuary by the high priest of those the bodies are burned without the camp

  • Acts 13:13 - loosed Now from Paphos and his company when Paul they came to Perga in Pamphylia John Now departing from them returned to Jerusalem

  • Hebrews 13:18 - Pray for us we trust for a good conscience we have in all things honestly willing to live