G4160 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to make or do (in a very wide application, more or less direct) abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, + band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out, cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay, (would) do(-ing), execute, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have, hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make, X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform, provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure, shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law, work, yield apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary;

516 instances of the word ποιέω poiéō (G4160)

  • Ephesians 3:20 - Now unto him that is able above all to do above abundantly that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us

  • John 3:21 - But he that doeth truth cometh to the light that may be made manifest his deeds that in God they are wrought

  • 1 John 3:22 - And whatsoever we ask we receive of him because commandments him we keep And those things that are pleasing sight him do

  • Colossians 3:23 - And whatsoever ye do it heartily do as to the Lord And not unto men

  • Mark 3:35 - whosoever For shall do the will of God the same brother my and sister my and mother is

  • John 4:1 - When therefore knew the Lord how had heard the Pharisees how Jesus more disciples made and baptized than John

  • 2 Timothy 4:5 - thou But watch in all things endure afflictions the work do of an evangelist ministry of thy make full proof

  • Acts 4:7 - And when they had set them By the midst they asked By what power or By what name done this ye

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:10 - And indeed ye do it toward all which brethren which are in all which Macedonia we beseech but you brethren that ye increase and more

  • James 4:13 - now ye that say To day and to morrow we will go into such a city and continue there year a and buy and sell and get gain

  • Philippians 4:14 - Notwithstanding ye have well done that ye did communicate with my affliction

  • James 4:15 - For that ought to say ye If the Lord will and we shall live and do this or that

  • Acts 4:16 - Saying What shall we do men to these that indeed for a notable miracle hath been done by them to all them that dwell in Jerusalem is manifest and we cannot deny

  • Colossians 4:16 - And when is read among you this epistle cause that And in of the Laodiceans the church is read And the epistle from Laodicea that And ye is read

  • Ephesians 4:16 - From whom that which every body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth according to the effectual working in the measure part of every increase body maketh unto the edifying of itself in love

  • 1 Timothy 4:16 - Take heed thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them this for in doing and thyself save and them that hear thee

  • James 4:17 - to him that knoweth Therefore good doeth and it not doeth sin to him it is

  • Matthew 4:19 - And he saith unto them Follow me And I will make you fishers of men

  • Romans 4:21 - And being fully persuaded that what he had promised able he was And to perform

  • Luke 4:23 - And he said unto them surely Ye will unto me proverb Physician heal thyself whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do And here in country thy

  • Acts 4:24 - which And when they heard that with one accord they lifted up their voice to which God and said Lord thou which God which hast made which heaven and which earth and which the sea and all which that in them is

  • Acts 4:28 - For to do whatsoever hand thy and counsel thy determined before to be done

  • John 4:29 - Come see a man which told me all things that ever I did not this is the Christ

  • Mark 4:32 - But when it is sown it groweth up But becometh all herbs greater than But shooteth out branches great so that may under the shadow of it the fowls of the air lodge

  • John 4:34 - saith his Jesus My meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work

  • John 4:39 - of And city that many believed on him of the Samaritans for the saying of the woman which testified He told me all that ever I did

  • John 4:45 - when Then he was come into Galilee received him the Galilaeans all the things having seen that he did at Jerusalem at the feast also him for he was come into the feast

  • John 4:46 - came So Jesus again into Cana of Galilee where he made the water wine And there was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum

  • John 4:54 - This is again the second miracle did that Jesus when he was come out of Judaea into Galilee

  • 1 Corinthians 5:2 - And ye puffed up are And not rather have that might be taken away from among you deed this he that hath done

  • Galatians 5:3 - I testify For again to every man that is circumcised that a debtor he is the whole law to do

  • Luke 5:6 - And this done they inclosed of fishes multitude a great brake and net their

  • 1 John 5:10 - He that believeth on Son God hath the record in himself not He that believeth God a liar hath made him because not He that believeth on the record that gave God of Son him

  • Revelation 5:10 - And hast made us God unto our kings And priests And we shall reign on the earth

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify another another even and ye do

  • John 5:11 - He answered them He that made me whole the same unto me said Take up bed thy and walk

  • James 5:15 - And the prayer of faith shall save the sick And shall raise him the Lord and if sins he have committed they shall be forgiven him

  • John 5:15 - departed which The man and told which the Jews that Jesus it was which had made him whole

  • John 5:16 - And therefore did Jesus the Jews And sought him to slay because these things he had done on the sabbath day

  • Galatians 5:17 - For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh the things and are contrary the one to the other so that that ye would the things do

  • John 5:18 - Therefore the more sought him the Jews to kill because not only had broken the sabbath but also Father was his said that God equal himself making that God

  • John 5:19 - answered Then Jesus also said unto them Verily Verily I say unto you can The Son do of himself nothing what he seeth the Father do for what things soever he do these also The Son likewise do

  • Mark 5:19 - Howbeit Jesus not suffered him but saith him Go home to thy friends and tell him how great things for thee the Lord hath done and hath had compassion on thee

  • Matthew 5:19 - Whosoever therefore shall break commandments of these least and shall teach so men least he shall be called in the kingdom of heaven Whosoever but shall do and shall teach them the same great he shall be called in the kingdom of heaven

  • John 5:20 - For the Father loveth the Son and all things he will shew him that him doeth and these he will shew him works that ye may marvel

  • Mark 5:20 - And he departed And began to publish in Decapolis how great things had done for him Jesus And all men did marvel

  • 1 Timothy 5:21 - I charge thee before God and the Lord Jesus Christ and the elect angels that these things thou observe without preferring one before another nothing doing by partiality

  • 2 Corinthians 5:21 - who For no knew him to be sin for us him to be sin he hath made that we might be made the righteousness of God in him

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:24 - Faithful is he that calleth you who also will do

  • John 5:27 - And authority hath given him And judgment to execute because the Son of man he is

  • John 5:29 - And shall come forth good they that have done unto the resurrection of life and evil they that have done unto the resurrection of damnation

  • Luke 5:29 - And made feast a great Levi him in house him And there was company of publicans a great And of others that there was with him sat down

  • John 5:30 - not can I do of mine own self as I hear I judge and judgment mine own just is because not I seek the will mine own but the will hath sent me of the Father

  • Mark 5:32 - And he looked round about to see this thing her that had done

  • Matthew 5:32 - I But say unto you That whosoever whosoever her that is divorced wife her saving for the cause of fornication causeth her committeth adultery and whosoever her that is divorced shall marry committeth adultery

  • Luke 5:33 - the disciples And they said unto him Why the disciples the disciples of John do often and prayers make likewise and the disciples the disciples of the Pharisees the disciples And thine eat and drink

  • Acts 5:34 - stood there up Then a in the council a Pharisee named Gamaliel a doctor of the law had in reputation among all the people and commanded forth little space a the apostles to put

  • Luke 5:34 - And he said unto them Can ye the children of the bridechamber while the bridegroom with them is make fast

  • John 5:36 - I But have witness than that of John for the works that hath given me the Father to finish the same the same the works that I do bear witness of me that the Father me hath sent

  • Matthew 5:36 - Neither by head thy shalt thou swear because not thou canst hair white or black make

  • Matthew 5:44 - I But say unto you Love them which enemies your bless them which them that curse you good do them which to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you

  • Matthew 5:46 - if For love them which love you what reward have ye not even them which the publicans them which the same do

  • Matthew 5:47 - And if ye salute brethren your only what ye more do not And the publicans so do

  • Matthew 6:1 - Take heed which alms your not that ye do before which men to be seen which of them not reward no ye have of which Father your which is in which heaven

  • John 6:2 - And followed him multitude a great because they saw him miracles which he did on them that were diseased

  • Luke 6:2 - certain And of the Pharisees said unto them Why do ye that which not is do ye on the sabbath days

  • Matthew 6:2 - when Therefore do thine alms not do before thee as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets that they may have glory of men Verily I say unto you They have reward

  • Hebrews 6:3 - And this will we do if permit God

  • Luke 6:3 - And answering them him said they which Jesus not this Have ye what did David when was an hungred him And they which with him were

  • Matthew 6:3 - thy But doest alms not know left hand thy what doest right hand thy

  • Mark 6:5 - And he could there no mighty work do upon a few sick folk that he laid his hands and healed

  • Ephesians 6:6 - Not with eyeservice as menpleasers but as the servants of Christ doing the will of God from the heart

  • John 6:6 - this And he said to prove he himself he himself for knew what he would do

  • Acts 6:8 - Stephen And full of faith and power did wonders and miracles great among the people

  • Ephesians 6:8 - Knowing that whatsoever any man doeth good thing the same shall he receive of the Lord or he be bond or free

  • Ephesians 6:9 - And Master him do unto him forbearing threatening knowing that And your him Master is in heaven And respect of persons is with him

  • Galatians 6:9 - And in well doing not be weary season for in due we shall reap not if we faint

  • John 6:10 - said And Jesus Make the men sat down there was And grass much in the place sat down So the men in number about five thousand

  • Luke 6:10 - And looking round about upon all his he said unto the man Stretch forth hand thy And he did so And was restored hand his whole as the other

  • Luke 6:11 - And they were filled with madness and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus

  • John 6:14 - Then those men when they had seen that did the miracle Jesus said This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world

  • 1 Corinthians 6:15 - not Know ye that bodies your the members of Christ are shall I then the members of Christ and make of an harlot the members God forbid

  • John 6:15 - When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and by force him to make him a king he departed again into a mountain him alone

  • 1 Corinthians 6:18 - Flee fornication Every sin that doeth a man without body is but he that committeth fornication against his own body sinneth

  • Mark 6:20 - For Herod feared John knowing him man was a just and an holy and observed him and heard him many things he did and gladly him heard

  • Mark 6:21 - And was come day when a convenient that Herod birthday a supper made lords And high captains And chief estates of Galilee

  • Luke 6:23 - Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy behold for reward your is great in heaven in the like manner for did unto the prophets fathers their

  • Luke 6:26 - Woe unto you when well of you shall speak all men so ! for did to the false prophets fathers their

  • Luke 6:27 - But unto you I say to them which hear Love to them which enemies your good do to them which hate you

  • John 6:28 - said they Then unto him What shall we do that we might work the works of God

  • John 6:30 - They said then unto him What then shewest thou sign that we may see and believe thee What dost thou work

  • Mark 6:30 - And gathered themselves together the apostles unto Jesus And told him all things And what they had done And what they had taught

  • Luke 6:31 - And as ye would that do to you men And ye do to them likewise

  • Luke 6:33 - And if to them which do good to them which do good to you what ye thank have And for sinners the same also do

  • John 6:38 - For I came down from heaven not to do the will mine own but the will of him that sent me

  • Luke 6:43 - not For bringeth tree a good bring forth fruit a corrupt neither tree a corrupt bring forth fruit a good

  • Luke 6:46 - why And me call ye Lord Lord and not do the things which I say

  • Luke 6:47 - Whosoever cometh to me and heareth my sayings and doeth them I will shew you to whom he is like

  • Luke 6:49 - But he that heareth and not doeth like is a man built an house upon the earth that without a foundation which against the stream and immediately it fell and was the ruin an house of that great

  • John 7:3 - said therefore unto His brethren His Depart hence also go into Judaea that also disciples thou may see the works thou that doest