G4183 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
(singular) much (in any respect) or (plural) many; neuter (singular) as adverbial, largely; neuter (plural) as adverb or noun often, mostly, largely abundant, + altogether, common, + far (passed, spent), (+ be of a) great (age, deal, -ly, while), long, many, much, oft(-en (-times)), plenteous, sore, straitly including the forms from the alternate ;

332 instances of the word πολύς polýs (G4183)

  • Luke 23:27 - there followed And him a great company of people also of women which also bewailed also lamented him

  • Acts 24:2 - when he was called forth And began to accuse Tertullus him saying great quietness we enjoy Seeing that by thee and that very worthy deeds are done nation unto this Seeing that by thy providence

  • Matthew 24:5 - many For shall come in name my saying I am Christ and many shall deceive

  • Acts 24:7 - came But Lysias the chief captain upon us and with great violence out of hands our took him away

  • Acts 24:10 - answered Then Paul had beckoned unto him after that the governor to speak of many years hast been that thou a judge nation unto this Forasmuch as I know the more cheerfully for myself I do

  • Matthew 24:10 - And then be offended shall many And one another shall betray And shall hate one another

  • Matthew 24:11 - And many false prophets shall rise And shall deceive many

  • Matthew 24:12 - And because shall abound iniquity shall wax cold the love of many

  • Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven And then mourn all the tribes of the earth And they shall see of the Son of man coming in the clouds heaven with power And glory great

  • Acts 25:7 - was come And when he stood round about from Jerusalem which came down the Jews many and and grievous complaints laid against Paul which not they could prove

  • Matthew 25:19 - with After time a long cometh the lord servants of those and reckoneth with them

  • Matthew 25:21 - said His lord His Well done servant thou good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Acts 25:23 - when And on the morrow was come Agrippa and Bernice with great pomp and was entered into the place of hearing with the chief captains and men principal of the city and commandment Festus was brought forth Paul

  • Matthew 25:23 - said His lord His Well done servant good and faithful over a few things thou hast been faithful over many things thee I will make enter thou into the joy lord of thy

  • Acts 26:9 - I verily thought with myself to the name of Jesus of Nazareth that I ought many things contrary to do

  • Matthew 26:9 - might For this ointment have been sold for much and given to the poor

  • Acts 26:10 - Which thing also did in Jerusalem also many of the saints I in prison did from the chief priests authority having received were put to death and when they I gave my voice

  • Acts 26:24 - thus And as he spake for himself Festus with a loud voice said thou art beside thyself Paul much thee learning mad doth make

  • Matthew 26:28 - this For is which blood my which which of the new testament which for many is shed for the remission of sins

  • Acts 26:29 - And Paul said I would to God also almost also almost altogether that not only thou but also all that hear me this day were such as I am except bonds these

  • Matthew 26:47 - And while he spake lo Judas one of the twelve came And with he multitude a great with swords And staves from the chief priests And elders of the people

  • Matthew 26:60 - But none found But though many false witnesses came none found At the last came two false witnesses

  • Acts 27:10 - And said unto them Sirs I perceive that with hurt also much damage not only of the lading also ship but also lives of our will be this voyage

  • Acts 27:14 - after not long But there arose against it wind a tempestuous called Euroclydon

  • Matthew 27:19 - was set down When he on the judgment seat sent unto he wife he saying nothing Have thou just man to do with that many things for I have suffered this day in a dream because he

  • Acts 27:21 - long But abstinence after stood forth Paul in the midst of them and said ye should Sirs have hearkened unto me and not have loosed from Crete to have gained and harm and loss

  • Matthew 27:52 - And which the graves were opened And many bodies which slept of the saints arose

  • Matthew 27:53 - And came out of the graves after resurrection his and went into the holy city And appeared unto many

  • Matthew 27:55 - were And there women many afar off beholding which followed Jesus afar off Galilee ministering unto him

  • Acts 28:6 - Howbeit after they had looked him should have swollen or fallen down suddenly dead a great while Howbeit him after they had looked and saw no harm to him come they changed their minds and said a god him was

  • Acts 28:10 - Who also with many honoured honours us also when we departed they laded us with such things as were necessary

  • Acts 28:29 - And these words when he had said departed the Jews great and had among themselves reasoning