G4198 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to traverse, i.e. travel (literally or figuratively; especially to remove (figuratively, die), live, etc.); --depart, go (away, forth, one's way, up), (make a, take a) journey, walk middle voice from a derivative of the same as G3984 (πεῖρα);

146 instances of the word πορεύομαι poreúomai (G4198)

  • Acts 18:6 - when they opposed And them and blasphemed he shook his raiment and said unto them blood Your be upon own heads Your am clean I from henceforth unto the Gentiles I will go

  • Matthew 18:12 - How ye think if have a man an hundred sheep and be gone astray one of them not doth he that which the ninety and nine into that which the mountains and goeth and seeketh that which be gone astray

  • Luke 19:12 - He said therefore nobleman A certain went into country a far to receive for himself a kingdom and to return

  • Matthew 19:15 - And he laid them his hands and departed thence

  • Acts 19:21 - After were ended these things purposed Paul in the spirit when he had passed through Macedonia also Achaia to go to Jerusalem saying After have been I there must I also Rome see

  • Luke 19:28 - And spoken when he had thus he went before ascending up to Jerusalem

  • Luke 19:36 - as he went And they spread clothes in the way

  • Acts 20:1 - after And was ceased the uproar called Paul unto him the disciples and embraced them and departed for to go into Macedonia

  • John 20:17 - saith unto her Jesus not me Touch not yet for I am to Father me go but to brethren me and say unto her I am to Father me and Father your and God me and God your

  • Acts 20:22 - And now behold I bound in the spirit go unto Jerusalem there the things that shall befall me not knowing

  • Matthew 21:2 - Saying her Go into the village over against you and straightway ye shall find an ass tied and a colt with her loose them and bring them unto me

  • Acts 21:5 - when And had us accomplished those days we departed and went our way brought us and they all with wives and children till we were out of the city and we kneeled down on the shore and prayed

  • Matthew 21:6 - went And the disciples and did as commanded them Jesus

  • Luke 21:8 - And he said Take heed not deceived many for shall come in name my saying I am Christ and the time draweth near not therefore go ye after them

  • Acts 22:5 - As also the high priest doth bear me also all the estate of the elders from whom also letters I received unto the brethren to Damascus went to bring also there them which were bound to Jerusalem for to be punished

  • Acts 22:6 - it came to pass And my journey and was come nigh unto Damascus about noon suddenly from heaven round light a great about me

  • Luke 22:8 - And he sent Peter And John saying Go and prepare us the passover that we may eat

  • Matthew 22:9 - Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid to the marriage

  • Acts 22:10 - I said And What shall I do Lord And Lord I said unto me Arise and go into Damascus and there for thee it shall be told of all things which are appointed for thee shall I do

  • Matthew 22:15 - Then went the Pharisees counsel and took how him they might entangle in his talk

  • Acts 22:21 - And he said unto me Depart for I unto the Gentiles far hence will send thee

  • Luke 22:22 - And truly the Son man goeth as it was determined but woe man unto that by whom he is betrayed

  • Luke 22:33 - And he said unto him Lord with thee ready I am and into prison and into death to go

  • Luke 22:39 - And he came out and went as he was wont to the mount of Olives followed and him And disciples him

  • Acts 23:23 - And he called unto two him centurions saying Make ready soldiers two hundred to go to Caesarea And horsemen threescore and ten And spearmen two hundred at the third hour of the night

  • Acts 23:32 - On the morrow they left the horsemen to go with him and returned to the castle

  • Matthew 24:1 - And went out Jesus and departed from of the temple And came disciples him to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple

  • Luke 24:13 - And behold two of same went that same day to a village which was furlongs about threescore from Jerusalem called Emmaus

  • Acts 24:25 - as he reasoned And of righteousness and and judgment to come trembled Felix and answered for this time I have Go thy way a convenient season And I will call for thee

  • Luke 24:28 - And they drew nigh unto the village whither he would have gone And he made as though further he would have gone

  • Matthew 25:9 - answered But the wise saying Not so lest not enough for us and you go ye But rather to them that sell and buy for yourselves

  • Acts 25:12 - Then Festus when he had conferred with the council answered Caesar Hast thou appealed unto unto Caesar shalt thou go

  • Matthew 25:16 - went Then five talents he that had received and traded with the same and made them other five talents

  • Acts 25:20 - doubted And because I of manner such of questions I asked him whether he would go of Jerusalem and there be judged manner these matters

  • Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand Depart from me ye cursed into fire everlasting prepared for the devil also angels his

  • Acts 26:12 - Whereupon and as I went to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests

  • Acts 26:13 - At midday in the way I saw O king from heaven above the brightness of the sun shining round about me a light and with me them which journeyed

  • Matthew 26:14 - Then went one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot unto the chief priests

  • Acts 27:3 - And the next day we touched at Sidon courteously And And Julius Paul entreated and gave him liberty unto friends to go to refresh himself

  • Matthew 27:66 - So they went and made the sepulchre sealing the stone and setting a watch

  • Matthew 28:7 - And quickly go I have told disciples him that he is risen from the dead And behold he goeth before you into Galilee there him shall ye see behold I have told you

  • Matthew 28:9 - as And they went to tell disciples him and behold Jesus met him saying All hail And they came held him by the feet and worshipped him

  • Matthew 28:11 - when they were going Now behold some of the watch came into the city and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done

  • Matthew 28:16 - Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee into a mountain where had appointed them Jesus

  • Matthew 28:19 - Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost

  • Acts 28:26 - Saying Go unto people this and say Hearing ye shall hear and shall and seeing seeing and perceive