G4238 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to "practise", i.e. perform repeatedly or habitually (thus differing from G4160 (ποιέω), which properly refers to a single act); by implication, to execute, accomplish, etc.; specially, to collect (dues), fare (personally) commit, deeds, do, exact, keep, require, use arts a primary verb;

36 instances of the word πράσσω prássō (G4238)

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  • Romans 1:32 - Who the judgment of God knowing that such things in them that do worthy of death are not only the same do but have pleasure in them that do

  • Romans 2:1 - Therefore inexcusable thou art O man whosoever thou art that judgest wherein for thou art that judgest another thyself thou condemnest for the same things doest thou art that judgest

  • Romans 2:2 - we are sure But that the judgment of God is according to truth against such things them which commit

  • Romans 2:3 - thinkest thou And this O man that judgest such things them which do and doest the same that thou shalt escape the judgment of God

  • Romans 2:25 - circumcision verily For profiteth if of the law thou keep if but a breaker of the law circumcision thy uncircumcision is made

  • Luke 3:13 - And he said unto them no more than that which is appointed you Exact

  • Acts 3:17 - And now brethren I wot that through ignorance ye did it as And rulers your

  • John 3:20 - every one For evil that doeth hateth the light neither cometh to the light should be reproved deeds his

  • Philippians 4:9 - which and learned and received and heard and seen in me Those things do and the God of peace shall be with you

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:11 - And that ye study to be quiet And to do own And to work with own hands your as you we commanded

  • 2 Corinthians 5:10 - For all we appear must before the judgment seat of Christ that may receive every one the things done in his body according to that he hath done or it be good or bad

  • Galatians 5:21 - Envyings murders drunkenness revellings also like such of the which I tell you as also I have that such things they which do the kingdom of God not inherit

  • John 5:29 - And shall come forth good they that have done unto the resurrection of life and evil they that have done unto the resurrection of damnation

  • Acts 5:35 - said And unto them Ye men of Israel take heed to yourselves as touching men these what ye intend to do

  • Ephesians 6:21 - that But may know also ye affairs my and how I do all things to you shall make known Tychicus a beloved brother also faithful minister in the Lord

  • Romans 7:15 - that which For I do not I allow not For that which I would that do I but that which I hate that do I

  • Romans 7:19 - not For which I would I do the good but which not I would the evil that I do

  • Romans 9:11 - not yet (For born neither having done any good or evil that according to election of God the purpose might stand not of works but of him that calleth

  • 1 Corinthians 9:17 - if For willingly this thing I do a reward I have if but against my will a dispensation of the gospel is committed unto me

  • 2 Corinthians 12:21 - And lest again when I come me will humble which God my among you and that I shall bewail many which have sinned already and And lest have of which the uncleanness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed

  • Romans 13:4 - of God For the minister he is to thee for good if But evil thou do be afraid not For in vain the sword he beareth of God For the minister he is a revenger for to execute wrath evil him that doeth

  • Acts 15:29 - That ye abstain from meats offered to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication from which if ye keep yourselves well ye shall do Fare ye well

  • Acts 16:28 - cried But voice with a loud Paul saying no Do thyself harm all for we are here

  • Acts 17:7 - Whom hath received Jason and these all contrary to the decrees of Caesar do king saying another that there is one Jesus

  • Acts 19:19 - Many also curious arts which used brought their books and burned them before all and they counted the price of them and found pieces of silver thousand it fifty

  • Luke 19:23 - that Wherefore not gavest money my into the bank that I at my coming with usury might have required mine own

  • Acts 19:36 - cannot be spoken against then Seeing that these things ought ye quiet to be and nothing rashly to do

  • Luke 22:23 - And them began to enquire among themselves which it was of them this thing that should do

  • Luke 23:15 - No nor yet Herod I sent for you to him and lo nothing worthy of death is done him

  • Luke 23:41 - And we indeed justly the due reward for of our deeds we receive this man but nothing amiss deeds

  • Acts 25:11 - if For I be an offender or worthy of death have committed any thing not I refuse to die if but no man there be of these things whereof these accuse me no man me may unto them deliver Caesar I appeal unto

  • Acts 25:25 - when I But found nothing worthy of death him that he had committed and him But hath appealed to Augustus I have determined to send him

  • Acts 26:9 - I verily thought with myself to the name of Jesus of Nazareth that I ought many things contrary to do

  • Acts 26:20 - But unto them of Damascus first and at Jerusalem throughout all and the coasts of Judaea and then to the Gentiles shewed that they should repent and turn to God meet for repentance works and do

  • Acts 26:26 - knoweth For of of these things the king things before whom also freely I speak are hidden For from him none of these things not I am persuaded not For was in a corner done this thing

  • Acts 26:31 - And when they were gone aside they talked between themselves saying nothing of death worthy or of bonds doeth man This

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