G4267 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to know beforehand, i.e. foresee foreknow (ordain), know (before) from G4253 (πρό) and G1097 (γινώσκω);

5 instances of the word προγινώσκω proginṓskō (G4267)

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  • 1 Peter 1:20 - was foreordained Who verily before the foundation of the world was manifest but in these last times for you

  • 2 Peter 3:17 - Ye therefore beloved seeing ye know these things before beware of the wicked with the error being led away fall from your own stedfastness

  • Romans 8:29 - For whom he did foreknow also did predestinate to be conformed to the image Son he that might be he the firstborn among many brethren

  • Romans 11:2 - not cast away God people which he foreknew not Wot ye of Elias what saith the scripture how he maketh intercession God against Israel saith

  • Acts 26:5 - Which knew me from the beginning if they would testify that after the most straitest sect of our religion I lived a Pharisee

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