G435 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
a man (properly as an individual male) fellow, husband, man, sir a primary word (compare G444 (ἄνθρωπος));

193 instances of the word ἀνήρ anḗr (G435)

  • Acts 10:1 - man a certain There was in Caesarea called Cornelius a centurion of the band called the Italian

  • Mark 10:2 - And came to him the Pharisees and asked him Is it lawful for a man his wife to put away tempting him

  • Acts 10:5 - And now send to Joppa men And call for one Simon whose surname is Peter

  • Mark 10:12 - And if a woman shall put away husband And be married to another she committeth adultery

  • Acts 10:17 - while Now in himself doubted which Peter what should mean which this vision which he had seen behold which the men which were sent from which Cornelius had made enquiry which house for Simon's and stood before which the gate

  • Acts 10:19 - While Peter thought on the vision said unto him the Spirit Behold men three seek thee

  • Acts 10:21 - went down Then Peter to which the men which were sent from which Cornelius to him and said Behold I am he whom ye seek what which is the cause wherefore he whom ye are come

  • Acts 10:22 - And they said Cornelius the centurion man a just and one that feareth God of good report and among all the nation of the Jews was warned from God among angel an holy to send for thee into house and to hear words of thee

  • Acts 10:28 - he said And unto them Ye know how an unlawful thing that it is for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation but me God hath shewed any common or unclean call man

  • Acts 10:30 - And Cornelius said ago Four days until hour I was fasting And at the ninth hour I prayed in house me And behold a man stood before me in clothing bright

  • 2 Corinthians 11:2 - I am jealous For over you with godly jealousy I have espoused For over you to one husband virgin you as a chaste that I may present to Christ

  • Acts 11:3 - Saying to men uncircumcised Thou wentest in and didst eat with them

  • 1 Corinthians 11:3 - I would have But you know that of every is the man the head Christ is the head But of the woman is the man the head But Christ is God

  • 1 Corinthians 11:4 - Every man praying or prophesying covered head having dishonoureth head

  • Romans 11:4 - But what saith unto him the answer of God I have reserved to myself seven thousand men who not bowed the knee to the image of Baal

  • 1 Corinthians 11:7 - a man indeed For not ought to cover his head the image and glory of God forasmuch as he is the woman but glory a man is

  • 1 Corinthians 11:8 - not For is the man of the woman but the woman of the man

  • 1 Corinthians 11:9 - Neither created the man for the woman but the woman for the man

  • Acts 11:11 - And behold already three men come unto the house where sent from Caesarea unto me

  • 1 Corinthians 11:11 - Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman neither the woman without is the man in the Lord

  • Acts 11:12 - bade And me the Spirit go with them nothing doubting And accompanied me and six brethren these and we entered into house the man's

  • 1 Corinthians 11:12 - as For the woman is of is the man even so also is the man by the woman but all things is of God

  • Acts 11:13 - he shewed And us how he had seen an angel in house his which stood and said his Send to Joppa men and call for Simon whose surname is Peter

  • 1 Corinthians 11:14 - Doth not even itself nature teach you that a man if have long hair a shame itself it is

  • Acts 11:20 - were And some of them men of Cyprus and Cyrene which when they were come to Antioch spake unto the Grecians preaching the Lord Jesus

  • Acts 11:24 - For he was man a good and full Ghost of the Holy and of faith and was added people much unto the Lord

  • Luke 11:31 - The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men generation and condemn them for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom Solomon and behold a greater than Solomon is here

  • Luke 11:32 - The men of Nineve shall rise up in the judgment with generation and shall condemn it for they repented at the preaching Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here

  • Matthew 12:41 - The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with generation and shall condemn it because they repented at the preaching Jonas and behold a greater than Jonas is here

  • Acts 13:7 - Which was with the deputy of the country Sergius Paulus man a prudent who called for Barnabas and Saul and desired to hear the word of God

  • 1 Corinthians 13:11 - When I was a child as a child I spake as a child I understood as a child I thought When but I became a man I put away a child

  • Acts 13:15 - after And the reading of the law and the prophets sent the rulers of the synagogue for them say on Ye men and brethren if ye have any word of exhortation for the people say on

  • Acts 13:16 - stood up Then Paul and beckoning with his hand said Men of Israel and ye that fear God give audience

  • Acts 13:21 - And afterward they desired a king and gave unto them God Saul the son of Cis a man of the tribe of Benjamin years by the space of forty

  • Acts 13:22 - And when he had removed him he raised up him David to be their king to whom And and said he gave testimony I have found David the son of Jesse a man after heart mine own to whom shall fulfil all will mine own

  • Acts 13:26 - Men and brethren children of the stock of Abraham and whosoever among to you feareth God to you the word salvation is

  • Acts 13:38 - known therefore Be it unto you men and brethren that through this man unto you the forgiveness of sins is preached

  • Acts 14:8 - And a certain man at Lystra impotent in his feet there sat a cripple from womb mother's being who never had walked

  • Acts 14:15 - And saying Sirs why these do ye And We of like passions are with you men and preach unto you from these things vanities that ye should turn unto God the living which do ye heaven And earth And the sea And all things that are therein

  • Matthew 14:21 - And they that had eaten were men about five thousand beside women and children

  • Luke 14:24 - I say For unto you That none which men of those which were bidden shall taste of my which supper

  • 1 Corinthians 14:35 - if And any thing learn they will at home their husbands let them ask a shame for it is for women at the church to speak

  • Matthew 14:35 - And had knowledge of him when the men place of that they sent out into all country round about of that And brought of him all diseased that were

  • Acts 15:7 - much And disputing when there had been rose up Peter and said unto them Men and brethren ye know how that ago while a good God among us made choice by mouth my should hear that the Gentiles the word of the gospel and believe

  • Acts 15:13 - after And peace they had held their answered James saying Men and brethren hearken unto me

  • Acts 15:22 - Then pleased it the apostles and elders with the whole church chosen men of their own company to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas namely Judas surnamed Barsabas and Silas men chief among the brethren

  • Acts 15:25 - It seemed good unto us being assembled with one accord chosen men to send unto you with beloved our Barnabas and Paul

  • Matthew 15:38 - And they that did eat were four thousand men beside women and children

  • Acts 16:9 - And a vision in the night appeared to Paul a man There stood of Macedonia and prayed him And saying Come over into Macedonia and help us

  • Luke 16:18 - Whosoever her that is put away wife and marrieth another committeth adultery and Whosoever her that is put away from her husband marrieth committeth adultery

  • Acts 17:5 - moved with envy But which believed not the Jews and took unto them of the baser sort certain fellows lewd and gathered a company and set all the city assaulted and the house of Jason and sought them to bring out to the people

  • Acts 17:12 - many Therefore of them believed also which were Greeks women which of honourable also of men not a few

  • Luke 17:12 - And entered as he into a certain village there met as he ten that were lepers men which stood afar off

  • Acts 17:22 - stood Then Paul in the midst of Mars' hill of Mars' hill and said Ye men of Athens in all things that are too superstitious ye I perceive

  • Acts 17:31 - Because he hath appointed a day by the which he will judge the world by righteousness by that man the which he hath ordained assurance whereof he hath given unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead

  • Acts 17:34 - certain Howbeit men clave them and believed among the which and was Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them

  • Acts 18:24 - Jew And a certain Apollos named at Alexandria born man an eloquent came to Ephesus and mighty in the scriptures

  • Luke 19:2 - And behold there was a man named Zacchaeus And was the chief among the publicans And he was rich

  • Acts 19:7 - were And all the men about twelve

  • Luke 19:7 - And when they saw all it they saying That with that is a sinner a man he was gone to be guest

  • Acts 19:25 - Whom he called together and of like occupation with the workmen said Sirs ye know that by craft wealth our we have

  • Acts 19:35 - had appeased And when the townclerk the people he said Ye men of Ephesus what is there man that not knoweth of Ephesus how that the city a worshipper is of the great goddess Diana and of the image which fell down from Jupiter

  • Acts 19:37 - ye have brought hither For men these nor yet robbers of churches nor yet blasphemers goddess of your

  • Acts 20:30 - Also of your own selves arise men speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after own selves

  • Revelation 21:2 - And I John saw city the holy Jerusalem new coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned husband

  • Acts 21:11 - And when he was come unto us And he took girdle Paul's bind and hands And feet and said Thus saith Ghost the Holy the man that owneth girdle this So bind at Jerusalem the Jews And shall deliver him into hands of the Gentiles

  • Acts 21:23 - this therefore Do that to thee we say have We men four which have a vow on them

  • Acts 21:26 - Then Paul took the men and the next day with of them purifying himself entered into the temple to signify the accomplishment day of purification until that should be offered for one every of them an offering

  • Acts 21:28 - Crying out Men of Israel help This is the man against the people also the law also place this all men every where that teacheth further and also Greeks brought into the temple also hath polluted holy place this

  • Acts 21:38 - not thou Art that Egyptian which before these days madest an uproar and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers

  • Acts 22:1 - Men brethren and fathers hear ye my unto you which I make now defence

  • Acts 22:3 - I verily am a man which am a Jew born in Tarsus a city in Cilicia brought up yet in city at the feet of Gamaliel and taught according to the perfect manner of the fathers of the law zealous and was toward God as all ye are this day

  • Acts 22:4 - And I way persecuted unto the death binding and delivering into prisons men both and women

  • Acts 22:12 - Ananias And one man a devout according to the law having a good report of all which dwelt the Jews

  • Luke 22:63 - And the men that held Jesus mocked him and smote

  • Acts 23:1 - earnestly beholding And Paul the council said Men and brethren I in all conscience good have lived before God until day

  • Acts 23:6 - perceived But when Paul that the one part were Sadducees But the other Pharisees he cried out in the council Men and brethren I Pharisees am the son Pharisees of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question

  • Acts 23:21 - thou But not do him there lie in wait for for him of him men more than forty which have bound themselves neither eat neither drink till they have killed him and now ready are they looking for from thee a promise

  • Acts 23:27 - man This was taken of the Jews and should have been killed of him then came I with an army and rescued him having understood that a Roman he was

  • Acts 23:30 - when it was told And me laid wait for the man how that the Jews straightway I sent to thee and gave commandment also to his accusers to say to him before thee Farewell

  • Luke 23:50 - And behold man named Joseph a counsellor and he was a good man And a just

  • Luke 24:4 - And it came to pass as they were much perplexed them thereabout And two men stood by them as garments shining

  • Acts 24:5 - we have found For man this a pestilent fellow and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world a ringleader and of the Nazarenes of the sect

  • Luke 24:19 - And he said unto him What things And he said unto him Concerning Jesus of Nazareth which was a prophet mighty in deed And word before God And all the people

  • Acts 25:5 - Let them therefore are able he which among you said go down with there be he which among man him me and accuse this

  • Acts 25:14 - when And many days they had been there Festus unto the king declared cause Paul's saying man a certain There is left by Felix in bonds

  • Acts 25:17 - were come Therefore when they hither delay any without on the morrow I sat on the judgment seat and commanded to be brought forth the man

  • Acts 25:23 - when And on the morrow was come Agrippa and Bernice with great pomp and was entered into the place of hearing with the chief captains and men principal of the city and commandment Festus was brought forth Paul

  • Acts 25:24 - And said which Festus Agrippa King And all which are here present with us men ye see this man about whom all which the multitude which of the Jews have dealt with me at both Jerusalem And also here crying not that he ought to live any longer

  • Acts 27:10 - And said unto them Sirs I perceive that with hurt also much damage not only of the lading also ship but also lives of our will be this voyage

  • Acts 27:21 - long But abstinence after stood forth Paul in the midst of them and said ye should Sirs have hearkened unto me and not have loosed from Crete to have gained and harm and loss

  • Acts 27:25 - Wherefore be of good cheer sirs I believe for God that it shall be even as it was told me

  • Acts 28:17 - it came to pass And that after days three called Paul of the Jews the chief were come together And them he said unto them Men and brethren though I nothing against have committed the people or customs of our fathers prisoner from Jerusalem yet was I delivered into the hands of the Romans