G5101 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
an interrogative pronoun, who, which or what (in direct or indirect questions) every man, how (much), + no(-ne, thing), what (manner, thing), where (-by, -fore, -of, -unto, - with, -withal), whether, which, who(-m, -se), why probably emphatic of G5100 (τὶς);

481 instances of the word τίς tís (G5101)

  • Mark 8:36 - what For shall it profit a man if he shall gain world the whole and lose soul

  • Mark 8:37 - Or what give a man in exchange soul

  • Luke 8:45 - And said Jesus Who touched me denied When all said Peter And they that were with him Master the multitude throng thee And press And sayest Who touched me

  • John 8:46 - Which of you convinceth me of sin if And the truth I say why ye not believe me

  • John 8:53 - Art thou greater than father our Abraham which are dead and the prophets are dead whom thyself thou makest

  • John 9:2 - And asked him disciples him saying Master who did sin this man or parents him that blind he was born

  • Acts 9:4 - And he fell to the earth and heard a voice saying Saul Saul why me persecutest thou

  • Acts 9:5 - he said And Who art thou Lord And Lord he said I am Jesus whom thou persecutest it is hard for thee against the pricks to kick

  • Matthew 9:5 - whether For is easier to say be forgiven thee Thy sins or to say Arise and walk

  • Acts 9:6 - he trembling And And astonished said Lord what me wilt thou have do And Lord said unto him Arise And go into the city And it shall be told thee what thou must do

  • Mark 9:6 - not For he wist what to say they were sore For afraid

  • 1 Corinthians 9:7 - Who goeth a warfare his own charges any time at Who planteth a vineyard and of the fruit thereof not eateth or Who feedeth a flock and of the milk a flock not eateth

  • Luke 9:9 - And said Herod John I beheaded who but is this of whom I hear such things And he desired to see him

  • Mark 9:10 - And that saying they kept with themselves questioning one with another what should mean from the dead the rising

  • Matthew 9:13 - go ye But and learn what that meaneth have mercy I will and not sacrifice not for I am to call the righteous but sinners to repentance

  • Romans 9:14 - What then shall we say God forbid Is there unrighteousness with God God forbid

  • Mark 9:16 - And he asked the scribes What question ye with

  • John 9:17 - They say unto the blind man again thou What They say of him that he hath opened thine eyes He said that a prophet He is

  • 1 Corinthians 9:18 - What then my is reward Verily that when I preach the gospel without charge I may make the gospel of Christ that not I abuse power my in the gospel

  • Luke 9:18 - And it came to pass as am him praying alone were with him disciples And he asked him say Whom that I say the people am

  • Romans 9:19 - Thou wilt say then unto me Why doth he yet find fault For will his Why hath resisted

  • Luke 9:20 - He said But unto them ye But whom that I say am answering But Peter He said The Christ of God

  • Romans 9:20 - Nay but O man thou it Why art that repliest against God Shall the thing formed to him that formed it Why me hast thou made thus

  • John 9:21 - by what means But now he not know or who hath opened he eyes we not know he of age is he ask him he for he shall speak

  • Luke 9:25 - what For advantaged a man if he gain world the whole himself and lose or be cast away

  • John 9:26 - said they Then to him again What did he to thee how opened he thine eyes

  • John 9:27 - He answered his I have told you already also not hear wherefore it again would hear will also ye would his disciples be

  • Romans 9:30 - What then shall we say That the Gentiles which not followed after righteousness have attained after righteousness after righteousness even which is of faith

  • Mark 9:33 - And he came to Capernaum And by the house being he asked them What by the way among yourselves was it that ye disputed

  • Mark 9:34 - But they held their peace among themselves for they had disputed by the way who should be the greatest

  • John 9:36 - answered He and said Who is he Lord that I might believe on him

  • Luke 9:46 - there arose Then a reasoning among of them which should be greatest of them

  • Mark 10:3 - And he answered and said unto them What you command did Moses

  • Acts 10:4 - And when he looked on him and afraid he was he said What is it Lord he said And on him prayers Thy and alms Thy are come up for a memorial before God

  • Acts 10:6 - He lodgeth by one Simon a tanner whose is house by the sea side He shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do

  • John 10:6 - parable spake unto them Jesus they but not understood what things they were which he spake unto them

  • Romans 10:6 - But which is of faith the righteousness on this wise speaketh not Say in heart thine Who shall ascend into heaven (that Christ down

  • Romans 10:7 - Or Who shall descend into the deep (that Christ from the dead again

  • Romans 10:8 - But what saith it nigh thee The word is even in mouth thee and even in heart thee that is The word of faith which we preach

  • Matthew 10:11 - into And till city or town ye shall enter enquire who in it worthy is and there abide till ye go thence

  • Romans 10:16 - But not all obeyed the gospel Esaias For saith Lord who hath believed report our

  • Acts 10:17 - while Now in himself doubted which Peter what should mean which this vision which he had seen behold which the men which were sent from which Cornelius had made enquiry which house for Simon's and stood before which the gate

  • Mark 10:17 - And when he was gone forth him into running one And kneeled him and asked him Master Good what shall I do that life eternal I may inherit

  • Mark 10:18 - And Jesus said unto him Why me callest thou good there is none good one that is God

  • 1 Corinthians 10:19 - What then say I that the idol any thing is or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols any thing is

  • Matthew 10:19 - when But they deliver you no take how or what ye shall speak it shall be given for you in that same hour what ye shall speak

  • John 10:20 - said And many of him a devil He hath and is mad why him hear ye

  • Acts 10:21 - went down Then Peter to which the men which were sent from which Cornelius to him and said Behold I am he whom ye seek what which is the cause wherefore he whom ye are come

  • Luke 10:22 - and All things are delivered to me of Father my and no man knoweth who is the Son Father and who is Father the Son and he to whom will the Son reveal

  • Luke 10:25 - And behold lawyer a certain stood up tempted him And saying Master what shall I do life eternal to inherit

  • Luke 10:26 - He said unto him in the law What is written how readest thou

  • Mark 10:26 - And out of measure they were astonished saying among themselves Who then can be saved

  • Acts 10:29 - Therefore unto you without gainsaying came I as soon as I was sent for I ask therefore for what intent as soon as I was sent for me

  • Luke 10:29 - But he willing to justify himself said unto Jesus And who is my neighbour

  • 1 Corinthians 10:30 - if For I by grace be a partaker why am I evil spoken of for that for which I give thanks

  • Luke 10:36 - Which now of these three thinkest thou neighbour was unto him that fell among the thieves

  • Mark 10:36 - And he said unto them What would should do ye that I for you

  • Mark 10:38 - But Jesus said unto them not Ye know what ye ask can ye drink of the cup that I drink and with the baptism that I am baptized with am baptized with

  • Mark 10:51 - And answered and said unto him Jesus What wilt thou that I should do unto thee The blind man said unto him Lord that I might receive my sight

  • Romans 11:2 - not cast away God people which he foreknew not Wot ye of Elias what saith the scripture how he maketh intercession God against Israel saith

  • Mark 11:3 - And if any man unto you say Why do ye this say that the Lord him need hath And straightway him he will send hither

  • Romans 11:4 - But what saith unto him the answer of God I have reserved to myself seven thousand men who not bowed the knee to the image of Baal

  • Luke 11:5 - And he said unto him Which of you shall have Friend And shall go unto him at midnight And he said him Friend lend me three loaves

  • Mark 11:5 - And certain of them there that stood said unto them What do ye loosing the colt

  • Matthew 11:7 - as And they departed began Jesus to say unto the multitudes concerning John What went ye out into the wilderness to see A reed with the wind shaken

  • Romans 11:7 - What then which he seeketh for Israel that not hath and the election hath and the rest were blinded

  • Matthew 11:8 - But what went ye out for to see A man in soft raiment clothed behold soft they that wear in houses kings clothing are

  • Matthew 11:9 - But what went ye out for to see A prophet yea I say unto you and A prophet

  • Luke 11:11 - If of any of you that is a father shall ask a son bread a stone give him or a fish for a fish a serpent give him

  • Romans 11:15 - if For the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving if life from the dead

  • Matthew 11:16 - whereunto But shall I liken generation like It is unto children in the markets sitting and calling fellows

  • Acts 11:17 - Forasmuch then the like gift gave them God as as he did unto us who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ I what was that I could withstand God

  • Luke 11:19 - if And I by Beelzebub cast out devils sons your by whom cast out therefore judges your shall they be

  • 1 Corinthians 11:22 - not What houses you not have ye in to eat and to drink or the church of God despise ye and shame not have ye What to you shall I say I praise you in this you not I praise

  • Mark 11:28 - And say unto him By what authority these things do And who thee authority gave to these things do

  • 2 Corinthians 11:29 - Who I am and not I am Who is offended and not I burn

  • Hebrews 11:32 - And what more say would fail for me to tell the time of Gedeon of Barak and And of Samson And of Jephthae of David and And Samuel And of the prophets

  • Romans 11:34 - who For hath known the mind of the Lord or who his counsellor hath been

  • Romans 11:35 - Or who hath first given to him and again to him

  • John 11:47 - gathered Then the chief priests and the Pharisees a council and said What do we for this man many miracles do we

  • John 11:56 - sought they for Then Jesus and spake among themselves in the temple as they stood What think ye that come to the feast

  • Romans 12:2 - And not be world to this but be ye transformed by the renewing mind of your that may prove ye what will of God is that good And acceptable And perfect

  • Matthew 12:3 - But he said that were with him not Have ye what did David when he was an hungred that were with him and they that were with him

  • Luke 12:5 - I will forewarn But unto you whom Fear Fear him which after he hath killed power hath to cast into hell yea I say unto you him Fear

  • Hebrews 12:7 - If chastening ye endure as son with you dealeth God what for is he son whom not chasteneth the father

  • Matthew 12:7 - if But ye had known what this meaneth mercy I will have and not sacrifice not ye would have condemned the guiltless

  • Mark 12:9 - What therefore do the lord of the vineyard he will come and destroy the husbandmen and will give of the vineyard unto others

  • Luke 12:11 - when And they bring you unto the synagogues and unto magistrates and powers ye no take how or what ye shall answer or what ye shall say

  • Matthew 12:11 - And he said on it What shall there be among you man that shall have sheep one and if fall it on the sabbath day into a pit not lay hold on it and lift it out

  • 2 Corinthians 12:13 - what For is it wherein ye were inferior to other churches it be that myself I not burdensome to you forgive me wrong

  • Luke 12:14 - And he said unto him Man who me made a judge or a divider over you

  • Mark 12:15 - Shall we give or shall we not Shall we give But I may see their hypocrisy said their Why me tempt ye bring me a penny that I may see

  • Mark 12:16 - And they brought and he saith unto him Whose image is this and superscription And they said unto him Caesar's

  • Luke 12:17 - And he thought within himself saying What shall I do because no I have room where to bestow fruits my

  • Acts 12:18 - as soon as it was Now day there was stir no small among the soldiers what of Peter as soon as it was

  • Luke 12:20 - said But unto him God Thou fool night soul thee shall be required of thee which But thou hast provided whose shall those things be

  • Luke 12:22 - he said And unto disciples Therefore unto you I say no Take life for your what ye shall eat neither for the body what ye shall put on

  • Mark 12:23 - In therefore the resurrection when they shall rise whose her shall she be to wife for the seven had her to wife

  • Luke 12:25 - which And of you with taking thought can add to stature cubit one

  • Luke 12:26 - If ye then not that thing which is least able to do why for the rest take ye thought