G5180 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to "thump", i.e. cudgel or pummel (properly, with a stick or bastinado), but in any case by repeated blows; thus differing from G3817 (παίω) and G3960 (πατάσσω), which denote a (usually single) blow with the hand or any instrument, or G4141 (πλήσσω) with the fist (or a hammer), or G4474 (ῥαπίζω) with the palm; as well as from G5177 (τυγχάνω), an accidental collision); by implication, to punish; figuratively, to offend (the conscience) beat, smite, strike, wound a primary verb (in a strengthened form);

13 instances of the word τύπτω týptō (G5180)

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  • Luke 6:29 - And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other also him that taketh away thy cloke also to take thy coat not forbid

  • 1 Corinthians 8:12 - so But when ye sin against the brethren and wound their conscience weak against Christ when ye sin

  • Luke 12:45 - if But and say servant that in heart delayeth lord My his coming and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens to eat and and drink and to be drunken

  • Mark 15:19 - And they smote him on the head with a reed And did spit him And bowing their knees worshipped him

  • Luke 18:13 - And the publican afar off standing not would so much as his eyes unto heaven lift up but smote unto breast saying God be merciful to me a sinner

  • Acts 18:17 - took Then all the Greeks Sosthenes the chief ruler of the synagogue and beat him before the judgment seat And for none of those things Gallio cared

  • Acts 21:32 - Who immediately took soldiers and centurions and ran down unto them and when they saw the chief captain and soldiers they left beating of Paul

  • Luke 22:64 - And when they had blindfolded him they struck him on the face And asked him saying Prophesy who is it that smote thee

  • Acts 23:2 - And the high priest Ananias commanded them that stood by him to smite him on the mouth

  • Acts 23:3 - Then Paul unto him said smite thee shall God wall thou whited and thou sittest to judge me after the law and contrary to the law commandest me smite

  • Luke 23:48 - And all that came together the people to sight beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned

  • Matthew 24:49 - And shall begin to smite his fellowservants to eat and And drink with the drunken

  • Matthew 27:30 - And they spit on him and took the reed And smote on the head him

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