G5210 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
you (as subjective of verb) ye (yourselves), you irregular plural of G4771 (σύ);

228 instances of the word ὑμεῖς hymeîs (G5210)

  • John 7:34 - Ye shall seek me and cannot find and where am I thither ye cannot come

  • John 7:36 - What is this manner of saying that he said Ye shall seek me and cannot find and where am I thither ye cannot come

  • John 7:47 - answered Then them the Pharisees also ye Are

  • Acts 7:51 - Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears do ye always Ghost the Holy do as fathers your and do ye

  • Acts 7:52 - Which them which of the prophets not have them which fathers your and they have slain them which shewed before of them which the coming them which of the Just One of whom now ye the betrayers and murderers have been

  • 2 Corinthians 8:9 - ye know For the grace Lord of our Jesus Christ that sakes your he became poor rich though he was that ye through his poverty might be rich

  • Romans 8:9 - ye But none are in the flesh but in that the Spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you But that the Spirit of Christ none have he none is of his

  • John 8:14 - answered Jesus and said unto them Though I bear record of myself true is record yet my for I know whence I came and whither I go ye but cannot I know whence I came and whither I go

  • John 8:15 - Ye after the flesh judge I no judge man

  • John 8:21 - said Then again unto them Jesus I go and ye shall seek me and in sins your shall die whither I go ye cannot come

  • John 8:22 - he saith Then the Jews Will he kill himself because he saith Whither I go ye cannot come

  • John 8:23 - And he said unto them Ye from beneath are I from above am Ye from world this are I not am from world this

  • Acts 8:24 - answered Then Simon and said Pray ye for me to the Lord that none of these things come upon me which ye have spoken

  • Mark 8:29 - And unto him and saith unto him ye And whom that I and saith am answereth And Peter and saith unto him Thou art the Christ

  • John 8:31 - said Then which Jesus to which believed on him those Jews If ye continue in which word which my indeed disciples my then are ye

  • John 8:38 - I that which I have seen with Father my speak and ye that that which I have seen with Father your do

  • John 8:41 - Ye do the deeds Father of your said they Then to him We of fornication not be one Father we have even God

  • John 8:44 - Ye of father the devil are and the lusts father of your ye will do He a murderer was from the beginning and in the truth no abode because no he is the truth in him When he speaketh a lie of his own he speaketh because a liar he is and father him

  • John 8:46 - Which of you convinceth me of sin if And the truth I say why ye not believe me

  • John 8:47 - He that is of God words God hear therefore ye not hear because of God not ye are

  • John 8:49 - answered Jesus I a devil not have but I honour Father my and ye do dishonour me

  • John 8:54 - answered Jesus If I honour myself honour my nothing he is he is Father my honour me of whom ye say that God your he is

  • 1 Corinthians 9:1 - I not Am an apostle I not Am free have I not Jesus Christ Lord our seen I not work my ye are in Lord

  • 1 Corinthians 9:2 - If unto others not I am an apostle yet doubtless to you I am for the seal of mine apostleship ye are in the Lord

  • 2 Corinthians 9:4 - Lest if come with me they of Macedonia and find you unprepared should be ashamed we (that we say ye in confident boasting

  • Matthew 9:4 - And knowing Jesus thoughts their said Wherefore ye think evil in hearts your

  • Luke 9:13 - he said And unto them Give them ye to eat And he said have no We more but five loaves and two fishes should go we and buy for all people this meat

  • John 9:19 - And they asked them say this Is son your who ye say blind was born how then now doth he

  • Luke 9:20 - He said But unto them ye But whom that I say am answering But Peter He said The Christ of God

  • Romans 9:26 - And it shall come to pass that in the place it was said unto them are not people my Ye there shall they be called the children God of the living

  • John 9:27 - He answered his I have told you already also not hear wherefore it again would hear will also ye would his disciples be

  • John 9:30 - answered The man and said unto them herein Why a marvellous thing he is that ye not know from whence he is and yet he hath opened mine eyes

  • Luke 9:44 - sink down your into ears sayings Let these for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of man

  • Luke 9:55 - he turned But and rebuked them and said not Ye know what manner of spirit are of ye

  • 1 Corinthians 10:15 - as to wise men I speak judge ye what I say

  • Matthew 10:20 - not For ye it is which speaketh but which the Spirit which Father of your which speaketh in you

  • Luke 10:24 - I tell For you that many prophets and kings have desired have those things which ye see and not have and have those things which have and not have

  • John 10:26 - But ye not believe not because ye are of sheep my as I said unto you

  • Acts 10:28 - he said And unto them Ye know how an unlawful thing that it is for a man that is a Jew to keep company or come unto one of another nation but me God hath shewed any common or unclean call man

  • Matthew 10:31 - not therefore Fear ye than many sparrows are of more value ye

  • John 10:36 - of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world ye Say because Thou blasphemest because I said the Son of God I am

  • Acts 10:37 - I say ye know which was published That word throughout all Judaea and began from Galilee after the baptism which preached John

  • 2 Corinthians 11:7 - an offence Have I committed myself in abasing that ye might be exalted because freely of God the gospel I have preached to you

  • Luke 11:13 - If then ye evil being know good gifts give children unto your how much more Father your heavenly give Spirit the Holy to them that ask him

  • Acts 11:16 - remembered I Then the word of the Lord how that he said John indeed baptized with water ye Then baptized with with Ghost the Holy

  • Mark 11:17 - And he taught saying it not Is it house My house of prayer shall be called of all nations ye but have made it a den of thieves

  • Mark 11:26 - if But ye not do neither which Father your which is in which heaven do which trespasses your

  • Romans 11:30 - as For ye in times past have not believed God now yet have through their unbelief

  • Luke 11:39 - said And the Lord unto him Now ye Pharisees the outside of the cup and the platter do And inward part your is full of ravening and wickedness

  • Luke 11:48 - Truly ye bear witness that ye allow the deeds fathers of your for their indeed killed their ye and build their sepulchres

  • John 11:49 - one And of them named Caiaphas the high priest being year that same said them Ye nothing at all know

  • 2 Corinthians 12:11 - I am become a fool in glorying ye me have compelled I for ought of you to have been commended in nothing for am I behind the very chiefest apostles in nothing I be

  • Luke 12:24 - Consider the ravens for neither sow nor reap which neither have storehouse nor barn and God feedeth them how much more ye are the fowls

  • 1 Corinthians 12:27 - ye Now are the body of Christ and members in particular

  • Mark 12:27 - not He is the God of the dead but the God of the living ye therefore greatly do

  • Luke 12:29 - And ye neither seek what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink And neither be ye of doubtful mind

  • Luke 12:36 - And ye yourselves like unto men that wait lord for their when he will return from the wedding that when he cometh And knocketh immediately they may open unto him

  • Luke 12:40 - also ye therefore Be ready for at an hour not when ye think the Son of man cometh

  • 2 Corinthians 13:7 - I pray Now to God do should do that ye evil no not that we approved should appear but that ye that which is honest should do we Now as reprobates be

  • 2 Corinthians 13:9 - are glad For when we we are weak ye and strong are this and also we wish even your perfection

  • Mark 13:9 - But take heed to yourselves they shall deliver for you for councils and for the synagogues ye shall be beaten and before rulers and kings ye shall be brought sake for my for a testimony against them

  • John 13:10 - saith to him Jesus He that is washed not needeth save his feet to wash but is clean every whit and ye clean are but not all

  • Mark 13:11 - when But they shall lead you up no take what speak neither do ye premeditate but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour that speak not ye for it is ye speak but Ghost the Holy

  • John 13:13 - Ye call me Master and Lord and well ye say so I am for

  • John 13:14 - If then I have washed your feet your Lord also Master also ye ought one another's have washed feet

  • John 13:15 - an example For I have given to you that as I have done to you ye have done

  • Matthew 13:18 - ye therefore Hear the parable of the sower

  • Mark 13:23 - ye But heed behold I have foretold you all things

  • Mark 13:29 - So in like manner ye when these things ye shall see come to pass know that nigh it is even at the doors

  • John 13:33 - Little children yet a little while with you I am Ye shall seek me and as I said unto the Jews Whither go I ye cannot come and to you I say now

  • John 13:34 - commandment A new I give unto you That I have loved one another as I have loved you That also ye I have loved one another

  • John 14:3 - And if I go And prepare for you a place again I will come And receive you unto myself that where am I And there ye may be

  • 1 Corinthians 14:9 - So likewise ye by the tongue easy to be understood words ye utter how shall it be known speak ye shall for into the air speak

  • 1 Corinthians 14:12 - so Even ye forasmuch as zealous ye are of spiritual to the edifying of the church gifts seek that ye may excel

  • Matthew 14:16 - But Jesus said them not They need depart give them ye to eat

  • John 14:17 - Even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because cannot it seeth him neither know him ye but know him because with you he dwelleth and in you shall be

  • John 14:19 - Yet a little while also the world me Yet see ye but see me because I live also ye live

  • John 14:20 - At that day shall know ye that I At Father my and ye At me and I At you

  • John 15:3 - Now ye clean are through the word which I have spoken unto you

  • Matthew 15:3 - But he answered and said unto them Why also do ye transgress the commandment of God by tradition your

  • John 15:4 - Abide in me and I in you As the branch cannot fruit bear of itself Abide in the vine no more can ye in me Abide

  • John 15:5 - I am the vine ye are the branches He that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth fruit much for without me nothing ye can do

  • Matthew 15:5 - ye But say Whosoever shall say to his father or his mother It is a gift Whosoever by by me thou mightest be profited

  • Acts 15:7 - much And disputing when there had been rose up Peter and said unto them Men and brethren ye know how that ago while a good God among us made choice by mouth my should hear that the Gentiles the word of the gospel and believe

  • John 15:14 - Ye friends my are if ye do whatsoever I command you

  • John 15:16 - not Ye me chosen but I chosen you and ordained you that Ye should go and fruit bring forth and fruit that your should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in name my he may give it you

  • Matthew 15:16 - And Jesus said yet also ye without understanding Are

  • John 15:27 - also ye And shall bear witness because from the beginning with me ye have been

  • 1 Corinthians 16:1 - concerning Now the collection for the saints as I have given order to the churches of Galatia so even ye do

  • 1 Corinthians 16:6 - with you And it may be that I will abide yea and winter that ye me may bring whithersoever I go

  • Luke 16:15 - And he said unto them Ye are they which justify yourselves before men but God knoweth hearts your for among men that which is highly esteemed abomination before God is

  • Matthew 16:15 - He saith unto them ye But whom that I He saith am

  • 1 Corinthians 16:16 - That and ye submit yourselves unto such and to every one that helpeth and laboureth

  • Romans 16:17 - I beseech Now you brethren mark divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned them which cause and avoid them

  • John 16:20 - Verily Verily I say unto you That shall weep and lament ye and the world shall rejoice ye and shall be sorrowful but sorrow your into joy shall be turned

  • John 16:22 - And ye therefore sorrow now have again but I will see you And shall rejoice you heart And joy you no man taketh from you

  • John 16:27 - himself For the Father have loved you because ye me have loved and have believed because I from God came out

  • Luke 17:10 - So likewise ye when to do all those things which are commanded you say servants unprofitable We are that which was our duty to do to do

  • John 18:31 - said Then him Pilate Take him ye and according law to your judge him said Then him The Jews for us not It is to death any man

  • John 19:6 - When therefore saw him the chief priests and officers they cried out saith Crucify Crucify saith him him Pilate Take him ye and Crucify I him for no find in him fault