G5216 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
of (from or concerning) you ye, you, your (own, -selves) genitive case of G5210 (ὑμεῖς);

516 instances of the word ὑμῶν hymōn (G5216)

  • John 13:21 - thus had When Jesus he was troubled in spirit and testified and had Verily Verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray me

  • Hebrews 13:24 - Salute all them that have the rule over you and all the saints Salute you They of Italy

  • Hebrews 13:25 - Grace be with all you Amen

  • Hebrews 13:25 - Grace be with all you Amen

  • John 13:33 - Little children yet a little while with you I am Ye shall seek me and as I said unto the Jews Whither go I ye cannot come and to you I say now

  • Luke 13:35 - Behold is left unto you house your desolate verily and I say unto you me Ye shall until the time come when ye shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord

  • Acts 13:41 - Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish for a work I work in days your a work which believe though a man declare it unto you

  • John 14:1 - not Let your heart believe in God also in me believe

  • Luke 14:5 - And answered them him saying Which of you shall have an ass or an ox into a pit fallen And not straightway out him on day the sabbath

  • John 14:9 - saith unto him Jesus so long time with you Have I been and not hast thou me Philip hath seen me hath seen the Father and how thou saith then Shew us the Father

  • John 14:16 - And I will pray the Father And another Comforter he shall give you that he may abide with you for ever

  • Romans 14:16 - not Let then your good

  • 1 Corinthians 14:18 - I thank God my all ye more than with tongues I speak

  • Mark 14:18 - And sat as they And did eat said which Jesus Verily I say unto you One of you shall betray me which did eat with me

  • 1 Corinthians 14:26 - How then is it brethren when ye come together every one of you a psalm hath a doctrine hath a tongue hath a revelation hath an interpretation hath all things unto edifying Let

  • John 14:27 - Peace I leave unto you Peace my I give unto you not as the world I give I I give unto you not Let your heart neither let it be afraid

  • Luke 14:28 - which For of you intending a tower to build not first down and counteth the cost whether he have sufficient to finish

  • John 14:30 - Hereafter much I will with you cometh for world of this the prince and in me hath nothing

  • Luke 14:33 - So likewise all he be of you that he cannot forsaketh all that he hath he cannot my be disciple

  • 1 Corinthians 14:34 - women your in the churches Let not for it is unto them to speak but they are commanded to be under obedience as also the law saith

  • 1 Corinthians 14:36 - What from you the word of God came What unto you only came it

  • Matthew 15:3 - But he answered and said unto them Why also do ye transgress the commandment of God by tradition your

  • Luke 15:4 - What man of you having an hundred sheep and he lose one of it not doth the ninety and nine in the wilderness and go after he lose until he find it

  • Matthew 15:6 - And honour father or mother And have ye made the commandment of God by tradition your

  • Matthew 15:7 - Ye hypocrites well did of you Esaias saying

  • John 15:11 - These things have I spoken unto you that joy my in unto you might remain and joy that your might be full

  • 1 Corinthians 15:14 - if And Christ not be vain then preaching is our vain And also faith your

  • Romans 15:14 - am persuaded And brethren my also myself I of you that also myself full are of goodness filled with all knowledge able also one another to admonish

  • John 15:16 - not Ye me chosen but I chosen you and ordained you that Ye should go and fruit bring forth and fruit that your should remain that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in name my he may give it you

  • 1 Corinthians 15:17 - if And Christ not be is vain faith your yet ye are in sins your

  • John 15:18 - If the world you hate ye know that me before it hated you hate

  • Acts 15:24 - Forasmuch as we have heard that certain from us which went out have troubled you with words subverting souls your saying Ye must be circumcised and keep the law to whom no such commandment

  • Romans 15:24 - Whensoever if I take my journey into Spain I will come to you I trust for in my journey to see you and by you to be brought on my way thitherward if you first with somewhat I be

  • Romans 15:28 - this When therefore I have performed and have sealed to them fruit this I will come by you into Spain

  • Romans 15:33 - Now the God of peace be with all you Amen

  • 1 Corinthians 15:58 - Therefore brethren my beloved stedfast be ye unmoveable abounding in the work of the Lord always forasmuch as ye know that labour your not is in vain in of the Lord

  • 1 Corinthians 16:2 - Upon the first day of the week every one of you by him lay in store God hath prospered him when I come gatherings there be

  • Romans 16:2 - That her ye receive in the Lord as becometh saints also that ye assist her in whatsoever of you she hath need business also for her a succourer of many hath been also her

  • 1 Corinthians 16:3 - when And I come whomsoever ye shall approve by your letters them will I send to bring liberality your unto Jerusalem

  • John 16:4 - But these things have I told unto you that when shall come the time ye may remember of them because I I said unto you these things And unto you at the beginning not I said because with you I was

  • John 16:5 - now But I go my way to him that sent me and none of you asketh me Whither I go my way

  • John 16:6 - But because these things I have said unto you sorrow hath filled your heart

  • 1 Corinthians 16:14 - all your with charity Let

  • Luke 16:15 - And he said unto them Ye are they which justify yourselves before men but God knoweth hearts your for among men that which is highly esteemed abomination before God is

  • 1 Corinthians 16:17 - I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus for that on your part which was lacking they have supplied

  • 1 Corinthians 16:18 - they have refreshed For my spirit and yours acknowledge ye therefore them that are such

  • Romans 16:19 - For your obedience concerning all is come abroad men I am glad therefore behalf your I would have and you wise good that which is concerning simple and concerning evil

  • John 16:20 - Verily Verily I say unto you That shall weep and lament ye and the world shall rejoice ye and shall be sorrowful but sorrow your into joy shall be turned

  • Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under feet you shortly The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with you Amen

  • John 16:22 - And ye therefore sorrow now have again but I will see you And shall rejoice you heart And joy you no man taketh from you

  • 1 Corinthians 16:23 - The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you

  • 1 Corinthians 16:24 - love My be with all you in Christ Jesus Amen

  • 1 Corinthians 16:24 - love My be with all you in Christ Jesus Amen

  • John 16:24 - Hitherto nothing ask in name my ask and ye shall receive that joy your may be full

  • Romans 16:24 - The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with all you Amen

  • John 16:26 - At that day At name my ye shall ask and not I say unto you that I will pray the Father for you

  • Luke 16:26 - And beside all this between us And you gulf a great fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither that would come from thence to us can they pass

  • Luke 17:7 - which But from you a servant having plowing or feeding cattle unto him when he is come from the field will say by and by Go and sit down to meat

  • Matthew 17:17 - answered Then Jesus and said O generation faithless and perverse how long shall I be with you how long shall I suffer you bring to me him hither

  • Matthew 17:20 - And Jesus said unto them Because unbelief of your verily for I say unto you If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed ye shall say mountain unto this Remove hence to yonder place and Remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you

  • Luke 17:21 - Neither shall they say Lo here ! or Lo there Lo ! for the kingdom of God within you is

  • Acts 17:23 - as I passed by For and beheld devotions your I found and an altar with this Whom inscription TO THE UNKNOWN GOD Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship him I declare unto you

  • Matthew 17:24 - were come And when they to Capernaum money came tribute they that received to Peter and said master your not Doth tribute

  • Acts 18:6 - when they opposed And them and blasphemed he shook his raiment and said unto them blood Your be upon own heads Your am clean I from henceforth unto the Gentiles I will go

  • Acts 18:14 - was now about And when Paul to open his mouth said Gallio unto the Jews If it were matter of wrong a or lewdness wicked O the Jews reason would that I should bear with you

  • Matthew 18:14 - Even so not it is the will of which Father your which is in heaven that should perish one which little ones of these

  • Matthew 18:19 - Again I say unto you That if two of you shall agree on which earth as touching any thing if they shall ask it shall be done for them of which Father my which is in heaven

  • Revelation 18:20 - Rejoice over her thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets for God hath avenged you on her

  • John 18:31 - said Then him Pilate Take him ye and according law to your judge him said Then him The Jews for us not It is to death any man

  • Matthew 19:8 - He saith unto them Moses because of hearts of your suffered you to put away wives of your from the beginning but not it was so

  • John 19:14 - it was And the preparation of the passover hour And about the sixth and he saith unto the Jews King your

  • John 19:15 - But they cried out Away with Away with Shall I crucify him saith him Pilate King your Shall I crucify answered The chief priests no We have King Caesar

  • Acts 19:37 - ye have brought hither For men these nor yet robbers of churches nor yet blasphemers goddess of your

  • John 20:17 - saith unto her Jesus not me Touch not yet for I am to Father me go but to brethren me and say unto her I am to Father me and Father your and God me and God your

  • Acts 20:18 - when And they were come to him he said him Ye know from the first day from I came into Asia after what manner with you at all seasons I have been

  • Matthew 20:26 - not so But be among you but whosoever will among you great be let him be your minister

  • Matthew 20:27 - And whosoever will among you be chief let him be your servant

  • Acts 20:30 - Also of your own selves arise men speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after own selves

  • Matthew 21:2 - Saying her Go into the village over against you and straightway ye shall find an ass tied and a colt with her loose them and bring them unto me

  • Luke 21:14 - Settle it therefore in hearts your not to meditate before what ye shall answer

  • Luke 21:16 - ye shall be betrayed And and by parents and brethren and kinsfolks and friends and shall they cause to be put to death some of you

  • Luke 21:18 - But an hair of head your perish

  • Luke 21:19 - In patience your possess ye souls your

  • Luke 21:28 - begin And when these things to come to pass then look up and lift up heads your for draweth nigh redemption your

  • Luke 21:34 - take heed And to yourselves lest at any time be overcharged your hearts with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life and unawares upon you come day so that

  • Matthew 21:43 - Therefore say I unto you shall be taken from you The kingdom of God and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof

  • Luke 22:10 - And he said him Behold are entered when ye into the city meet you a man a pitcher of water bearing follow him into the house where he entereth in

  • Luke 22:15 - And he said unto them With desire I have desired this passover to eat with you before I suffer

  • Luke 22:19 - And he took bread and gave thanks and brake And gave unto them saying This is which body my which for you gave This do of which me in remembrance

  • Luke 22:20 - Likewise also which cup after which supper saying This which cup which is the new testament in which blood my which for you is shed

  • Revelation 22:21 - The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with all you Amen

  • Revelation 22:21 - The grace Lord of our Jesus Christ be with all you Amen

  • Luke 22:27 - whether For is greater he that sitteth at meat or he that serveth is not he that sitteth at meat I but am among you as he that serveth

  • Luke 22:53 - daily When I with you in the temple no ye stretched forth hands against me but this you is hour and the power of darkness

  • Matthew 23:8 - ye But not be Rabbi one for is your Master even Christ all But ye brethren are

  • Matthew 23:9 - And Father no call man your upon which the earth one for is which Father man your which is in which heaven

  • Matthew 23:10 - Neither be ye called Master one for your is Master even Christ

  • Matthew 23:11 - But he that is greatest among you shall be among you servant

  • Luke 23:14 - Said unto him Ye have brought unto me man this as one that perverteth the people and behold I him before you having examined no have found in man this fault ye accuse touching those things whereof him

  • Matthew 23:15 - Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte and when he is made to make him the child of hell twofold more than yourselves