G5316 Definition

Strong's number
Strong's definition
to lighten (shine), i.e. show (transitive or intransitive, literal or figurative) appear, seem, be seen, shine, X think prolongation for the base of G5457 (φῶς);

31 instances of the word φαίνω phaínō (G5316)

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  • John 1:5 - And the light in darkness shineth And darkness it not comprehended

  • Revelation 1:16 - And he had in right his hand stars seven And out of mouth his sword twoedged a sharp went And countenance his was as the sun shineth in strength his

  • 2 Peter 1:19 - also We have a more sure of prophecy word whereunto well ye do that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place until whereunto the day dawn also the day star arise in hearts your

  • Matthew 1:20 - these things But her thought on behold the angel of the Lord in a dream appeared her saying Joseph thou son of David not fear to take Mary thy wife unto thee for in her that which is conceived of Ghost is the Holy

  • Matthew 2:7 - Then Herod when he had privily called the wise men diligently of them what time appeared the star

  • 1 John 2:8 - Again commandment a new I write unto you which thing is true in him and in unto you because the darkness is past and light the true now shineth

  • Matthew 2:13 - were departed And him behold the angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph saying Arise and take the young child and mother him and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee will for Herod seek the young child to destroy him

  • Philippians 2:15 - That ye may be blameless and harmless the sons of God without rebuke among the midst nation of a crooked and perverse among whom ye shine as lights among the world

  • Matthew 2:19 - was dead But when Herod behold an angel of the Lord in a dream appeareth to Joseph in Egypt

  • James 4:14 - Whereas not ye know what shall be on what shall be on the morrow what For what shall be on life is your a vapour For It is what shall be on that a little time appeareth for then and vanisheth away

  • 1 Peter 4:18 - And if the righteous scarcely be saved the ungodly And the sinner where appear

  • John 5:35 - He was light a burning and a shining ye and were willing to rejoice for a season in light his

  • Matthew 6:5 - And when thou prayest not be as the hypocrites are for they love in the synagogues And in the corners of the streets standing thou prayest that they may be seen of men Verily I say unto you are for They have reward

  • Matthew 6:16 - when Moreover to fast not be as the hypocrites of a sad countenance they disfigure for faces that they may appear unto men to fast Verily I say unto you They have reward

  • Matthew 6:18 - That not thou appear which unto men to fast but which Father thy which in which secret and which Father thy which seeth in which secret shall reward thee in which

  • Romans 7:13 - Was then that which is good unto me made death God forbid made But sin that it might appear sin by that which is good in me working death that made exceeding sinful sin by the commandment

  • Revelation 8:12 - And the fourth angel sounded And was smitten for a third part of the sun And for a third part of the moon And for a third part of the stars so as was darkened for a third part of them And the day not shone for a third part of them And the night likewise

  • Luke 9:8 - of some And that Elias had appeared of others And that prophets one of the old was risen again

  • Matthew 9:33 - And was cast out when the devil spake the dumb And marvelled the multitudes saying It was never seen so in Israel

  • Hebrews 11:3 - Through faith we understand were framed that things which that the worlds by the word of God so that things which not of things which do appear that things which are seen made

  • 2 Corinthians 13:7 - I pray Now to God do should do that ye evil no not that we approved should appear but that ye that which is honest should do we Now as reprobates be

  • Matthew 13:26 - when But was sprung up the blade also fruit brought forth then appeared also the tares

  • Mark 14:64 - Ye have heard the blasphemy what ye think And they all condemned him to be guilty of death

  • Mark 16:9 - when Jesus was risen Now early the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils

  • Revelation 18:23 - And the light of a candle shall shine by thee at all And the voice of the bridegroom And of the bride shall be heard by thee at all for merchants thy were the great men of the earth for by sorceries thy deceived all nations

  • Revelation 21:23 - And the city no need had of the sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did lighten it And is the light it the Lamb

  • Matthew 23:27 - Woe unto you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites ! for ye are like sepulchres unto whited which outward indeed appear beautiful are within but full men's bones of dead and of all uncleanness

  • Matthew 23:28 - Even so also ye outwardly appear unto men righteous within but full ye are of hypocrisy also iniquity

  • Luke 24:11 - And seemed to their as idle tales words their And not their

  • Matthew 24:27 - as For the lightning cometh out of the east also shineth even unto the west so be also the coming of the Son of man

  • Matthew 24:30 - And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven And then mourn all the tribes of the earth And they shall see of the Son of man coming in the clouds heaven with power And glory great

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